LuaLibraryTracker: Fix typos and stuff
Wed, 02 May 2018 23:42:11 +0100 (2018-05-02)
changeset 1365 f7ca5312d2ff
parent 1364 a0547181393a
child 1366 680a173ead44
LuaLibraryTracker: Fix typos and stuff
--- a/	Wed May 02 23:32:42 2018 +0100
+++ b/	Wed May 02 23:42:11 2018 +0100
@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@
 [ Random Weapons].
 == Tracking functions ==
+These functions must be called to start tracking stuff. *IMPORTANT:* The other functions will only work on tracked objects. So make sure you track the things you care about.
 === `trackGear(gear)` ===
 Will keep track of the gear.
@@ -40,6 +42,8 @@
 Will keep track of the given hedgehog gear when it is un-hidden.
 == “`runOn`” functions ==
+These functions are used to run a function on tracked gears, teams and clans.
 === `runOnGears(func)` ===
 Runs the function `func` on all gears.
@@ -58,20 +62,24 @@
 === `runOnHogsInOtherClans(func, clan)` ===
 Runs the function `func` on all hedgehogs but those in the specified clan (`clan` = clan ID).
+== Helper functions ==
+=== `getFirstHogOfClan(clan)` ===
+Returns the first hedgehog (alive or not) in the clan with clan ID `clan`.
 == Key-value storage ==
-For tracked gears, teams and clans, you can assign an arbitrary number of values. Each tracked object will have a simple key-value storage. Any data type (besides `nil`) can be used for keys and values.
+For tracked gears, teams and clans, you can assign an arbitrary number of values. Each tracked object will have a simple key-value storage. Any data type (besides `nil`) can be used for keys and values. Initially, all keys have the value `nil`.
 === `getGearValue(gear, key)` ===
-Returns the gear value of the given gear and key.
+Returns the gear value of the given `gear` for `key`.
 === `setGearValue(gear, key, value)` ===
-Sets the gear value with given `key` to `value`.
+Sets the gear value for given `key` to `value`.
-=== `increaseGearValue(gear, value)` ===
-Increase a gear value by 1. This function *must not* be called if the current value is not a number.
+=== `increaseGearValue(gear, key)` ===
+Increases the gear value for `key` by 1. This function *must not* be called if the current value is not a number.
-=== `decreaseGearValue(gear, value)` ===
-Decrease a gear value by 1. This function *must not* be called if the current value is not a number.
+=== `decreaseGearValue(gear, key)` ===
+Decreases the gear value for `key` by 1. This function *must not* be called if the current value is not a number.
 === `getTeamValue(team, key)` ===
 Returns the value of the given team (`team` is the team name) for the specified `key`.
@@ -80,23 +88,19 @@
 Sets the team value with given `key` to `value`. `team` is the team name.
 === `increaseTeamValue(team, key)` ===
-Increase a team value by 1. `team` is the team name. This function *must not* be called if the current value is not a number.
+Increases the team value for `key` by 1. `team` is the team name. This function *must not* be called if the current value is not a number.
 === `decreaseTeamValue(team, key)` ===
-Decrease a team value by 1. `team` is the team name. This function *must not* be called if the current value is not a number.
+Decreases the team value for `key` by 1. `team` is the team name. This function *must not* be called if the current value is not a number.
-=== `getClanValue(team, key)` ===
+=== `getClanValue(clan, key)` ===
 Returns the value of the given clan (`clan` is the clan ID) for the specified `key`.
-=== `setClanalue(team, key, value)` ===
+=== `setClanValue(clan, key, value)` ===
 Sets the clan value with given `key` to `value`. `clan` is the clan ID.
-=== `increaseClanValue(team, key)` ===
-Increase a clan value by 1. `clan` is the clan ID. This function *must not* be called if the current value is not a number.
+=== `increaseClanValue(clan, key)` ===
+Increases the clan value for `key` by 1. `clan` is the clan ID. This function *must not* be called if the current value is not a number.
-=== `decreaseClanValue(team, key)` ===
-Decrease a clan value by 1. `clan` is the clan ID. This function *must not* be called if the current value is not a number.
-== Convenience functions ==
-=== `getFirstHogOfClan(clan)` ===
-Returns the first hedgehog (alive or not) in the clan with clan ID `clan`.
\ No newline at end of file
+=== `decreaseClanValue(clan, key)` ===
+Decreases the clan value for `key` by 1. `clan` is the clan ID. This function *must not* be called if the current value is not a number.