LuaAPI: Add some globals
Tue, 04 Dec 2018 00:18:58 +0000 (2018-12-04)
changeset 1648 77f8cfe4ee8d
parent 1647 4185517621d5
child 1649 c22e796992aa
LuaAPI: Add some globals
--- a/	Tue Dec 04 00:14:22 2018 +0000
+++ b/	Tue Dec 04 00:18:58 2018 +0000
@@ -82,8 +82,8 @@
 || `LeftX` || X coordinate of the leftmost point of the landscape. Not available before `onGameStart` ||
 || `RightX` || X coordinate of the rightmost point of the landscape. Not available before `onGameStart` ||
 || `TopY` || Y coordinate of the topmost point of the landscape. Not available before `onGameStart` ||
-|| `CursorX` || The X position of the cursor if the player is choosing a target. Otherwise, this is `-2147483648` ||
-|| `CursorY` || The Y position of the cursor if the player is choosing a target. Otherwise, this is `-2147483648` ||
+|| `CursorX` || The X position of the cursor if the player is choosing a target. Otherwise, this equals `NO_CURSOR` ||
+|| `CursorY` || The Y position of the cursor if the player is choosing a target. Otherwise, this equals `NO_CURSOR` ||
 || `WaterLine` || The y position of the water, used to determine at which position stuff drowns. Use `SetWaterLine` to change. ||
 || `ClansCount` || Number of clans, including defeated ones (a clan is a group of teams with same color) ||
 || `TeamsCount` || Number of teams, including defeated ones ||
@@ -442,7 +442,7 @@
 === <tt>!SpawnAmmoCrate(x, y, ammoType [, amount])</tt> ===
 Spawns an ammo crate at the specified position with content of `ammoType` (see [AmmoTypes Ammo Types]). Any `ammoType` is permitted, an ammo crate is spawned even if the ammo is normally defined as an utility.
-If `ammoType` is set to `amNothing`, a random weapon (out of the available weapons from the weapon scheme) will be selected. If `x` and `y` are set to 0, the crate will spawn on a random position (but always on land). The `amount` parameter specifies the amount of ammo contained in the crate. If `amount` is `nil` or `0`, the value set by `SetAmmo` is used, or if `SetAmmo` has not been used, it falls back to the weapon scheme's value. If ´amount` is equal to or greater than `100` or greater, the amount is infinite.
+If `ammoType` is set to `amNothing`, a random weapon (out of the available weapons from the weapon scheme) will be selected. If `x` and `y` are set to 0, the crate will spawn on a random position (but always on land). The `amount` parameter specifies the amount of ammo contained in the crate. If `amount` is `nil` or `0`, the value set by `SetAmmo` is used, or if `SetAmmo` has not been used, it falls back to the weapon scheme's value. If `amount` is equal to or greater than `AMMO_INFINITE`, the amount is infinite.
 Note that in Lua missions, the default number of ammo in crates is 0, so it has to be set to at least 1 with `SetAmmo` first, see the example:
@@ -1165,7 +1165,7 @@
 SetAmmoTexts(amBazooka, "This weapon deals double the damage than usually.")</code>
 ==== <tt>!AddAmmo(gearUid, ammoType, ammoCount)</tt> ====
-Adds `ammoType` to the specified gear. The amount added is determined by the arguments passed via `SetAmmo()` in the `onAmmoStoreInit()` event handler. `ammoCount` is an optional parameter. If this is set, the ammo will **not** be added, but instead set to `ammoCount`. A value of 0 will remove the weapon, a value of 100 will give infinite ammo.
+Adds `ammoType` to the specified gear. The amount added is determined by the arguments passed via `SetAmmo()` in the `onAmmoStoreInit()` event handler. `ammoCount` is an optional parameter. If this is set, the ammo will **not** be added, but instead set to `ammoCount`. A value of `0` will remove the weapon, a value of `AMMO_INFINITE` will give infinite ammo.
 ==== <tt>!GetAmmoName(ammoType [, ignoreOverwrite ])</tt> (0.9.23) ====
 Returns the localized name for the specified `ammoType`, taking an ammo name overwritten by `SetAmmoTexts` into account. If `ignoreOverwrite` is `true`, this function will always return the original ammo name of the weapon and ignores names which may have been overwritten by `SetAmmoTexts`.