# HG changeset patch
# User Wuzzy
# Date 1536689617 -3600
# Node ID ecdd14257c791534f05cfbed94698829d7f91414
# Parent  4bc67d4f7e0dfd00ad1d0b919c60d6225e0eb0a7
BugClassification: Edited via web interface

diff -r 4bc67d4f7e0d -r ecdd14257c79 BugClassification.wiki
--- a/BugClassification.wiki	Tue Sep 11 19:12:42 2018 +0100
+++ b/BugClassification.wiki	Tue Sep 11 19:13:37 2018 +0100
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 Severity tells us how much a bug “breaks Hedgewars”.
-Priority is less important and is just a rough estimate how “important” a bug is within a severity class.
+Priority is optional, less important and a rough estimate how “important” a bug is within a severity class.
 == Severity ==
 Severity tells us how much “damage” this bug deals to Hedgewars. The higher the severity of a bug, the more it “breaks” Hedgewars. High-serverity bugs are usually also more important and those should usually get more attention as well.