# HG changeset patch
# User Wuzzy
# Date 1510900780 0
# Node ID b32441125bb8542c8da64aaaee94c8ce6ce8d4e6
# Parent 7912322338faa324f0d331bd00210a51e28bb9ce
ThemeCfg: Add sd-tint
diff -r 7912322338fa -r b32441125bb8 ThemeCfg.wiki
--- a/ThemeCfg.wiki Fri Nov 17 06:33:19 2017 +0000
+++ b/ThemeCfg.wiki Fri Nov 17 06:39:40 2017 +0000
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@
No flakes are used by default.
== `sd-flakes` ==
-Sudden death version of `flakes`, the parameters are the same as in `flakes`. This uses `SDFlake.png`. If `flakes` was unspecified, then there are no Sudden Death flakes by default, the default shown below only applies if `flakes` has been specified.
+Sudden Death version of `flakes`, the parameters are the same as in `flakes`. This uses `SDFlake.png`. If `flakes` was unspecified, then there are no Sudden Death flakes by default, the default shown below only applies if `flakes` has been specified.
Values: number, frames, frame ticks, speed, fall speed
@@ -151,6 +151,13 @@
(The “X” means the default number of Sudden Death flakes is variable. It depends on the window size and the terrain width.)
+== `sd-tint` ==
+Custom tinting of the background in Sudden Death.
+Values: red, green, blue, opacity
+Default: $80, $80, $80, $FF
== `flatten-flakes` ==
Normally, the flakes vary in size and are drawn on different layers, some of them even in front of the terrain. But if this key is present (any value) in `theme.cfg`, all flakes have the same size and are on the same layer: In front of the sky and horizont and behind the terrain.