2013-06-03 Caironater Updating the QtSDK link *again*. This time it does actually link to the QtSDK and it really does work.
2013-06-03 Caironater Updated the link for QtSDK, as is dead.
2012-12-06 vittorio giovara qt link
2012-11-27 vittorio giovara updated qt, fpc and hg links
2012-04-03 vittorio giovara additional instruction for vs2010 by adam.madram (issue 379)
2012-01-16 vittorio giovara Edited wiki page BuildingOnWindows through web user interface.
2012-01-14 ovibalea Mention the shortcut
2012-01-14 ovibalea Update the wiki to reflect the latest directory changes.
2012-01-13 ovibalea Update the turotial so ppls won't have to download the entire QT Sdk :)
2012-01-13 ovibalea Edited wiki page BuildingOnWindows through web user interface.
2012-01-13 ovibalea Add info about possible error message boxes
2012-01-13 ovibalea Remove some other unneeded QT Components
2012-01-13 ovibalea Added the windows building archive link
2012-01-13 ovibalea Make the tutorial a bit more user friendly :P
2012-01-13 ovibalea Fix the free pascal link
2012-01-12 ovibalea Add windows building wiki page.
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