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Change summary.
2014-12-13, by almikes
“Using” → “Running Hedgewars”
2014-12-13, by almikes
Add HWPFormat to TOC
2014-12-13, by almikes
Format fix.
2014-12-13, by almikes
Add description of the HWP format. Maybe not perfect or complete, but a very important start.
2014-12-13, by almikes
Move “color” into new data types section.
2014-12-13, by almikes
Add information about the “color” parameter found in some functions.
2014-12-13, by almikes
Restructure information about AddTeam, add info that Hedgewars does not support empty teams.
2014-12-13, by almikes
Move pas2CTutorial to CoreDevelopment section
2014-12-12, by almikes
Small fixes, make structure a bit flatter.
2014-12-12, by almikes
Add a table of contents containing all pages except RandomNotes.
2014-12-11, by almikes
Better explanation for the number of sprays.
2014-12-11, by almikes
Edited wiki page KnownBugs through web user interface.
2014-12-11, by sheepyluva
Corrected size of icon@2x.png.
2014-12-10, by almikes
Typo fix
2014-12-08, by almikes
Information about overwriting.
2014-12-08, by almikes
Add cpu.png and cpu_plain.png
2014-12-08, by almikes
Fix ice.
2014-12-08, by almikes
Add the keys “ice” and “snow”.
2014-12-08, by almikes
Add flatten-clouds and flatten-flakes
2014-12-07, by almikes
Clarified comments
2014-12-07, by almikes
Clarify rq-sky.
2014-12-07, by almikes
Add onPreviewInit
2014-12-07, by almikes
Add caption to introduction.
2014-12-07, by almikes
Recommendations regarding Snowball.png and amSnowball.png
2014-12-07, by almikes
Rename header “Icon” to “`icon.png` and `icon@2x.png`”
2014-12-07, by almikes
Update text for amGirder.png, it should be clearer now. There is also a neat table for the sub-images now.
2014-12-07, by almikes
Add Snowball.png and amSnowball.png. Move amGirder.png into new section.
2014-12-07, by almikes
Clarify image format of image files.
2014-12-07, by almikes
Clarify file names of sprays
2014-12-07, by almikes
Add object masks.
2014-12-07, by almikes
Add icon.png.
2014-12-07, by almikes
updated flakes
2014-12-05, by sheepyluva
updated flakes
2014-12-05, by sheepyluva
add image
2014-12-04, by sheepyluva
Adding picture (blashphemy?)
2014-12-04, by sheepyluva
Fix paths to sudden death images.
2014-12-04, by almikes
Created wiki page about graves.
2014-12-04, by almikes
typo fix
2014-12-04, by almikes
Fix link
2014-12-04, by almikes
Small fixes.
2014-12-04, by almikes
Add short flag guide
2014-12-04, by almikes
Quick guide about forts
2014-12-04, by almikes
Add link to Taunts
2014-12-04, by almikes
Add a list of taunts.
2014-12-04, by almikes
Added link to ThemeFiles
2014-12-03, by almikes
Added a fresh new reference page for the several files used by themes.
2014-12-03, by almikes
Some basic clarifications about mask, add link to nemo’s mask guide, add link to Pngcrush, some typographic improvements.
2014-12-03, by almikes
Restructure page, add typographic improvements
2014-12-03, by almikes
More typography improvements
2014-12-03, by almikes
Reorganize the page, improve typography, add sd-music.
2014-12-03, by almikes
Add summary
2014-12-03, by almikes
Add summary
2014-12-03, by almikes
Add summary
2014-12-03, by almikes
Add summary
2014-12-03, by almikes
Fix summary
2014-12-03, by almikes
Add summary
2014-12-03, by almikes
Add summary
2014-12-03, by almikes
Add columns for pos, timer and health (mostly only contain TODOs for now).
2014-12-03, by almikes
Fix stupid table mess-up.
2014-12-03, by almikes
Fix some mistakes in tag info: gtCake, gtFlamethrower, gtLandGun
2014-12-03, by almikes
Alphbetically sort gear types and put them into semantic categories.
2014-12-03, by almikes
Add link to GearTypes for SetTag and GetTag.
2014-12-03, by almikes
Put gear types into a table, along with a description and tag description.
2014-12-03, by almikes
Update SetTag, add GetTag.
2014-12-03, by almikes
Make documentation for SendStat much more readable: Add a table (still not perfect), added some basic parameter descriptions.
2014-12-03, by almikes
Better documentation about the special coordinates x=0, y=0 for the crate spawn functions.
2014-12-03, by almikes
Fixed faulty syntax highlighting in code block (was: “<code lang=…” instead of “<code language=…”)
2014-12-03, by almikes
Fixed misleading descriptions of GetState and SetState (use of bitmasks were not mentioned). Added commented examples.
2014-12-03, by almikes
Add link to the Lua wiki check script.
2014-12-03, by almikes
Add DismissTeam, move AddTeam to new “Clans and teams” section.
2014-12-03, by almikes
Add AddPoint and FlushPoints.
2014-12-03, by almikes
Add onSpritePlacement.
2014-12-03, by almikes
Small formatting fixes.
2014-12-03, by almikes
Add a more readable table of ammo types.
2014-12-03, by almikes
Move SetNextWeapon in text
2014-12-03, by almikes
Add HedgewarsScriptLoad
2014-12-03, by almikes
Add SetWeapon and SetNextWeapon
2014-12-03, by almikes
Add GetInputMask
2014-12-03, by almikes
Reorganize the section “other functions” into several logical subunits.
2014-12-03, by almikes
Fix bad intendation.
2014-12-03, by almikes
Documented 0.9.21 functions onGirderPlacement and onRubberPlacement.
2014-12-03, by almikes
Documented the following functions: band, bnot, bor.
2014-12-03, by almikes
Documented the following functions:
2014-12-03, by almikes
update list of ammotypes
2014-12-02, by RedGrinner
Added entries for SetHogTeamName, SetWeapon
2014-12-02, by RedGrinner
adding icegun crash and stats screen ranking BS to known bugs
2014-10-28, by sheepyluva
g++ wasn't pulled in by the other deps
2014-10-25, by kyberneticist
Violated wiki page BuildingOnLinux through web user interface.
2014-10-17, by sheepyluva
Edited wiki page LuaAPI through web abuser interface.
2014-07-01, by sheepyluva
Remove some useless captions
2014-06-18, by sheepyluva
Edited wiki page KnownBugs through web user interface, which sadly shares accounts with youtube and such.
2014-06-18, by sheepyluva
I forgot a closing bracket )
2014-06-05, by sheepyluva
added 0.9.20 issues
2014-06-05, by sheepyluva
Bump size, explain why.
2014-03-13, by kyberneticist
Edited wiki page BuildingOnLinux through web user interface.
2014-02-05, by kyberneticist
new server dependencies
2014-01-28, by kyberneticist
add new server dep
2014-01-23, by kyberneticist
Edited wiki page SVGImport through web user interface.
2014-01-23, by kyberneticist
2014-01-22, by sheepyluva
I really have to get used to using preview on google code wiki...
2014-01-22, by sheepyluva
add div()
2014-01-21, by sheepyluva
I hate the wiki syntax... and I think it hates me too
2014-01-21, by sheepyluva
adding gameflag api documentation
2014-01-21, by sheepyluva
add SetGravity and GetGravity
2014-01-21, by sheepyluva
fix variable "width" being called "size" in 2 places of the code (I guess those were missed when changing variable name)
2014-01-20, by sheepyluva
< LocutusOfBorg1> so sheepluva please add libphysfs-dev, fonts-dejavu-core, ttf-wqy-zenhei to linux
2014-01-17, by sheepyluva
Edited wiki page SVGImport through web user interface.
2014-01-16, by kyberneticist
Edited wiki page SVGImport through web user interface.
2014-01-14, by kyberneticist
Edited wiki page SVGImport through web user interface.
2014-01-14, by kyberneticist
update GetEffect/SetEffect info
2014-01-14, by sheepyluva
Edited wiki page PresetMaps through web user interface.
2014-01-03, by kyberneticist
Edited wiki page PresetMaps through web user interface.
2013-12-31, by kyberneticist
Edited wiki page PresetMaps through web user interface.
2013-12-31, by kyberneticist
fix girder orientations
2013-12-29, by kyberneticist
Edited wiki page Translations through web user interface. Mention stub.lua
2013-12-26, by pntanasis
Edited wiki page Translations through web user interface. s/qm/ts/
2013-12-26, by pntanasis
Edited wiki page Translations through web user interface. Changed google code link to serve raw files.
2013-12-26, by pntanasis
Created wiki page about translations.
2013-12-26, by pntanasis
Edited wiki page BuildingOnLinux through web user interface.
2013-12-25, by kyberneticist