2015-11-01 unc0rr This is .22 release revision
2015-10-31 unc0rr inc(HEDGEWARS_PROTO_VER)
2015-10-31 antonc27 - Finally added rus localization for all User Missions ios-revival
2015-10-30 antonc27 - Return of stereo sound for mobile! ios-revival
2015-10-30 antonc27 - Set iPad version to require fullscreen ios-revival
2015-10-30 antonc27 - Fix for not compiling Pascal sources when archiving app for AppStore ios-revival
2015-10-30 nemo refocus camera on roping hog. totally untested.
2015-10-30 antonc27 - Rus localization for Target Practices ios-revival
2015-10-30 antonc27 - Rus localization for Speed Shoppa Challenges ios-revival
2015-10-29 antonc27 - Removing of CMake generated files in 'UpdateDataFolder' script ios-revival
2015-10-29 antonc27 - Better handling of cell's tag in SingleTeamViewController ios-revival
2015-10-29 antonc27 - Refactoring of SavedViewController: ios-revival
2015-10-29 antonc27 - FindTable functionality for HoldTableViewCell and EditableCellView extracted to category ios-revival
2015-10-28 nemo few more missing nil checks in crate spawn
2015-10-28 antonc27 - Fix for crash while deleting >=2 saved games ios-revival
2015-10-28 sheepluva Removed tag Nice one
2015-10-27 sheepluva Added tag 0.9.22-RC for changeset d9622394ec9c
2015-10-27 sheepluva somebody was so nice to mention me in credits, but misspelled my last name ios-revival
2015-10-27 unc0rr Also pass script information alongwith winner/achievements info, so that we could potentially have per mode ratings
2015-10-27 antonc27 - Rus localization for portal mission ios-revival
2015-10-25 antonc27 - Rus localization update for Basic Trainings in ru.lua ios-revival
2015-10-25 sheepluva changelog update
2015-10-25 antonc27 - Partial rus localization for User Missions and Basic Trainings in ru.lua ios-revival
2015-10-24 antonc27 - Fix for formatting non-english characters, received from engine ios-revival
2015-10-24 antonc27 - Fix for sending to engine non-english characters ios-revival
2015-10-24 antonc27 - Fix for loading non-existing missions in MissionTrainingViewController ios-revival
2015-10-24 antonc27 - Possible fix for loading game styles scripts without .cfg file ios-revival
2015-10-23 antonc27 - Rus translation for Mutant game style ios-revival
2015-10-23 sheepluva fixed: poison clouds could bounce
2015-10-23 antonc27 - Rus localization update for 'Data/Locale/missions_ru.txt' ios-revival
2015-10-23 antonc27 - Rus localization update for 'Data/Locale/ru.txt' ios-revival
2015-10-22 antonc27 - Fix for wrong localization key for sound in GeneralSettingsViewController ios-revival
2015-10-22 antonc27 - Localization for missed strings in RestoreViewController (for eng(as reference) and rus) ios-revival
2015-10-22 antonc27 - Localization for missed strings in StatsPage (for both eng and rus) ios-revival
2015-10-22 antonc27 - Rus localization updated for iOS front-end ios-revival
2015-10-22 antonc27 - Some strings localizations for Settings ios-revival
2015-10-22 antonc27 - Toolbar elements are localizable now in GameConfig for iPhone ios-revival
2015-10-22 antonc27 - All labels in HelpPageLobby now localizable (with text from IB as localization keys) ios-revival
2015-10-22 antonc27 - SegmentedControl is localizable now in MapConfig ios-revival
2015-10-21 antonc27 - simpleGameButton and missionsButton are localizable now in MainMenu ios-revival
2015-10-21 antonc27 - 'Press the target button to mark the target' message is localizable now ios-revival
2015-10-21 antonc27 - Workaround for team's name with spaces in StatsPage ios-revival
2015-10-21 antonc27 - Some improvements for 'loadNiceHogs' in GameConfig for iPad ios-revival
2015-10-21 antonc27 - Fix for 'loadNiceHogs' in GameConfig for iPad ios-revival
2015-10-20 antonc27 - Refactoring of Missions screen: ios-revival
2015-10-20 antonc27 - Retrieving language ID moved to HWUtils ios-revival
2015-10-19 antonc27 - Small adjust for cell selection color of Missions screen ios-revival
2015-10-19 antonc27 - Big refactoring of front-end Settings for both iPhone and iPad: ios-revival
2015-10-17 antonc27 - Better way of creating/using doneButton in Settings ios-revival
2015-10-16 antonc27 - Possible fix for wrong layout on iOS 9 when going back from rotated stats page (for iPad) ios-revival
2015-10-16 antonc27 - Added new set of tabbar icons for Settings on iPhone ios-revival
2015-10-16 antonc27 - Fix for autorotation of table view of StatsPageVC ios-revival
2015-10-15 antonc27 - Mortar, Mudball and Land Spray need up/down buttons on mobile ios-revival
2015-10-15 antonc27 - Workaround for wrong sprite in utility widget when selecting DrillStrike ios-revival
2015-10-15 antonc27 - Target button added to mobile touch controls ios-revival
2015-10-15 antonc27 - Target button added to mobile touch controls ios-revival
2015-10-15 antonc27 - Timer button added to mobile touch controls ios-revival
2015-10-14 antonc27 - Fix for wrong path of restored game ios-revival
2015-10-14 antonc27 - Better random number generation for front-end: random() replaced with arc4random_uniform() ios-revival
2015-10-14 antonc27 - Button's restyling for RestoreViewController ios-revival
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