2009-10-29 koda fix missing land on ppc
2009-10-26 koda other controls implementation + sdlh revisited (once again)
2009-10-25 koda touch control completely revamped
2009-10-25 unc0rr Further work on missions editor
2009-10-25 nemo Increase AMMO_INFINITE to 100
2009-10-25 koda fix a segfault in the iphone simulator by moving options.inc at the beginning of the file
2009-10-25 koda added little/big endian checks, added symbol for touch input, simplified iphoneos definitions
2009-10-25 unc0rr Smaxx: only allow change direction when shift key is pressed
2009-10-25 unc0rr Change mission file format to allow more flexible config
2009-10-25 unc0rr Partially implement loading mission options
2009-10-25 koda fix build
2009-10-25 koda convert 24 bits images to 32 (faster to manage)
2009-10-25 koda completes touch input/control (problems with moving camera)
2009-10-24 koda more updates on touch input/control
2009-10-23 koda err, complete previous commit
2009-10-22 koda code cleanup for Surface2Tex (we don't have 3 bytes surfaces any more)
2009-10-22 koda update color management for new sdl_image on mac
2009-10-21 unc0rr Fix (quite rare) spectators queue error when joining game with teams left the game.
2009-10-21 unc0rr Set version to 0.9.13-dev, protocol number to 30 due to changes in engine
2009-10-21 unc0rr Start work on missions/trainings editor
2009-10-20 koda evil math strikes again
2009-10-20 nemo Remove unneeded var from Smaxx' tag changes
2009-10-20 koda ifdefs all the way
2009-10-20 nemo Bunch of neat stuff by Smaxx. ATI check, translucent name tags to reduce terrain fail, disabling health crates on invulnerable hogs. Also tweaks to prior stuff.
2009-10-20 koda WE HAVE TOUCH INPUT
2010-11-12 unc0rr And even this one mbait-mangen
2009-10-20 koda update sdlmain files to 1.2.14
2010-03-16 mbait Added new type of map at UI. Simple random map generation mbait-mangen
2010-11-12 unc0rr And this one mbait-rope_AI
2009-10-19 unc0rr Update Italian translation
2010-02-10 mbait change trunk branch to 0.9.12 branch mbait-mangen
2010-01-30 mbait copy of trunk mbait-rope_AI
2010-11-12 unc0rr Close 0.9.12 branch 0.9.12
2009-10-19 nemo doStepDrowningGear - I always forget it. Kill the sound and exit.
2009-10-21 nemo Disable NPOTT in 0.9.12 tag :) 0.9.12
2009-10-18 unc0rr Fix 'make package_source' package
2010-06-23 koda closed branch
2009-10-18 unc0rr Tag for 0.9.12 release 0.9.12
2009-10-18 unc0rr Smaxx: fix water sprites rendering 0.9.12-release
2009-10-18 koda changelog update
2009-10-18 unc0rr Update server
2009-10-18 koda last minute fixes
2009-10-18 unc0rr Update dependencies list
2009-10-18 unc0rr Update changelog
2009-10-18 koda sigh
2009-10-18 koda fix mac bundle
2009-10-18 koda update .pro file, lupdate and smaller italian translation
2009-10-18 unc0rr Set version to 0.9.12, protocol number to 29
2009-10-18 unc0rr - lupdate && lrelease
2009-10-18 unc0rr Update german translation
2009-10-18 nemo Aaaand ease up on the onions a bit
2009-10-18 nemo Remove an rectangle, wasn't seeing 2nd cucumber enough.
2009-10-18 nemo Fix rectangles for theme objects
2009-10-18 nemo Just checking this in so prg can try it. May back it out
2009-10-18 nemo Disable followgear on ammoshove for napalm fire damage
2009-10-18 nemo 256 bit png sky fix
2009-10-18 nemo Just for the heck of it. Set all PNGs to image/png - helps w/ online SVN viewing and helper programs
2009-10-18 nemo Updated translation
2009-10-18 nemo Updated translation and waves
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