Highlander: Clean up code style, indents and delete useless old comments
authorWuzzy <Wuzzy2@mail.ru>
Sat, 07 Jul 2018 22:48:56 +0200 (2018-07-07)
changeset 13450 f38b72d64157
parent 13449 57de4f050891
child 13451 7d69c5605a9d
Highlander: Clean up code style, indents and delete useless old comments
--- a/share/hedgewars/Data/Scripts/Multiplayer/Highlander.lua	Sat Jul 07 19:34:13 2018 +0200
+++ b/share/hedgewars/Data/Scripts/Multiplayer/Highlander.lua	Sat Jul 07 22:48:56 2018 +0200
@@ -3,90 +3,21 @@
 -- by mikade
--- Ancient changelog:
--- concept test
--- remove tardis till Henek fixes his tracker
--- change wep crates to health crates
--- reset arb turntimevalue
--- include randomOrder
--- Until fixed .17 methods come out, remove switches and resurrector
--- on request, removed kamikaze and piano weapons
--- provisional fixing of bugs that can't actually be fixed yet
--- meh, update incorrect display
--- may change this in the future to have switches
--- but for now people are used to it without, so~
--- mudball is now counted as a utility
--- cleaned up code and got rid of unneccessary vars
--- mudball is a weapon again
--- landgun is now a utility
--- extra time, vampirism utility removed
--- hammer wep removed
--- all hogs have kamikaze
--- restructured some code
--- added napalm (whoops) to list of possible weapons you can get
--- hogs no longer recieve airstrike-related weps on border maps
--- fix same name/blank weapon transfer bug (issue 541)
--- show next hog ammo set in full (issue 312)
--- allow mid-kill multi-shot weapon transfers (issue 503)
--- allow users to configure hog health
--- remove 'switched to' message
--- remove some extraeneous code
--- add more whitespace
--- break everything
--- as per request, add ice-gun
 -- ideas for the future
 -- add structure
 -- allow switcher, resurrector
--- add abuse
 -- nerf teleport
--- allow more customization
--- poison hogs using the default team? :/
 -- balance weapon distribution across entire team / all teams
 -- add other inequalities/bonuses like... ???
--- some hogs start off with an extra 25 health?
--- some hogs start off poisoned?
--- some hogs start off with a rope and 2 drills but die after their turn?
+-- * some hogs start off with an extra 25 health?
+-- * some hogs start off poisoned?
+-- * some hogs start off with a rope and 2 drills but die after their turn?
--- derp, script follows
+-- script follows
@@ -95,25 +26,25 @@
 -- These define weps allowed by the script.
 -- These were arbitrarily defined out-of-order in initial script, so that was preserved here, resulting 
 -- in a moderately odd syntax.
-local atkWeps = 	{
-					[amBazooka]=true, [amBee]=true, [amMortar]=true, [amDrill]=true, [amSnowball]=true,
-                    [amGrenade]=true, [amClusterBomb]=true, [amMolotov]=true, [amWatermelon]=true,
-                    [amHellishBomb]=true, [amGasBomb]=true, [amShotgun]=true, [amDEagle]=true,
-                    [amFlamethrower]=true, [amSniperRifle]=true, [amSineGun]=true, [amMinigun]=true,
-					[amFirePunch]=true, [amWhip]=true, [amBaseballBat]=true, [amKamikaze]=true,
-                    [amSeduction]=true, [amHammer]=true, [amMine]=true, [amDynamite]=true, [amCake]=true,
-                    [amBallgun]=true, [amSMine]=true, [amRCPlane]=true, [amBirdy]=true, [amKnife]=true,
-                    [amAirAttack]=true, [amMineStrike]=true, [amNapalm]=true, [amDrillStrike]=true, [amPiano]=true, [amAirMine] = true,
-                    [amDuck]=true,
-					}
+local atkWeps = {
+	[amBazooka]=true, [amBee]=true, [amMortar]=true, [amDrill]=true, [amSnowball]=true,
+	[amGrenade]=true, [amClusterBomb]=true, [amMolotov]=true, [amWatermelon]=true,
+	[amHellishBomb]=true, [amGasBomb]=true, [amShotgun]=true, [amDEagle]=true,
+	[amFlamethrower]=true, [amSniperRifle]=true, [amSineGun]=true, [amMinigun]=true,
+	[amFirePunch]=true, [amWhip]=true, [amBaseballBat]=true, [amKamikaze]=true,
+	[amSeduction]=true, [amHammer]=true, [amMine]=true, [amDynamite]=true, [amCake]=true,
+	[amBallgun]=true, [amSMine]=true, [amRCPlane]=true, [amBirdy]=true, [amKnife]=true,
+	[amAirAttack]=true, [amMineStrike]=true, [amNapalm]=true, [amDrillStrike]=true, [amPiano]=true, [amAirMine] = true,
+	[amDuck]=true,
 local utilWeps =  {
-					[amBlowTorch]=true, [amPickHammer]=true, [amGirder]=true, [amPortalGun]=true,
-					[amRope]=true, [amParachute]=true, [amTeleport]=true, [amJetpack]=true,
-					[amInvulnerable]=true, [amLaserSight]=true, [amVampiric]=true,
-					[amLowGravity]=true, [amExtraDamage]=true, [amExtraTime]=true,
-					[amLandGun]=true, [amRubber]=true, [amIceGun]=true,
-					}
+	[amBlowTorch]=true, [amPickHammer]=true, [amGirder]=true, [amPortalGun]=true,
+	[amRope]=true, [amParachute]=true, [amTeleport]=true, [amJetpack]=true,
+	[amInvulnerable]=true, [amLaserSight]=true, [amVampiric]=true,
+	[amLowGravity]=true, [amExtraDamage]=true, [amExtraTime]=true,
+	[amLandGun]=true, [amRubber]=true, [amIceGun]=true,
 -- Intentionally left out:
 -- * Resurrector (guaranteed to screw up the game)
@@ -159,32 +90,32 @@
 that is, the state to which your inventory will get reset in the next turn.
 No Multi-Use (default):
-    If you kill a hog who owns a weapon you currently have in your reset inventory,
-    but not your inventory, you DO NOT get this weapon again.
+	If you kill a hog who owns a weapon you currently have in your reset inventory,
+	but not your inventory, you DO NOT get this weapon again.
-    If you kill a hog who owns a weapon you currently have in your reset inventory,
-    but not your inventory, you DO get this weapon.
+	If you kill a hog who owns a weapon you currently have in your reset inventory,
+	but not your inventory, you DO get this weapon.
 Example 1:
-    You have a ballgun, and use it to kill a hog who also owns a ballgun.
-    No Multi-Use: You will NOT get another ballgun, since it's in your
-                  reset inventory.
-    Multi-Use: You get another ballgun.
+	You have a ballgun, and use it to kill a hog who also owns a ballgun.
+	No Multi-Use: You will NOT get another ballgun, since it's in your
+	reset inventory.
+	Multi-Use: You get another ballgun.
 Example 2:
-    You have a grenade and a bazooka in your inventory. You use the bazooka
-    to kill a hedgehog who owns a grenade.
-    In both ammo limit modes, you do NOT win any ammo since you already have
-    a grenade in your inventory (not just your reset inventory), and the
-    rule “no more than 1 ammo per type” applies.
+	You have a grenade and a bazooka in your inventory. You use the bazooka
+	to kill a hedgehog who owns a grenade.
+	In both ammo limit modes, you do NOT win any ammo since you already have
+	a grenade in your inventory (not just your reset inventory), and the
+	rule “no more than 1 ammo per type” applies.
 local multiUse = false
 function onParameters()
-    parseParams()
-    multiUse = params["multiuse"] == "true"
-    loyal = params["loyal"] == "true"
+	parseParams()
+	multiUse = params["multiuse"] == "true"
+	loyal = params["loyal"] == "true"
 function CheckForWeaponSwap()
@@ -208,58 +139,48 @@
 function StartingSetUp(gear)
-    for i = 0, AmmoTypeMax do
-        if i ~= amNothing then
-            setGearValue(gear,i,0)
-        end
-    end
-    for w,c in pairs(wepArray) do
-        if c == 9 and (atkWeps[w] or utilWeps[w])  then
-            setGearValue(gear,w,1)
-        end
+	for i = 0, AmmoTypeMax do
+		if i ~= amNothing then
+			setGearValue(gear,i,0)
+		end
+	end
+	for w,c in pairs(wepArray) do
+		if c == 9 and (atkWeps[w] or utilWeps[w])  then
+			setGearValue(gear,w,1)
+		end
-    local r = 0
-    if atktot > 0 then
-        r = GetRandom(atktot)+1
-        for i = 0, AmmoTypeMax do
-            if i ~= amNothing then
-                if atkChoices[i] >= r then
-                    setGearValue(gear,i,1)
-                    break
-                end
-            end
-        end
-    end
-    if utiltot > 0 then
-        r = GetRandom(utiltot)+1
-        for i = 0, AmmoTypeMax do
-            if i ~= amNothing then
-                if utilChoices[i] >= r then
-                    setGearValue(gear,i,1)
-                    break
-                end
-            end
-        end
-    end
+	local r = 0
+	if atktot > 0 then
+		r = GetRandom(atktot)+1
+		for i = 0, AmmoTypeMax do
+			if i ~= amNothing then
+				if atkChoices[i] >= r then
+					setGearValue(gear,i,1)
+					break
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	if utiltot > 0 then
+		r = GetRandom(utiltot)+1
+		for i = 0, AmmoTypeMax do
+			if i ~= amNothing then
+				if utilChoices[i] >= r then
+					setGearValue(gear,i,1)
+					break
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
---[[function SaveWeapons(gear)
--- er, this has no 0 check so presumably if you use a weapon then when it saves  you wont have it
-	for i = 1, (#wepArray) do
-		setGearValue(gear, wepArray[i], GetAmmoCount(gear, wepArray[i]) )
-		 --AddAmmo(gear, wepArray[i], getGearValue(gear,wepArray[i]) )
+function ConvertValues(gear)
+	for w,c in pairs(wepArray) do
+		AddAmmo(gear, w, getGearValue(gear,w) )
-function ConvertValues(gear)
-    for w,c in pairs(wepArray) do
-		AddAmmo(gear, w, getGearValue(gear,w) )
-    end
 -- this is called when a hog dies
@@ -267,18 +188,18 @@
 	if CurrentHedgehog ~= nil and CurrentHedgehog ~= gear and (not loyal or (GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog) ~= GetHogClan(gear))) then
-        local x,y,color
-        local vgear
-        local vgtX, vgtY, vgtdX, vgtdY, vgtAngle, vgtFrame, vgtFrameTicks, vgtState, vgtTimer, vgtTint
-        local dspl = IsHogLocal(CurrentHedgehog)
-        local ammolist = ''
+		local x,y,color
+		local vgear
+		local vgtX, vgtY, vgtdX, vgtdY, vgtAngle, vgtFrame, vgtFrameTicks, vgtState, vgtTimer, vgtTint
+		local dspl = IsHogLocal(CurrentHedgehog)
+		local ammolist = ''
-        if dspl then
-            x,y = GetGearPosition(CurrentHedgehog)
-            color = GetClanColor(GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog))
-        end
+		if dspl then
+			x,y = GetGearPosition(CurrentHedgehog)
+			color = GetClanColor(GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog))
+		end
-        for w,c in pairs(wepArray) do
+		for w,c in pairs(wepArray) do
 			val = getGearValue(gear,w)
 			if val ~= 0 and (multiUse or (wepArray[w] ~= 9 and getGearValue(CurrentHedgehog, w) == 0))  then
 				setGearValue(CurrentHedgehog, w, val)
@@ -290,29 +211,29 @@
 					AddAmmo(CurrentHedgehog, w, val)
-                if dspl then
-                    if ammolist == '' then
-                        ammolist = GetAmmoName(w)
-                    else
-                        ammolist = ammolist .. ' • ' .. GetAmmoName(w)
-                    end
-                    x = x + 2
-                    y = y + 32
-                    vgear = AddVisualGear(x, y, vgtAmmo, 0, true)
-                    if vgear ~= nil then
-                        vgtX,vgtY,vgtdX,vgtdY,vgtAngle,vgtFrame,vgtFrameTicks,vgtState,vgtTimer,vgtTint = GetVisualGearValues(vgear)
-                        vgtFrame = w
-                        SetVisualGearValues(vgear,vgtX,vgtY,vgtdX,vgtdY,vgtAngle,vgtFrame,vgtFrameTicks,vgtState,vgtTimer,vgtTint)
-                    end
-                end
+				if dspl then
+					if ammolist == '' then
+						ammolist = GetAmmoName(w)
+					else
+						ammolist = ammolist .. ' • ' .. GetAmmoName(w)
+					end
+					x = x + 2
+					y = y + 32
+					vgear = AddVisualGear(x, y, vgtAmmo, 0, true)
+					if vgear ~= nil then
+						vgtX,vgtY,vgtdX,vgtdY,vgtAngle,vgtFrame,vgtFrameTicks,vgtState,vgtTimer,vgtTint = GetVisualGearValues(vgear)
+						vgtFrame = w
+						SetVisualGearValues(vgear,vgtX,vgtY,vgtdX,vgtdY,vgtAngle,vgtFrame,vgtFrameTicks,vgtState,vgtTimer,vgtTint)
+					end
+				end
-        if dspl and ammolist ~= '' then
-            PlaySound(sndShotgunReload);
-            AddCaption(ammolist, color, capgrpAmmoinfo)
-        end
+		if dspl and ammolist ~= '' then
+			PlaySound(sndShotgunReload);
+			AddCaption(ammolist, color, capgrpAmmoinfo)
+		end
@@ -336,34 +257,31 @@
 function onGameStart()
-    utilChoices[amSkip] = 0
-    local c = 0
-    for i = 0, AmmoTypeMax do
-        if i ~= amNothing then
-            atkChoices[i] = 0
-            utilChoices[i] = 0
-            if i ~= 7 then
-                wepArray[i] = 0
-                c = GetAmmoCount(someHog, i)
-                if c > 8 then c = 9 end
-                wepArray[i] = c
-                if c < 9 and c > 0 then
-                    if atkWeps[i] then
-                        --WriteLnToConsole('a    c: '..c..' w:'..i)
-                        atktot = atktot + probability[c]
-                        atkChoices[i] = atktot
-                    elseif utilWeps[i] then
-                        --WriteLnToConsole('u    c: '..c..' w:'..i)
-                            utiltot = utiltot + probability[c]
-                        utilChoices[i] = utiltot
-                    end
-                end
-            end
-        end
-    end
-    --WriteLnToConsole('utiltot:'..utiltot..' atktot:'..atktot)
+	utilChoices[amSkip] = 0
+	local c = 0
+	for i = 0, AmmoTypeMax do
+		if i ~= amNothing then
+			atkChoices[i] = 0
+			utilChoices[i] = 0
+			if i ~= 7 then
+				wepArray[i] = 0
+				c = GetAmmoCount(someHog, i)
+				if c > 8 then
+					c = 9
+				end
+				wepArray[i] = c
+				if c < 9 and c > 0 then
+					if atkWeps[i] then
+						atktot = atktot + probability[c]
+						atkChoices[i] = atktot
+					elseif utilWeps[i] then
+						utiltot = utiltot + probability[c]
+						utilChoices[i] = utiltot
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
@@ -402,38 +320,20 @@
---function onGameTick20()
--- if we use gfPerHogAmmo is this even needed? Err, well, weapons reset, so... yes?
--- orrrr, should we rather call the re-assignment of weapons onNewTurn()? probably not because
--- then you cant switch hogs... unless we add a thing in onSwitch or whatever
--- ye, that is probably better actually, but I'll add that when/if I add switch
---[[function onHogHide(gear)
-	-- waiting for Henek
-function onHogRestore(gear)
-	-- waiting for Henek
 function onGearAdd(gear)
-	--if GetGearType(gear) == gtSwitcher then
-	--	SaveWeapons(CurrentHedgehog)
-	--end
 	if (GetGearType(gear) == gtHedgehog) then
-        if someHog == nil then someHog = gear end
+		if someHog == nil then
+			someHog = gear
+		end
 function onGearDelete(gear)
-	if (GetGearType(gear) == gtHedgehog) then --or (GetGearType(gear) == gtResurrector) then
+	if (GetGearType(gear) == gtHedgehog) then