ooops (and indentation)
Fri, 20 Jul 2012 15:39:13 +0100 (2012-07-20)
changeset 7404 38a23771ee45
parent 7403 e8d0b21efa82
child 7405 63f56edae4c6
ooops (and indentation)
--- a/hedgewars/uCommandHandlers.pas	Fri Jul 20 12:25:53 2012 +0100
+++ b/hedgewars/uCommandHandlers.pas	Fri Jul 20 15:39:13 2012 +0100
@@ -856,7 +856,7 @@
     RegisterVariable('-volup'  , @chVol_m        , true );
     RegisterVariable('+voldown', @chVol_m        , true );
     RegisterVariable('-voldown', @chVol_p        , true );
-	RegisterVariable('findhh'  , @chFindhh       , true );
+    RegisterVariable('findhh'  , @chFindhh       , true );
     RegisterVariable('pause'   , @chPause        , true );
     RegisterVariable('+cur_u'  , @chCurU_p       , true );
     RegisterVariable('-cur_u'  , @chCurU_m       , true );
--- a/hedgewars/uSound.pas	Fri Jul 20 12:25:53 2012 +0100
+++ b/hedgewars/uSound.pas	Fri Jul 20 15:39:13 2012 +0100
@@ -467,48 +467,48 @@
         Mix_VolumeMusic(Volume * 4 div 8);
     ChangeVolume:= Volume * 100 div MIX_MAX_VOLUME;
-	if (isMusicEnabled) then
-		if (Volume = 0) then
-			PauseMusic
-		else
-			ResumeMusic;
+    if (isMusicEnabled) then
+        if (Volume = 0) then
+            PauseMusic
+            else
+            ResumeMusic;
-	isAudioMuted:= (Volume = 0);
+    isAudioMuted:= (Volume = 0);
 procedure DampenAudio;
-	if (isAudioMuted) then
-		exit;
+    if (isAudioMuted) then
+        exit;
     previousVolume:= Volume;
     ChangeVolume(-Volume * 7 div 9);
 procedure UndampenAudio;
-	if (isAudioMuted) then
-		exit;
+     if (isAudioMuted) then
+        exit;
     ChangeVolume(previousVolume - Volume);
 procedure MuteAudio;
     if (not isSoundEnabled) then
-        exit;
-	if (isAudioMuted) then
-	begin
-		ResumeMusic;
-		ChangeVolume(previousVolume);
-	end
-	else
-	begin
-		PauseMusic;
-		previousVolume:= Volume;
-		ChangeVolume(-Volume);
-	end;
-	// isAudioMuted is updated in ChangeVolume
+    exit;
+    if (isAudioMuted) then
+    begin
+        ResumeMusic;
+        ChangeVolume(previousVolume);
+    end
+    else
+    begin
+        PauseMusic;
+        previousVolume:= Volume;
+        ChangeVolume(-Volume);
+    end;
+    // isAudioMuted is updated in ChangeVolume
 procedure SetMusic(enabled: boolean);
@@ -575,8 +575,8 @@
 procedure chMute(var s: shortstring);
-	s:= s; // avoid compiler hint
-	MuteAudio;
+    s:= s; // avoid compiler hint
+    MuteAudio;
 procedure initModule;
@@ -584,12 +584,12 @@
     i: TSound;
     RegisterVariable('voicepack', @chVoicepack, false);
-	RegisterVariable('mute'     , @chMute     , true );
+    RegisterVariable('mute'     , @chMute     , true );
     isMusicEnabled:= true;
     isSoundEnabled:= true;
-	isAudioMuted:= false;
+    isAudioMuted:= false;
     isSEBackup:= isSoundEnabled;
     cInitVolume:= 100;
     Volume:= 0;
--- a/hedgewars/uTypes.pas	Fri Jul 20 12:25:53 2012 +0100
+++ b/hedgewars/uTypes.pas	Fri Jul 20 15:39:13 2012 +0100
@@ -406,26 +406,27 @@
             sidHellishBomb, sidDrill, sidBallgun, sidNapalm, sidRCPlane,
             sidLowGravity, sidExtraDamage, sidInvulnerable, sidExtraTime,
             sidLaserSight, sidVampiric, sidSniperRifle, sidJetpack,
-            sidMolotov, sidBirdy, sidPortalGun, sidPiano, sidGasBomb, sidSineGun, sidFlamethrower,
-            sidSMine, sidHammer, sidResurrector, sidDrillStrike, sidSnowball, sidNothing, sidTardis, 
-	        sidStructure, sidLandGun, sidIceGun);
+            sidMolotov, sidBirdy, sidPortalGun, sidPiano, sidGasBomb,
+            sidSineGun, sidFlamethrower,sidSMine, sidHammer, sidResurrector,
+            sidDrillStrike, sidSnowball, sidNothing, sidTardis,
+            sidStructure, sidLandGun, sidIceGun);
     TMsgStrId = (sidStartFight, sidDraw, sidWinner, sidVolume, sidPaused,
             sidConfirm, sidSuddenDeath, sidRemaining, sidFuel, sidSync,
             sidNoEndTurn, sidNotYetAvailable, sidRoundSD, sidRoundsSD, sidReady, 
             sidBounce1, sidBounce2, sidBounce3, sidBounce4, sidBounce5, sidBounce,
-			sidMute);
+            sidMute);
     // Events that are important for the course of the game or at least interesting for other reasons
     TEventId = (eidDied, eidDrowned, eidRoundStart, eidRoundWin, eidRoundDraw,
-            eidNewHealthPack, eidNewAmmoPack, eidNewUtilityPack, eidTurnSkipped, eidHurtSelf,
-            eidHomerun, eidGone);
+            eidNewHealthPack, eidNewAmmoPack, eidNewUtilityPack, eidTurnSkipped,
+            eidHurtSelf, eidHomerun, eidGone);
     TGoalStrId = (gidCaption, gidSubCaption, gidForts, gidLowGravity, gidInvulnerable,
             gidVampiric, gidKarma, gidKing, gidPlaceHog, gidArtillery,
-            gidSolidLand, gidSharedAmmo, gidMineTimer, gidNoMineTimer, gidRandomMineTimer,
-            gidDamageModifier, gidResetHealth, gidAISurvival, gidInfAttack, gidResetWeps,
-			gidPerHogAmmo, gidTagTeam);
+            gidSolidLand, gidSharedAmmo, gidMineTimer, gidNoMineTimer, 
+            gidRandomMineTimer, gidDamageModifier, gidResetHealth, gidAISurvival, 
+            gidInfAttack, gidResetWeps, gidPerHogAmmo, gidTagTeam);
     TLandArray = packed array of array of LongWord;
     TCollisionArray = packed array of array of Word;
--- a/hedgewars/uWorld.pas	Fri Jul 20 12:25:53 2012 +0100
+++ b/hedgewars/uWorld.pas	Fri Jul 20 15:39:13 2012 +0100
@@ -1114,7 +1114,6 @@
     highlight: Boolean;
     smallScreenOffset, offsetX, offsetY, screenBottom: LongInt;
     VertexBuffer: array [0..3] of TVertex2f;
-	volume: LongInt;
 if (cReducedQuality and rqNoBackground) = 0 then
@@ -1534,10 +1533,8 @@
         str(ChangeVolume(cVolumeDelta), s);
         AddCaption(Format(trmsg[sidVolume], s), cWhiteColor, capgrpVolume);
-	if isAudioMuted then
-		AddCaption(trmsg[sidMute], cWhiteColor, capgrpVolume)
-	else
-        FreeTexture(Captions[capgrpVolume].Tex)
+    if isAudioMuted then
+        AddCaption(trmsg[sidMute], cWhiteColor, capgrpVolume)
 if GameState = gsConfirm then