Update Scottish Gaelic translation (frontend)
Fri, 21 Jun 2019 20:08:05 +0200
changeset 15187 2e1253771108
parent 15186 9cf0c2f44f0e
child 15188 7e06f3368470
Update Scottish Gaelic translation (frontend)
--- a/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/campaigns_gd.txt	Fri Jun 21 00:33:56 2019 +0300
+++ b/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/campaigns_gd.txt	Fri Jun 21 20:08:05 2019 +0200
@@ -19,10 +19,10 @@
 A_Classic_Fairytale-dragon.desc="Feumaidh ar gaisgeach taobh thall an locha a ruigsinn. Rach ’nad mhaighstir air a’ ròpa agus seachnaich astasan an nàmhad."
 A_Classic_Fairytale-family.name="Misean 7: Tional an teaghlaich"
-A_Classic_Fairytale-family.desc="Feumaidh ar gaisgeach na tùsanaich a shàbhaladh a-rithist. Cuir às dha ghràineagan an nàmhad agus saor do chuideachd. Cleachd an stòras agad gu cùramach o nach eil pailteas dheth ann. Drilig tuill air san àite cheart gus teannadh dlùth air a’ bhana-phrionnsa."
+A_Classic_Fairytale-family.desc="Feumaidh ar gaisgeach na treubhan a shàbhaladh a-rithist. Cuir às dha ghràineagan an nàmhad agus saor do chuideachd. Cleachd an stòras agad gu cùramach o nach eil pailteas dheth ann. Drilig tuill air san àite cheart gus teannadh dlùth air a’ bhana-phrionnsa."
 A_Classic_Fairytale-queen.name="Misean 8: Guma fada beò a’ bhànrigh"
-A_Classic_Fairytale-queen.desc="Feumaidh na tùsanaich sabaid a-rithist. Feumaidh iad am brathadair a cheannsachadh agus a h-uile stòras a chaitheamh mus dèid an latha leotha. Cuiribh ruaig air an nàmhaid!"
+A_Classic_Fairytale-queen.desc="Feumaidh an treubh sabaid a-rithist. Feumaidh iad am brathadair a cheannsachadh agus a h-uile stòras a chaitheamh mus dèid an latha leotha. Cuiribh ruaig air an nàmhaid!"
 A_Classic_Fairytale-enemy.name="Misean 9: Nàmhaid mo nàmhad"
 A_Classic_Fairytale-enemy.desc="Abair car air an sgeulachd! Feumaidh Cuilean-Chulainn sabaid a dhèanamh air taobh nan… “canabailean” an aghaidh an nàmhad cumanta: Na cyborgaichean olca!"
@@ -32,30 +32,30 @@
 A_Space_Adventure.name="Dàna-thuras san fhànas"
 A_Space_Adventure-cosmos.name="Clàr-taice: Turas san fhànas"
-A_Space_Adventure-cosmos.desc="Tha meatoraid ana-mhòr gu bhith bualadh air an Ugh, planaid nan gràineag. Ach am mair sibh beò, feumaidh tu Spìceach, am paidhleat as fhearr aig Comann nan Gràineag a stiùireadh air triall an fhànais mu na planaidean am fagas gus na 4 pìosan aig uidheam an-iom-tharraing a chruinneachadh a chailleadh o chionn aimsir!"
+A_Space_Adventure-cosmos.desc="Tha meatoraid ana-mhòr gu bhith bualadh air an Ugh, planaid nan gràineag. Ach am mair sibh beò, feumaidh tu gaisgeach a chaidh fhastadh le Comann nan Gràineag (CnanG) a stiùireadh air triall an fhànais mu na planaidean am fagas gus na 4 pìosan aig uidheam an-iom-tharraing a chruinneachadh a chailleadh o chionn aimsir!"
 A_Space_Adventure-moon01.name="Prìomh-mhisean: A’ chiad stad"
-A_Space_Adventure-moon01.desc="Laigh Spìceach air a’ ghealach gus connadh fhaighinn dhan t-soitheach aige ach ràinig an t-Ollamh Olc an t-àite roimhe agus ri esan fàth-feitheamh! Sàbhail luchd-rannsachaidh CnanG agus cuir ruaig air an Ollamh Olc!"
+A_Space_Adventure-moon01.desc="Laigh ar gaisgeach air a’ ghealach gus connadh fhaighinn dhan t-soitheach aige ach ràinig an t-Ollamh Olc an t-àite roimhe agus ri esan fàth-feitheamh! Sàbhail luchd-rannsachaidh CnanG agus cuir ruaig air an Ollamh Olc!"
 A_Space_Adventure-moon02.name="Misean far-bhealaich: An toir air a’ ghràineag ghorm"
-A_Space_Adventure-moon02.desc="Tha Spìceach a’ tadhail air aonaran a tha ’na sheann-ghaisgeach CnanG ’s a’ fuireach air a’ ghealach gus fiosrachadh a chruinneachadh air dè tha an t-Ollamh Olc ris. Gidheadh, feumaidh e ruaig a chur air an aonaran, Dudar-Leum an ruithedair craicte, ann an rèis an toiseach!"
+A_Space_Adventure-moon02.desc="Tha ar gaisgeach a’ tadhal air aonaran a tha ’na sheann-ghaisgeach CnanG ’s a’ fuireach air a’ ghealach gus fiosrachadh a chruinneachadh air dè tha an t-Ollamh Olc ris. Gidheadh, feumaidh e ruaig a chur air an aonaran, an Ruithedair Craicte, ann an rèis an toiseach!"
 A_Space_Adventure-ice01.name="Prìomh-mhisean: Dàna-thuras reòite"
-A_Space_Adventure-ice01.desc="Fàilte gu planaid na deighe. Tha i cho fuar an-seo nach obraich a’ mhòrchuid a dh’airm aig Spìceach. Feumaidh tu a’ phàirt chaillte fhaighinn o Shanntach, ceannard nan slaightearan le taic nan arm a lorgas tu ann!"
+A_Space_Adventure-ice01.desc="Fàilte gu planaid na deighe. Tha i cho fuar an-seo nach obraich a’ mhòrchuid a dh’airm. Feumaidh tu a’ phàirt chaillte fhaighinn o Shanntach, ceannard nan slaightearan le taic nan arm a lorgas tu ann!"
 A_Space_Adventure-ice02.name="Misean far-bhealaich: Itealaich chruaidh"
-A_Space_Adventure-ice02.desc="Cha b’ fhiach gun tadhladh Spìceach air planaid na deighe gun tadhal air Stèideam Oilimpeach na h-Itealaich Soithich! Dearbh na sgilean sgiathaidh agad sa mhisean seo agus faigh d’ àite air clàr nan curaidh!"
+A_Space_Adventure-ice02.desc="Cha b’ fhiach gun tadhladh ar gaisgeach air planaid na deighe gun tadhal air Stèideam Oilimpeach na h-Itealaich Soithich! Dearbh na sgilean sgiathaidh agad sa mhisean seo agus faigh d’ àite air clàr nan curaidh!"
 A_Space_Adventure-desert01.name="Prìomh-mhisean: Lorg san duslach"
-A_Space_Adventure-desert01.desc="Laigh thu air planaid na gaineimh! Feumaidh Spìceach a’ phàirt a tha a dhìth a lorg sna tunailean fon talamh. Thoir an aire on a tha cùiltearan ri fàth-feitheamh ort!"
+A_Space_Adventure-desert01.desc="Laigh thu air planaid na gaineimh! Feumaidh ar gaisgeach a’ phàirt a tha a dhìth a lorg sna tunailean fon talamh. Thoir an aire on a tha cùiltearan ri fàth-feitheamh ort!"
 A_Space_Adventure-desert02.name="Misean far-bhealaich: Ruith gus mairsinn beò"
-A_Space_Adventure-desert02.desc="Bha Spìceach a’ sireadh a’ phàirt san tunail seo nuair a thàinig tuile air gu h-obann! Tarraing às dhan uachdar agus thoir an aire nach buail thu ri mèinn."
+A_Space_Adventure-desert02.desc="Bha ar gaisgeach a’ sireadh a’ phàirt san tunail seo nuair a thàinig tuile air gu h-obann! Tarraing às dhan uachdar agus thoir an aire nach buail thu ri mèinn."
 A_Space_Adventure-desert03.name="Misean far-bhealaich: Itealaich phongail"
-A_Space_Adventure-desert03.desc="Tha beagan ùine aig Spìceach airson beagan tlachd leis an itealan le smachd chèin aige. Stiùirich an t-itealan agus buail air na targaidean uile!"
+A_Space_Adventure-desert03.desc="Tha beagan ùine aig ar gaisgeach airson beagan tlachd le itealan le smachd chèin. Stiùirich an t-itealan agus buail air na targaidean uile!"
 A_Space_Adventure-fruit01.name="Prìomh-mhisean: Droch-àm"
 A_Space_Adventure-fruit01.desc="Chan eil cùisean mar bu chòir air planaid nam meas. Chan eil na gràineagan a’ buain nam measan ach ag ullachadh airson a’ bhlàir. Feumaich tu co-dhùnadh a dhèanamh an teich thu no an sabaid thu."
 A_Space_Adventure-fruit02.name="Prìomh-mhisean: A’ ruigsinn an uidheim"
-A_Space_Adventure-fruit02.desc="Tha Spìceach a’ teannadh air a’ phàirt chaillte air planaid nam meas. An cuidich Caiptean Liomaid e ach am faigh e i gus nach cuidich?"
+A_Space_Adventure-fruit02.desc="Tha ar gaisgeach a’ teannadh air a’ phàirt chaillte air planaid nam meas. An cuidich Caiptean Liomaid thu ach am faigh thu i gus nach cuidich?"
 A_Space_Adventure-fruit03.name="Prìomh-mhisean: Losgadh pongail"
-A_Space_Adventure-fruit03.desc="Chaidh Spìceach air seachran agus rinn na Sùbhan-làir Dearga fàth-feitheamh air. Cuidich e ach an cuir e às dhaibh gus am buannaich e connaidh airson an ath-mhisein “A’ ruigsinn an uidheim”."
+A_Space_Adventure-fruit03.desc="Chaidh ar gaisgeach air seachran agus rinn na Sùbhan-làir Dearga fàth-feitheamh air. Cuir às dhaibh agus buannaich connadh airson an ath-mhisein “A’ ruigsinn an uidheim”."
 A_Space_Adventure-death01.name="Prìomh-mhisean: An tachairt mu dheireadh"
-A_Space_Adventure-death01.desc="’S e a’ phlanaid as mì-thorraiche a th’ ann am planaid a’ chrìonadh agus tha Spìceach glè dhlùth air pàirt mu dheireadh an uidheam a lorg oirre! Gidheadh, tha forbhas mì-thaitneach roimhe…"
+A_Space_Adventure-death01.desc="’S e a’ phlanaid as mì-thorraiche a th’ ann am planaid a’ chrìonadh agus tha ar gaisgeach glè dhlùth air pàirt mu dheireadh an uidheam a lorg oirre! Gidheadh, tha forbhas mì-thaitneach roimhe…"
 A_Space_Adventure-death02.name="Misean far-bhealaich: A’ marbhadh nan eòlaichean"
-A_Space_Adventure-death02.desc="Tha Spìceach ann an droch-staing a-rithist. Feuch an dèan a e’ chùis air na “5 gràineagan marbhtach”!"
+A_Space_Adventure-death02.desc="Tha ar gaisgeach ann an droch-staing a-rithist. Cuir ruaig air na “5 gràineagan marbhtach”!"
 A_Space_Adventure-final.name="Prìomh-mhisean: Am brag mòr"
-A_Space_Adventure-final.desc="Feumaidh Spìceach stuthan-spreadhaidh a chaidh a chur air a’ mheatoraid a spreadhadh. Cuir taic dha ach an coilean e am misean aige gun leòn air!"
\ No newline at end of file
+A_Space_Adventure-final.desc="Feumaidh ar gaisgeach stuthan-spreadhaidh a chaidh a chur air a’ mheatoraid a spreadhadh. Coilean am misean seo gun leòn ort!"
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/gd.txt	Fri Jun 21 00:33:56 2019 +0300
+++ b/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/gd.txt	Fri Jun 21 20:08:05 2019 +0200
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 ; Scottish Gaelic locale
+; Weapon names
 00:01=Boma sgapaidh
@@ -13,6 +14,7 @@
 00:11=Bata ball-beusa
+; Short for “second” (unit of time)
 00:15=Ionnsaigh adhair
@@ -62,6 +64,7 @@
+; Game messages and HUD texts
 01:00=’Ga luchdadh …
 01:01=Cuairt co-ionnann
 01:02=bhuannaich %1!
@@ -72,11 +75,12 @@
 01:07=%1 air fhàgail
 01:08=Connadh: %1%
 01:09=’Ga shioncronachadh…
-01:10=Cha chuir an acainn seo crìoch air a’ chuairt agad!
+01:10=Cha chuir seo crìoch air a’ chuairt agad!
 01:11=Chan eil an t-arm no acainn seo ri làimh fhathast!
 01:12=A’ chuairt mu dheireadh ron bhàs obann!
 01:13=%1 c(h)uairt(ean) gun bhàs obann!
 01:14=Ullaichibh, %1!
+; Bounciness adjectives
@@ -115,6 +119,8 @@
 01:46=[Clan] %1: %2
 ; Hedgehog chat. %1 = hog name, %2 = message
 01:47=[%1]: %2
+; Symbol for unknown mine timer
 ; Event messages
 ; Normal hog (%1) died (0 health)
@@ -426,6 +432,8 @@
 02:07=Barrachd acainnean
 02:07=Tha coltas feumail air seo
 02:07=Seo acainnean dhan innleadair
+02:07=Cruinnich na h-acainnean uile!
+02:07=Seo acainnean dhut!
 ; Hog (%1) skips his turn
 02:08=Abair thusa gu bheil %1 ràsanach…
@@ -500,6 +508,16 @@
 02:09=Tha mi cinnteach nach fhaca duine beò sin, %1
 02:09=Tha %1 feumach air barrachd oideachaidh
 02:09=Tha e follaiseach gun deach rudeigin cearr leis an arm aig %1
+02:09=Tha %1 ’ga ionnsachadh fhathast
+02:09=Tha %1 dèidheil air pian
+02:09=Tha %1 a’ cur an nàmhaid am breisleach
+02:09=Tha rudeigin cearr air %1
+02:09=Gun rachadh e na b’ fearr leat an ath-thuras, %1!
+02:09=Tha %1 a’ sabaid ’na aghaidh fhèin
+02:09=Tha %1 fo mhisg
+02:09=Ach carson, %1?
+02:09=Bha droch-thubaist air %1
 ; Home run: Hog (%1) uses baseball bat to throw other hog far out of the left/right map bounds
 02:10=A’ seòladh nan neul!
@@ -520,6 +538,11 @@
 02:11=Tha %1 ro thrang airson cluiche
 02:11=Chaidh %1 air chall!
 02:11=Feumaidh %1 falbh
+02:11=Dh’fhalbh %1 leis a’ ghaoith
+02:11=Tha %1 a’ teicheadh
+02:11=Tha %1 feumach air saor-làithean
+02:11=Tha obair-dhachaigh ri dèanamh aig %1
+02:11=Tha a’ chabhag air %1
 ; Hog (%1) was poisoned
 02:12=Tha %1 bochd
@@ -611,7 +634,7 @@
 02:17=Cha riaghlaidh %1 tuilleadh
 02:17=Fhuair %1 bàs mar a fhuair an rìoghachd
-; Weapon Categories
+; Weapon categories/subcaptions
 03:00=Durcan-spreadhaidh le tìmear
 03:01=Durcan-spreadhaidh le tìmear
 03:02=Arm tilgeil
@@ -675,7 +698,7 @@
 03:59=Arm neo-choileanta
 03:60=An t-arm losgaidh as fhearr
-; Weapon Descriptions (use | as line breaks)
+; Weapon descriptions (use | as line breaks)
 04:00=Thoir ionnsaigh air na nàimhdean agad le durcan-spreadhaidh simplidh.|Spreadhaidh e nuair a ruigeas an tìmear aige neoni.|1-5: Suidhich tìmear an durcain|Amas pongail + 1-5: Suidhich neart a’ bhocaidh|Ionnsaigh: Cum sìos gus a thilgeil le barrachd neart
 04:01=Thoir ionnsaigh air na nàimhdean agad le boma sgapaidh.|Thèid a sgapadh ’na bomaichean beaga nuair a ruigeas|an tìmear aige neoni.|1-5: Suidhich tìmear a’ bhoma|Amas pongail + 1-5: Suidhich neart a’ bhocaidh|Ionnsaigh: Cum sìos gus a thilgeil le barrachd neart
 04:02=Thoir ionnsaigh air do nàimhdean le pròiseactal-tilgidh|air an dig buaidh na gaoithe ma dh’fhaoidte.|Ionnsaigh: Cum sìos gus a thilgeil le barrachd neart
@@ -719,7 +742,7 @@
 04:40=Cuir teine air an làr leis a’ bhotal seo a tha làn lionna|a loisgeas (an ceann greis).|Ionnsaigh: Cum sìos gus a thilgeil le barrachd neart
 04:41=Seo dearbhadh gu bheil an nàdar as cumhachdaiche na an soitheach-itealaich.|Giùlainidh an t-eunan do ghràineag mu thimcheall agus leigidh e uighean air|na nàimhdean gus am puinnseanachadh!|Bi luath on a chaitheas an t-eunan ùine na cuairte agad!|Ionnsaigh: Gnìomhaich is leig às uighean|Suas/Clì/Deas: Clap sgiathan ’na chomhair sin
 04:42=Bheir an t-inneal tele-phortaidh so-ghiùlan seo nithean on dàrna|ionad dhan ionad eile sa bhad – thu fhèin, nàmhaid no airm.|Cleachd gu glic e ach an dèid an latha leat!|Aithris-àichidh\: Chan obraich e air bann rubair.|Ionnsaigh: Tilg doras|Dèan suids: Atharraich dath an dorais
-04:43=Cuir an t-iongnadh air càch le do chuid ciùil!|Tuit clàrsach mòr o na speuran|a mhilleas gad rud ’na rathad ach thoir an aire:|Thèid do ghràineag ’na h-ìobairt gus an clàrsach a ghairm.|Cùrsair: Tagh raon amais|F1-F9: Seinn air a’ chlàrsach
+04:43=Cuir an t-iongnadh air càch le do chuid ciùil!|Tuit clàrsach mòr o na speuran|a mhilleas gad rud ’na rathad ach thoir an aire\:|Thèid do ghràineag ’na h-ìobairt gus an clàrsach a ghairm.|Cùrsair: Tagh raon amais|F1-F9: Seinn air a’ chlàrsach
 04:44=Chan e càise a th’ ann ach cogadh bith-eòlach! Cha dèan e mòran|dochainn nuair a ruigeas an tìmear neoni ach thèid gràineag|sam bith a bheir fàileadh às a phuinnseanachadh!|1-5: Suidhich an tìmear|Amas pongail + 1-5: Suidhich neart a’ bhocaidh|Ionnsaigh: Cum sìos gus a thilgeil le barrachd neart
 04:45=Gheibh thu buannachd às an eòlas-nàdair mu dheireadh thall!|Cuir gu dol tonn sìneis marbhtach a loisgeas tron tìr.|Thoir an aire on a tha putadh làidir aig an arm seo.|Ionnsaigh: Loisg
 04:46=Còmhdaich do nàimhdean le lasair theth.|Bheir i tiomachadh air an cridheachan!|Ionnsaigh: Gnìomhaich|Suas/Sìos: Lean ort ’ga amas|Clì/Deas: Gleus neart an steallaidh
@@ -791,3 +814,5 @@
 06:24=/shrug: Crathaidh gràineag a gualainn
 06:25=/wave: Smèididh gràineag
 06:26=Àithne nach aithne dhuinn no paramadairean mì-dhligheach. Can “/help” sa chabadaich airson nan àitheantan a shealltainn.
+06:27=/help room: Seall àitheantan cabadaich an t-seòmair
+06:28=Chan eil thu air loidhne!
--- a/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/hedgewars_gd.ts	Fri Jun 21 00:33:56 2019 +0300
+++ b/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/hedgewars_gd.ts	Fri Jun 21 20:08:05 2019 +0200
@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<TS version="2.1" language="gd">
+<?xml version="1.0" ?><!DOCTYPE TS><TS language="gd" version="2.1">
@@ -9,7 +7,7 @@
         <source>Hedgewars %1</source>
-        <extracomment>%1 contains Hedgewars&apos; version number</extracomment>
+        <extracomment>%1 contains Hedgewars' version number</extracomment>
         <translation>Hedgewars %1</translation>
@@ -31,7 +29,7 @@
         <source>Dependency versions:</source>
-        <extracomment>For the version numbers of Hedgewars&apos; software dependencies</extracomment>
+        <extracomment>For the version numbers of Hedgewars' software dependencies</extracomment>
         <translation>Tionndaidhean na eisimeileachdan:</translation>
@@ -80,46 +78,46 @@
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Urram</translation>
         <source>Other people</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Daoine eile</translation>
         <source>%1 (alias %2)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>%1 (alias %2)</translation>
         <source>%1 &amp;lt;%2&amp;gt;</source>
         <extracomment>Part of credits. %1: Contributor name. %2: E-mail address</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>%1 &amp;lt;%2&amp;gt;</translation>
         <source>%1: %2</source>
         <extracomment>Part of credits. %1: Description of contribution. %2: Contributor name</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>%1: %2</translation>
         <source>%1: %2 &amp;lt;%3&amp;gt;</source>
         <extracomment>Part of credits. %1: Description of contribution. %2: Contributor name. %3: E-mail address</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>%1: %2 &amp;lt;%3&amp;gt;</translation>
         <source>Extended Credits</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Barrachd urraim</translation>
         <source>An extended credits list can be found in the CREDITS text file.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Gheibh thu liosta le barrachd urraman san fhaidhle teacsa CREDITS.</translation>
         <source>&lt;a href=&quot;https://visualstudio.microsoft.com&quot;&gt;VC++&lt;/a&gt;: %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>&lt;a href=&quot;https://visualstudio.microsoft.com&quot;&gt;VC++&lt;/a&gt;: %1</translation>
         <source>Unknown Compiler: %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Trusaiche nach aithne dhuinn: %1</translation>
@@ -246,12 +244,7 @@
     <message numerus="yes">
         <source>Every %1 turn</source>
-        <translation>
-            <numerusform>Gach %1d cuairt</numerusform>
-            <numerusform>Gach %1a cuairt</numerusform>
-            <numerusform>Gach %1mh cuairt</numerusform>
-            <numerusform>Gach %1mh cuairt</numerusform>
-        </translation>
+        <translation><numerusform>Gach %1d cuairt</numerusform><numerusform>Gach %1a cuairt</numerusform><numerusform>Gach %1mh cuairt</numerusform><numerusform>Gach %1mh cuairt</numerusform></translation>
@@ -280,6 +273,10 @@
+        <source>new</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
@@ -307,48 +304,23 @@
     <message numerus="yes">
         <source>%1 minutes</source>
-        <translation>
-            <numerusform>%1 mhionaid</numerusform>
-            <numerusform>%1 mhionaid</numerusform>
-            <numerusform>%1 mionaidean</numerusform>
-            <numerusform>%1 mionaid</numerusform>
-        </translation>
+        <translation><numerusform>%1 mhionaid</numerusform><numerusform>%1 mhionaid</numerusform><numerusform>%1 mionaidean</numerusform><numerusform>%1 mionaid</numerusform></translation>
     <message numerus="yes">
         <source>%1 hour</source>
-        <translation>
-            <numerusform>%1 uair</numerusform>
-            <numerusform>%1 uair</numerusform>
-            <numerusform>%1 uairean</numerusform>
-            <numerusform>%1 uair</numerusform>
-        </translation>
+        <translation><numerusform>%1 uair</numerusform><numerusform>%1 uair</numerusform><numerusform>%1 uairean</numerusform><numerusform>%1 uair</numerusform></translation>
     <message numerus="yes">
         <source>%1 hours</source>
-        <translation>
-            <numerusform>%1 uair</numerusform>
-            <numerusform>%1 uair</numerusform>
-            <numerusform>%1 uairean</numerusform>
-            <numerusform>%1 uair</numerusform>
-        </translation>
+        <translation><numerusform>%1 uair</numerusform><numerusform>%1 uair</numerusform><numerusform>%1 uairean</numerusform><numerusform>%1 uair</numerusform></translation>
     <message numerus="yes">
         <source>%1 day</source>
-        <translation>
-            <numerusform>%1 latha</numerusform>
-            <numerusform>%1 latha</numerusform>
-            <numerusform>%1 làithean</numerusform>
-            <numerusform>%1 latha</numerusform>
-        </translation>
+        <translation><numerusform>%1 latha</numerusform><numerusform>%1 latha</numerusform><numerusform>%1 làithean</numerusform><numerusform>%1 latha</numerusform></translation>
     <message numerus="yes">
         <source>%1 days</source>
-        <translation>
-            <numerusform>%1 latha</numerusform>
-            <numerusform>%1 latha</numerusform>
-            <numerusform>%1 làithean</numerusform>
-            <numerusform>%1 latha</numerusform>
-        </translation>
+        <translation><numerusform>%1 latha</numerusform><numerusform>%1 latha</numerusform><numerusform>%1 làithean</numerusform><numerusform>%1 latha</numerusform></translation>
         <source>Scheme &apos;%1&apos; not supported</source>
@@ -556,7 +528,7 @@
         <translation>Hedgewars – Far-ainm clàraichte</translation>
-        <source>This nick is registered, and you haven&apos;t specified a password.
+        <source>This nick is registered, and you haven't specified a password.
 If this nick isn’t yours, please register your own nick at www.hedgewars.org
@@ -637,9 +609,9 @@
         <translation>Sgioba %1</translation>
-        <source>This nick is registered, and you haven&apos;t specified a password.
+        <source>This nick is registered, and you haven't specified a password.
-If this nick isn&apos;t yours, please register your own nick at www.hedgewars.org
+If this nick isn't yours, please register your own nick at www.hedgewars.org
         <translation>Tha am far-ainm seo clàraichte ’s cha chuir thu facal-faire a-steach.
@@ -682,7 +654,7 @@
 We are very sorry for the inconvenience :(
-If this keeps happening, please click the &apos;%1&apos; button in the main menu!
+If this keeps happening, please click the '%1' button in the main menu!
 Last two engine messages:
@@ -700,7 +672,7 @@
 We are very sorry for the inconvenience. :-(
-If this keeps happening, please click the &apos;Feedback&apos; button in the main menu!
+If this keeps happening, please click the 'Feedback' button in the main menu!
 Last engine message:
@@ -906,15 +878,15 @@
         <source>Scale size of the drawn map</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Sgèilich meud tarraing a’ mhapa</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished">Luchdaich</translation>
+        <translation>Luchdaich</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Deasaich</translation>
@@ -961,6 +933,10 @@
         <translation>Thàinig %1 *** %2 a-steach dhan t-seòmar</translation>
+        <source>%1 *** %2 has joined</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <source>%1 *** %2 has left (%3)</source>
         <translation>Dh’fhalbh %1 *** %2  (%3)</translation>
@@ -1020,7 +996,7 @@
         <source>To connect to the server, please log in.
-If you don&apos;t have an account on www.hedgewars.org,
+If you don't have an account on www.hedgewars.org,
 just enter your nickname.</source>
         <translation>Clàraich a-steach gus ceangal ris an fhrithealaiche.
@@ -1047,11 +1023,18 @@
 As a workaround, you could try to reset the Hedgewars video recorder settings to the defaults.
-To report this error, please click the &apos;Feedback&apos; button in the main menu!
+To report this error, please click the 'Feedback' button in the main menu!
 Last engine message:
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Thachair mearachd MHARBHTACH fhad ’s a bha sinn a’ pròiseasadh clàradh a’ video! Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn a’ video a shàbhaladh.
+B’ urrainn dhut inneal-clàraidh Hedgewars ath-shuidheachadh air na bun-roghainnean feuch an cuidich sin.
+Airson aithris a dhèanamh air a’ mhearachd seo, briog air a’ phutan “Beachdan thugainn” air a’ phrìomh chlàr-taice!
+An teachdaireachd mu dheireadh aig an einnsein:
@@ -1092,6 +1075,13 @@
+    <name>KB</name>
+    <message>
+        <source>SDL_ttf returned error while rendering text, most propably it is related to the bug in freetype2. It&apos;s recommended to update your freetype lib.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -1099,7 +1089,7 @@
         <source>Warning: The same key is assigned multiple times!</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Rabhadh: Chaidh an t-aon iuchair a nasgadh iomadh turas!</translation>
@@ -1168,12 +1158,7 @@
     <message numerus="yes">
         <source>%1 seconds</source>
-        <translation>
-            <numerusform>%1 diog</numerusform>
-            <numerusform>%1 dhiog</numerusform>
-            <numerusform>%1 diogan</numerusform>
-            <numerusform>%1 diog</numerusform>
-        </translation>
+        <translation><numerusform>%1 diog</numerusform><numerusform>%1 dhiog</numerusform><numerusform>%1 diogan</numerusform><numerusform>%1 diog</numerusform></translation>
@@ -1460,67 +1445,32 @@
     <message numerus="yes">
         <source>The best shot award was won by &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; with &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; pts.</source>
-        <translation>
-            <numerusform>Bhuannaich &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; duais an losgaidh as fhearr le &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; phuing.</numerusform>
-            <numerusform>Bhuannaich &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; duais an losgaidh as fhearr le &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; phuing.</numerusform>
-            <numerusform>Bhuannaich &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; duais an losgaidh as fhearr le &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; puingean.</numerusform>
-            <numerusform>Bhuannaich &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; duais an losgaidh as fhearr le &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; puing.</numerusform>
-        </translation>
+        <translation><numerusform>Bhuannaich &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; duais an losgaidh as fhearr le &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; phuing.</numerusform><numerusform>Bhuannaich &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; duais an losgaidh as fhearr le &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; phuing.</numerusform><numerusform>Bhuannaich &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; duais an losgaidh as fhearr le &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; puingean.</numerusform><numerusform>Bhuannaich &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; duais an losgaidh as fhearr le &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; puing.</numerusform></translation>
     <message numerus="yes">
         <source>The best killer is &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; with &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; kills in a turn.</source>
-        <translation>
-            <numerusform>Is &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; am marbhaiche as fhearr le &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; mharbhadh ann an cuairt.</numerusform>
-            <numerusform>Is &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; am marbhaiche as fhearr le &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; mharbhadh ann an cuairt.</numerusform>
-            <numerusform>Is &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; am marbhaiche as fhearr le &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; marbhaidhean ann an cuairt.</numerusform>
-            <numerusform>Is &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; am marbhaiche as fhearr le &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; marbhadh ann an cuairt.</numerusform>
-        </translation>
+        <translation><numerusform>Is &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; am marbhaiche as fhearr le &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; mharbhadh ann an cuairt.</numerusform><numerusform>Is &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; am marbhaiche as fhearr le &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; mharbhadh ann an cuairt.</numerusform><numerusform>Is &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; am marbhaiche as fhearr le &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; marbhaidhean ann an cuairt.</numerusform><numerusform>Is &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; am marbhaiche as fhearr le &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; marbhadh ann an cuairt.</numerusform></translation>
     <message numerus="yes">
         <source>A total of &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; hedgehog(s) were killed during this round.</source>
-        <translation>
-            <numerusform>Chaidh &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; ghràineag a mharbhadh uile gu lèir sa chuairt seo.</numerusform>
-            <numerusform>Chaidh &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; ghràineag a mharbhadh uile gu lèir sa chuairt seo.</numerusform>
-            <numerusform>Chaidh &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; gràineagan a mharbhadh uile gu lèir sa chuairt seo.</numerusform>
-            <numerusform>Chaidh &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; gràineag a mharbhadh uile gu lèir sa chuairt seo.</numerusform>
-        </translation>
+        <translation><numerusform>Chaidh &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; ghràineag a mharbhadh uile gu lèir sa chuairt seo.</numerusform><numerusform>Chaidh &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; ghràineag a mharbhadh uile gu lèir sa chuairt seo.</numerusform><numerusform>Chaidh &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; gràineagan a mharbhadh uile gu lèir sa chuairt seo.</numerusform><numerusform>Chaidh &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; gràineag a mharbhadh uile gu lèir sa chuairt seo.</numerusform></translation>
     <message numerus="yes">
         <source>(%1 kill)</source>
         <extracomment>Number of kills in stats screen, written after the team name</extracomment>
-        <translation>
-            <numerusform>(%1 mharbhadh)</numerusform>
-            <numerusform>(%1 mharbhadh)</numerusform>
-            <numerusform>(%1 marbhaidhean)</numerusform>
-            <numerusform>(%1 marbhadh)</numerusform>
-        </translation>
+        <translation><numerusform>(%1 mharbhadh)</numerusform><numerusform>(%1 mharbhadh)</numerusform><numerusform>(%1 marbhaidhean)</numerusform><numerusform>(%1 marbhadh)</numerusform></translation>
     <message numerus="yes">
         <source>&lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; thought it&apos;s good to shoot his own hedgehogs with &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; pts.</source>
-        <translation type="vanished">
-            <numerusform>Bha &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; dhen bheachd gum b’ fheairrde e na gràineagan aige fhèin a mharbhadh le &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; phuing.</numerusform>
-            <numerusform>Bha &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; dhen bheachd gum b’ fheairrde e na gràineagan aige fhèin a mharbhadh le &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; phuing.</numerusform>
-            <numerusform>Bha &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; dhen bheachd gum b’ fheairrde e na gràineagan aige fhèin a mharbhadh le &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; puingean.</numerusform>
-            <numerusform>Bha &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; dhen bheachd gum b’ fheairrde e na gràineagan aige fhèin a mharbhadh le &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; puing.</numerusform>
-        </translation>
+        <translation type="vanished"><numerusform>Bha &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; dhen bheachd gum b’ fheairrde e na gràineagan aige fhèin a mharbhadh le &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; phuing.</numerusform><numerusform>Bha &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; dhen bheachd gum b’ fheairrde e na gràineagan aige fhèin a mharbhadh le &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; phuing.</numerusform><numerusform>Bha &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; dhen bheachd gum b’ fheairrde e na gràineagan aige fhèin a mharbhadh le &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; puingean.</numerusform><numerusform>Bha &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; dhen bheachd gum b’ fheairrde e na gràineagan aige fhèin a mharbhadh le &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; puing.</numerusform></translation>
     <message numerus="yes">
         <source>&lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; killed &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; of his own hedgehogs.</source>
-        <translation type="vanished">
-            <numerusform>Mharbh &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; dhe na gràineagan aige fhèin.</numerusform>
-            <numerusform>Mharbh &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; dhe na gràineagan aige fhèin.</numerusform>
-            <numerusform>Mharbh &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; dhe na gràineagan aige fhèin.</numerusform>
-            <numerusform>Mharbh &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; dhe na gràineagan aige fhèin.</numerusform>
-        </translation>
+        <translation type="vanished"><numerusform>Mharbh &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; dhe na gràineagan aige fhèin.</numerusform><numerusform>Mharbh &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; dhe na gràineagan aige fhèin.</numerusform><numerusform>Mharbh &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; dhe na gràineagan aige fhèin.</numerusform><numerusform>Mharbh &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; dhe na gràineagan aige fhèin.</numerusform></translation>
     <message numerus="yes">
         <source>&lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; was scared and skipped turn &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; times.</source>
-        <translation>
-            <numerusform>Thàinig an t-eagal air &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; agus leig e seachad a chuairt &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; turas.</numerusform>
-            <numerusform>Thàinig an t-eagal air &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; agus leig e seachad a chuairt &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; thuras.</numerusform>
-            <numerusform>Thàinig an t-eagal air &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; agus leig e seachad a chuairt &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; tursan.</numerusform>
-            <numerusform>Thàinig an t-eagal air &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; agus leig e seachad a chuairt &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; turas.</numerusform>
-        </translation>
+        <translation><numerusform>Thàinig an t-eagal air &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; agus leig e seachad a chuairt &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; turas.</numerusform><numerusform>Thàinig an t-eagal air &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; agus leig e seachad a chuairt &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; thuras.</numerusform><numerusform>Thàinig an t-eagal air &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; agus leig e seachad a chuairt &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; tursan.</numerusform><numerusform>Thàinig an t-eagal air &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; agus leig e seachad a chuairt &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; turas.</numerusform></translation>
         <source>Play again</source>
@@ -1533,30 +1483,15 @@
     <message numerus="yes">
         <source>(%1 %2)</source>
         <extracomment>For custom number of points in the stats screen, written after the team name. %1 is the number, %2 is the word. Example: “4 points”</extracomment>
-        <translation>
-            <numerusform>(%1 %2)</numerusform>
-            <numerusform>(%1 %2)</numerusform>
-            <numerusform>(%1 %2)</numerusform>
-            <numerusform>(%1 %2)</numerusform>
-        </translation>
+        <translation><numerusform>(%1 %2)</numerusform><numerusform>(%1 %2)</numerusform><numerusform>(%1 %2)</numerusform><numerusform>(%1 %2)</numerusform></translation>
     <message numerus="yes">
         <source>&lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; thought it&apos;s good to shoot their own hedgehogs for &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; pts.</source>
-        <translation>
-            <numerusform>Bha &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; dhen bheachd gum b’ fheairrde e na gràineagan aige fhèin a mharbhadh airson &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; phuing.</numerusform>
-            <numerusform>Bha &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; dhen bheachd gum b’ fheairrde e na gràineagan aige fhèin a mharbhadh airson &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; phuing.</numerusform>
-            <numerusform>Bha &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; dhen bheachd gum b’ fheairrde e na gràineagan aige fhèin a mharbhadh airson &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; puingean.</numerusform>
-            <numerusform>Bha &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; dhen bheachd gum b’ fheairrde e na gràineagan aige fhèin a mharbhadh airson &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; puing.</numerusform>
-        </translation>
+        <translation><numerusform>Bha &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; dhen bheachd gum b’ fheairrde e na gràineagan aige fhèin a mharbhadh airson &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; phuing.</numerusform><numerusform>Bha &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; dhen bheachd gum b’ fheairrde e na gràineagan aige fhèin a mharbhadh airson &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; phuing.</numerusform><numerusform>Bha &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; dhen bheachd gum b’ fheairrde e na gràineagan aige fhèin a mharbhadh airson &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; puingean.</numerusform><numerusform>Bha &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; dhen bheachd gum b’ fheairrde e na gràineagan aige fhèin a mharbhadh airson &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; puing.</numerusform></translation>
     <message numerus="yes">
         <source>&lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; killed &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; of their own hedgehogs.</source>
-        <translation>
-            <numerusform>Mharbh &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; dhe na gràineagan aca fhèin.</numerusform>
-            <numerusform>Mharbh &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; dhe na gràineagan aca fhèin.</numerusform>
-            <numerusform>Mharbh &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; dhe na gràineagan aca fhèin.</numerusform>
-            <numerusform>Mharbh &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; dhe na gràineagan aca fhèin.</numerusform>
-        </translation>
+        <translation><numerusform>Mharbh &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; dhe na gràineagan aca fhèin.</numerusform><numerusform>Mharbh &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; dhe na gràineagan aca fhèin.</numerusform><numerusform>Mharbh &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; dhe na gràineagan aca fhèin.</numerusform><numerusform>Mharbh &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; dhe na gràineagan aca fhèin.</numerusform></translation>
         <source>With everyone having the same clan color, there was no reason to fight. And so the hedgehogs happily lived in peace ever after.</source>
@@ -1565,31 +1500,16 @@
     <message numerus="yes">
         <source>(%1 point(s))</source>
         <extracomment>Number of points in stats screen, written after the team name</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished">
-            <numerusform></numerusform>
-            <numerusform></numerusform>
-            <numerusform></numerusform>
-            <numerusform></numerusform>
-        </translation>
+        <translation><numerusform>(%1 phuing)</numerusform><numerusform>(%1 phuing)</numerusform><numerusform>(%1 puingean)</numerusform><numerusform>(%1 puing)</numerusform></translation>
     <message numerus="yes">
         <source>(%L1 second(s))</source>
         <extracomment>Time in seconds</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished">
-            <numerusform></numerusform>
-            <numerusform></numerusform>
-            <numerusform></numerusform>
-            <numerusform></numerusform>
-        </translation>
+        <translation><numerusform>(%L1 diog)</numerusform><numerusform>(%L1 dhiog)</numerusform><numerusform>(%L1 diogan)</numerusform><numerusform>(%L1 diog)</numerusform></translation>
     <message numerus="yes">
         <source>(%1 crate(s))</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished">
-            <numerusform></numerusform>
-            <numerusform></numerusform>
-            <numerusform></numerusform>
-            <numerusform></numerusform>
-        </translation>
+        <translation><numerusform>(%1 chreat)</numerusform><numerusform>(%1 chreat)</numerusform><numerusform>(%1 creataichean)</numerusform><numerusform>(%1 creat)</numerusform></translation>
@@ -1688,24 +1608,28 @@
         <source>Connect to the selected server</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Ceangail ris an fhrithealaiche a thagh thu</translation>
         <source>Update the list of servers</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Ùraich liosta nam frithealaichean</translation>
         <source>Specify the address and port number of a known server and connect to it directly</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Sònraich seòladh is àireamh puirt aig frithealaiche air a bheil thu eòlach is ceangail ris gu dìreach</translation>
         <source>Start private server</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished">Tòisich frithealaiche prìobhaideach</translation>
+        <translation>Tòisich air frithealaiche prìobhaideach</translation>
+        <source>Control</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <source>Edit game preferences</source>
         <translation>Deasaich roghainnean a’ gheama</translation>
@@ -1837,7 +1761,7 @@
         <source>Reset to default</source>
-        <translation>Ath-shuidhich air a’ bhun-roghainn</translation>
+        <translation>A’ bhun-roghainn</translation>
         <source>Reset all binds</source>
@@ -1972,17 +1896,24 @@
+        <source>Create</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>Join</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <source>Admin features</source>
+    <message>
+        <source>Room Name:</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
     <message numerus="yes">
         <source>%1 players online</source>
-        <translation>
-            <numerusform>%1 chluicheadair air loidhne</numerusform>
-            <numerusform>%1 chluicheadair air loidhne</numerusform>
-            <numerusform>%1 cluicheadairean air loidhne</numerusform>
-            <numerusform>%1 cluicheadair air loidhne</numerusform>
-        </translation>
+        <translation><numerusform>%1 chluicheadair air loidhne</numerusform><numerusform>%1 chluicheadair air loidhne</numerusform><numerusform>%1 cluicheadairean air loidhne</numerusform><numerusform>%1 cluicheadair air loidhne</numerusform></translation>
         <source>Search for a room:</source>
@@ -2008,6 +1939,14 @@
+        <source>Defend your fort and destroy the opponents, two team colours max!</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>Teams will start on opposite sides of the terrain, two team colours max!</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <source>Land can not be destroyed!</source>
         <translation type="vanished">Cha ghabh an talamh a mhilleadh!</translation>
@@ -2134,7 +2073,7 @@
         <source>Overall damage and knockback in percent</source>
         <extracomment>Description of the game scheme setting “Damage Modifier”. “Knockback” means how much hedgehogs and objects get pushed by explosions and other forces</extracomment>
-        <translation>Dochainn coitcheann agus bualadh air ais ann an ceudad</translation>
+        <translation>Dochainn coitcheann agus putadh ann an ceudad</translation>
         <source>Turn time in seconds</source>
@@ -2268,7 +2207,7 @@
         <source>Singleplayer missions: Learn how to play in the training, practice your skills in challenges or try to complete goals in scenarios.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Miseanan aon-chluicheadair: Ionnsaich mar a chluicheas tu san oideachadh, cleachd na sgilean agad ann an dùbhlanan no feuch an coilean thu an amasan nan cnàmh-sgeulan.</translation>
@@ -2311,30 +2250,30 @@
-        <translation type="unfinished">Sgioba</translation>
+        <translation>Sgioba</translation>
         <source>Team highscore: %1</source>
         <extracomment>Highest score of a team</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Sgòr as àirde an sgioba: %1</translation>
         <source>Team lowscore: %1</source>
         <extracomment>Lowest score of a team</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Sgòr as ìsle an sgioba: %1</translation>
         <source>Team&apos;s top accuracy: %1%</source>
         <extracomment>Best accuracy of a team (in a challenge)</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Pongalachd as àirde an sgioba: %1%</translation>
         <source>Team&apos;s best time: %L1 s</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Ùine as fhearr an sgioba: %L1 d</translation>
         <source>Team&apos;s longest time: %L1 s</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Ùine as fhaide an sgioba: %L1 d</translation>
@@ -2349,12 +2288,7 @@
     <message numerus="yes">
         <source>%1 bytes</source>
-        <translation>
-            <numerusform>%1 bhaidht</numerusform>
-            <numerusform>%1 bhaidht</numerusform>
-            <numerusform>%1 baidhtichean</numerusform>
-            <numerusform>%1 baidht</numerusform>
-        </translation>
+        <translation><numerusform>%1 bhaidht</numerusform><numerusform>%1 bhaidht</numerusform><numerusform>%1 baidhtichean</numerusform><numerusform>%1 baidht</numerusform></translation>
         <source>(in progress...)</source>
@@ -2435,6 +2369,10 @@
         <translation>Thoir air falbh o na caraidean</translation>
+        <source>Update</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <source>Restrict Unregistered Players Join</source>
         <translation>Cuingich cluicheadairean gun chlàradh</translation>
@@ -2590,6 +2528,10 @@
+        <source>Level</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <source>(System default)</source>
         <translation>(Bun-roghainn an t-siostaim)</translation>
@@ -2736,6 +2678,10 @@
+        <source>Version</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
@@ -2800,6 +2746,10 @@
+        <source>Type</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
@@ -2816,6 +2766,10 @@
+        <source>Explosives</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
@@ -2987,7 +2941,7 @@
         <source>Zoom (%)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Sùm (%)</translation>
@@ -3083,6 +3037,14 @@
         <translation>Chaidh gach co-cheangal faidhle a shuidheachadh</translation>
+        <source>Cannot create directory %1</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>Unable to start the server: %1.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <source>Video upload - Error</source>
         <translation type="vanished">Luchdadh suas video – Mearachd</translation>
@@ -3154,12 +3116,7 @@
     <message numerus="yes">
         <source>Do you really want to remove %1 file(s)?</source>
-        <translation>
-            <numerusform>A bheil thu airson %1 fhaidhle a thoirt air falbh dha-rìribh?</numerusform>
-            <numerusform>A bheil thu airson an %1 fhaidhle a thoirt air falbh dha-rìribh?</numerusform>
-            <numerusform>A bheil thu airson na %1 faidhlichean a thoirt air falbh dha-rìribh?</numerusform>
-            <numerusform>A bheil thu airson am %1 faidhle a thoirt air falbh dha-rìribh?</numerusform>
-        </translation>
+        <translation><numerusform>A bheil thu airson %1 fhaidhle a thoirt air falbh dha-rìribh?</numerusform><numerusform>A bheil thu airson an %1 fhaidhle a thoirt air falbh dha-rìribh?</numerusform><numerusform>A bheil thu airson na %1 faidhlichean a thoirt air falbh dha-rìribh?</numerusform><numerusform>A bheil thu airson am %1 faidhle a thoirt air falbh dha-rìribh?</numerusform></translation>
         <source>Do you really want to cancel uploading %1?</source>
@@ -3240,7 +3197,7 @@
 Chan eil a h-uile cluicheadair ullamh.</translation>
-        <source>Sorry, Hedgewars can&apos;t be played with more than 48 hedgehogs. Please try again with fewer hedgehogs.
+        <source>Sorry, Hedgewars can't be played with more than 48 hedgehogs. Please try again with fewer hedgehogs.
 Current number of hedgehogs: %1</source>
         <translation type="vanished">Tha sinn duilich ach chan urrainn dhut Hedgewars a chluiche le corr is 48 gràineag. Feuch ris a-rithist le nas lugha a grhàineagan.
@@ -3301,12 +3258,13 @@
         <source>Server redirection</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Ath-stiùireadh an fhrithealaiche</translation>
         <source>This server supports secure connections on port %1.
 Would you like to reconnect securely?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Cuiridh am frithealaiche seo taic ri ceanglaichean tèarainte air port %1.
+A bheil thu airson ath-cheangal ris gu tèarainte?</translation>
@@ -3351,6 +3309,10 @@
+        <source>Go!</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <source>Play demo</source>
         <translation>Cluich demo</translation>
@@ -3440,7 +3402,7 @@
         <source>Specify address</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Sònraich seòladh</translation>
@@ -3573,6 +3535,10 @@
+        <source>new</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
@@ -3677,6 +3643,10 @@
         <translation>dèan suids</translation>
+        <source>find hedgehog</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <source>ammo menu</source>
         <translation>clàr-taice a’ chonnaidh</translation>
@@ -3831,7 +3801,7 @@
         <source>toggle hedgehog tags</source>
-        <translation>toglaich na tagaichean gràineige</translation>
+        <translation>toglaich thagaichean gràineige</translation>
         <source>change timer</source>
@@ -3847,59 +3817,59 @@
         <source>unselect weapon</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>dì-thagh an t-arm</translation>
         <source>stand still on slippery land</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>seas gun ghluasad air tìr sleamhnach</translation>
         <source>change direction without moving</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>atharraich do chomhair gun ghluasad</translation>
         <source>switch backwards</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>dèan suids an comhair a’ chùil</translation>
         <source>change bounciness</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>atharraich am bocadh</translation>
         <source>reset zoom to start value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>ath-shuidhich an sùm air an luach tùsail</translation>
         <source>set zoom to 100%</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>suidhich an sùm air 100%</translation>
         <source>save map as image</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>sàbhail am mapa ’na dhealbh</translation>
         <source>show object information</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>seall fiosrachadh an oibseict</translation>
         <source>change hedgehog tag types</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>atharraich seòrsaichean thagaichean gràineige</translation>
         <source>toggle hedgehog tag translucency</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>toglaich trìd-shoilleireachd nan tagaichean gràineige</translation>
         <source>toggle HUD</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>toglaich an HUD</translation>
         <source>backwards jump</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>leum an comhair a’ chùil</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>glacadh-sgrìn</translation>
@@ -3925,43 +3895,43 @@
     <name>binds (combination)</name>
         <source>hold down precise</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>cum sìos an t-amas pongail</translation>
         <source>precise + left/right</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>amas pongail + gu clì/deas</translation>
         <source>precise + switch</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>amas pongail + dèan suids</translation>
         <source>precise + timer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>amas pongail + tìmear</translation>
         <source>precise + reset zoom</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>amas pongail + ath-shuidhich an sùm</translation>
         <source>precise + toggle hedgehog tags</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>amas pongail + toglaich thagaichean gràineige</translation>
         <source>switch + toggle hedgehog tags</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>dèan suidse + toglaich thagaichean gràineige</translation>
         <source>precise + switch + toggle hedgehog tags</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>amas pongail + dèan suidse + toglaich thagaichean gràineige</translation>
         <source>high jump (twice)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>leum àrd (dà thuras)</translation>
         <source>precise + screenshot</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>amas pongail + glacadh-sgrìn</translation>
@@ -3980,7 +3950,7 @@
         <source>Switch your currently active hog (if possible):</source>
-        <translation>Gearr leum gu gràineag eile (ma ghabhas seo dèanamh):</translation>
+        <translation>Dèan suids gu gràineag eile (ma ghabhas seo dèanamh):</translation>
         <source>Pick a weapon or utility item:</source>
@@ -3991,6 +3961,10 @@
         <translation>Suidhich an tìmear air boma no arm eile le tìmear:</translation>
+        <source>Move the camera to the active hog:</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <source>Move the cursor or camera without using the mouse:</source>
         <translation>Gluais an cùrsair no an camara gun a bhith a’ cleachdadh na luchaige:</translation>
@@ -4199,7 +4173,7 @@
-        <translation type="vanished">Co-ionnnannachd</translation>
+        <translation type="vanished">Co-ionnannachd</translation>
@@ -4387,605 +4361,605 @@
         <source>(Don&apos;t use)</source>
         <extracomment>Special entry in key selection when an action has no control assigned</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>(Na cleachd seo)</translation>
         <source>Mouse: X1 button </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Luchag: putan X1</translation>
         <source>Mouse: X2 button</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Luchag: putan X2</translation>
         <source>Keypad 0</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>0 air pada nan àireamh</translation>
         <source>Keypad 1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>1 air pada nan àireamh</translation>
         <source>Keypad 2</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>2 air pada nan àireamh</translation>
         <source>Keypad 3</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>3 air pada nan àireamh</translation>
         <source>Keypad 4</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>4 air pada nan àireamh</translation>
         <source>Keypad 5</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>5 air pada nan àireamh</translation>
         <source>Keypad 6</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>6 air pada nan àireamh</translation>
         <source>Keypad 7</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>7 air pada nan àireamh</translation>
         <source>Keypad 8</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>8 air pada nan àireamh</translation>
         <source>Keypad 9</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>9 air pada nan àireamh</translation>
         <source>Keypad .</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>. air pada nan àireamh</translation>
         <source>Keypad /</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>/ air pada nan àireamh</translation>
         <source>Keypad *</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>* air pada nan àireamh</translation>
         <source>Keypad -</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>- air pada nan àireamh</translation>
         <source>Keypad +</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>+ air pada nan àireamh</translation>
         <source>Keypad Enter</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Enter air pada nan àireamh</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Duilleag suas</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Duilleag sìos</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Numlock</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Caps Lock</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Scroll Lock</translation>
         <source>Right Shift</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Shift deas</translation>
         <source>Left Shift</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Shift clì</translation>
         <source>Right Ctrl</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Ctrl deas</translation>
         <source>Left Ctrl</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Ctrl clì</translation>
         <source>Right Alt</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Alt deas</translation>
         <source>Left Alt</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Alt clì</translation>
         <source>Right GUI</source>
         <extracomment>Windows key / Command key / Meta key /Super key (right)</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>GUI deas</translation>
         <source>Left GUI</source>
         <extracomment>Windows key / Command key / Meta key /Super key (left)</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>GUI clì</translation>
         <extracomment>Name of QWERTY US keyboard layout</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>(QWERTY)</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Clàr-taice</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Prògramachadh</translation>
         <source>Game engine</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Einnsean a’ gheama</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Ùghdar</translation>
         <source>Many engine improvements</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Iomadh piseach air an einnsean</translation>
         <source>Gamepad and Lua integration</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Amalachadh pada-geama is Lua</translation>
         <source>Campaign support</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Taic ri iomairtean</translation>
         <source>Theme customization improvements</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Piseach air gnàthachadh nan ùrlaran</translation>
         <source>Some Pas2C and GLES2 work</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Obair air Pas2C agus GLES2</translation>
         <source>Video recording</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Clàradh video</translation>
         <source>Other improvements</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Pisich eile</translation>
         <source>Map generation</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Gineadh mhapaichean</translation>
         <source>Core map generators</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Bun-ghineadairean mhapaichean</translation>
         <source>Perlin maps and other improvements</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Mapaichean Perlin is pisich eile</translation>
         <source>Maze maps</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Mapaichean cuartain</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished">Airm</translation>
+        <translation>Airm</translation>
         <source>Most core weapons</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>A’ mhòrchuid dhe na bun-airm</translation>
         <source>Air mine, rubber, others</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Mèin adhair, bann rubair ’s airm eile</translation>
         <source>Drill rocket, ballgun, RC plane</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Rocaid tochlaidh, gunna-bhàlaichean, itealan le smachd chèin</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Reòthadair</translation>
         <source>Mine number and time game settings</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Roghainnean air uiread nam mèinnean is ùine a’ gheama</translation>
         <source>Frontend / main menu</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Frontend / prìomh chlàr-taice</translation>
         <source>Many frontend improvements</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Iomadh piseach air a’ frontend</translation>
         <source>Keybinds, feedback, maps and hats interfaces</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Eadar-aghaidhean airson nasgadh iuchraichean, beachdan thugainn, mapaichean is adan</translation>
         <source>Login dialogs, other improvements</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Còmhraidhean clàraidh a-steach is pisich eile</translation>
         <source>Missions and styles</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Miseanan is stoidhlichean</translation>
         <source>A Classic Fairytale</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Sean-eachdraidh</translation>
         <source>A Space Adventure</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Dàna-thuras san fhànas</translation>
         <source>Created Capture the Flag, Construction Mode, Control, HedgeEditor, Highlander, Racer, TechRacer, The Specialists, WxW</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Ùghdar aig Glac a’ bhratach, Modh togail, Stiùireadh, An deasaiche, Highlander, Rèis, Rèis theicnigeach, Na speisealaichean, O bhalla gu balla</translation>
         <source>Training, time-trial and target practice challenges, Bazooka Battlefield, Tentacle Terror, Big Armory, bugfixes and maintenance</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Oideachadh, dùbhlanan ùine is cleachdadh amais, Blàr a’ bhazooka, Maoimeadh nan greimichean, Arm-lann mòr, càradh air bugaichean is obair-chàraidh</translation>
         <source>Some styles and missions</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Cuid a stoidhlichean is miseanan</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Cath</translation>
         <source>Continental supplies</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Solar mòr-thìreach</translation>
         <source>Teamwork 2</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Obair còmhla 2</translation>
         <source>Climb Home</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Sreap dhachaigh</translation>
         <source>Portal Mind Challenge</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Dùbhlan nan doras</translation>
         <source>Game server</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Frithealaiche a’ gheama</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Portadh</translation>
         <source>macOS/iPhone port, OpenGL-ES conversion</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Portadh gu macOS/iPhone, iompachadh gu OpenGL-ES</translation>
         <source>Android port</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Portadh gu Android</translation>
         <source>Android netplay, portability abstraction</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Cluich-lìn Android, eas-chruthachd portaidh</translation>
         <source>WebGL port</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Portadh gu WebGL</translation>
         <source>iPhone/iPad ports</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Portadh gu iPhone/iPad</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished">Grafaigeachd</translation>
+        <translation>Grafaigeachd</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished">Coitcheann</translation>
+        <translation>Coitcheann</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Ùrlaran</translation>
         <source>Nature, Snow, City, Castle, Halloween, Island</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>An nàdar, sneachd, baile, caisteal, Oidhche Shamhna, eilean</translation>
         <source>Bamboo, EarthRise, BambooPlinko</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Bambù, togail talmhainn, BambooPlinko</translation>
         <source>Golf, Hoggywood, Stage</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Goilf, Hoggywood, àrd-ùrlar</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Hoggywood</translation>
         <source>Cave, Olympics</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Uamh, geamannan Oilimpigeach</translation>
         <source>Fruit, Cake</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Meas, cèic</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Obair-ealain</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Tràigh</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Breige</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Ifrinn</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Dlùth-choille</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Caoraich</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Mapaichean</translation>
         <source>Basketball, BasketballField, Bath, Bubbleflow, Hammock, Hedgelove, Hedgewars, Hydrant, Mushrooms, Plane, Ropes, Tree</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Ball-basgaid, raon buill-bhasgaid, amar, sruthadh bhuilgean, an leabaidh-chrochte, Hedgelove, Hedgewars, hàidreant, balgain-bhuachair, itealan, ròpannan, craobh</translation>
         <source>SB_Bones, SB_Crystal, SB_Grassy, SB_Grove, SB_Haunty, SB_Oaks, SB_Shrooms, SB_Tentacle</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>SB_Bones, SB_Crystal, SB_Grassy, SB_Grove, SB_Haunty, SB_Oaks, SB_Shrooms, SB_Tentacle</translation>
         <source>Bamboo, Blox, Cake, Cogs, EarthRise, Freeway</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Bambù, blocaichean, cèic, Cogs, togail talmhainn, mòr-rathad</translation>
         <source>Castle, PirateFlag</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>caisteal, bratach spùinneadair</translation>
         <source>ShoppaKing, TrophyRace</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>ShoppaKing, TrophyRace</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Blàr</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>CTF_Blizzard</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Càise</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Sreap dhachaigh</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Lonely_Island</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Octorama</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>doras</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Rùilear</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Steigeadh</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished">Dùin</translation>
+        <translation>Dùin</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Cearc olc</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Geamannan Oilimpigeach</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Tanca</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Seilcheag</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Tùr stàilinn</translation>
         <source>Hats, graves, other</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Adan, uaighean, nithean eile</translation>
         <source>See CREDITS text file</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Faic faidhle teacsa CREDITS</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Fuaimean</translation>
         <source>Hedgehogs voice</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Guth nan gràineagan</translation>
         <source>Default_pl, Russian_pl voices</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Guthan tùsail &apos;s san Ruisis</translation>
         <source>Various authors from www.freesound.org (see CREDITS text file)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Iomadh ùghdar o www.freesound.org (faic faidhle teacsa CREDITS)</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished">Ceòl</translation>
+        <translation>Ceòl</translation>
         <source>City, Rock, others</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Baile, creag, eile</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Compost</translation>
         <source>EarthRise, oriental, Pirate, snow</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Togail talmhainn, Oirthireach, spùinneadair, sneachd</translation>
         <source>Fruit, Jungle</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Meas, dlùth-choille</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>An nàdar</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>olympics_sd</translation>
         <source>sdmusic (Hitman [sheepluva edit])</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>sdmusic (Hitman [deasachadh sheepluva])</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Eadar-theangachaidhean</translation>
         <source>Brazilian Portuguese</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Portagailis Bhraisileach</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Bulgarais</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Seicis</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Sìnis</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Fionnlannais</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Fraingis</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Gearmailtis</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Greugais</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Eadailtis</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Seapanais</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Coirèanais</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Liotuainis</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Pòlannais</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Portagailis</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Ruisis</translation>
         <source>Scottish Gaelic</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Gàidhlig na h-Alba</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Slòbhacais</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Spàinntis</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Suainis</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Ucràinis</translation>
         <source>Special thanks</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Taing shònraichte</translation>
         <source>Project founder</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Stèidheadair a’ phròiseict</translation>
@@ -5356,7 +5330,7 @@
         <source>/me &lt;message&gt;: Chat action, e.g. &apos;/me eats pizza&apos; becomes &apos;* Player eats pizza&apos;</source>
-        <translation>/me &lt;message&gt;: gnìomh na cabadaich, mar eisimpleir, thèid “/me ag ithe taigeis” ’na “* Cluicheadair ag ithe taigeis”</translation>
+        <translation>/me &lt;message&gt;: gnìomh sa chabadaich, mar eisimpleir, thèid “/me ag ithe ceann-cropaig” ’na “* Cluicheadair ag ithe ceann-cropaig”</translation>
         <source>/rnd: Flip a virtual coin and reply with &apos;heads&apos; or &apos;tails&apos;</source>
@@ -5596,23 +5570,23 @@
         <source>This server no longer allows unregistered players to join.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Cha cheadaich am frithealaiche seo tuilleadh gun dig cluicheadairean gun chlàradh ann.</translation>
         <source>This server now allows unregistered players to join.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Ceadaichidh am frithealaiche seo a-nis gun dig cluicheadairean gun chlàradh ann.</translation>
         <source>Available callvote commands: hedgehogs &lt;number&gt;, pause, newseed, map &lt;name&gt;, kick &lt;player&gt;</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Àitheantan callvote a tha ri am faighinn: hedgehogs &lt;àireamh&gt;, pause, newseed, map &lt;ainm&gt;, kick &lt;cluicheadair&gt;</translation>
         <source>Please confirm server restart with &apos;/restart_server yes&apos;.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Dearbh ath-thòiseachadh an fhrithealaiche le “/restart_server yes”.</translation>
         <source>Warning! Room name change flood protection activated</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Rabhadh! Chaidh dìon tuile air atharrachadh ainm an t-seòmair a ghnìomhachadh</translation>
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/missions_gd.txt	Fri Jun 21 00:33:56 2019 +0300
+++ b/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/missions_gd.txt	Fri Jun 21 20:08:05 2019 +0200
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
 Big_Armory.desc="Tha thu ’nad aonar, tha an arm-lann agad làn agus feumaidh tu ruaig a chur air 8 gràineagan mus fhalbh an ùine ort."
 Bazooka_Battlefield.name=Blàr a’ bhazooka
-Bazooka_Battlefield.desc="Rinn na ridirean dìleas agad fàth-feitheamh air an nàmhaid. Mill iad le bazookathan a-mhàin! Ach nach doir cus ùine on a dh’èireas an t-uisge a dh’aithghearr."
+Bazooka_Battlefield.desc="Rinn na gràineagan dìleas agad fàth-feitheamh air an nàmhaid. Mill iad le bazookathan a-mhàin! Ach nach doir cus ùine on a dh’èireas an t-uisge a dh’aithghearr."
 Tentacle_Terror.name=Maoimeadh nan greimichean
 Tentacle_Terror.desc="Tha do nàmhaid ghealtach ’na fhalach fo uilebheist uabhasach agus bheir e ort le ionnsaighean-adhair cho luath ’s a dh’fhàgas tu am fasgadh. Seall dha cò fìor-cheannard na h-ifrinne! Feumaidh tu a bhith uabhasach eòlach air an ròpa ach am bi teans agad."
--- a/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/tips_gd.xml	Fri Jun 21 00:33:56 2019 +0300
+++ b/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/tips_gd.xml	Fri Jun 21 20:08:05 2019 +0200
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
      Do not escape characters or use the CDATA tag. -->
     <tip>Airson cluiche ann an cinneadh, cha leig thu leas ach an aon dath a thaghadh ’s a thagh caraid. Stiùirichidh sibh na gràineagan agaibh fhèin fa leth fhathast ach caillidh no buannaichidh sibh còmhla.</tip>
-    <tip>Tha airm ann nach dèan ach beagan a dhochann ach dh’fhaoidte gum bi iad glè èifeachdach a-rèir an t-suidheachaidh. Feuch gun cleachd thu Iolaire an fhàsaich gus iomadh gràineag a chur dhan mhuir.</tip>
+    <tip>Tha airm ann nach dèan ach beagan a dhochann ach dh’fhaoidte gum bi iad glè èifeachdach a-rèir an t-suidheachaidh. Feuch gun cleachd thu Iolaire an fhàsaich gus iomadh gràineag a phutadh dhan mhuir.</tip>
     <tip>Mur eil thu cinnteach na nì thu agus mur eil thu airson connadh a chaitheamh gun fheum, leig seachad do chuairt. Ach na fuirich ro fhada on a thigeadh bàs obann ort!</tip>
     <tip>A bheil thu airson ròpannan a shàbhaladh? Leig às an ròpa fad ’s a bhios tu san adhair is loisg e a-rithist. Cho fad ’s nach bean thu ri tìr is a chuimsicheas tu gu soirbheachail, cleachdaidh tu an ròpa agad a-rithist gun a bhith a’ caitheamh connaidh!</tip>
     <tip>Mur eil thu ag iarraidh gun cleachd daoine eile am far-ainm as fhearr leat air an fhrithealaiche oifigeil, clàraich cunntas air <a href="https://www.hedgewars.org/">https://www.hedgewars.org/</a>.</tip>
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
     <tip>’S e bathar-bog saor (Open Source) a th’ ann an Hedgewars a tha sinn a’ cruthachadh gu saor-thoileach a cum tlachd! Coinnich ris an luchd-leasachaidh ann an <a href="irc://irc.freenode.net/hedgewars">#hedgewars</a>!</tip>
     <tip>Bi fèill-chluiche oifigeil againn o àm gu àm. Sgaoilidh sinn brathan-naidheachd mu na tachartasan air <a href="https://www.hedgewars.org/">https://www.hedgewars.org/</a> beagan làithean ro làimh.</tip>
     <tip>Tha Hedgewars ri fhaighinn ann an iomadh cànan. Ma tha an cànan agad a dhìth no an t-eadar-theangachadh ro shean, nach cuir thu fios thugainn?</tip>
-    <tip>Gabhaidh Hedgewars a ruith air iomadh siostam-obrachaidh, a’ gabhail a-steach Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X agus GNU/Linux.</tip>
+    <tip>Gabhaidh Hedgewars a ruith air iomadh siostam-obrachaidh, a’ gabhail a-steach Microsoft Windows, MacOS agus GNU/Linux.</tip>
     <tip>Cuimhnich gur urrainn dhut na geamannan agad fhèin a suidheachadh air an lìonra ionadail no air loidhne. Tha barrachd roghainnean na geama simplidh agad.</tip>
     <tip>Ma tha iomadh pada-geama agad, ceangail iad ris mus tòisich thu an geama agus sònraich an stiùireadh dha na sgiobannan agad.</tip>
     <tip>Bu chòir dhut beagan fois a ghabhail on chluich gach uair a thìde air eagal ’s gun cuir e an sgithear ort.</tip>
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
     <tip>Tha astar coiseachd na cèice an eisimeil air an làr a thèid i tarsaing. Cleachd [attack] gus a spreadhadh tràth.</tip>
     <tip>’S e arm a tha sa ghunna loisgidh ach gabhaidh a chleachdadh gus tunailean a chruthachadh cuideachd.</tip>
     <tip>Cleachd am Molotov Cocktail no an gunna loisgidh gus gràineagan a cumail air falbh o thìr mar thunailean no ùrlaran rè seall.</tip>
-    <tip>An toigh leat Hedgewars? Lean oirnn air <a href="https://www.facebook.com/Hedgewars">Facebook</a> no air <a href="https://twitter.com/hedgewars">Twitter</a></tip>
+    <tip>An toigh leat Hedgewars? Lean oirnn air <a href="https://www.facebook.com/Hedgewars">Facebook</a> no air <a href="https://twitter.com/hedgewars">Twitter</a>.</tip>
     <tip>Dèan na dealbhan agad fhèin dha na cladhan, adan, brataich no fiù ’s mapaichean is ùrlaran mar a thogras tu! Ach thoir an aire gum feum thu an co-roinneadh am badeigin mus cleachd thu air loidhne iad.</tip>
     <tip>Cum na draibhearan video agad cho ùr ’s a ghabhas ach nach èirich duilgheadas dhut le cluich a’ gheama.</tip>
     <tip>Ceann no bonn? Sgrìobh “/rnd” san lobaidh is gheibh thu a-mach. Obraichidh “/rnd rock paper scissors” cuideachd!</tip>
@@ -59,12 +59,12 @@
     <tip>Buailidh a’ chuip air gràineagan is nithean taobh thall balla thana cuideachd.</tip>
     <tip>Mar as luaithe a ghluaiseas corc ’s ann nas motha a dhochann a nì i.</tip>
     <tip>’S urrainn dhut cèic a leigeil tuiteam o chreag ach feumaidh tu seasamh glè dhlùth air an oir, mar sin thoir an aire.</tip>
-    <tip>Cleachd an ròpa agad gus gràineagan eile a bhruthadh air falbh, can le sleamhnachadh air an làr. Canar “gnogag ròpa” ris a’ chleas seo.</tip>
+    <tip>Cleachd an ròpa agad gus gràineagan eile a bhruthadh air falbh, can le sleamhnachadh air an làr. Canar “putadh ròpa” ris a’ chleas seo.</tip>
     <tip>Na fuirich ’nad sheasamh air sliabh deighe ach nach tuit thu. ’S urrainn dhut [precise] a cumail sìos mar roghainn eile.</tip>
-    <tip>Air tìr an t-sneachd ’s na Nollaige, bidh cur ’s cathadh ann ach mura gabh an tìr milleadh.</tip>
+    <tip>Air tìr an t-sneachd ’s na Nollaige, bidh cur ’s cathadh ann ach mura gabh an talamh milleadh.</tip>
     <tip>Thoir an aire air tìr an t-sneachd ’s na Nollaige on a bhios na teannadairean ’nan deigh shleamhainn.</tip>
     <tip>Tha ùine a’ chùlachaidh an eisimeil air an arm a chaidh a chleachdadh. Thoir an aire o nach eil ùine cùlachaidh air cuid a dh’airm idir ’s gun cuir iad crìoch air a’ chuairt agad sa bhad!</tip>
-    <tip>Le beagan sgil, ’s urrainn dhut gràineagan a bhrùthadh nuair a leumas tu às am bonn.</tip>
+    <tip>Le beagan sgil, ’s urrainn dhut gràineagan a phutadh nuair a leumas tu às am bonn.</tip>
     <tip>’S urrainn dha ionnsaigh le shoryuken, piocaid ’s òrd no gunna sìneis aig an àm ceart an dochann tuiteim a chur gu neoni.</tip>
     <tip>Cha bhuail go ghràineag ri astasan nuair a bhios i san adhar.</tip>
     <tip>Tha na tuill a nì rocaidean tochlaidh, isnich fàtha agus iolaire an fhàsaich mòr gu leòr ach an tilg thu tele-phortadh tromhpa – ma tha d’ amas ceart.</tip>
@@ -88,4 +88,4 @@
         <tip>Gheibh thu greim air na faidhlichean rèiteachaidh Hedgewars agad ann an “.hedgewars”. Cruthaich lethbhreacan-glèidhidh dhe na faidhlichean no thoir iad leat ach na deasaich iad a làimh.</tip>
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