#include "frontlib.h" #include "util/logging.h" #include "util/buffer.h" #include "util/util.h" #include "util/list.h" #include "model/map.h" #include "model/weapon.h" #include "model/schemelist.h" #include "ipc/mapconn.h" #include "ipc/gameconn.h" #include "net/netconn.h" #include #include #include #include // Callback function that will be called when the map is rendered static void handleMapSuccess(void *context, const uint8_t *bitmap, int numHedgehogs) { printf("Drawing map for %i brave little hogs...", numHedgehogs); // Draw the map as ASCII art for(int y=0; y>3] & (1<<(7-(pixelnum&7))); printf(pixel ? "#" : " "); } printf("\n"); } // Destroy the connection object (this will end the "tick" loop below) flib_mapconn **connptr = context; flib_mapconn_destroy(*connptr); *connptr = NULL; } static void onDisconnect(void *context, int reason) { flib_log_i("Connection closed. Reason: %i", reason); flib_gameconn **connptr = context; flib_gameconn_destroy(*connptr); *connptr = NULL; } static void onGameRecorded(void *context, const uint8_t *record, int size, bool isSavegame) { flib_log_i("Writing %s (%i bytes)...", isSavegame ? "savegame" : "demo", size); FILE *file = fopen(isSavegame ? "testsave.42.hws" : "testdemo.42.hwd", "wb"); fwrite(record, 1, size, file); fclose(file); } // Callback function that will be called on error static void handleMapFailure(void *context, const char *errormessage) { flib_log_e("Map rendering failed: %s", errormessage); // Destroy the connection object (this will end the "tick" loop below) flib_mapconn **connptr = context; flib_mapconn_destroy(*connptr); *connptr = NULL; } static void startEngineMap(int port) { char commandbuffer[255]; const char *enginePath = "C:\\Programmieren\\Hedgewars\\bin"; const char *configPath = "C:\\Programmieren\\Hedgewars\\share\\hedgewars"; snprintf(commandbuffer, 255, "start %s\\hwengine.exe %s %i landpreview", enginePath, configPath, port); system(commandbuffer); } static void startEngineGame(int port) { char commandbuffer[255]; const char *enginePath = "C:\\Programmieren\\Hedgewars\\bin"; const char *configPath = "C:\\Programmieren\\Hedgewars\\share\\hedgewars"; const char *dataPath = "C:\\Programmieren\\Hedgewars\\share\\hedgewars\\Data"; snprintf(commandbuffer, 255, "start %s\\hwengine.exe %s 1024 768 32 %i 0 0 0 10 10 %s 0 0 TWVkbzQy 0 0 en.txt", enginePath, configPath, port, dataPath); flib_log_d("Starting engine with CMD: %s", commandbuffer); system(commandbuffer); } void testMapPreview() { // Create a map description and check that there was no error flib_map *map = flib_map_create_maze("This is the seed value", "Jungle", MAZE_SIZE_SMALL_TUNNELS); assert(map); // Create a new connection to the engine and check that there was no error flib_mapconn *mapConnection = flib_mapconn_create(map); assert(mapConnection); // We don't need the map description anymore flib_map_release(map); map = NULL; // Register the callback functions flib_mapconn_onFailure(mapConnection, &handleMapFailure, &mapConnection); flib_mapconn_onSuccess(mapConnection, &handleMapSuccess, &mapConnection); // Start the engine process and tell it which port the frontlib is listening on startEngineMap(flib_mapconn_getport(mapConnection)); // Usually, flib_mapconn_tick will be called in an event loop that runs several // times per second. It handles I/O operations and progress, and calls // callbacks when something interesting happens. while(mapConnection) { flib_mapconn_tick(mapConnection); } } /*void testGame() { flib_cfg_meta *metaconf = flib_cfg_meta_from_ini("metasettings.ini"); assert(metaconf); flib_weaponset *weapons = flib_weaponset_create("Defaultweaps"); flib_schemelist *schemelist = flib_schemelist_from_ini(metaconf, "schemes.ini"); flib_gamesetup setup; setup.gamescheme = flib_schemelist_find(schemelist, "Default"); setup.map = flib_map_create_maze("asparagus", "Jungle", MAZE_SIZE_MEDIUM_TUNNELS); setup.script = NULL; setup.teamCount = 2; setup.teams = calloc(2, sizeof(flib_team*)); setup.teams[0] = calloc(1, sizeof(flib_team)); setup.teams[0]->color = 0xffff0000; setup.teams[0]->flag = "australia"; setup.teams[0]->fort = "Plane"; setup.teams[0]->grave = "Bone"; setup.teams[0]->hogsInGame = 2; setup.teams[0]->name = "Team Awesome"; setup.teams[0]->voicepack = "British"; setup.teams[0]->hogs[0].difficulty = 2; setup.teams[0]->hogs[0].hat = "NoHat"; setup.teams[0]->hogs[0].initialHealth = 100; setup.teams[0]->hogs[0].name = "Harry 120"; setup.teams[0]->hogs[1].difficulty = 2; setup.teams[0]->hogs[1].hat = "chef"; setup.teams[0]->hogs[1].initialHealth = 100; setup.teams[0]->hogs[1].name = "Chefkoch"; setup.teams[1] = flib_team_from_ini("Cave Dwellers.hwt"); setup.teams[1]->color = 0xFF0000F0; setup.teams[1]->hogsInGame = 8; flib_team_set_weaponset(setup.teams[0], weapons); flib_team_set_weaponset(setup.teams[1], weapons); flib_weaponset_release(weapons); flib_gameconn *gameconn = flib_gameconn_create("Medo42", &setup, false); assert(gameconn); flib_gameconn_onDisconnect(gameconn, &onDisconnect, &gameconn); //flib_gameconn_onGameRecorded(gameconn, &onGameRecorded, &gameconn); startEngineGame(flib_gameconn_getport(gameconn)); while(gameconn) { flib_gameconn_tick(gameconn); } }*/ void testDemo() { FILE *demofile = fopen("testdemo.42.hwd", "rb"); assert(demofile); flib_vector *vec = flib_vector_create(); uint8_t demobuf[512]; int len; while((len=fread(demobuf, 1, 512, demofile))>0) { flib_vector_append(vec, demobuf, len); } fclose(demofile); flib_constbuffer constbuf = flib_vector_as_constbuffer(vec); flib_gameconn *gameconn = flib_gameconn_create_playdemo(constbuf.data, constbuf.size); flib_vector_destroy(vec); assert(gameconn); flib_gameconn_onDisconnect(gameconn, &onDisconnect, &gameconn); flib_gameconn_onGameRecorded(gameconn, &onGameRecorded, &gameconn); startEngineGame(flib_gameconn_getport(gameconn)); while(gameconn) { flib_gameconn_tick(gameconn); } } void testSave() { FILE *demofile = fopen("testsave.42.hws", "rb"); assert(demofile); flib_vector *vec = flib_vector_create(); uint8_t demobuf[512]; int len; while((len=fread(demobuf, 1, 512, demofile))>0) { flib_vector_append(vec, demobuf, len); } fclose(demofile); flib_constbuffer constbuf = flib_vector_as_constbuffer(vec); flib_gameconn *gameconn = flib_gameconn_create_loadgame("Medo42", constbuf.data, constbuf.size); flib_vector_destroy(vec); assert(gameconn); flib_gameconn_onDisconnect(gameconn, &onDisconnect, &gameconn); flib_gameconn_onGameRecorded(gameconn, &onGameRecorded, &gameconn); startEngineGame(flib_gameconn_getport(gameconn)); while(gameconn) { flib_gameconn_tick(gameconn); } } void handleNetDisconnect(void *context, int reason, const char *message) { flib_log_i("Disconnected: %s", message); flib_netconn_destroy(*(flib_netconn**)context); *(flib_netconn**)context = NULL; } void handleNetConnected(void *context) { const flib_roomlist *roomlist = flib_netconn_get_roomlist(*(flib_netconn**)context); flib_log_i("List of rooms:"); for(int i=0; iroomCount; i++) { flib_roomlist_room *room = roomlist->rooms[i]; flib_log_i("%1s %20s %20s %2i %2i %20s %20s %20s", room->inProgress ? "X" : " ", room->name, room->owner, room->playerCount, room->teamCount, room->map, room->scheme, room->weapons); } flib_netconn_send_joinRoom(*(flib_netconn**)context, "frontlib test"); } void handleLobbyJoin(void *context, const char *nick) { flib_log_i("%s joined", nick); } void handleChat(void *context, const char *nick, const char *msg) { flib_log_i("%s: %s", nick, msg); if(!memcmp("frontbot ", msg, strlen("frontbot "))) { const char *command = msg+strlen("frontbot "); if(!memcmp("quit", command, strlen("quit"))) { flib_netconn_send_quit(*(flib_netconn**)context, "Yeth Mathter"); } else if(!memcmp("describe ", command, strlen("describe "))) { const char *roomname = command+strlen("describe "); const flib_roomlist *roomlist = flib_netconn_get_roomlist(*(flib_netconn**)context); flib_roomlist_room *room = flib_roomlist_find((flib_roomlist*)roomlist, roomname); if(!room) { flib_netconn_send_chat(*(flib_netconn**)context, "Unknown room."); } else { char *text = flib_asprintf( "%s is a room created by %s, where %i players (%i teams) are %s on %s%s, using the %s scheme and %s weaponset.", room->name, room->owner, room->playerCount, room->teamCount, room->inProgress ? "fighting" : "preparing to fight", room->map[0]=='+' ? "" : "the map ", !strcmp("+rnd+", room->map) ? "a random map" : !strcmp("+maze+", room->map) ? "a random maze" : !strcmp("+drawn+", room->map) ? "a hand-drawn map" : room->map, room->scheme, room->weapons); if(text) { flib_netconn_send_chat(*(flib_netconn**)context, text); } free(text); } } else if(!memcmp("join ", command, strlen("join "))) { const char *roomname = command+strlen("join "); flib_netconn_send_joinRoom(*(flib_netconn**)context, roomname); } else if(!memcmp("ready", command, strlen("ready"))) { flib_netconn_send_toggleReady(*(flib_netconn**)context); } } } void handleEnterRoom(void *context, bool isChief) { flib_netconn_send_toggleReady(*(flib_netconn**)context); } flib_gameconn *gameconn = NULL; void emFromNetHandler(void *context, const char *em, int size) { flib_gameconn_send_enginemsg(gameconn, (const uint8_t*)em, size); } void emFromEngineHandler(void *context, const uint8_t *em, int size) { flib_netconn_send_engineMessage((flib_netconn*)context, em, size); } void handleRunGame(void *context) { flib_gamesetup *gamesetup = flib_netconn_create_gameSetup((flib_netconn*)context); if(gamesetup) { gameconn = flib_gameconn_create("frontbot", gamesetup, true); flib_gameconn_onEngineMessage(gameconn, emFromEngineHandler, context); flib_gameconn_onDisconnect(gameconn, onDisconnect, &gameconn); startEngineGame(flib_gameconn_getport(gameconn)); } } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { flib_init(0); flib_log_setLevel(FLIB_LOGLEVEL_ALL); //testMapPreview(); //testDemo(); //testSave(); //testGame(); flib_cfg_meta *meta = flib_cfg_meta_from_ini("metasettings.ini"); assert(meta); flib_netconn *conn = flib_netconn_create("frontbot", meta, "", 46631); assert(conn); flib_cfg_meta_release(meta); flib_netconn_onConnected(conn, handleNetConnected, &conn); flib_netconn_onDisconnected(conn, handleNetDisconnect, &conn); flib_netconn_onLobbyJoin(conn, handleLobbyJoin, &conn); flib_netconn_onChat(conn, handleChat, &conn); flib_netconn_onEnterRoom(conn, handleEnterRoom, conn); flib_netconn_onRunGame(conn, handleRunGame, conn); flib_netconn_onEngineMessage(conn, emFromNetHandler, NULL); while(conn) { flib_netconn_tick(conn); if(gameconn) { flib_gameconn_tick(gameconn); } } flib_quit(); return 0; }