2015-09-05 antonc27 - Added required icons ios-revival
2015-09-05 antonc27 - arm64 added as valid arch ios-revival
2015-08-15 antonc27 - Russian localization files added ios-revival
2015-08-14 antonc27 - HelpPageLobbyViewController returned to project (back from 2012!), also help bubble images added ios-revival
2015-08-12 antonc27 - 'Generate position dependent code' et to NO. Otherwise crashed at initialization step. ios-revival
2015-08-11 antonc27 - VALID_ARCHS reduced for all projects ios-revival
2015-08-10 antonc27 - VALID_ARCHS changed ios-revival
2015-08-08 antonc27 - Fix for "error: invalid abbreviation code [115] for DIE at" ios-revival
2015-08-08 antonc27 - Fix for "operator delete[](void*)", referenced from: not found for architecture x86_64" ios-revival
2015-08-08 antonc27 - Small reorg of project ios-revival
2015-08-08 antonc27 - CoreMotion framework added to project for SDL 2 ios-revival
2015-08-08 antonc27 - Fix for ArgParsers.pas:368: 23: Identifier not found "cDefaultPathPrefix" ios-revival
2015-08-08 antonc27 - Missed pascal source files added to project ios-revival
2015-08-08 antonc27 - Turkish localization removed from Xcode project ios-revival
2015-08-08 antonc27 - fpc updated to 3.1.1 ios-revival
2015-08-08 antonc27 - 'Default-568h@2x.png' added for retina screen ios-revival
2015-08-08 antonc27 - VALID_ARCHS updated for main project ios-revival
2015-08-08 antonc27 - Xcode projects updated to recommended settings (auto done by Xcode) ios-revival
2013-07-25 koda strip out our copy of libfreetype
2013-07-25 koda strip out our copy of libtremor
2013-07-02 koda engine uses final (?) SDL 2 APIs, new events and types added. Touch input broke by the way, and system events should be handled differently
2013-07-02 koda engine compiles for ios again, but SDL bindings are outdated. Fix some warnings
2013-04-02 koda ios compiles again (using an old version of sdl)
2013-02-23 koda updated ios project files for the new phys build system physfslayer
2013-01-23 koda restored ios project file, updated Game() interface, tweaked arg parsing, updated log writing, minor warnings
2012-12-01 koda minor xcodeproj update
2012-11-24 koda link physfs on ios, add its library and (most importantly) implement automatic dependencies resolution
2012-11-05 koda ios: fill in CFBundleVersion and CFBundleShortVersionString information better
2012-10-27 koda minor macro cleanup
2012-09-20 koda update ios project file again to reflect SDL2 renaming
2012-09-20 koda updated ios project file
2012-06-26 koda updated ios project file
2012-06-13 koda ios: disable some warnings
2012-06-13 koda ios: for mission configuration, use the bundled cfg file instead of providing plist files
2012-05-10 koda the ios port runs again, although with a few things to sort out
2012-05-10 koda ios: this commit just removes the overlay class files (with all submenus and resources) while working on a proper restoration
2012-04-22 koda ios: turn on more warning messages and start correcting them
2012-04-22 koda fix compiling hw for ios (was looking for the wrong math.h and used an old variable name)
2012-04-09 koda ios: resample the sound effects in CAF as suggested in ios sdk (100kB of space saved)
2012-03-27 koda ios: prevent an horrible hack for the in-game help pages; they would actually need a serious refactoring to allow localisation and rotation support
2012-03-18 koda updated ios project file to work with fpc 2.6
2012-02-12 koda tweaks to the value tracking slider (doesn't draw outside the superview bounds) and assign proper copyright notice to it
2012-02-12 koda colorWithPatternImage uses too much memory
2012-02-11 koda i don't know how this is possible
2012-02-11 koda minor changes to ios project file to better behave with buildbot
2012-02-09 koda move the classes recently added to a proper folder
2012-02-09 koda added MGSplitViewController, popular replacement for uisplitviewcontrollers: this brings rotation support to our settings pages! weapons and schemes are the only controllers displaying minor glitches
2012-02-09 koda ios: added MXAudioPlayerFadeOperation to allow easy fade in and out of background music
2012-02-06 koda ios game configuration page supports rotation, with some enhancements (like the new slider); some glitches here and there
2012-02-05 koda BUUUUURN OBJC AMMOMENU BUUUURNhg diff! (on a separate note, this reduces the codesize by ~37k)
2012-01-28 koda minor cleanup, gather AMSlotSize in uConsts
2012-01-26 koda ios sanity restored: applied new paths for sdl projects, turned off fullscreen, added 3 lines of documentation, removal of sdl patch (every mod has been integrated mainstream)
2012-01-15 bovi GCI task: iOS _language_ 3 (Romanian)
2012-01-06 koda fix a couple of loose ends: sdl_mixer is informed of that OGG is provided by Tremor with its own macro, there is no more a segfault on Tremor cleanup, added new event type and timestamp entry for SDL, removed spurious characters from the japanese translation, uSound errors now are output with SDLTry, uSound doesn't need sound preloading any more
2012-01-04 Ivo Nunes GCI task: iOS Portuguese
2011-12-31 thebowseat GCI task: iOS Japanese
2011-12-31 koda update ios project file with new uGears* files; flags for one text file
2011-12-11 Resoow GCI task: iOS _languages_ 2 (Bulgarian)
2011-12-07 koda ios italian translation
2011-12-04 koda update the ios data script for the new audio mono location
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