those "Unknown property overflow" messages were kinda getting old, time to get rid of them. also fix a typo in changelog spotted by c_korn
change portal mission name and update French translation (
issue #569)
if you use misuse labels as comments please at least keep in mind that labels cannot be used inline, within code blocks or with indentation!
Added tag 0.9.19-release for
changeset 1617149e01a4
change cpack configuration file name so that it's not excluded by 'make package_source'
Fix broken x/y values on Dangerous Ducklings
Add two new mission-based achievements
New mission 'Nobody Laugh'
Add how to play description to Mutant
issue #277
Since this keeps coming up. Sync engine and frontend wheel handling, again.
Waddaya think. Add it for iced up water and mines/cases/explosives