2009-01-03 unc0rr - Decrease font size in chat
2008-10-31 unc0rr Better look for weapon sets page
2008-10-31 unc0rr Add tooltips
2008-10-31 unc0rr - Make disbled controls look better
2008-10-26 unc0rr Add background image to team select widget
2008-10-26 unc0rr Delay for 250 msec before connect to local server
2008-10-26 unc0rr Force plastique style, as others don't fully support stylesheets
2008-10-26 unc0rr Allow build without net game server: introduce -DWITH_SERVER configuration parameter
2008-10-25 unc0rr Customize menu look
2008-10-21 unc0rr Set custom background color on servers list widget
2008-10-18 unc0rr - Customize QTextBrowser look
2008-09-28 unc0rr - Customize spinbox arrows
2008-09-11 unc0rr - Reorganize headers according to Qt's style guide
2008-08-18 unc0rr - Update copyrights
2008-08-15 unc0rr Make dialogs and messageboxes be customized like main form
2008-08-15 unc0rr Remake gamecfgwidget
2008-08-15 unc0rr Themes list now works
2008-08-15 unc0rr - Make border 3px width
2008-08-14 unc0rr Fill themes list with themes
2008-08-14 unc0rr Add themes list to map selection widget
2008-08-14 unc0rr Start remaking multiplayer page
2008-08-12 unc0rr Move QGroupBox title a bit
2008-08-12 unc0rr More work on options page
2008-08-12 unc0rr Reorganize widgets on options page
2008-08-12 unc0rr Add background to groupboxes
2008-08-12 unc0rr Nicer look
2008-08-12 unc0rr Iconize more groupboxes
2008-08-12 unc0rr Finish iconed groupbox implementation
2008-08-07 unc0rr Some more customizations
2008-08-07 unc0rr - Start work on team select widget
2008-08-07 unc0rr Finally fix save button look
2008-08-07 unc0rr Set bg color for QPushButton
2008-08-07 unc0rr Customize SpinBox look (not finished)
2008-08-07 unc0rr Customize LineEdit look
2008-08-06 unc0rr Try to modify QGroupBox view
2008-08-05 unc0rr Customize checkboxes
2008-08-05 unc0rr Customize comboboxes look
2008-08-05 unc0rr Iconed "Back" button everywhere
2008-08-05 unc0rr Make buttons border have different colors when mouse is over or it is pressed
2008-08-04 unc0rr - Make look better
2008-08-04 displacer transparent background for buttons at main page
2008-08-04 displacer no-repeat background with bgcolor instead
2008-08-04 displacer Background for Hedgewars is ready
2008-07-07 unc0rr Update copyright headers a bit
2007-08-20 unc0rr - Some changes to make build process clear
2006-11-25 unc0rr Don't configure main.cpp, just hwconsts.h
2006-11-23 unc0rr Hedgewars is now 0.8.1
2006-11-23 unc0rr Engine gets Data path from frontend
2006-10-05 unc0rr - Update more headers
2006-10-05 unc0rr Relicense to GPL
2006-09-26 unc0rr - Better landgen
2006-09-26 displacer multiple server starting improved
2006-09-15 unc0rr Don't save demos in 'bin' dir
2006-08-27 unc0rr Update file headers & delete unneeded files
2006-08-27 unc0rr Use QUuid to generate seed, rand() to choose theme
2006-08-20 unc0rr Various small fixes
2006-08-18 unc0rr Fix prefix issues
2006-08-12 unc0rr - Initialize translations earlier
2006-08-06 unc0rr - make the game be run from ${PREFIX}/bin with data in ${PREFIX}/share/hedgewars/Data
2006-01-15 unc0rr - Rename frontend to hedgewars and compile it to engine directory
2005-11-13 unc0rr - Many improvements to frontend
2005-10-26 unc0rr Start to write QT frontend
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