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also erase
2015-04-08, by nemo
Some hedgewars coding a week keeps doctor away
2015-04-25, by unc0rr
fix copypasta typo, failure to bump offset of lf params
2015-04-08, by nemo
Some futher work on flib net client part
2015-04-22, by unc0rr
Add options to set colouring, behind existing land, and horizontal/vertical flipping to PlaceSprite
2015-04-08, by nemo
Start network support: only setting up a connection for now
2015-04-16, by unc0rr
Make bouncing a bit less wtf for various gears tested (hog, 'zooka, saucer hog, drill strike). Less hacky is another matter.
2015-04-05, by nemo
Racer challenge map #17
2015-04-14, by unC0Rr
fix error in Nobody Laugh
2015-04-05, by mikade
Make ammo scheme work
2015-04-11, by unc0rr
enable bounce on rubber for air bombs. give them the missing elasticity they needed for the code there to work properly.
2015-04-03, by nemo
Oops, forgot this file
2015-04-11, by unc0rr
give melon pieces a radius. is why they weren't bouncing.
2015-04-03, by nemo
Ammo schemes list, almost works
2015-04-08, by unc0rr
Make FP tunnel 2px wider.
2015-04-03, by nemo
- Merge default
2015-04-02, by unc0rr
racer challenge map #16
2015-04-01, by unc0rr
Fix off-by-1 error
2015-04-01, by unC0Rr
terminate engine and output fatal error message if hedgehogs are added incorrectly
2015-04-01, by sheepluva
- Fix ping timeouts after incorrect "/vote" commands (protocol violation)
2015-03-31, by unc0rr
"/force" command for server admin to force voting result
2015-03-31, by unc0rr
Send notice when accepting vote
2015-03-31, by unc0rr
Don't change hedgehogs total number to a value > 48 as result of voting.
2015-03-31, by unc0rr
small pixel jizz tweak
2015-03-31, by sheepluva
alternative explosion border smoothing
2015-03-31, by sheepluva
draw birdy's feathers in low quality mode too
2015-03-31, by sheepluva
only display cake timer if it is low
2015-03-25, by sheepluva
allow gear specific data (with gear type specific type). applied to cake
2015-03-25, by sheepluva
still messing with rendering
2015-03-24, by sheepluva
Hints for bottom feeder, which were somehow lost
2015-03-24, by unc0rr
rendering tweaks cont.
2015-03-24, by sheepluva
rendering tweaks cont.
2015-03-24, by sheepluva
rendering tweaks/cleanup cont.
2015-03-24, by sheepluva
show correct default if current team is local team
2015-03-23, by sheepluva
fix segfault caused by last commit if spectating
2015-03-22, by sheepluva
make using hog speech a bit more comfortable
2015-03-22, by sheepluva
remove switch from allowed utilities. 14:57 <@unC0Rr> way too OP
2015-03-20, by nemo
don't modify collision data when applying visual edge smoothing
2015-03-19, by sheepluva
fallback to first color in colors array if there is no valid color specified
2015-03-18, by sheepluva
Don't spawn team widget sorter on each frame when in lag. Issue 'spectate 0' instead, and only on first lag occasion.
2015-03-18, by unc0rr
Also update wind indicator on lag when joining midgame
2015-03-18, by unc0rr
changed/fixed alpha blending in copyToXYFromRect
2015-03-18, by sheepluva
Only allow one instance of vgtSmoothWindbar also
2015-03-18, by unc0rr
Don't do anything if sorter was replaced, even for one tick only. Hopefully fixes issue #907, but not confirmed, though very highly plausible.
2015-03-17, by unc0rr
Script parameter to adjust winning score for Mutant
2015-03-16, by unC0Rr
team coloured, just for the heck of it, based on a param. also del airmine, 'cause, probably not fun here. you're invuln anyway.
2015-03-15, by nemo
merge ☹
2015-03-15, by nemo
Racer challenge map #15
2015-03-13, by unC0Rr
and ofc fix pas2c build
2015-03-08, by sheepluva
render input prefix independent of inputstr so that e.g. a username will not lead to weirdnesses
2015-03-08, by sheepluva
chat/copypaste: some adjustments and sanity checks
2015-03-08, by sheepluva
copy to/paste from system clipboard (via frontend)
2015-03-08, by sheepluva
copy&paste (wip), currently using only a local clipboard
2015-03-06, by sheepluva
Allow rope tinting
2015-03-15, by nemo
amNothing is fine to use in any type of race too
2015-03-03, by unc0rr
attempt to move cursor now removes selection even if cursor cannot actually move in the specified direction
2015-03-01, by sheepluva
quick word deletion while holding ctrl (qt style)
2015-03-01, by sheepluva
holding ctrl will now make cursor skip words/etc in a fashion similar to Qt
2015-03-01, by sheepluva
whoops, pas2c did not notice this missing ;
2015-03-01, by sheepluva
since fonts can be loaded in late, update cursor position before first chat display
2015-03-01, by sheepluva
make team key play well with new cursor
2015-03-01, by sheepluva
add newline after warning
2015-03-01, by sheepluva
make sure cursor drawing position does not get messed up by screen resize
2015-03-01, by sheepluva
teach pas2c how to insert() shortstrings
2015-03-01, by sheepluva
pas2c does not like setlength called with a shortstring apparently
2015-03-01, by sheepluva
2015-03-01, by sheepluva
fix chat input history not restoring utf8-related info
2015-02-28, by sheepluva
engine: moveable chat cursor. note: discovered bug that utf8 char info is lost/corrupted when input history is used
2015-02-28, by sheepluva
Racer challenge map #14
2015-02-26, by unC0Rr
Racer challenge #13
2015-02-18, by unC0Rr
Clear flag set by gear on gear deletion. Also added a few more nil checks on HHGear
2015-02-17, by nemo
Make hedgewars frontend not change scheme/weps to Default if script cfg doesn't match a known scheme. That is, will leave on whatever is selected. Also set a bunch of schemes where we don't care what the scheme/weps are to *
2015-02-17, by nemo
avoid airmines too when spawning
2015-02-17, by nemo
bit more friction. remove gstSubmersible clearing. was for the old "sea" thing that is totally gone now. As a general attribute, better to let other stuff clear it as needed.
2015-02-17, by nemo
make mines submersible
2015-02-16, by nemo
oops, forgot this annoying thing
2015-02-15, by nemo
0s mine time
2015-02-15, by nemo
make air mines respawn on climbhome
2015-02-15, by nemo
Introducing cbAmmo
2015-02-16, by unc0rr
hook up to frontend
2015-02-14, by nemo
Fix schemes loading
2015-02-09, by unc0rr
Fix bug, undo debug level in server, set air mine number to something non-debug
2015-02-14, by nemo
Send selected scheme config on engine initialization (WIP)
2015-02-08, by unc0rr
Add placement of airmines in engine outside of hog proximity. Has a bug, only protecting 1st team. Also fix a spelling error and rename gstHHChooseTarget to gstChooseTarget
2015-02-14, by nemo
merge with default
2015-02-07, by unc0rr
2015-02-07, by unc0rr
Fix pas2c?
2015-02-07, by unc0rr
This should help with second rejoin bug. (reverting previous workaround over frontend bug and making a new one)
2015-02-07, by unc0rr
One more medium template
2015-02-06, by unC0Rr
fix typo
2015-01-31, by nemo
I guess the params shouldn't be all or nothing.
2015-01-31, by nemo
add some config params - speed,accel,delaytime,delayheight,nocake. water rise speed, water rise acceleration, time delay from start of turn for water rise, height delay for same, and disable cake. also set start boulder to indestructible
2015-01-31, by nemo
Add generic getter/setter for a bunch of more obscure gear structure values
2015-01-25, by nemo
Add a couple of more variable bindings, make all the set visual gear values optional, to allow skipping trailing params or specifying ones in the middle as nil to not set. Should make using it more convenient in simple cases.
2015-01-25, by nemo
Make the various mine states a bit clearer (inactive, active but not in seek mode, seek mode, chasing target)
2015-01-24, by nemo
more turn-based-y
2015-01-21, by nemo