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split the installing and building in the android Makefile
2012-02-11, by Xeli
ios check for music preference also for fading methods
2012-02-11, by koda
fix coordinate system on ios overlay
2012-02-11, by koda
one more pt locale update
2012-02-11, by inu
minor changes to ios project file to better behave with buildbot
2012-02-11, by koda
Workaround pointers to not yet defined types
2012-02-10, by unc0rr
updated pt_pt locale
2012-02-10, by inu
disable the use of the accelerometer on android, we don't use it and it only drains the battery
2012-02-09, by Xeli
2012-02-09, by koda
move the classes recently added to a proper folder
2012-02-09, by koda
added MGSplitViewController, popular replacement for uisplitviewcontrollers: this brings rotation support to our settings pages! weapons and schemes are the only controllers displaying minor glitches
2012-02-09, by koda
small ios weapon localisation handling fix
2012-02-09, by koda
ios: added MXAudioPlayerFadeOperation to allow easy fade in and out of background music
2012-02-09, by koda
updated ios description portuguese
2012-02-09, by inu
use the way actions are initiated the same way as koda implemented with PascalExports, using boolean values such as upKey and enterKey, this prevents the user from being able to control the AI
2012-02-09, by Xeli
Move a bit further
2012-02-08, by unc0rr
and oooone last off-by-1 in ammo menu
2012-02-07, by nemo
fixed aiming by touching the crosshair, made it compatible with the aiming buttons and disabled camera movement when touching buttons + some formatting fixes
2012-02-07, by Xeli
fixed the blackpixel in the ammomenu, x,y in GetAmmoMenuTexture now initialized correctly
2012-02-07, by Xeli
Fix a bug with type declaration trying to resolve type being declared
2012-02-07, by unc0rr
prevent the cursor from being shown on the mobile version, and close the menu on tap when the tap is not on the ammo menu
2012-02-07, by Xeli
slider tweak
2012-02-06, by nemo
2012-02-07, by koda
Fixes slot sprite and ammo sprites overlapping left side border. There is still the issue that boxes should be 32px between borders, but right now they are 33px on all but the first row (since the outside border overlaps it by 1px) causing the slot sprite to have 2px of border on the left and 1px of border on the right.
2012-02-06, by nemo
Fix slider positions
2012-02-06, by nemo
2012-02-07, by koda
add the button images to the android assets
2012-02-06, by Xeli
wops, must use tabs not spaces..
2012-02-06, by Xeli
the buttons actually work now!
2012-02-06, by Xeli
fix compiler error for non android build
2012-02-06, by Xeli
wops, too much copy pasting
2012-02-06, by Xeli
show buttons on the screen, similar to the iOS overlay
2012-02-06, by Xeli
ios game configuration page rotation gliches fix
2012-02-07, by koda
Some progress, still can't find the source of bad behavior
2012-02-06, by unc0rr
ios game configuration page supports rotation, with some enhancements (like the new slider); some glitches here and there
2012-02-07, by koda
Increase volume on a number of sounds that were many times quieter than the other voices. Also remove empty space in Ooff1.ogg so it plays at the right time.
2012-02-05, by nemo
unbreak tardis
2012-02-05, by nemo
unbreak ammo menu
2012-02-05, by nemo
Disable opacity across the board. It is screwed up in OSX and apparently also Linux. Bad artifacts and overall performance.
2012-02-05, by nemo
ok. really fix by toggling back to ready. At least, I think this should do it...
2012-02-05, by nemo
attempt to fix 3222bb0612ca - otherwise you are unable to start a second game without quitting the room.
2012-02-05, by nemo
add individual hog healths to team health bar
2012-02-05, by nemo
Further work on propagating types. Now it hopefully works fully, just need to annotate namespace with types first.
2012-02-05, by unc0rr
some refactoring + you can now tap on the ammo menu to select a weapon
2012-02-05, by Xeli
BUUUUURN OBJC AMMOMENU BUUUURNhg diff! (on a separate note, this reduces the codesize by ~37k)
2012-02-05, by koda
check if the latest assets have been moved to the sdcard (compare with versionCode)
2012-02-04, by Xeli
Rewrote the Ammomenu:
2012-02-04, by Xeli
Android makefile: compile with debug symbols and ant clean, otherwise it wont update the apk if you have only changed a lib
2012-02-04, by Xeli
Expanded copyToXY, it doesn't copy the whole src sprite, srcX/Y to srcW/h, added DrawSprite2Surf and DrawLine2Surf
2012-02-04, by Xeli
disable using files from the assets dir, and use fopen()
2012-01-29, by Xeli
Propagate types on identifiers
2012-02-03, by unc0rr
chinese update
2012-01-31, by cherrotluo
astyle -C -S -L -N --style=allman --recursive "QTfrontend/*.cpp" "QTfrontend/*.h"
2012-01-30, by nemo
more ios pages supporting rotaiton
2012-01-30, by koda
ahem, fix build
2012-01-30, by koda
disabling the discovery of SDL13+ on desktop. SDL13 has become SDL2 with a completely different ABI and will require a new FindSDL2 module for Cmake to be found; for current sdl development installations, hedgewars will either use the compatibility layer (present in sdl1.3 but not in sdl2) or just fail to build (in case sdl2 is installed but sdl1.2.* is not). whew
2012-01-29, by koda
starting to convert the ipad interface to support all ortientations...
2012-01-29, by koda
rotation ftw!!! (engine part)
2012-01-29, by koda
koda/ammomenu on desktop fix!
2012-01-29, by Xeli
minor cleanup, gather AMSlotSize in uConsts
2012-01-28, by koda