QTfrontend: Fix flickering and bad offset of control config popup
If you opened the pop-up to change a key, there was a very short flicker at the left side
and the pop-up had a bad offset which sometimes caused entries to be out of screen bounds.
LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_MODULE := physfs
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := physfs.c \
physfs_byteorder.c \
physfs_unicode.c \
platform_posix.c \
platform_unix.c \
platform_macosx.c \
platform_windows.c \
archiver_dir.c \
archiver_grp.c \
archiver_hog.c \
archiver_lzma.c \
archiver_mvl.c \
archiver_qpak.c \
archiver_wad.c \
archiver_zip.c \