- Fix for getting the correct fort name in FortsViewController
/* * Hedgewars, a free turn based strategy game * Copyright (c) 2004-2015 Andrey Korotaev <unC0Rr@gmail.com> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA *//** * @file * @brief MapModel class implementation */#include <QSettings>#include "physfs.h"#include "MapModel.h"#include "HWApplication.h"#include "hwconsts.h"MapModel::MapInfo MapModel::MapInfoRandom = {MapModel::GeneratedMap, "+rnd+", "", 0, "", "", "", false};MapModel::MapInfo MapModel::MapInfoMaze = {MapModel::GeneratedMaze, "+maze+", "", 0, "", "", "", false};MapModel::MapInfo MapModel::MapInfoPerlin = {MapModel::GeneratedMaze, "+perlin+", "", 0, "", "", "", false};MapModel::MapInfo MapModel::MapInfoDrawn = {MapModel::HandDrawnMap, "+drawn+", "", 0, "", "", "", false};MapModel::MapModel(MapType maptype, QObject *parent) : QStandardItemModel(parent){ m_maptype = maptype; m_loaded = false;}bool MapModel::loadMaps(){ if(m_loaded) return false; m_loaded = true; qDebug("[LAZINESS] MapModel::loadMaps()"); // this method resets the contents of this model (important to know for views). beginResetModel(); // we'll need the DataManager a few times, so let's get a reference to it DataManager & datamgr = DataManager::instance(); // fetch list of available maps QStringList maps = datamgr.entryList("Maps", QDir::AllDirs | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot); // empty list, so that we can (re)fill it QStandardItemModel::clear(); //QList<QStandardItem *> staticMaps; //QList<QStandardItem *> missionMaps; QList<QStandardItem *> mapList; // add mission/static maps to lists foreach (QString map, maps) { // only 2 map relate files are relevant: // - the cfg file that contains the settings/info of the map // - the lua file - if it exists it's a mission, otherwise it isn't QFile mapLuaFile(QString("physfs://Maps/%1/map.lua").arg(map)); QFile mapCfgFile(QString("physfs://Maps/%1/map.cfg").arg(map)); if (mapCfgFile.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) { QString caption; QString theme; quint32 limit = 0; QString scheme; QString weapons; QString desc; bool dlc; // if there is a lua file for this map, then it's a mission bool isMission = mapLuaFile.exists(); MapType type = isMission ? MissionMap : StaticMap; // if we're supposed to ignore this type, continue if (type != m_maptype) continue; // load map info from file QTextStream input(&mapCfgFile); theme = input.readLine(); limit = input.readLine().toInt(); if (isMission) { // scheme and weapons are only relevant for missions scheme = input.readLine(); weapons = input.readLine(); } mapCfgFile.close(); // load description (if applicable) if (isMission) { QString locale = HWApplication::keyboardInputLocale().name(); QSettings descSettings(QString("physfs://Maps/%1/desc.txt").arg(map), QSettings::IniFormat); desc = descSettings.value(locale, QString()).toString().replace("|", "\n").replace("\\,", ","); } // detect if map is dlc QString mapDir = PHYSFS_getRealDir(QString("Maps/%1/map.cfg").arg(map).toLocal8Bit().data()); dlc = !mapDir.startsWith(datadir->absolutePath()); // let's use some semi-sane hedgehog limit, rather than none if (limit == 0) limit = 18; // the default scheme/weaponset for missions. // if empty we assume the map sets these internally -> locked if (isMission) { if (scheme.isEmpty()) scheme = "locked"; else scheme.replace("_", " "); if (weapons.isEmpty()) weapons = "locked"; else weapons.replace("_", " "); } // caption caption = map; // we know everything there is about the map, let's get am item for it QStandardItem * item = MapModel::infoToItem( QIcon(), caption, type, map, theme, limit, scheme, weapons, desc, dlc); // append item to the list mapList.append(item); } } // Create column-index lookup table m_mapIndexes.clear(); int count = mapList.size(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { QStandardItem * si = mapList.at(i); QVariant v = si->data(Qt::UserRole + 1); if (v.canConvert<MapInfo>()) m_mapIndexes.insert(v.value<MapInfo>().name, i); } QStandardItemModel::appendColumn(mapList); endResetModel(); return true;}bool MapModel::mapExists(const QString & map){ return findMap(map) >= 0;}int MapModel::findMap(const QString & map){ loadMaps(); return m_mapIndexes.value(map, -1);}QStandardItem * MapModel::getMap(const QString & map){ int loc = findMap(map); if (loc < 0) return NULL; return item(loc);}QStandardItem * MapModel::infoToItem( const QIcon & icon, const QString caption, MapType type, QString name, QString theme, quint32 limit, QString scheme, QString weapons, QString desc, bool dlc){ QStandardItem * item = new QStandardItem(icon, (dlc ? "*" : "") + caption); MapInfo mapInfo; QVariant qvar(QVariant::UserType); mapInfo.type = type; mapInfo.name = name; mapInfo.theme = theme; mapInfo.limit = limit; mapInfo.scheme = scheme; mapInfo.weapons = weapons; mapInfo.desc = desc.isEmpty() ? tr("No description available.") : desc; mapInfo.dlc = dlc; qvar.setValue(mapInfo); item->setData(qvar, Qt::UserRole + 1); return item;}