Change misleading server error message about nicknames
#.rst:# CheckTypeSize# -------------## Check sizeof a type## ::## CHECK_TYPE_SIZE(TYPE VARIABLE [BUILTIN_TYPES_ONLY]# [LANGUAGE <language>])## Check if the type exists and determine its size. On return,# "HAVE_${VARIABLE}" holds the existence of the type, and "${VARIABLE}"# holds one of the following:## ::## <size> = type has non-zero size <size># "0" = type has arch-dependent size (see below)# "" = type does not exist## Both ``HAVE_${VARIABLE}`` and ``${VARIABLE}`` will be created as internal# cache variables.## Furthermore, the variable "${VARIABLE}_CODE" holds C preprocessor code# to define the macro "${VARIABLE}" to the size of the type, or leave# the macro undefined if the type does not exist.## The variable "${VARIABLE}" may be "0" when CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES has# multiple architectures for building OS X universal binaries. This# indicates that the type size varies across architectures. In this# case "${VARIABLE}_CODE" contains C preprocessor tests mapping from# each architecture macro to the corresponding type size. The list of# architecture macros is stored in "${VARIABLE}_KEYS", and the value for# each key is stored in "${VARIABLE}-${KEY}".## If the BUILTIN_TYPES_ONLY option is not given, the macro checks for# headers <sys/types.h>, <stdint.h>, and <stddef.h>, and saves results# in HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H, HAVE_STDINT_H, and HAVE_STDDEF_H. The type size# check automatically includes the available headers, thus supporting# checks of types defined in the headers.## If LANGUAGE is set, the specified compiler will be used to perform the# check. Acceptable values are C and CXX## Despite the name of the macro you may use it to check the size of more# complex expressions, too. To check e.g. for the size of a struct# member you can do something like this:## ::## check_type_size("((struct something*)0)->member" SIZEOF_MEMBER)#### The following variables may be set before calling this macro to modify# the way the check is run:## ::## CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS = string of compile command line flags# CMAKE_REQUIRED_DEFINITIONS = list of macros to define (-DFOO=bar)# CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES = list of include directories# CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES = list of libraries to link# CMAKE_REQUIRED_QUIET = execute quietly without messages# CMAKE_EXTRA_INCLUDE_FILES = list of extra headers to include#=============================================================================# Copyright 2002-2009 Kitware, Inc.## Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD License (the "License");# see accompanying file Copyright.txt for details.## This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the# implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.# See the License for more information.#=============================================================================# (To distribute this file outside of CMake, substitute the full# License text for the above reference.)include(CheckIncludeFile)include(CheckIncludeFileCXX)cmake_policy(PUSH)cmake_policy(VERSION 3.0)get_filename_component(__check_type_size_dir "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE}" PATH)#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# Helper function. DO NOT CALL DIRECTLY.function(__check_type_size_impl type var map builtin language) if(NOT CMAKE_REQUIRED_QUIET) message(STATUS "Check size of ${type}") endif() # Include header files. set(headers) if(builtin) if(HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H) set(headers "${headers}#include <sys/types.h>\n") endif() if(HAVE_STDINT_H) set(headers "${headers}#include <stdint.h>\n") endif() if(HAVE_STDDEF_H) set(headers "${headers}#include <stddef.h>\n") endif() endif() foreach(h ${CMAKE_EXTRA_INCLUDE_FILES}) set(headers "${headers}#include \"${h}\"\n") endforeach() # Perform the check. if("${language}" STREQUAL "C") set(src ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}${CMAKE_FILES_DIRECTORY}/CheckTypeSize/${var}.c) elseif("${language}" STREQUAL "CXX") set(src ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}${CMAKE_FILES_DIRECTORY}/CheckTypeSize/${var}.cpp) else() message(FATAL_ERROR "Unknown language:\n ${language}\nSupported languages: C, CXX.\n") endif() set(bin ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}${CMAKE_FILES_DIRECTORY}/CheckTypeSize/${var}.bin) configure_file(${__check_type_size_dir}/ ${src} @ONLY) try_run(${var}_run_result HAVE_${var} ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} ${src} COMPILE_DEFINITIONS ${CMAKE_REQUIRED_DEFINITIONS} LINK_LIBRARIES ${CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES} CMAKE_FLAGS "-DCOMPILE_DEFINITIONS:STRING=${CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS}" "-DINCLUDE_DIRECTORIES:STRING=${CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES}" RUN_OUTPUT_VARIABLE ${var}_run_output COMPILE_OUTPUT_VARIABLE output ) if(${HAVE_${var}} AND NOT "${${var}_run_result}" STREQUAL "FAILED_TO_RUN") set(${var} ${${var}_run_result}) if(NOT CMAKE_REQUIRED_QUIET) message(STATUS "Check size of ${type} - done") endif() file(APPEND ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}${CMAKE_FILES_DIRECTORY}/CMakeOutput.log "Determining size of ${type} passed with the following output:\n${output}\n\n") set(${var} "${${var}}" CACHE INTERNAL "CHECK_TYPE_SIZE: sizeof(${type})") else() # The check failed to compile. if(NOT CMAKE_REQUIRED_QUIET) message(STATUS "Check size of ${type} - failed") endif() file(READ ${src} content) file(APPEND ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}${CMAKE_FILES_DIRECTORY}/CMakeError.log "Determining size of ${type} failed with the following output:\n${output}\n${src}:\n${content}\n\n") set(${var} "" CACHE INTERNAL "CHECK_TYPE_SIZE: ${type} unknown") file(REMOVE ${map}) endif()endfunction()#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------macro(CHECK_TYPE_SIZE TYPE VARIABLE) # parse arguments unset(doing) foreach(arg ${ARGN}) if("x${arg}" STREQUAL "xBUILTIN_TYPES_ONLY") set(_CHECK_TYPE_SIZE_${arg} 1) unset(doing) elseif("x${arg}" STREQUAL "xLANGUAGE") # change to MATCHES for more keys set(doing "${arg}") set(_CHECK_TYPE_SIZE_${doing} "") elseif("x${doing}" STREQUAL "xLANGUAGE") set(_CHECK_TYPE_SIZE_${doing} "${arg}") unset(doing) else() message(FATAL_ERROR "Unknown argument:\n ${arg}\n") endif() endforeach() if("x${doing}" MATCHES "^x(LANGUAGE)$") message(FATAL_ERROR "Missing argument:\n ${doing} arguments requires a value\n") endif() if(DEFINED _CHECK_TYPE_SIZE_LANGUAGE) if(NOT "x${_CHECK_TYPE_SIZE_LANGUAGE}" MATCHES "^x(C|CXX)$") message(FATAL_ERROR "Unknown language:\n ${_CHECK_TYPE_SIZE_LANGUAGE}.\nSupported languages: C, CXX.\n") endif() set(_language ${_CHECK_TYPE_SIZE_LANGUAGE}) else() set(_language C) endif() # Optionally check for standard headers. if(_CHECK_TYPE_SIZE_BUILTIN_TYPES_ONLY) set(_builtin 0) else() set(_builtin 1) if("${_language}" STREQUAL "C") check_include_file(sys/types.h HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H) check_include_file(stdint.h HAVE_STDINT_H) check_include_file(stddef.h HAVE_STDDEF_H) elseif("${_language}" STREQUAL "CXX") check_include_file_cxx(sys/types.h HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H) check_include_file_cxx(stdint.h HAVE_STDINT_H) check_include_file_cxx(stddef.h HAVE_STDDEF_H) endif() endif() unset(_CHECK_TYPE_SIZE_BUILTIN_TYPES_ONLY) unset(_CHECK_TYPE_SIZE_LANGUAGE) # Compute or load the size or size map. set(${VARIABLE}_KEYS) set(_map_file ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${CMAKE_FILES_DIRECTORY}/CheckTypeSize/${VARIABLE}.cmake) if(NOT DEFINED HAVE_${VARIABLE}) __check_type_size_impl(${TYPE} ${VARIABLE} ${_map_file} ${_builtin} ${_language}) endif() include(${_map_file} OPTIONAL) set(_map_file) set(_builtin) # Create preprocessor code. if(${VARIABLE}_KEYS) set(${VARIABLE}_CODE) set(_if if) foreach(key ${${VARIABLE}_KEYS}) set(${VARIABLE}_CODE "${${VARIABLE}_CODE}#${_if} defined(${key})\n# define ${VARIABLE} ${${VARIABLE}-${key}}\n") set(_if elif) endforeach() set(${VARIABLE}_CODE "${${VARIABLE}_CODE}#else\n# error ${VARIABLE} unknown\n#endif") set(_if) elseif(${VARIABLE}) set(${VARIABLE}_CODE "#define ${VARIABLE} ${${VARIABLE}}") else() set(${VARIABLE}_CODE "/* #undef ${VARIABLE} */") endif()endmacro()#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------cmake_policy(POP)