frontlib improvements:
- Added README with overview documentation
- Improved code documentation/comments
- Added flib_gameconn_send_quit to gracefully exit a running game
- Changed the type of some size variables to size_t
- Fixed starting a mission/training sending the mission script like a multiplayer script
- Removed reference counters from flib_scheme and flib_map
- Removed INGAME state from netconn (there is no useful difference to ROOM state)
- Added extras/jnacontrol.c to warn when functions signatures used by Hedgeroid change
- Other small code improvements
/* * Hedgewars, a free turn based strategy game * Copyright (C) 2012 Simeon Maxein <> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. *//* * This file is not directly part of the frontlib and is not required to build it. * However, it is recommended to include it in compilation when building for Android. The purpose of this file * is to ensure consistency between the function signatures of the JNA Java bindings of the Android port and the * frontlib functions. * * This file, in essence, consists only of function declarations. They are duplicates of function declarations * from the frontlib headers that are referenced from JNA bindings. If the signature of one of these functions * changes in the frontlib, it will no longer match the signature in this file, and the compiler will show an error. * If that happens, you need to update the JNA bindings in Hedgeroid to match the new function signature, and then * update this file. * * The reason for all this is that JNA does not actually know the function signatures of the functions it binds, * it derives them from Java method declarations. If those do not match the actual function signatures, you will * only notice when you suddenly get strange (and possibly hard to track down) problems at runtime. This file is * an attempt to detect these problems at compile time instead. Notice that it will NOT detect changes to structs * or constants though, which also require updates to the JNA bindings. *//* * Before we include the frontlib headers, we define away the const keyword. This is necessary because there is no * distinction between const and non-const types on the JNA side, and we don't want the compiler to complain because * of bad constness. * * This is so evil, but it works... */#define const#include "../frontlib.h"/* * Now we map the Java types to the corresponding C types... */typedef flib_netconn *NetconnPtr;typedef flib_gameconn *GameconnPtr;typedef flib_mapconn *MapconnPtr;typedef flib_metascheme *MetaschemePtr;typedef flib_room **RoomArrayPtr;typedef flib_weaponset *WeaponsetPtr;typedef flib_weaponsetlist *WeaponsetListPtr;typedef flib_map *MapRecipePtr;typedef flib_scheme *SchemePtr;typedef flib_schemelist *SchemelistPtr;typedef flib_room *RoomPtr;typedef flib_team *TeamPtr;typedef flib_gamesetup *GameSetupPtr;typedef bool boolean;typedef size_t NativeLong;typedef void *Pointer;typedef char *String;typedef uint8_t *Buffer;/* * Mapping callback types */typedef void (*VoidCallback)(Pointer context);typedef void (*StrCallback)(Pointer context, String arg1);typedef void (*IntCallback)(Pointer context, int arg1);typedef void (*IntStrCallback)(Pointer context, int arg1, String arg2);typedef void (*StrIntCallback)(Pointer context, String arg1, int arg2);typedef void (*StrStrCallback)(Pointer context, String arg1, String arg2);typedef void (*RoomCallback)(Pointer context, RoomPtr arg1);typedef void (*RoomListCallback)(Pointer context, RoomArrayPtr arg1, int arg2);typedef void (*StrRoomCallback)(Pointer context, String arg1, RoomPtr arg2);typedef void (*BoolCallback)(Pointer context, boolean arg1);typedef void (*StrBoolCallback)(Pointer context, String arg1, boolean arg2);typedef void (*TeamCallback)(Pointer context, TeamPtr arg1);typedef void (*BytesCallback)(Pointer context, const uint8_t *buffer, NativeLong size);typedef void (*BytesBoolCallback)(Pointer context, const uint8_t *buffer, NativeLong size, boolean arg3);typedef void (*SchemeCallback)(Pointer context, SchemePtr arg1);typedef void (*MapIntCallback)(Pointer context, MapRecipePtr arg1, int arg2);typedef void (*WeaponsetCallback)(Pointer context, WeaponsetPtr arg1);typedef void (*MapimageCallback)(Pointer context, const uint8_t *mapimage, int hogs);typedef void (*LogCallback)(int arg1, String arg2);/* * Below here are the copypasted method declarations from the JNA bindings */// frontlib.hint flib_init();void flib_quit();// net/netconn.hNetconnPtr flib_netconn_create(String playerName, MetaschemePtr meta, String dataDirPath, String host, int port);void flib_netconn_destroy(NetconnPtr conn);void flib_netconn_tick(NetconnPtr conn);boolean flib_netconn_is_chief(NetconnPtr conn);String flib_netconn_get_playername(NetconnPtr conn);GameSetupPtr flib_netconn_create_gamesetup(NetconnPtr conn);int flib_netconn_send_quit(NetconnPtr conn, String quitmsg);int flib_netconn_send_chat(NetconnPtr conn, String chat);int flib_netconn_send_teamchat(NetconnPtr conn, String msg);int flib_netconn_send_password(NetconnPtr conn, String passwd);int flib_netconn_send_nick(NetconnPtr conn, String nick);int flib_netconn_send_request_roomlist(NetconnPtr conn);int flib_netconn_send_joinRoom(NetconnPtr conn, String room);int flib_netconn_send_createRoom(NetconnPtr conn, String room);int flib_netconn_send_renameRoom(NetconnPtr conn, String roomName);int flib_netconn_send_leaveRoom(NetconnPtr conn, String msg);int flib_netconn_send_toggleReady(NetconnPtr conn);int flib_netconn_send_addTeam(NetconnPtr conn, TeamPtr team);int flib_netconn_send_removeTeam(NetconnPtr conn, String teamname);int flib_netconn_send_engineMessage(NetconnPtr conn, Buffer message, NativeLong size);int flib_netconn_send_teamHogCount(NetconnPtr conn, String teamname, int hogcount);int flib_netconn_send_teamColor(NetconnPtr conn, String teamname, int colorIndex);int flib_netconn_send_weaponset(NetconnPtr conn, WeaponsetPtr weaponset);int flib_netconn_send_map(NetconnPtr conn, MapRecipePtr map);int flib_netconn_send_mapName(NetconnPtr conn, String mapName);int flib_netconn_send_mapGen(NetconnPtr conn, int mapGen);int flib_netconn_send_mapTemplate(NetconnPtr conn, int templateFilter);int flib_netconn_send_mapMazeSize(NetconnPtr conn, int mazeSize);int flib_netconn_send_mapSeed(NetconnPtr conn, String seed);int flib_netconn_send_mapTheme(NetconnPtr conn, String theme);int flib_netconn_send_mapDrawdata(NetconnPtr conn, Buffer drawData, NativeLong size);int flib_netconn_send_script(NetconnPtr conn, String scriptName);int flib_netconn_send_scheme(NetconnPtr conn, SchemePtr scheme);int flib_netconn_send_roundfinished(NetconnPtr conn, boolean withoutError);int flib_netconn_send_ban(NetconnPtr conn, String playerName);int flib_netconn_send_kick(NetconnPtr conn, String playerName);int flib_netconn_send_playerInfo(NetconnPtr conn, String playerName);int flib_netconn_send_playerFollow(NetconnPtr conn, String playerName);int flib_netconn_send_startGame(NetconnPtr conn);int flib_netconn_send_toggleRestrictJoins(NetconnPtr conn);int flib_netconn_send_toggleRestrictTeams(NetconnPtr conn);int flib_netconn_send_clearAccountsCache(NetconnPtr conn);int flib_netconn_send_setServerVar(NetconnPtr conn, String name, String value);int flib_netconn_send_getServerVars(NetconnPtr conn);void flib_netconn_onMessage(NetconnPtr conn, IntStrCallback callback, Pointer context);void flib_netconn_onChat(NetconnPtr conn, StrStrCallback callback, Pointer context);void flib_netconn_onConnected(NetconnPtr conn, VoidCallback callback, Pointer context);void flib_netconn_onDisconnected(NetconnPtr conn, IntStrCallback callback, Pointer context);void flib_netconn_onRoomlist(NetconnPtr conn, RoomListCallback callback, Pointer context);void flib_netconn_onRoomAdd(NetconnPtr conn, RoomCallback callback, Pointer context);void flib_netconn_onRoomDelete(NetconnPtr conn, StrCallback callback, Pointer context);void flib_netconn_onRoomUpdate(NetconnPtr conn, StrRoomCallback callback, Pointer context);void flib_netconn_onLobbyJoin(NetconnPtr conn, StrCallback callback, Pointer context);void flib_netconn_onLobbyLeave(NetconnPtr conn, StrStrCallback callback, Pointer context);void flib_netconn_onNickTaken(NetconnPtr conn, StrCallback callback, Pointer context);void flib_netconn_onPasswordRequest(NetconnPtr conn, StrCallback callback, Pointer context);void flib_netconn_onEnterRoom(NetconnPtr conn, BoolCallback callback, Pointer context);void flib_netconn_onRoomChiefStatus(NetconnPtr conn, BoolCallback callback, Pointer context);void flib_netconn_onReadyState(NetconnPtr conn, StrBoolCallback callback, Pointer context);void flib_netconn_onLeaveRoom(NetconnPtr conn, IntStrCallback callback, Pointer context);void flib_netconn_onTeamAdd(NetconnPtr conn, TeamCallback callback, Pointer context);void flib_netconn_onTeamDelete(NetconnPtr conn, StrCallback callback, Pointer context);void flib_netconn_onRoomJoin(NetconnPtr conn, StrCallback callback, Pointer context);void flib_netconn_onRoomLeave(NetconnPtr conn, StrStrCallback callback, Pointer context);void flib_netconn_onRunGame(NetconnPtr conn, VoidCallback callback, Pointer context);void flib_netconn_onTeamAccepted(NetconnPtr conn, StrCallback callback, Pointer context);void flib_netconn_onHogCountChanged(NetconnPtr conn, StrIntCallback callback, Pointer context);void flib_netconn_onTeamColorChanged(NetconnPtr conn, StrIntCallback callback, Pointer context);void flib_netconn_onEngineMessage(NetconnPtr conn, BytesCallback callback, Pointer context);void flib_netconn_onCfgScheme(NetconnPtr conn, SchemeCallback callback, Pointer context);void flib_netconn_onMapChanged(NetconnPtr conn, MapIntCallback callback, Pointer context);void flib_netconn_onScriptChanged(NetconnPtr conn, StrCallback callback, Pointer context);void flib_netconn_onWeaponsetChanged(NetconnPtr conn, WeaponsetCallback callback, Pointer context);void flib_netconn_onAdminAccess(NetconnPtr conn, VoidCallback callback, Pointer context);void flib_netconn_onServerVar(NetconnPtr conn, StrStrCallback callback, Pointer context);// ipc/gameconn.hGameconnPtr flib_gameconn_create(String playerName, GameSetupPtr setup, boolean netgame);GameconnPtr flib_gameconn_create_playdemo(Buffer demo, NativeLong size);GameconnPtr flib_gameconn_create_loadgame(String playerName, Buffer save, NativeLong size);GameconnPtr flib_gameconn_create_campaign(String playerName, String seed, String script);void flib_gameconn_destroy(GameconnPtr conn);int flib_gameconn_getport(GameconnPtr conn);void flib_gameconn_tick(GameconnPtr conn);int flib_gameconn_send_enginemsg(GameconnPtr conn, Buffer data, NativeLong len);int flib_gameconn_send_textmsg(GameconnPtr conn, int msgtype, String msg);int flib_gameconn_send_chatmsg(GameconnPtr conn, String playername, String msg);int flib_gameconn_send_quit(GameconnPtr conn);void flib_gameconn_onConnect(GameconnPtr conn, VoidCallback callback, Pointer context);void flib_gameconn_onDisconnect(GameconnPtr conn, IntCallback callback, Pointer context);void flib_gameconn_onErrorMessage(GameconnPtr conn, StrCallback callback, Pointer context);void flib_gameconn_onChat(GameconnPtr conn, StrBoolCallback callback, Pointer context);void flib_gameconn_onGameRecorded(GameconnPtr conn, BytesBoolCallback callback, Pointer context);void flib_gameconn_onEngineMessage(GameconnPtr conn, BytesCallback callback, Pointer context);// ipc/mapconn.hMapconnPtr flib_mapconn_create(MapRecipePtr mapdesc);void flib_mapconn_destroy(MapconnPtr conn);int flib_mapconn_getport(MapconnPtr conn);void flib_mapconn_onSuccess(MapconnPtr conn, MapimageCallback callback, Pointer context);void flib_mapconn_onFailure(MapconnPtr conn, StrCallback callback, Pointer context);void flib_mapconn_tick(MapconnPtr conn);// model/scheme.hMetaschemePtr flib_metascheme_from_ini(String filename);MetaschemePtr flib_metascheme_retain(MetaschemePtr metainfo);void flib_metascheme_release(MetaschemePtr metainfo);// model/schemelist.hSchemelistPtr flib_schemelist_from_ini(MetaschemePtr meta, String filename);int flib_schemelist_to_ini(String filename, SchemelistPtr list);void flib_schemelist_destroy(SchemelistPtr list);// model/team.hTeamPtr flib_team_from_ini(String filename);int flib_team_to_ini(String filename, TeamPtr team);void flib_team_destroy(TeamPtr team);// model/weapon.hWeaponsetListPtr flib_weaponsetlist_from_ini(String filename);int flib_weaponsetlist_to_ini(String filename, WeaponsetListPtr weaponsets);void flib_weaponsetlist_destroy(WeaponsetListPtr list);// util/logging.hvoid flib_log_setLevel(int level);void flib_log_setCallback(LogCallback callback);