author sheepluva
Fri, 17 May 2013 22:01:23 +0200
changeset 9010 d1f9197027b2
parent 5172 88f2e05288ba
permissions -rw-r--r--
changed icon for freezer ( issue #614 ), for rope (to be easier to recognize) and cluster bomb (to be easier to recognize and to so that it can be distinguished from the regular grenade's icon even when no color is present or perceived

/*                                                                         */
/*  t1load.c                                                               */
/*                                                                         */
/*    Type 1 font loader (body).                                           */
/*                                                                         */
/*  Copyright 1996-2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009,   */
/*            2010 by                                                      */
/*  David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg.                      */
/*                                                                         */
/*  This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used,       */
/*  modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project      */
/*  license, LICENSE.TXT.  By continuing to use, modify, or distribute     */
/*  this file you indicate that you have read the license and              */
/*  understand and accept it fully.                                        */
/*                                                                         */

  /*                                                                       */
  /* This is the new and improved Type 1 data loader for FreeType 2.  The  */
  /* old loader has several problems: it is slow, complex, difficult to    */
  /* maintain, and contains incredible hacks to make it accept some        */
  /* ill-formed Type 1 fonts without hiccup-ing.  Moreover, about 5% of    */
  /* the Type 1 fonts on my machine still aren't loaded correctly by it.   */
  /*                                                                       */
  /* This version is much simpler, much faster and also easier to read and */
  /* maintain by a great order of magnitude.  The idea behind it is to     */
  /* _not_ try to read the Type 1 token stream with a state machine (i.e.  */
  /* a Postscript-like interpreter) but rather to perform simple pattern   */
  /* matching.                                                             */
  /*                                                                       */
  /* Indeed, nearly all data definitions follow a simple pattern like      */
  /*                                                                       */
  /*  ... /Field <data> ...                                                */
  /*                                                                       */
  /* where <data> can be a number, a boolean, a string, or an array of     */
  /* numbers.  There are a few exceptions, namely the encoding, font name, */
  /* charstrings, and subrs; they are handled with a special pattern       */
  /* matching routine.                                                     */
  /*                                                                       */
  /* All other common cases are handled very simply.  The matching rules   */
  /* are defined in the file `t1tokens.h' through the use of several       */
  /* macros calls PARSE_XXX.  This file is included twice here; the first  */
  /* time to generate parsing callback functions, the second time to       */
  /* generate a table of keywords (with pointers to the associated         */
  /* callback functions).                                                  */
  /*                                                                       */
  /* The function `parse_dict' simply scans *linearly* a given dictionary  */
  /* (either the top-level or private one) and calls the appropriate       */
  /* callback when it encounters an immediate keyword.                     */
  /*                                                                       */
  /* This is by far the fastest way one can find to parse and read all     */
  /* data.                                                                 */
  /*                                                                       */
  /* This led to tremendous code size reduction.  Note that later, the     */
  /* glyph loader will also be _greatly_ simplified, and the automatic     */
  /* hinter will replace the clumsy `t1hinter'.                            */
  /*                                                                       */

#include <ft2build.h>

#include "t1load.h"
#include "t1errors.h"

  /*                                                                       */
  /* The macro FT_COMPONENT is used in trace mode.  It is an implicit      */
  /* parameter of the FT_TRACE() and FT_ERROR() macros, used to print/log  */
  /* messages during execution.                                            */
  /*                                                                       */
#define FT_COMPONENT  trace_t1load


  /*****                                                               *****/
  /*****                    MULTIPLE MASTERS SUPPORT                   *****/
  /*****                                                               *****/

  static FT_Error
  t1_allocate_blend( T1_Face  face,
                     FT_UInt  num_designs,
                     FT_UInt  num_axis )
    PS_Blend   blend;
    FT_Memory  memory = face->root.memory;
    FT_Error   error  = T1_Err_Ok;

    blend = face->blend;
    if ( !blend )
      if ( FT_NEW( blend ) )
        goto Exit;

      blend->num_default_design_vector = 0;

      face->blend = blend;

    /* allocate design data if needed */
    if ( num_designs > 0 )
      if ( blend->num_designs == 0 )
        FT_UInt  nn;

        /* allocate the blend `private' and `font_info' dictionaries */
        if ( FT_NEW_ARRAY( blend->font_infos[1], num_designs     ) ||
             FT_NEW_ARRAY( blend->privates[1], num_designs       ) ||
             FT_NEW_ARRAY( blend->bboxes[1], num_designs         ) ||
             FT_NEW_ARRAY( blend->weight_vector, num_designs * 2 ) )
          goto Exit;

        blend->default_weight_vector = blend->weight_vector + num_designs;

        blend->font_infos[0] = &face->type1.font_info;
        blend->privates  [0] = &face->type1.private_dict;
        blend->bboxes    [0] = &face->type1.font_bbox;

        for ( nn = 2; nn <= num_designs; nn++ )
          blend->privates[nn]   = blend->privates  [nn - 1] + 1;
          blend->font_infos[nn] = blend->font_infos[nn - 1] + 1;
          blend->bboxes[nn]     = blend->bboxes    [nn - 1] + 1;

        blend->num_designs   = num_designs;
      else if ( blend->num_designs != num_designs )
        goto Fail;

    /* allocate axis data if needed */
    if ( num_axis > 0 )
      if ( blend->num_axis != 0 && blend->num_axis != num_axis )
        goto Fail;

      blend->num_axis = num_axis;

    /* allocate the blend design pos table if needed */
    num_designs = blend->num_designs;
    num_axis    = blend->num_axis;
    if ( num_designs && num_axis && blend->design_pos[0] == 0 )
      FT_UInt  n;

      if ( FT_NEW_ARRAY( blend->design_pos[0], num_designs * num_axis ) )
        goto Exit;

      for ( n = 1; n < num_designs; n++ )
        blend->design_pos[n] = blend->design_pos[0] + num_axis * n;

    return error;

    error = T1_Err_Invalid_File_Format;
    goto Exit;

  FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_Error )
  T1_Get_Multi_Master( T1_Face           face,
                       FT_Multi_Master*  master )
    PS_Blend  blend = face->blend;
    FT_UInt   n;
    FT_Error  error;

    error = T1_Err_Invalid_Argument;

    if ( blend )
      master->num_axis    = blend->num_axis;
      master->num_designs = blend->num_designs;

      for ( n = 0; n < blend->num_axis; n++ )
        FT_MM_Axis*   axis = master->axis + n;
        PS_DesignMap  map = blend->design_map + n;

        axis->name    = blend->axis_names[n];
        axis->minimum = map->design_points[0];
        axis->maximum = map->design_points[map->num_points - 1];

      error = T1_Err_Ok;

    return error;

  /*                                                                       */
  /* Given a normalized (blend) coordinate, figure out the design          */
  /* coordinate appropriate for that value.                                */
  /*                                                                       */
  FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_Fixed )
  mm_axis_unmap( PS_DesignMap  axismap,
                 FT_Fixed      ncv )
    int  j;

    if ( ncv <= axismap->blend_points[0] )
      return INT_TO_FIXED( axismap->design_points[0] );

    for ( j = 1; j < axismap->num_points; ++j )
      if ( ncv <= axismap->blend_points[j] )
        FT_Fixed  t = FT_MulDiv( ncv - axismap->blend_points[j - 1],
                                 axismap->blend_points[j] -
                                   axismap->blend_points[j - 1] );

        return INT_TO_FIXED( axismap->design_points[j - 1] ) +
                 FT_MulDiv( t,
                            axismap->design_points[j] -
                              axismap->design_points[j - 1],
                            1L );

    return INT_TO_FIXED( axismap->design_points[axismap->num_points - 1] );

  /*                                                                       */
  /* Given a vector of weights, one for each design, figure out the        */
  /* normalized axis coordinates which gave rise to those weights.         */
  /*                                                                       */
  FT_LOCAL_DEF( void )
  mm_weights_unmap( FT_Fixed*  weights,
                    FT_Fixed*  axiscoords,
                    FT_UInt    axis_count )
    FT_ASSERT( axis_count <= T1_MAX_MM_AXIS );

    if ( axis_count == 1 )
      axiscoords[0] = weights[1];

    else if ( axis_count == 2 )
      axiscoords[0] = weights[3] + weights[1];
      axiscoords[1] = weights[3] + weights[2];

    else if ( axis_count == 3 )
      axiscoords[0] = weights[7] + weights[5] + weights[3] + weights[1];
      axiscoords[1] = weights[7] + weights[6] + weights[3] + weights[2];
      axiscoords[2] = weights[7] + weights[6] + weights[5] + weights[4];

      axiscoords[0] = weights[15] + weights[13] + weights[11] + weights[9] +
                        weights[7] + weights[5] + weights[3] + weights[1];
      axiscoords[1] = weights[15] + weights[14] + weights[11] + weights[10] +
                        weights[7] + weights[6] + weights[3] + weights[2];
      axiscoords[2] = weights[15] + weights[14] + weights[13] + weights[12] +
                        weights[7] + weights[6] + weights[5] + weights[4];
      axiscoords[3] = weights[15] + weights[14] + weights[13] + weights[12] +
                        weights[11] + weights[10] + weights[9] + weights[8];

  /*                                                                       */
  /* Just a wrapper around T1_Get_Multi_Master to support the different    */
  /*  arguments needed by the GX var distortable fonts.                    */
  /*                                                                       */
  FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_Error )
  T1_Get_MM_Var( T1_Face      face,
                 FT_MM_Var*  *master )
    FT_Memory        memory = face->root.memory;
    FT_MM_Var       *mmvar;
    FT_Multi_Master  mmaster;
    FT_Error         error;
    FT_UInt          i;
    FT_Fixed         axiscoords[T1_MAX_MM_AXIS];
    PS_Blend         blend = face->blend;

    error = T1_Get_Multi_Master( face, &mmaster );
    if ( error )
      goto Exit;
    if ( FT_ALLOC( mmvar,
                   sizeof ( FT_MM_Var ) +
                     mmaster.num_axis * sizeof ( FT_Var_Axis ) ) )
      goto Exit;

    mmvar->num_axis        = mmaster.num_axis;
    mmvar->num_designs     = mmaster.num_designs;
    mmvar->num_namedstyles = (FT_UInt)-1;                /* Does not apply */
    mmvar->axis            = (FT_Var_Axis*)&mmvar[1];
                                      /* Point to axes after MM_Var struct */
    mmvar->namedstyle      = NULL;

    for ( i = 0 ; i < mmaster.num_axis; ++i )
      mmvar->axis[i].name    = mmaster.axis[i].name;
      mmvar->axis[i].minimum = INT_TO_FIXED( mmaster.axis[i].minimum);
      mmvar->axis[i].maximum = INT_TO_FIXED( mmaster.axis[i].maximum);
      mmvar->axis[i].def     = ( mmvar->axis[i].minimum +
                                   mmvar->axis[i].maximum ) / 2;
                            /* Does not apply.  But this value is in range */
      mmvar->axis[i].strid   = (FT_UInt)-1;    /* Does not apply */
      mmvar->axis[i].tag     = (FT_ULong)-1;   /* Does not apply */

      if ( ft_strcmp( mmvar->axis[i].name, "Weight" ) == 0 )
        mmvar->axis[i].tag = FT_MAKE_TAG( 'w', 'g', 'h', 't' );
      else if ( ft_strcmp( mmvar->axis[i].name, "Width" ) == 0 )
        mmvar->axis[i].tag = FT_MAKE_TAG( 'w', 'd', 't', 'h' );
      else if ( ft_strcmp( mmvar->axis[i].name, "OpticalSize" ) == 0 )
        mmvar->axis[i].tag = FT_MAKE_TAG( 'o', 'p', 's', 'z' );

    if ( blend->num_designs == ( 1U << blend->num_axis ) )
      mm_weights_unmap( blend->default_weight_vector,
                        blend->num_axis );

      for ( i = 0; i < mmaster.num_axis; ++i )
        mmvar->axis[i].def = mm_axis_unmap( &blend->design_map[i],
                                            axiscoords[i] );

    *master = mmvar;

    return error;

  FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_Error )
  T1_Set_MM_Blend( T1_Face    face,
                   FT_UInt    num_coords,
                   FT_Fixed*  coords )
    PS_Blend  blend = face->blend;
    FT_Error  error;
    FT_UInt   n, m;

    error = T1_Err_Invalid_Argument;

    if ( blend && blend->num_axis == num_coords )
      /* recompute the weight vector from the blend coordinates */
      error = T1_Err_Ok;

      for ( n = 0; n < blend->num_designs; n++ )
        FT_Fixed  result = 0x10000L;  /* 1.0 fixed */

        for ( m = 0; m < blend->num_axis; m++ )
          FT_Fixed  factor;

          /* get current blend axis position */
          factor = coords[m];
          if ( factor < 0 )        factor = 0;
          if ( factor > 0x10000L ) factor = 0x10000L;

          if ( ( n & ( 1 << m ) ) == 0 )
            factor = 0x10000L - factor;

          result = FT_MulFix( result, factor );
        blend->weight_vector[n] = result;

      error = T1_Err_Ok;

    return error;

  FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_Error )
  T1_Set_MM_Design( T1_Face   face,
                    FT_UInt   num_coords,
                    FT_Long*  coords )
    PS_Blend  blend = face->blend;
    FT_Error  error;
    FT_UInt   n, p;

    error = T1_Err_Invalid_Argument;
    if ( blend && blend->num_axis == num_coords )
      /* compute the blend coordinates through the blend design map */
      FT_Fixed  final_blends[T1_MAX_MM_DESIGNS];

      for ( n = 0; n < blend->num_axis; n++ )
        FT_Long       design  = coords[n];
        FT_Fixed      the_blend;
        PS_DesignMap  map     = blend->design_map + n;
        FT_Long*      designs = map->design_points;
        FT_Fixed*     blends  = map->blend_points;
        FT_Int        before  = -1, after = -1;

        for ( p = 0; p < (FT_UInt)map->num_points; p++ )
          FT_Long  p_design = designs[p];

          /* exact match? */
          if ( design == p_design )
            the_blend = blends[p];
            goto Found;

          if ( design < p_design )
            after = p;

          before = p;

        /* now interpolate if necessary */
        if ( before < 0 )
          the_blend = blends[0];

        else if ( after < 0 )
          the_blend = blends[map->num_points - 1];

          the_blend = FT_MulDiv( design         - designs[before],
                                 blends [after] - blends [before],
                                 designs[after] - designs[before] );

        final_blends[n] = the_blend;

      error = T1_Set_MM_Blend( face, num_coords, final_blends );

    return error;

  /*                                                                       */
  /* Just a wrapper around T1_Set_MM_Design to support the different       */
  /* arguments needed by the GX var distortable fonts.                     */
  /*                                                                       */
  FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_Error )
  T1_Set_Var_Design( T1_Face    face,
                     FT_UInt    num_coords,
                     FT_Fixed*  coords )
     FT_Long   lcoords[4];          /* maximum axis count is 4 */
     FT_UInt   i;
     FT_Error  error;

     error = T1_Err_Invalid_Argument;
     if ( num_coords <= 4 && num_coords > 0 )
       for ( i = 0; i < num_coords; ++i )
         lcoords[i] = FIXED_TO_INT( coords[i] );
       error = T1_Set_MM_Design( face, num_coords, lcoords );

     return error;

  FT_LOCAL_DEF( void )
  T1_Done_Blend( T1_Face  face )
    FT_Memory  memory = face->root.memory;
    PS_Blend   blend  = face->blend;

    if ( blend )
      FT_UInt  num_designs = blend->num_designs;
      FT_UInt  num_axis    = blend->num_axis;
      FT_UInt  n;

      /* release design pos table */
      FT_FREE( blend->design_pos[0] );
      for ( n = 1; n < num_designs; n++ )
        blend->design_pos[n] = 0;

      /* release blend `private' and `font info' dictionaries */
      FT_FREE( blend->privates[1] );
      FT_FREE( blend->font_infos[1] );
      FT_FREE( blend->bboxes[1] );

      for ( n = 0; n < num_designs; n++ )
        blend->privates  [n] = 0;
        blend->font_infos[n] = 0;
        blend->bboxes    [n] = 0;

      /* release weight vectors */
      FT_FREE( blend->weight_vector );
      blend->default_weight_vector = 0;

      /* release axis names */
      for ( n = 0; n < num_axis; n++ )
        FT_FREE( blend->axis_names[n] );

      /* release design map */
      for ( n = 0; n < num_axis; n++ )
        PS_DesignMap  dmap = blend->design_map + n;

        FT_FREE( dmap->design_points );
        dmap->num_points = 0;

      FT_FREE( face->blend );

  static void
  parse_blend_axis_types( T1_Face    face,
                          T1_Loader  loader )
    T1_TokenRec  axis_tokens[T1_MAX_MM_AXIS];
    FT_Int       n, num_axis;
    FT_Error     error = T1_Err_Ok;
    PS_Blend     blend;
    FT_Memory    memory;

    /* take an array of objects */
    T1_ToTokenArray( &loader->parser, axis_tokens,
                     T1_MAX_MM_AXIS, &num_axis );
    if ( num_axis < 0 )
      error = T1_Err_Ignore;
      goto Exit;
    if ( num_axis == 0 || num_axis > T1_MAX_MM_AXIS )
      FT_ERROR(( "parse_blend_axis_types: incorrect number of axes: %d\n",
                 num_axis ));
      error = T1_Err_Invalid_File_Format;
      goto Exit;

    /* allocate blend if necessary */
    error = t1_allocate_blend( face, 0, (FT_UInt)num_axis );
    if ( error )
      goto Exit;

    blend  = face->blend;
    memory = face->root.memory;

    /* each token is an immediate containing the name of the axis */
    for ( n = 0; n < num_axis; n++ )
      T1_Token    token = axis_tokens + n;
      FT_Byte*    name;
      FT_PtrDist  len;

      /* skip first slash, if any */
      if ( token->start[0] == '/' )

      len = token->limit - token->start;
      if ( len == 0 )
        error = T1_Err_Invalid_File_Format;
        goto Exit;

      if ( FT_ALLOC( blend->axis_names[n], len + 1 ) )
        goto Exit;

      name = (FT_Byte*)blend->axis_names[n];
      FT_MEM_COPY( name, token->start, len );
      name[len] = 0;

    loader->parser.root.error = error;

  static void
  parse_blend_design_positions( T1_Face    face,
                                T1_Loader  loader )
    T1_TokenRec  design_tokens[T1_MAX_MM_DESIGNS];
    FT_Int       num_designs;
    FT_Int       num_axis;
    T1_Parser    parser = &loader->parser;

    FT_Error     error = T1_Err_Ok;
    PS_Blend     blend;

    /* get the array of design tokens -- compute number of designs */
    T1_ToTokenArray( parser, design_tokens,
                     T1_MAX_MM_DESIGNS, &num_designs );
    if ( num_designs < 0 )
      error = T1_Err_Ignore;
      goto Exit;
    if ( num_designs == 0 || num_designs > T1_MAX_MM_DESIGNS )
      FT_ERROR(( "parse_blend_design_positions:"
                 " incorrect number of designs: %d\n",
                 num_designs ));
      error = T1_Err_Invalid_File_Format;
      goto Exit;

      FT_Byte*  old_cursor = parser->root.cursor;
      FT_Byte*  old_limit  = parser->root.limit;
      FT_Int    n;

      blend    = face->blend;
      num_axis = 0;  /* make compiler happy */

      for ( n = 0; n < num_designs; n++ )
        T1_TokenRec  axis_tokens[T1_MAX_MM_AXIS];
        T1_Token     token;
        FT_Int       axis, n_axis;

        /* read axis/coordinates tokens */
        token = design_tokens + n;
        parser->root.cursor = token->start;
        parser->root.limit  = token->limit;
        T1_ToTokenArray( parser, axis_tokens, T1_MAX_MM_AXIS, &n_axis );

        if ( n == 0 )
          if ( n_axis <= 0 || n_axis > T1_MAX_MM_AXIS )
            FT_ERROR(( "parse_blend_design_positions:"
                       " invalid number of axes: %d\n",
                       n_axis ));
            error = T1_Err_Invalid_File_Format;
            goto Exit;

          num_axis = n_axis;
          error = t1_allocate_blend( face, num_designs, num_axis );
          if ( error )
            goto Exit;
          blend = face->blend;
        else if ( n_axis != num_axis )
          FT_ERROR(( "parse_blend_design_positions: incorrect table\n" ));
          error = T1_Err_Invalid_File_Format;
          goto Exit;

        /* now read each axis token into the design position */
        for ( axis = 0; axis < n_axis; axis++ )
          T1_Token  token2 = axis_tokens + axis;

          parser->root.cursor = token2->start;
          parser->root.limit  = token2->limit;
          blend->design_pos[n][axis] = T1_ToFixed( parser, 0 );

      loader->parser.root.cursor = old_cursor;
      loader->parser.root.limit  = old_limit;

    loader->parser.root.error = error;

  static void
  parse_blend_design_map( T1_Face    face,
                          T1_Loader  loader )
    FT_Error     error  = T1_Err_Ok;
    T1_Parser    parser = &loader->parser;
    PS_Blend     blend;
    T1_TokenRec  axis_tokens[T1_MAX_MM_AXIS];
    FT_Int       n, num_axis;
    FT_Byte*     old_cursor;
    FT_Byte*     old_limit;
    FT_Memory    memory = face->root.memory;

    T1_ToTokenArray( parser, axis_tokens,
                     T1_MAX_MM_AXIS, &num_axis );
    if ( num_axis < 0 )
      error = T1_Err_Ignore;
      goto Exit;
    if ( num_axis == 0 || num_axis > T1_MAX_MM_AXIS )
      FT_ERROR(( "parse_blend_design_map: incorrect number of axes: %d\n",
                 num_axis ));
      error = T1_Err_Invalid_File_Format;
      goto Exit;

    old_cursor = parser->root.cursor;
    old_limit  = parser->root.limit;

    error = t1_allocate_blend( face, 0, num_axis );
    if ( error )
      goto Exit;
    blend = face->blend;

    /* now read each axis design map */
    for ( n = 0; n < num_axis; n++ )
      PS_DesignMap  map = blend->design_map + n;
      T1_Token      axis_token;
      T1_TokenRec   point_tokens[T1_MAX_MM_MAP_POINTS];
      FT_Int        p, num_points;

      axis_token = axis_tokens + n;

      parser->root.cursor = axis_token->start;
      parser->root.limit  = axis_token->limit;
      T1_ToTokenArray( parser, point_tokens,
                       T1_MAX_MM_MAP_POINTS, &num_points );

      if ( num_points <= 0 || num_points > T1_MAX_MM_MAP_POINTS )
        FT_ERROR(( "parse_blend_design_map: incorrect table\n" ));
        error = T1_Err_Invalid_File_Format;
        goto Exit;

      /* allocate design map data */
      if ( FT_NEW_ARRAY( map->design_points, num_points * 2 ) )
        goto Exit;
      map->blend_points = map->design_points + num_points;
      map->num_points   = (FT_Byte)num_points;

      for ( p = 0; p < num_points; p++ )
        T1_Token  point_token;

        point_token = point_tokens + p;

        /* don't include delimiting brackets */
        parser->root.cursor = point_token->start + 1;
        parser->root.limit  = point_token->limit - 1;

        map->design_points[p] = T1_ToInt( parser );
        map->blend_points [p] = T1_ToFixed( parser, 0 );

    parser->root.cursor = old_cursor;
    parser->root.limit  = old_limit;

    parser->root.error = error;

  static void
  parse_weight_vector( T1_Face    face,
                       T1_Loader  loader )
    T1_TokenRec  design_tokens[T1_MAX_MM_DESIGNS];
    FT_Int       num_designs;
    FT_Error     error  = T1_Err_Ok;
    T1_Parser    parser = &loader->parser;
    PS_Blend     blend  = face->blend;
    T1_Token     token;
    FT_Int       n;
    FT_Byte*     old_cursor;
    FT_Byte*     old_limit;

    T1_ToTokenArray( parser, design_tokens,
                     T1_MAX_MM_DESIGNS, &num_designs );
    if ( num_designs < 0 )
      error = T1_Err_Ignore;
      goto Exit;
    if ( num_designs == 0 || num_designs > T1_MAX_MM_DESIGNS )
      FT_ERROR(( "parse_weight_vector:"
                 " incorrect number of designs: %d\n",
                 num_designs ));
      error = T1_Err_Invalid_File_Format;
      goto Exit;

    if ( !blend || !blend->num_designs )
      error = t1_allocate_blend( face, num_designs, 0 );
      if ( error )
        goto Exit;
      blend = face->blend;
    else if ( blend->num_designs != (FT_UInt)num_designs )
      FT_ERROR(( "parse_weight_vector:"
                 " /BlendDesignPosition and /WeightVector have\n"
                 "                    "
                 " different number of elements\n" ));
      error = T1_Err_Invalid_File_Format;
      goto Exit;

    old_cursor = parser->root.cursor;
    old_limit  = parser->root.limit;

    for ( n = 0; n < num_designs; n++ )
      token = design_tokens + n;
      parser->root.cursor = token->start;
      parser->root.limit  = token->limit;

      blend->default_weight_vector[n] =
      blend->weight_vector[n]         = T1_ToFixed( parser, 0 );

    parser->root.cursor = old_cursor;
    parser->root.limit  = old_limit;

    parser->root.error = error;

  /* e.g., /BuildCharArray [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] def           */
  /* we're only interested in the number of array elements */
  static void
  parse_buildchar( T1_Face    face,
                   T1_Loader  loader )
    face->len_buildchar = T1_ToFixedArray( &loader->parser, 0, NULL, 0 );



  /*****                                                               *****/
  /*****                      TYPE 1 SYMBOL PARSING                    *****/
  /*****                                                               *****/

  static FT_Error
  t1_load_keyword( T1_Face         face,
                   T1_Loader       loader,
                   const T1_Field  field )
    FT_Error  error;
    void*     dummy_object;
    void**    objects;
    FT_UInt   max_objects;
    PS_Blend  blend = face->blend;

    /* if the keyword has a dedicated callback, call it */
    if ( field->type == T1_FIELD_TYPE_CALLBACK )
      field->reader( (FT_Face)face, loader );
      error = loader->parser.root.error;
      goto Exit;

    /* now, the keyword is either a simple field, or a table of fields; */
    /* we are now going to take care of it                              */
    switch ( field->location )
      dummy_object = &face->type1.font_info;
      objects      = &dummy_object;
      max_objects  = 0;

      if ( blend )
        objects     = (void**)blend->font_infos;
        max_objects = blend->num_designs;

      dummy_object = &face->type1.font_extra;
      objects      = &dummy_object;
      max_objects  = 0;

      dummy_object = &face->type1.private_dict;
      objects      = &dummy_object;
      max_objects  = 0;

      if ( blend )
        objects     = (void**)blend->privates;
        max_objects = blend->num_designs;

      dummy_object = &face->type1.font_bbox;
      objects      = &dummy_object;
      max_objects  = 0;

      if ( blend )
        objects     = (void**)blend->bboxes;
        max_objects = blend->num_designs;

      dummy_object = loader;
      objects      = &dummy_object;
      max_objects  = 0;

      dummy_object = face;
      objects      = &dummy_object;
      max_objects  = 0;

      dummy_object = face->blend;
      objects      = &dummy_object;
      max_objects  = 0;

      dummy_object = &face->type1;
      objects      = &dummy_object;
      max_objects  = 0;

    if ( field->type == T1_FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER_ARRAY ||
         field->type == T1_FIELD_TYPE_FIXED_ARRAY   )
      error = T1_Load_Field_Table( &loader->parser, field,
                                   objects, max_objects, 0 );
      error = T1_Load_Field( &loader->parser, field,
                             objects, max_objects, 0 );

    return error;

  static void
  parse_private( T1_Face    face,
                 T1_Loader  loader )
    FT_UNUSED( face );

    loader->keywords_encountered |= T1_PRIVATE;

  static int
  read_binary_data( T1_Parser  parser,
                    FT_Long*   size,
                    FT_Byte**  base )
    FT_Byte*  cur;
    FT_Byte*  limit = parser->root.limit;

    /* the binary data has one of the following formats */
    /*                                                  */
    /*   `size' [white*] RD white ....... ND            */
    /*   `size' [white*] -| white ....... |-            */
    /*                                                  */

    T1_Skip_Spaces( parser );

    cur = parser->root.cursor;

    if ( cur < limit && ft_isdigit( *cur ) )
      FT_Long  s = T1_ToInt( parser );

      T1_Skip_PS_Token( parser );   /* `RD' or `-|' or something else */

      /* there is only one whitespace char after the */
      /* `RD' or `-|' token                          */
      *base = parser->root.cursor + 1;

      if ( s >= 0 && s < limit - *base )
        parser->root.cursor += s + 1;
        *size = s;
        return !parser->root.error;

    FT_ERROR(( "read_binary_data: invalid size field\n" ));
    parser->root.error = T1_Err_Invalid_File_Format;
    return 0;

  /* We now define the routines to handle the `/Encoding', `/Subrs', */
  /* and `/CharStrings' dictionaries.                                */

  static void
  parse_font_matrix( T1_Face    face,
                     T1_Loader  loader )
    T1_Parser   parser = &loader->parser;
    FT_Matrix*  matrix = &face->type1.font_matrix;
    FT_Vector*  offset = &face->type1.font_offset;
    FT_Face     root   = (FT_Face)&face->root;
    FT_Fixed    temp[6];
    FT_Fixed    temp_scale;
    FT_Int      result;

    result = T1_ToFixedArray( parser, 6, temp, 3 );

    if ( result < 0 )
      parser->root.error = T1_Err_Invalid_File_Format;

    temp_scale = FT_ABS( temp[3] );

    if ( temp_scale == 0 )
      FT_ERROR(( "parse_font_matrix: invalid font matrix\n" ));
      parser->root.error = T1_Err_Invalid_File_Format;

    /* Set Units per EM based on FontMatrix values.  We set the value to */
    /* 1000 / temp_scale, because temp_scale was already multiplied by   */
    /* 1000 (in t1_tofixed, from psobjs.c).                              */

    root->units_per_EM = (FT_UShort)( FT_DivFix( 1000 * 0x10000L,
                                                 temp_scale ) >> 16 );

    /* we need to scale the values by 1.0/temp_scale */
    if ( temp_scale != 0x10000L )
      temp[0] = FT_DivFix( temp[0], temp_scale );
      temp[1] = FT_DivFix( temp[1], temp_scale );
      temp[2] = FT_DivFix( temp[2], temp_scale );
      temp[4] = FT_DivFix( temp[4], temp_scale );
      temp[5] = FT_DivFix( temp[5], temp_scale );
      temp[3] = temp[3] < 0 ? -0x10000L : 0x10000L;

    matrix->xx = temp[0];
    matrix->yx = temp[1];
    matrix->xy = temp[2];
    matrix->yy = temp[3];

    /* note that the offsets must be expressed in integer font units */
    offset->x = temp[4] >> 16;
    offset->y = temp[5] >> 16;

  static void
  parse_encoding( T1_Face    face,
                  T1_Loader  loader )
    T1_Parser  parser = &loader->parser;
    FT_Byte*   cur;
    FT_Byte*   limit  = parser->root.limit;

    PSAux_Service  psaux = (PSAux_Service)face->psaux;

    T1_Skip_Spaces( parser );
    cur = parser->root.cursor;
    if ( cur >= limit )
      FT_ERROR(( "parse_encoding: out of bounds\n" ));
      parser->root.error = T1_Err_Invalid_File_Format;

    /* if we have a number or `[', the encoding is an array, */
    /* and we must load it now                               */
    if ( ft_isdigit( *cur ) || *cur == '[' )
      T1_Encoding  encode          = &face->type1.encoding;
      FT_Int       count, n;
      PS_Table     char_table      = &loader->encoding_table;
      FT_Memory    memory          = parser->root.memory;
      FT_Error     error;
      FT_Bool      only_immediates = 0;

      /* read the number of entries in the encoding; should be 256 */
      if ( *cur == '[' )
        count           = 256;
        only_immediates = 1;
        count = (FT_Int)T1_ToInt( parser );

      T1_Skip_Spaces( parser );
      if ( parser->root.cursor >= limit )

      /* we use a T1_Table to store our charnames */
      loader->num_chars = encode->num_chars = count;
      if ( FT_NEW_ARRAY( encode->char_index, count )     ||
           FT_NEW_ARRAY( encode->char_name,  count )     ||
           FT_SET_ERROR( psaux->ps_table_funcs->init(
                           char_table, count, memory ) ) )
        parser->root.error = error;

      /* We need to `zero' out encoding_table.elements */
      for ( n = 0; n < count; n++ )
        char*  notdef = (char *)".notdef";

        T1_Add_Table( char_table, n, notdef, 8 );

      /* Now we need to read records of the form                */
      /*                                                        */
      /*   ... charcode /charname ...                           */
      /*                                                        */
      /* for each entry in our table.                           */
      /*                                                        */
      /* We simply look for a number followed by an immediate   */
      /* name.  Note that this ignores correctly the sequence   */
      /* that is often seen in type1 fonts:                     */
      /*                                                        */
      /*   0 1 255 { 1 index exch /.notdef put } for dup        */
      /*                                                        */
      /* used to clean the encoding array before anything else. */
      /*                                                        */
      /* Alternatively, if the array is directly given as       */
      /*                                                        */
      /*   /Encoding [ ... ]                                    */
      /*                                                        */
      /* we only read immediates.                               */

      n = 0;
      T1_Skip_Spaces( parser );

      while ( parser->root.cursor < limit )
        cur = parser->root.cursor;

        /* we stop when we encounter a `def' or `]' */
        if ( *cur == 'd' && cur + 3 < limit )
          if ( cur[1] == 'e'         &&
               cur[2] == 'f'         &&
               IS_PS_DELIM( cur[3] ) )
            FT_TRACE6(( "encoding end\n" ));
            cur += 3;
        if ( *cur == ']' )
          FT_TRACE6(( "encoding end\n" ));

        /* check whether we've found an entry */
        if ( ft_isdigit( *cur ) || only_immediates )
          FT_Int  charcode;

          if ( only_immediates )
            charcode = n;
            charcode = (FT_Int)T1_ToInt( parser );
            T1_Skip_Spaces( parser );

          cur = parser->root.cursor;

          if ( *cur == '/' && cur + 2 < limit && n < count )
            FT_PtrDist  len;


            parser->root.cursor = cur;
            T1_Skip_PS_Token( parser );
            if ( parser->root.error )

            len = parser->root.cursor - cur;

            parser->root.error = T1_Add_Table( char_table, charcode,
                                               cur, len + 1 );
            if ( parser->root.error )
            char_table->elements[charcode][len] = '\0';

          else if ( only_immediates )
            /* Since the current position is not updated for           */
            /* immediates-only mode we would get an infinite loop if   */
            /* we don't do anything here.                              */
            /*                                                         */
            /* This encoding array is not valid according to the type1 */
            /* specification (it might be an encoding for a CID type1  */
            /* font, however), so we conclude that this font is NOT a  */
            /* type1 font.                                             */
            parser->root.error = FT_Err_Unknown_File_Format;
          T1_Skip_PS_Token( parser );
          if ( parser->root.error )

        T1_Skip_Spaces( parser );

      face->type1.encoding_type = T1_ENCODING_TYPE_ARRAY;
      parser->root.cursor       = cur;

    /* Otherwise, we should have either `StandardEncoding', */
    /* `ExpertEncoding', or `ISOLatin1Encoding'             */
      if ( cur + 17 < limit                                            &&
           ft_strncmp( (const char*)cur, "StandardEncoding", 16 ) == 0 )
        face->type1.encoding_type = T1_ENCODING_TYPE_STANDARD;

      else if ( cur + 15 < limit                                          &&
                ft_strncmp( (const char*)cur, "ExpertEncoding", 14 ) == 0 )
        face->type1.encoding_type = T1_ENCODING_TYPE_EXPERT;

      else if ( cur + 18 < limit                                             &&
                ft_strncmp( (const char*)cur, "ISOLatin1Encoding", 17 ) == 0 )
        face->type1.encoding_type = T1_ENCODING_TYPE_ISOLATIN1;

        parser->root.error = T1_Err_Ignore;

  static void
  parse_subrs( T1_Face    face,
               T1_Loader  loader )
    T1_Parser  parser = &loader->parser;
    PS_Table   table  = &loader->subrs;
    FT_Memory  memory = parser->root.memory;
    FT_Error   error;
    FT_Int     num_subrs;

    PSAux_Service  psaux = (PSAux_Service)face->psaux;

    T1_Skip_Spaces( parser );

    /* test for empty array */
    if ( parser->root.cursor < parser->root.limit &&
         *parser->root.cursor == '['              )
      T1_Skip_PS_Token( parser );
      T1_Skip_Spaces  ( parser );
      if ( parser->root.cursor >= parser->root.limit ||
           *parser->root.cursor != ']'               )
        parser->root.error = T1_Err_Invalid_File_Format;

    num_subrs = (FT_Int)T1_ToInt( parser );

    /* position the parser right before the `dup' of the first subr */
    T1_Skip_PS_Token( parser );         /* `array' */
    if ( parser->root.error )
    T1_Skip_Spaces( parser );

    /* initialize subrs array -- with synthetic fonts it is possible */
    /* we get here twice                                             */
    if ( !loader->num_subrs )
      error = psaux->ps_table_funcs->init( table, num_subrs, memory );
      if ( error )
        goto Fail;

    /* the format is simple:   */
    /*                         */
    /*   `index' + binary data */
    /*                         */
    for (;;)
      FT_Long   idx, size;
      FT_Byte*  base;

      /* If the next token isn't `dup' we are done. */
      if ( ft_strncmp( (char*)parser->root.cursor, "dup", 3 ) != 0 )

      T1_Skip_PS_Token( parser );       /* `dup' */

      idx = T1_ToInt( parser );

      if ( !read_binary_data( parser, &size, &base ) )

      /* The binary string is followed by one token, e.g. `NP' */
      /* (bound to `noaccess put') or by two separate tokens:  */
      /* `noaccess' & `put'.  We position the parser right     */
      /* before the next `dup', if any.                        */
      T1_Skip_PS_Token( parser );   /* `NP' or `|' or `noaccess' */
      if ( parser->root.error )
      T1_Skip_Spaces  ( parser );

      if ( ft_strncmp( (char*)parser->root.cursor, "put", 3 ) == 0 )
        T1_Skip_PS_Token( parser ); /* skip `put' */
        T1_Skip_Spaces  ( parser );

      /* with synthetic fonts it is possible we get here twice */
      if ( loader->num_subrs )

      /* some fonts use a value of -1 for lenIV to indicate that */
      /* the charstrings are unencoded                           */
      /*                                                         */
      /* thanks to Tom Kacvinsky for pointing this out           */
      /*                                                         */
      if ( face->type1.private_dict.lenIV >= 0 )
        FT_Byte*  temp;

        /* some fonts define empty subr records -- this is not totally */
        /* compliant to the specification (which says they should at   */
        /* least contain a `return'), but we support them anyway       */
        if ( size < face->type1.private_dict.lenIV )
          error = T1_Err_Invalid_File_Format;
          goto Fail;

        /* t1_decrypt() shouldn't write to base -- make temporary copy */
        if ( FT_ALLOC( temp, size ) )
          goto Fail;
        FT_MEM_COPY( temp, base, size );
        psaux->t1_decrypt( temp, size, 4330 );
        size -= face->type1.private_dict.lenIV;
        error = T1_Add_Table( table, (FT_Int)idx,
                              temp + face->type1.private_dict.lenIV, size );
        FT_FREE( temp );
        error = T1_Add_Table( table, (FT_Int)idx, base, size );
      if ( error )
        goto Fail;

    if ( !loader->num_subrs )
      loader->num_subrs = num_subrs;


    parser->root.error = error;

#define TABLE_EXTEND  5

  static void
  parse_charstrings( T1_Face    face,
                     T1_Loader  loader )
    T1_Parser      parser       = &loader->parser;
    PS_Table       code_table   = &loader->charstrings;
    PS_Table       name_table   = &loader->glyph_names;
    PS_Table       swap_table   = &loader->swap_table;
    FT_Memory      memory       = parser->root.memory;
    FT_Error       error;

    PSAux_Service  psaux        = (PSAux_Service)face->psaux;

    FT_Byte*       cur;
    FT_Byte*       limit        = parser->root.limit;
    FT_Int         n, num_glyphs;
    FT_UInt        notdef_index = 0;
    FT_Byte        notdef_found = 0;

    num_glyphs = (FT_Int)T1_ToInt( parser );
    /* some fonts like Optima-Oblique not only define the /CharStrings */
    /* array but access it also                                        */
    if ( num_glyphs == 0 || parser->root.error )

    /* initialize tables, leaving space for addition of .notdef, */
    /* if necessary, and a few other glyphs to handle buggy      */
    /* fonts which have more glyphs than specified.              */

    /* for some non-standard fonts like `Optima' which provides  */
    /* different outlines depending on the resolution it is      */
    /* possible to get here twice                                */
    if ( !loader->num_glyphs )
      error = psaux->ps_table_funcs->init(
                code_table, num_glyphs + 1 + TABLE_EXTEND, memory );
      if ( error )
        goto Fail;

      error = psaux->ps_table_funcs->init(
                name_table, num_glyphs + 1 + TABLE_EXTEND, memory );
      if ( error )
        goto Fail;

      /* Initialize table for swapping index notdef_index and */
      /* index 0 names and codes (if necessary).              */

      error = psaux->ps_table_funcs->init( swap_table, 4, memory );
      if ( error )
        goto Fail;

    n = 0;

    for (;;)
      FT_Long   size;
      FT_Byte*  base;

      /* the format is simple:        */
      /*   `/glyphname' + binary data */

      T1_Skip_Spaces( parser );

      cur = parser->root.cursor;
      if ( cur >= limit )

      /* we stop when we find a `def' or `end' keyword */
      if ( cur + 3 < limit && IS_PS_DELIM( cur[3] ) )
        if ( cur[0] == 'd' &&
             cur[1] == 'e' &&
             cur[2] == 'f' )
          /* There are fonts which have this: */
          /*                                  */
          /*   /CharStrings 118 dict def      */
          /*   Private begin                  */
          /*   CharStrings begin              */
          /*   ...                            */
          /*                                  */
          /* To catch this we ignore `def' if */
          /* no charstring has actually been  */
          /* seen.                            */
          if ( n )

        if ( cur[0] == 'e' &&
             cur[1] == 'n' &&
             cur[2] == 'd' )

      T1_Skip_PS_Token( parser );
      if ( parser->root.error )

      if ( *cur == '/' )
        FT_PtrDist  len;

        if ( cur + 1 >= limit )
          error = T1_Err_Invalid_File_Format;
          goto Fail;

        cur++;                              /* skip `/' */
        len = parser->root.cursor - cur;

        if ( !read_binary_data( parser, &size, &base ) )

        /* for some non-standard fonts like `Optima' which provides */
        /* different outlines depending on the resolution it is     */
        /* possible to get here twice                               */
        if ( loader->num_glyphs )

        error = T1_Add_Table( name_table, n, cur, len + 1 );
        if ( error )
          goto Fail;

        /* add a trailing zero to the name table */
        name_table->elements[n][len] = '\0';

        /* record index of /.notdef */
        if ( *cur == '.'                                              &&
             ft_strcmp( ".notdef",
                        (const char*)(name_table->elements[n]) ) == 0 )
          notdef_index = n;
          notdef_found = 1;

        if ( face->type1.private_dict.lenIV >= 0 &&
             n < num_glyphs + TABLE_EXTEND       )
          FT_Byte*  temp;

          if ( size <= face->type1.private_dict.lenIV )
            error = T1_Err_Invalid_File_Format;
            goto Fail;

          /* t1_decrypt() shouldn't write to base -- make temporary copy */
          if ( FT_ALLOC( temp, size ) )
            goto Fail;
          FT_MEM_COPY( temp, base, size );
          psaux->t1_decrypt( temp, size, 4330 );
          size -= face->type1.private_dict.lenIV;
          error = T1_Add_Table( code_table, n,
                                temp + face->type1.private_dict.lenIV, size );
          FT_FREE( temp );
          error = T1_Add_Table( code_table, n, base, size );
        if ( error )
          goto Fail;


    loader->num_glyphs = n;

    /* if /.notdef is found but does not occupy index 0, do our magic. */
    if ( notdef_found                                                 &&
         ft_strcmp( ".notdef", (const char*)name_table->elements[0] ) )
      /* Swap glyph in index 0 with /.notdef glyph.  First, add index 0  */
      /* name and code entries to swap_table.  Then place notdef_index   */
      /* name and code entries into swap_table.  Then swap name and code */
      /* entries at indices notdef_index and 0 using values stored in    */
      /* swap_table.                                                     */

      /* Index 0 name */
      error = T1_Add_Table( swap_table, 0,
                            name_table->lengths [0] );
      if ( error )
        goto Fail;

      /* Index 0 code */
      error = T1_Add_Table( swap_table, 1,
                            code_table->lengths [0] );
      if ( error )
        goto Fail;

      /* Index notdef_index name */
      error = T1_Add_Table( swap_table, 2,
                            name_table->lengths [notdef_index] );
      if ( error )
        goto Fail;

      /* Index notdef_index code */
      error = T1_Add_Table( swap_table, 3,
                            code_table->lengths [notdef_index] );
      if ( error )
        goto Fail;

      error = T1_Add_Table( name_table, notdef_index,
                            swap_table->lengths [0] );
      if ( error )
        goto Fail;

      error = T1_Add_Table( code_table, notdef_index,
                            swap_table->lengths [1] );
      if ( error )
        goto Fail;

      error = T1_Add_Table( name_table, 0,
                            swap_table->lengths [2] );
      if ( error )
        goto Fail;

      error = T1_Add_Table( code_table, 0,
                            swap_table->lengths [3] );
      if ( error )
        goto Fail;

    else if ( !notdef_found )
      /* notdef_index is already 0, or /.notdef is undefined in   */
      /* charstrings dictionary.  Worry about /.notdef undefined. */
      /* We take index 0 and add it to the end of the table(s)    */
      /* and add our own /.notdef glyph to index 0.               */

      /* 0 333 hsbw endchar */
      FT_Byte  notdef_glyph[] = { 0x8B, 0xF7, 0xE1, 0x0D, 0x0E };
      char*    notdef_name    = (char *)".notdef";

      error = T1_Add_Table( swap_table, 0,
                            name_table->lengths [0] );
      if ( error )
        goto Fail;

      error = T1_Add_Table( swap_table, 1,
                            code_table->lengths [0] );
      if ( error )
        goto Fail;

      error = T1_Add_Table( name_table, 0, notdef_name, 8 );
      if ( error )
        goto Fail;

      error = T1_Add_Table( code_table, 0, notdef_glyph, 5 );

      if ( error )
        goto Fail;

      error = T1_Add_Table( name_table, n,
                            swap_table->lengths [0] );
      if ( error )
        goto Fail;

      error = T1_Add_Table( code_table, n,
                            swap_table->lengths [1] );
      if ( error )
        goto Fail;

      /* we added a glyph. */
      loader->num_glyphs += 1;


    parser->root.error = error;

  /*                                                                       */
  /* Define the token field static variables.  This is a set of            */
  /* T1_FieldRec variables.                                                */
  /*                                                                       */

  const T1_FieldRec  t1_keywords[] =

#include "t1tokens.h"

    /* now add the special functions... */
    T1_FIELD_CALLBACK( "FontMatrix",           parse_font_matrix,
                       T1_FIELD_DICT_FONTDICT )
    T1_FIELD_CALLBACK( "Encoding",             parse_encoding,
                       T1_FIELD_DICT_FONTDICT )
    T1_FIELD_CALLBACK( "Subrs",                parse_subrs,
                       T1_FIELD_DICT_PRIVATE )
    T1_FIELD_CALLBACK( "CharStrings",          parse_charstrings,
                       T1_FIELD_DICT_PRIVATE )
    T1_FIELD_CALLBACK( "Private",              parse_private,
                       T1_FIELD_DICT_FONTDICT )

    T1_FIELD_CALLBACK( "BlendDesignPositions", parse_blend_design_positions,
                       T1_FIELD_DICT_FONTDICT )
    T1_FIELD_CALLBACK( "BlendDesignMap",       parse_blend_design_map,
                       T1_FIELD_DICT_FONTDICT )
    T1_FIELD_CALLBACK( "BlendAxisTypes",       parse_blend_axis_types,
                       T1_FIELD_DICT_FONTDICT )
    T1_FIELD_CALLBACK( "WeightVector",         parse_weight_vector,
                       T1_FIELD_DICT_FONTDICT )
    T1_FIELD_CALLBACK( "BuildCharArray",       parse_buildchar,
                       T1_FIELD_DICT_PRIVATE )

    { 0, T1_FIELD_LOCATION_CID_INFO, T1_FIELD_TYPE_NONE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }

#define T1_FIELD_COUNT                                           \
          ( sizeof ( t1_keywords ) / sizeof ( t1_keywords[0] ) )

  static FT_Error
  parse_dict( T1_Face    face,
              T1_Loader  loader,
              FT_Byte*   base,
              FT_Long    size )
    T1_Parser  parser = &loader->parser;
    FT_Byte   *limit, *start_binary = NULL;
    FT_Bool    have_integer = 0;

    parser->root.cursor = base;
    parser->root.limit  = base + size;
    parser->root.error  = T1_Err_Ok;

    limit = parser->root.limit;

    T1_Skip_Spaces( parser );

    while ( parser->root.cursor < limit )
      FT_Byte*  cur;

      cur = parser->root.cursor;

      /* look for `eexec' */
      if ( IS_PS_TOKEN( cur, limit, "eexec" ) )

      /* look for `closefile' which ends the eexec section */
      else if ( IS_PS_TOKEN( cur, limit, "closefile" ) )

      /* in a synthetic font the base font starts after a           */
      /* `FontDictionary' token that is placed after a Private dict */
      else if ( IS_PS_TOKEN( cur, limit, "FontDirectory" ) )
        if ( loader->keywords_encountered & T1_PRIVATE )
          loader->keywords_encountered |=
        parser->root.cursor += 13;

      /* check whether we have an integer */
      else if ( ft_isdigit( *cur ) )
        start_binary = cur;
        T1_Skip_PS_Token( parser );
        if ( parser->root.error )
          goto Exit;
        have_integer = 1;

      /* in valid Type 1 fonts we don't see `RD' or `-|' directly */
      /* since those tokens are handled by parse_subrs and        */
      /* parse_charstrings                                        */
      else if ( *cur == 'R' && cur + 6 < limit && *(cur + 1) == 'D' &&
                have_integer )
        FT_Long   s;
        FT_Byte*  b;

        parser->root.cursor = start_binary;
        if ( !read_binary_data( parser, &s, &b ) )
          return T1_Err_Invalid_File_Format;
        have_integer = 0;

      else if ( *cur == '-' && cur + 6 < limit && *(cur + 1) == '|' &&
                have_integer )
        FT_Long   s;
        FT_Byte*  b;

        parser->root.cursor = start_binary;
        if ( !read_binary_data( parser, &s, &b ) )
          return T1_Err_Invalid_File_Format;
        have_integer = 0;

      /* look for immediates */
      else if ( *cur == '/' && cur + 2 < limit )
        FT_PtrDist  len;


        parser->root.cursor = cur;
        T1_Skip_PS_Token( parser );
        if ( parser->root.error )
          goto Exit;

        len = parser->root.cursor - cur;

        if ( len > 0 && len < 22 && parser->root.cursor < limit )
          /* now compare the immediate name to the keyword table */
          T1_Field  keyword = (T1_Field)t1_keywords;

          for (;;)
            FT_Byte*  name;

            name = (FT_Byte*)keyword->ident;
            if ( !name )

            if ( cur[0] == name[0]                                  &&
                 len == (FT_PtrDist)ft_strlen( (const char *)name ) &&
                 ft_memcmp( cur, name, len ) == 0                   )
              /* We found it -- run the parsing callback!     */
              /* We record every instance of every field      */
              /* (until we reach the base font of a           */
              /* synthetic font) to deal adequately with      */
              /* multiple master fonts; this is also          */
              /* necessary because later PostScript           */
              /* definitions override earlier ones.           */

              /* Once we encounter `FontDirectory' after      */
              /* `/Private', we know that this is a synthetic */
              /* font; except for `/CharStrings' we are not   */
              /* interested in anything that follows this     */
              /* `FontDirectory'.                             */

              /* MM fonts have more than one /Private token at */
              /* the top level; let's hope that all the junk   */
              /* that follows the first /Private token is not  */
              /* interesting to us.                            */

              /* According to Adobe Tech Note #5175 (CID-Keyed */
              /* Font Installation for ATM Software) a `begin' */
              /* must be followed by exactly one `end', and    */
              /* `begin' -- `end' pairs must be accurately     */
              /* paired.  We could use this to distinguish     */
              /* between the global Private and the Private    */
              /* dict that is a member of the Blend dict.      */

              const FT_UInt dict =
                ( loader->keywords_encountered & T1_PRIVATE )
                    ? T1_FIELD_DICT_PRIVATE
                    : T1_FIELD_DICT_FONTDICT;

              if ( !( dict & keyword->dict ) )
                FT_TRACE1(( "parse_dict: found %s but ignoring it "
                            "since it is in the wrong dictionary\n",
                            keyword->ident ));

              if ( !( loader->keywords_encountered &
                      T1_FONTDIR_AFTER_PRIVATE     )                  ||
                   ft_strcmp( (const char*)name, "CharStrings" ) == 0 )
                parser->root.error = t1_load_keyword( face,
                                                      keyword );
                if ( parser->root.error != T1_Err_Ok )
                  if ( FT_ERROR_BASE( parser->root.error ) == FT_Err_Ignore )
                    parser->root.error = T1_Err_Ok;
                    return parser->root.error;


        have_integer = 0;
        T1_Skip_PS_Token( parser );
        if ( parser->root.error )
          goto Exit;
        have_integer = 0;

      T1_Skip_Spaces( parser );

    return parser->root.error;

  static void
  t1_init_loader( T1_Loader  loader,
                  T1_Face    face )
    FT_UNUSED( face );

    FT_MEM_ZERO( loader, sizeof ( *loader ) );
    loader->num_glyphs = 0;
    loader->num_chars  = 0;

    /* initialize the tables -- simply set their `init' field to 0 */
    loader->encoding_table.init  = 0;
    loader->charstrings.init     = 0;
    loader->glyph_names.init     = 0;
    loader->subrs.init           = 0;
    loader->swap_table.init      = 0;
    loader->fontdata             = 0;
    loader->keywords_encountered = 0;

  static void
  t1_done_loader( T1_Loader  loader )
    T1_Parser  parser = &loader->parser;

    /* finalize tables */
    T1_Release_Table( &loader->encoding_table );
    T1_Release_Table( &loader->charstrings );
    T1_Release_Table( &loader->glyph_names );
    T1_Release_Table( &loader->swap_table );
    T1_Release_Table( &loader->subrs );

    /* finalize parser */
    T1_Finalize_Parser( parser );

  FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_Error )
  T1_Open_Face( T1_Face  face )
    T1_LoaderRec   loader;
    T1_Parser      parser;
    T1_Font        type1 = &face->type1;
    PS_Private     priv  = &type1->private_dict;
    FT_Error       error;

    PSAux_Service  psaux = (PSAux_Service)face->psaux;

    t1_init_loader( &loader, face );

    /* default values */
    face->ndv_idx          = -1;
    face->cdv_idx          = -1;
    face->len_buildchar    = 0;

    priv->blue_shift       = 7;
    priv->blue_fuzz        = 1;
    priv->lenIV            = 4;
    priv->expansion_factor = (FT_Fixed)( 0.06 * 0x10000L );
    priv->blue_scale       = (FT_Fixed)( 0.039625 * 0x10000L * 1000 );

    parser = &loader.parser;
    error  = T1_New_Parser( parser,
                            psaux );
    if ( error )
      goto Exit;

    error = parse_dict( face, &loader,
                        parser->base_dict, parser->base_len );
    if ( error )
      goto Exit;

    error = T1_Get_Private_Dict( parser, psaux );
    if ( error )
      goto Exit;

    error = parse_dict( face, &loader,
                        parser->private_dict, parser->private_len );
    if ( error )
      goto Exit;

    /* ensure even-ness of `num_blue_values' */
    priv->num_blue_values &= ~1;


    if ( face->blend                                                     &&
         face->blend->num_default_design_vector != 0                     &&
         face->blend->num_default_design_vector != face->blend->num_axis )
      /* we don't use it currently so just warn, reset, and ignore */
      FT_ERROR(( "T1_Open_Face(): /DesignVector contains %u entries "
                 "while there are %u axes.\n",
                 face->blend->num_axis ));

      face->blend->num_default_design_vector = 0;

    /* the following can happen for MM instances; we then treat the */
    /* font as a normal PS font                                     */
    if ( face->blend                                             &&
         ( !face->blend->num_designs || !face->blend->num_axis ) )
      T1_Done_Blend( face );

    /* another safety check */
    if ( face->blend )
      FT_UInt  i;

      for ( i = 0; i < face->blend->num_axis; i++ )
        if ( !face->blend->design_map[i].num_points )
          T1_Done_Blend( face );

    if ( face->blend )
      if ( face->len_buildchar > 0 )
        FT_Memory  memory = face->root.memory;

        if ( FT_NEW_ARRAY( face->buildchar, face->len_buildchar ) )
          FT_ERROR(( "T1_Open_Face: cannot allocate BuildCharArray\n" ));
          face->len_buildchar = 0;
          goto Exit;


    /* now, propagate the subrs, charstrings, and glyphnames tables */
    /* to the Type1 data                                            */
    type1->num_glyphs = loader.num_glyphs;

    if ( loader.subrs.init )
      loader.subrs.init  = 0;
      type1->num_subrs   = loader.num_subrs;
      type1->subrs_block = loader.subrs.block;
      type1->subrs       = loader.subrs.elements;
      type1->subrs_len   = loader.subrs.lengths;

    if ( !face->root.internal->incremental_interface )
      if ( !loader.charstrings.init )
        FT_ERROR(( "T1_Open_Face: no `/CharStrings' array in face\n" ));
        error = T1_Err_Invalid_File_Format;

    loader.charstrings.init  = 0;
    type1->charstrings_block = loader.charstrings.block;
    type1->charstrings       = loader.charstrings.elements;
    type1->charstrings_len   = loader.charstrings.lengths;

    /* we copy the glyph names `block' and `elements' fields; */
    /* the `lengths' field must be released later             */
    type1->glyph_names_block    = loader.glyph_names.block;
    type1->glyph_names          = (FT_String**)loader.glyph_names.elements;
    loader.glyph_names.block    = 0;
    loader.glyph_names.elements = 0;

    /* we must now build type1.encoding when we have a custom array */
    if ( type1->encoding_type == T1_ENCODING_TYPE_ARRAY )
      FT_Int    charcode, idx, min_char, max_char;
      FT_Byte*  char_name;
      FT_Byte*  glyph_name;

      /* OK, we do the following: for each element in the encoding  */
      /* table, look up the index of the glyph having the same name */
      /* the index is then stored in type1.encoding.char_index, and */
      /* the name to type1.encoding.char_name                       */

      min_char = 0;
      max_char = 0;

      charcode = 0;
      for ( ; charcode < loader.encoding_table.max_elems; charcode++ )
        type1->encoding.char_index[charcode] = 0;
        type1->encoding.char_name [charcode] = (char *)".notdef";

        char_name = loader.encoding_table.elements[charcode];
        if ( char_name )
          for ( idx = 0; idx < type1->num_glyphs; idx++ )
            glyph_name = (FT_Byte*)type1->glyph_names[idx];
            if ( ft_strcmp( (const char*)char_name,
                            (const char*)glyph_name ) == 0 )
              type1->encoding.char_index[charcode] = (FT_UShort)idx;
              type1->encoding.char_name [charcode] = (char*)glyph_name;

              /* Change min/max encoded char only if glyph name is */
              /* not /.notdef                                      */
              if ( ft_strcmp( (const char*)".notdef",
                              (const char*)glyph_name ) != 0 )
                if ( charcode < min_char )
                  min_char = charcode;
                if ( charcode >= max_char )
                  max_char = charcode + 1;

      type1->encoding.code_first = min_char;
      type1->encoding.code_last  = max_char;
      type1->encoding.num_chars  = loader.num_chars;

    t1_done_loader( &loader );
    return error;

/* END */