author sheepluva
Fri, 17 May 2013 22:01:23 +0200
changeset 9010 d1f9197027b2
parent 5172 88f2e05288ba
permissions -rw-r--r--
changed icon for freezer ( issue #614 ), for rope (to be easier to recognize) and cluster bomb (to be easier to recognize and to so that it can be distinguished from the regular grenade's icon even when no color is present or perceived

/*                                                                         */
/*  ftcmru.h                                                               */
/*                                                                         */
/*    Simple MRU list-cache (specification).                               */
/*                                                                         */
/*  Copyright 2000-2001, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2010 by                   */
/*  David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg.                      */
/*                                                                         */
/*  This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used,       */
/*  modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project      */
/*  license, LICENSE.TXT.  By continuing to use, modify, or distribute     */
/*  this file you indicate that you have read the license and              */
/*  understand and accept it fully.                                        */
/*                                                                         */

  /*                                                                       */
  /* An MRU is a list that cannot hold more than a certain number of       */
  /* elements (`max_elements').  All elements in the list are sorted in    */
  /* least-recently-used order, i.e., the `oldest' element is at the tail  */
  /* of the list.                                                          */
  /*                                                                       */
  /* When doing a lookup (either through `Lookup()' or `Lookup_Node()'),   */
  /* the list is searched for an element with the corresponding key.  If   */
  /* it is found, the element is moved to the head of the list and is      */
  /* returned.                                                             */
  /*                                                                       */
  /* If no corresponding element is found, the lookup routine will try to  */
  /* obtain a new element with the relevant key.  If the list is already   */
  /* full, the oldest element from the list is discarded and replaced by a */
  /* new one; a new element is added to the list otherwise.                */
  /*                                                                       */
  /* Note that it is possible to pre-allocate the element list nodes.      */
  /* This is handy if `max_elements' is sufficiently small, as it saves    */
  /* allocations/releases during the lookup process.                       */
  /*                                                                       */

#ifndef __FTCMRU_H__
#define __FTCMRU_H__

#include <ft2build.h>
#include FT_FREETYPE_H

#error "freetype.h of FreeType 1 has been loaded!"
#error "Please fix the directory search order for header files"
#error "so that freetype.h of FreeType 2 is found first."

#define  xxFT_DEBUG_ERROR
#define  FTC_INLINE


  typedef struct FTC_MruNodeRec_*  FTC_MruNode;

  typedef struct  FTC_MruNodeRec_
    FTC_MruNode  next;
    FTC_MruNode  prev;

  } FTC_MruNodeRec;

  FT_LOCAL( void )
  FTC_MruNode_Prepend( FTC_MruNode  *plist,
                       FTC_MruNode   node );

  FT_LOCAL( void )
  FTC_MruNode_Up( FTC_MruNode  *plist,
                  FTC_MruNode   node );

  FT_LOCAL( void )
  FTC_MruNode_Remove( FTC_MruNode  *plist,
                      FTC_MruNode   node );

  typedef struct FTC_MruListRec_*              FTC_MruList;

  typedef struct FTC_MruListClassRec_ const *  FTC_MruListClass;

  typedef FT_Bool
  (*FTC_MruNode_CompareFunc)( FTC_MruNode  node,
                              FT_Pointer   key );

  typedef FT_Error
  (*FTC_MruNode_InitFunc)( FTC_MruNode  node,
                           FT_Pointer   key,
                           FT_Pointer   data );

  typedef FT_Error
  (*FTC_MruNode_ResetFunc)( FTC_MruNode  node,
                            FT_Pointer   key,
                            FT_Pointer   data );

  typedef void
  (*FTC_MruNode_DoneFunc)( FTC_MruNode  node,
                           FT_Pointer   data );

  typedef struct  FTC_MruListClassRec_
    FT_Offset                node_size;
    FTC_MruNode_CompareFunc  node_compare;
    FTC_MruNode_InitFunc     node_init;
    FTC_MruNode_ResetFunc    node_reset;
    FTC_MruNode_DoneFunc     node_done;

  } FTC_MruListClassRec;

  typedef struct  FTC_MruListRec_
    FT_UInt              num_nodes;
    FT_UInt              max_nodes;
    FTC_MruNode          nodes;
    FT_Pointer           data;
    FTC_MruListClassRec  clazz;
    FT_Memory            memory;

  } FTC_MruListRec;

  FT_LOCAL( void )
  FTC_MruList_Init( FTC_MruList       list,
                    FTC_MruListClass  clazz,
                    FT_UInt           max_nodes,
                    FT_Pointer        data,
                    FT_Memory         memory );

  FT_LOCAL( void )
  FTC_MruList_Reset( FTC_MruList  list );

  FT_LOCAL( void )
  FTC_MruList_Done( FTC_MruList  list );

  FT_LOCAL( FT_Error )
  FTC_MruList_New( FTC_MruList   list,
                   FT_Pointer    key,
                   FTC_MruNode  *anode );

  FT_LOCAL( void )
  FTC_MruList_Remove( FTC_MruList  list,
                      FTC_MruNode  node );

  FT_LOCAL( void )
  FTC_MruList_RemoveSelection( FTC_MruList              list,
                               FTC_MruNode_CompareFunc  selection,
                               FT_Pointer               key );


#define FTC_MRULIST_LOOKUP_CMP( list, key, compare, node, error )           \
  FT_BEGIN_STMNT                                                            \
    FTC_MruNode*             _pfirst  = &(list)->nodes;                     \
    FTC_MruNode_CompareFunc  _compare = (FTC_MruNode_CompareFunc)(compare); \
    FTC_MruNode              _first, _node;                                 \
    error  = FTC_Err_Ok;                                                    \
    _first = *(_pfirst);                                                    \
    _node  = NULL;                                                          \
    if ( _first )                                                           \
    {                                                                       \
      _node = _first;                                                       \
      do                                                                    \
      {                                                                     \
        if ( _compare( _node, (key) ) )                                     \
        {                                                                   \
          if ( _node != _first )                                            \
            FTC_MruNode_Up( _pfirst, _node );                               \
          node = _node;                                                     \
          goto _MruOk;                                                      \
        }                                                                   \
        _node = _node->next;                                                \
      } while ( _node != _first) ;                                          \
    }                                                                       \
    error = FTC_MruList_New( (list), (key), (FTC_MruNode*)(void*)&(node) ); \
  _MruOk:                                                                   \
    ;                                                                       \

#define FTC_MRULIST_LOOKUP( list, key, node, error ) \
  FTC_MRULIST_LOOKUP_CMP( list, key, (list)->clazz.node_compare, node, error )

#else  /* !FTC_INLINE */

  FT_LOCAL( FTC_MruNode )
  FTC_MruList_Find( FTC_MruList  list,
                    FT_Pointer   key );

  FT_LOCAL( FT_Error )
  FTC_MruList_Lookup( FTC_MruList   list,
                      FT_Pointer    key,
                      FTC_MruNode  *pnode );

#define FTC_MRULIST_LOOKUP( list, key, node, error ) \
  error = FTC_MruList_Lookup( (list), (key), (FTC_MruNode*)&(node) )

#endif /* !FTC_INLINE */

#define FTC_MRULIST_LOOP( list, node )        \
  FT_BEGIN_STMNT                              \
    FTC_MruNode  _first = (list)->nodes;      \
    if ( _first )                             \
    {                                         \
      FTC_MruNode  _node = _first;            \
      do                                      \
      {                                       \
        *(FTC_MruNode*)&(node) = _node;

#define FTC_MRULIST_LOOP_END()               \
        _node = _node->next;                 \
      } while ( _node != _first );           \
    }                                        \

 /* */


#endif /* __FTCMRU_H__ */

/* END */