author koda
Wed, 21 Apr 2010 01:57:23 +0000
changeset 3361 cfc6cd502f85
parent 3360 717b4e46e855
child 3362 8d3b4d19ce27
permissions -rw-r--r--
buttons for number of hogs in game config buttons for color of team in game config update and code cleanup fixed crashes at uitextfield

 * OpenAL Bridge - a simple portable library for OpenAL interface
 * Copyright (c) 2009 Vittorio Giovara <vittorio.giovara@gmail.com>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA

#include "openalbridge.h"
#include "globals.h"
#include "wrappers.h"
#include "alc.h"
#include "loaders.h"

#ifdef __CPLUSPLUS
extern "C" {
    /*Sources are points emitting sound*/
    ALuint *Sources;
    /*Buffers hold sound data*/
    ALuint *Buffers;
    /*index for Sources and Buffers*/
    ALuint globalindex, globalsize, increment;
    ALboolean openalReady = AL_FALSE;
    ALfloat old_gain;

    ALboolean openal_init(ALboolean usehardware, int memorysize) {	
        /*Initialize an OpenAL contex and allocate memory space for data and buffers*/
        ALCcontext *context;
        ALCdevice *device;
        prog = "OpenAL subsystem";

	// set the memory dimentsion and the increment width when reallocating
        if (memorysize <= 0)
            globalsize = 50;
            globalsize = memorysize;
        increment = globalsize;
	// reuse old context but keep the new value for increment
        if (openalReady == AL_TRUE) {
            err_msg("(%s) WARN - already initialized", prog);
            return AL_FALSE;
        if (usehardware == AL_TRUE)
            device = alcOpenDevice(NULL);
            device = alcOpenDevice("Generic Software");
        err_msg("(%s) INFO - Output device: %s", prog, alcGetString(device, ALC_DEVICE_SPECIFIER));
	if (device == NULL) {
            errno = ENODEV;                
            err_ret("(%s) WARN - failed to open sound device", prog);
            return AL_FALSE;
        context = alcCreateContext(device, NULL);
        if (AlGetError("(%s) WARN - Failed to create a new contex") != AL_TRUE)
            return AL_FALSE;
        // allocate memory space for buffers and sources
        Buffers = (ALuint*) Malloc(sizeof(ALuint)*globalsize);
        Sources = (ALuint*) Malloc(sizeof(ALuint)*globalsize);
        // set the listener gain, position (on xyz axes), velocity (one value for each axe) and orientation
	// Position, Velocity and Orientation of the listener
        ALfloat ListenerPos[] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
        ALfloat ListenerVel[] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
        ALfloat ListenerOri[] = {0.0, 0.0, -1.0,  0.0, 1.0, 0.0};

        alListenerf (AL_GAIN,        1.0f       );
        alListenerfv(AL_POSITION,    ListenerPos);
        alListenerfv(AL_VELOCITY,    ListenerVel);
        alListenerfv(AL_ORIENTATION, ListenerOri);
        if (AlGetError("(%s) WARN - Failed to set Listener properties") != AL_TRUE)
            return AL_FALSE;
        openalReady = AL_TRUE;
        alGetError();  // clear any AL errors beforehand
        return AL_TRUE;

    void openal_close (void) {
        /*Stop all sounds, deallocate all memory and close OpenAL */
        ALCcontext *context;
        ALCdevice  *device;
        if (openalReady == AL_FALSE) {
            errno = EPERM;
            err_ret("(%s) WARN - OpenAL not initialized", prog);
        alSourceStopv	(globalsize, Sources);
        alDeleteSources (globalsize, Sources);
        alDeleteBuffers (globalsize, Buffers);
        context = alcGetCurrentContext();
        device  = alcGetContextsDevice(context);
        openalReady = AL_FALSE;
        err_msg("(%s) INFO - closed", prog);
    ALboolean openal_ready(void) {
        return openalReady;
    void helper_realloc (void) {
        /*expands allocated memory when loading more sound files than expected*/
        int oldsize = globalsize;
        globalsize += increment;
        err_msg("(%s) INFO - Realloc in process from %d to %d\n", prog, oldsize, globalsize);
        Buffers = (ALuint*) Realloc(Buffers, sizeof(ALuint)*globalsize);
        Sources = (ALuint*) Realloc(Sources, sizeof(ALuint)*globalsize);
    int openal_loadfile (const char *filename){
        /*Open a file, load into memory and allocate the Source buffer for playing*/
        ALfloat SourcePos[] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; /*Position of the source sound*/
        ALfloat SourceVel[] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; /*Velocity of the source sound*/
        ALenum format;
        ALsizei bitsize, freq;
        char *data;
        uint32_t fileformat;
        ALenum error;
        FILE *fp;
        if (openalReady == AL_FALSE) {
            err_msg("(%s) WARN - not initialized", prog);
            return -1;
        /*when the buffers are all used, we can expand memory to accept new files*/
        if (globalindex == globalsize)
        /*detect the file format, as written in the first 4 bytes of the header*/
        fp = Fopen (filename, "rb");
        if (fp == NULL)
            return -2;
        error = fread (&fileformat, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fp);
        fclose (fp);
        if (error < 0) {
            err_msg("(%s) ERROR - File %s is too short", prog, filename);
            return -3;
        /*prepare the buffer to receive data*/
        alGenBuffers(1, &Buffers[globalindex]);
        if (AlGetError("(%s) ERROR - Failed to allocate memory for buffers") != AL_TRUE)
            return -4;
        /*prepare the source to emit sound*/
        alGenSources(1, &Sources[globalindex]);
        if (AlGetError("(%s) ERROR - Failed to allocate memory for sources") != AL_TRUE)
            return -5;
        switch (ENDIAN_BIG_32(fileformat)) {
            case OGG_FILE_FORMAT:
                error = load_oggvorbis (filename, &format, &data, &bitsize, &freq);
            case WAV_FILE_FORMAT:
                error = load_wavpcm (filename, &format, &data, &bitsize, &freq);
                err_msg ("(%s) ERROR - File format (%08X) not supported", prog, ENDIAN_BIG_32(fileformat));
                return -6;
        /*copy pcm data in one buffer*/
        alBufferData(Buffers[globalindex], format, data, bitsize, freq);
        free(data);		/*deallocate data to save memory*/
        if (AlGetError("(%s) ERROR - Failed to write data to buffers") != AL_TRUE)
            return -6;
        /*set source properties that it will use when it's in playback*/
        alSourcei (Sources[globalindex], AL_BUFFER,   Buffers[globalindex]  );
        alSourcef (Sources[globalindex], AL_PITCH,    1.0f                  );
        alSourcef (Sources[globalindex], AL_GAIN,     1.0f                  );
        alSourcefv(Sources[globalindex], AL_POSITION, SourcePos             );
        alSourcefv(Sources[globalindex], AL_VELOCITY, SourceVel             );
        alSourcei (Sources[globalindex], AL_LOOPING,  0                     );
        if (AlGetError("(%s) ERROR - Failed to set Source properties") != AL_TRUE)
            return -7;
        alGetError();  /* clear any AL errors beforehand */
        /*returns the index of the source you just loaded, increments it and exits*/
        return globalindex++;
    void openal_playsound (uint32_t index) {
        openal_playsound_loop (index, 0);
    void openal_pausesound (uint32_t index) {
        if (openalReady == AL_TRUE && index < globalsize)
    void openal_stopsound (uint32_t index) {
        openal_stopsound_free(index, 0);

    void openal_freesound (uint32_t index){
       if (openalReady == AL_TRUE && index < globalsize)
           // STUB

    void openal_playsound_loop (unsigned int index, char loops) {
	if (openalReady == AL_TRUE && index < globalsize) {
	    if (loops != 0)

    void openal_stopsound_free    (unsigned int index, char freesource) {
        if (openalReady == AL_TRUE && index < globalsize) {
	    if (freesource != 0)

    void openal_toggleloop (uint32_t index) {
        ALint loop;
        if (openalReady == AL_TRUE && index < globalsize) {
            alGetSourcei (Sources[index], AL_LOOPING, &loop);
            alSourcei (Sources[index], AL_LOOPING, !((uint8_t) loop) & 0x00000001);


    void openal_setvolume (uint32_t index, float gain) {
        if (openalReady == AL_TRUE && index < globalsize)
            alSourcef (Sources[index], AL_GAIN, gain);
    void openal_setglobalvolume (float gain) {
        if (openalReady == AL_TRUE)
            alListenerf (AL_GAIN, gain);
    void openal_togglemute () {
        ALfloat gain;

        if (openalReady == AL_TRUE) {
            alGetListenerf (AL_GAIN, &gain);
            if (gain > 0) {
		old_gain = gain; 
                gain = 0;
	    } else 
                gain = old_gain;
	    alListenerf (AL_GAIN, gain);
    void openal_fade (uint32_t index, uint16_t quantity, char direction) {
        /*Fade in or out by calling a helper thread*/
#ifndef _WIN32
        pthread_t thread;
        HANDLE Thread;
        DWORD threadID;
        fade_t *fade;
        if (openalReady == AL_TRUE && index < globalsize) {
            fade = (fade_t*) Malloc(sizeof(fade_t));
            fade->index = index;
            fade->quantity = quantity;
            if (direction > 0) {
#ifndef _WIN32
                pthread_create(&thread, NULL, helper_fadein, (void*) fade);
                Thread = _beginthread(&helper_fadein, 0, (void*) fade);
            } else {
#ifndef _WIN32
                pthread_create(&thread, NULL, helper_fadeout, (void*) fade);
                Thread = _beginthread(&helper_fadeout, 0, (void*) fade);
#ifndef _WIN32
    void openal_fadeout (uint32_t index, uint16_t quantity) {
        openal_fade(index, quantity, AL_FADE_OUT);
    void openal_fadein (uint32_t index, uint16_t quantity) {
        openal_fade(index, quantity, AL_FADE_IN);
    void openal_setposition (uint32_t index, float x, float y, float z) {
        if (openalReady == AL_TRUE && index < globalsize) 
            alSource3f(Sources[index], AL_POSITION, x, y, z);;

#ifdef __CPLUSPLUS