Hide creeper from frontend, prevent addition of creeper ammo via ammo scheme
This is a temporary measure because the creeper is still very unfinished.
This can be reverted when the creeper is finished.
* Hedgewars, a free turn based strategy game
* Copyright (c) 2004-2015 Andrey Korotaev <unC0Rr@gmail.com>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module HWProtoInRoomState where
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.List as L
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Reader
import CoreTypes
import Consts
import Utils
import HandlerUtils
import RoomsAndClients
import EngineInteraction
import Votes
import CommandHelp
startGame :: Reader (ClientIndex, IRnC) [Action]
startGame = do
(ci, rnc) <- ask
cl <- thisClient
rm <- thisRoom
chans <- roomClientsChans
let nicks = map (nick . client rnc) . roomClients rnc $ clientRoom rnc ci
let allPlayersRegistered = all isOwnerRegistered $ teams rm
if (playersIn rm == readyPlayers rm || clientProto cl > 43) && not (isJust $ gameInfo rm) then
if enoughClans rm then
return [
(\r -> r{
gameInfo = Just $ newGameInfo (teams rm) (length $ teams rm) allPlayersRegistered (mapParams rm) (params rm) False
, AnswerClients chans ["RUN_GAME"]
, SendUpdateOnThisRoom
, AnswerClients chans $ "CLIENT_FLAGS" : "+g" : nicks
, ModifyRoomClients (\c -> c{isInGame = True, teamIndexes = map snd . filter (\(t, _) -> teamowner t == nick c) $ zip (teams rm) [0..]})
return [Warning $ loc "The game can't be started with less than two clans!"]
return []
enoughClans = not . null . drop 1 . group . map teamcolor . teams
handleCmd_inRoom :: CmdHandler
handleCmd_inRoom ["CHAT", msg] = do
n <- clientNick
s <- roomOthersChans
return [AnswerClients s ["CHAT", n, msg]]
-- Leave room normally
handleCmd_inRoom ["PART"] = return [MoveToLobby ""]
handleCmd_inRoom ["PART", _] = return [MoveToLobby ""]
handleCmd_inRoom ("CFG" : paramName : paramStrs)
| null paramStrs = return [ProtocolError $ loc "Empty config entry."]
| otherwise = do
chans <- roomOthersChans
cl <- thisClient
rm <- thisRoom
if isSpecial rm then
return [Warning $ loc "Access denied."]
else if isMaster cl then
return [
ModifyRoom $ f (clientProto cl),
AnswerClients chans ("CFG" : paramName : paramStrs)]
return [ProtocolError $ loc "You're not the room master!"]
f clproto r = if paramName `Map.member` (mapParams r) then
r{mapParams = Map.insert paramName (head paramStrs) (mapParams r)}
r{params = Map.insert paramName (fixedParamStr clproto) (params r)}
fixedParamStr clproto
| clproto /= 49 = paramStrs
| paramName /= "SCHEME" = paramStrs
| otherwise = L.init paramStrs ++ [B.replicate 50 'X' `B.append` L.last paramStrs]
handleCmd_inRoom ("ADD_TEAM" : tName : color : grave : fort : voicepack : flag : difStr : hhsInfo)
| length hhsInfo /= 16 = return [ProtocolError $ loc "Corrupted hedgehogs info!"]
| otherwise = do
rm <- thisRoom
cl <- thisClient
clNick <- clientNick
clChan <- thisClientChans
othChans <- roomOthersChans
roomChans <- roomClientsChans
teamColor <-
if clientProto cl < 42 then
return color
liftM (head . (L.\\) (map B.singleton ['0'..]) . map teamcolor . teams) thisRoom
let roomTeams = teams rm
let hhNum = newTeamHHNum roomTeams $
if not $ null roomTeams then
minimum [hhnum $ head roomTeams, canAddNumber roomTeams]
defaultHedgehogsNumber rm
let newTeam = clNick `seq` TeamInfo clNick tName teamColor grave fort voicepack flag (isRegistered cl) dif hhNum (hhsList hhsInfo)
return $
if not . null . drop (teamsNumberLimit rm - 1) $ roomTeams then
[Warning $ loc "Too many teams!"]
else if canAddNumber roomTeams <= 0 then
[Warning $ loc "Too many hedgehogs!"]
else if isJust $ findTeam rm then
[Warning $ loc "There's already a team with same name in the list."]
else if isJust $ gameInfo rm then
[Warning $ loc "Joining not possible: Round is in progress."]
else if isRestrictedTeams rm then
[Warning $ loc "This room currently does not allow adding new teams."]
[ModifyRoom (\r -> r{teams = teams r ++ [newTeam]}),
ModifyClient (\c -> c{teamsInGame = teamsInGame c + 1, clientClan = Just teamColor}),
AnswerClients clChan ["TEAM_ACCEPTED", tName],
AnswerClients othChans $ teamToNet $ newTeam,
AnswerClients roomChans ["TEAM_COLOR", tName, teamColor],
AnswerClients roomChans ["HH_NUM", tName, showB $ hhnum newTeam]
canAddNumber rt = (cMaxHHs) - (sum $ map hhnum rt)
findTeam = find (\t -> tName == teamname t) . teams
dif = readInt_ difStr
hhsList [] = []
hhsList [_] = error "Hedgehogs list with odd elements number"
hhsList (n:h:hhs) = HedgehogInfo n h : hhsList hhs
newTeamHHNum rt p = min p (canAddNumber rt)
maxTeams r
| roomProto r < 38 = 6
| otherwise = cMaxTeams
handleCmd_inRoom ["REMOVE_TEAM", tName] = do
(ci, _) <- ask
r <- thisRoom
clNick <- clientNick
let maybeTeam = findTeam r
let team = fromJust maybeTeam
return $
if isNothing $ maybeTeam then
[Warning $ loc "Error: The team you tried to remove does not exist."]
else if clNick /= teamowner team then
[ProtocolError $ loc "You can't remove a team you don't own."]
[RemoveTeam tName,
(\c -> c{
teamsInGame = teamsInGame c - 1,
clientClan = if teamsInGame c == 1 then Nothing else anotherTeamClan clNick team r
anotherTeamClan clNick team = liftM teamcolor . find (\t -> (teamowner t == clNick) && (t /= team)) . teams
findTeam = find (\t -> tName == teamname t) . teams
handleCmd_inRoom ["HH_NUM", teamName, numberStr] = do
cl <- thisClient
r <- thisRoom
clChan <- thisClientChans
others <- roomOthersChans
let maybeTeam = findTeam r
let team = fromJust maybeTeam
return $
if not $ isMaster cl then
[ProtocolError $ loc "You're not the room master!"]
else if isNothing maybeTeam then
else if hhNumber < 1 || hhNumber > cHogsPerTeam || hhNumber > canAddNumber r + hhnum team then
[AnswerClients clChan ["HH_NUM", teamName, showB $ hhnum team]]
[ModifyRoom $ modifyTeam team{hhnum = hhNumber},
AnswerClients others ["HH_NUM", teamName, showB hhNumber]]
hhNumber = readInt_ numberStr
findTeam = find (\t -> teamName == teamname t) . teams
canAddNumber = (-) cMaxHHs . sum . map hhnum . teams
handleCmd_inRoom ["TEAM_COLOR", teamName, newColor] = do
cl <- thisClient
others <- roomOthersChans
r <- thisRoom
let maybeTeam = findTeam r
let team = fromJust maybeTeam
maybeClientId <- clientByNick $ teamowner team
let teamOwnerId = fromJust maybeClientId
return $
if not $ isMaster cl then
[ProtocolError $ loc "You're not the room master!"]
else if isNothing maybeTeam || isNothing maybeClientId then
[ModifyRoom $ modifyTeam team{teamcolor = newColor},
AnswerClients others ["TEAM_COLOR", teamName, newColor],
ModifyClient2 teamOwnerId (\c -> c{clientClan = Just newColor})]
findTeam = find (\t -> teamName == teamname t) . teams
handleCmd_inRoom ["TOGGLE_READY"] = do
cl <- thisClient
rm <- thisRoom
chans <- roomClientsChans
(ci, rnc) <- ask
let ri = clientRoom rnc ci
let unreadyClients = filter (not . isReady) . map (client rnc) $ roomClients rnc ri
gs <- if (not $ isReady cl) && (isSpecial rm) && (unreadyClients == [cl]) then startGame else return []
return $
ModifyRoom (\r -> r{readyPlayers = readyPlayers r + (if isReady cl then -1 else 1)})
: ModifyClient (\c -> c{isReady = not $ isReady cl})
: (AnswerClients chans $ if clientProto cl < 38 then
[if isReady cl then "NOT_READY" else "READY", nick cl]
["CLIENT_FLAGS", if isReady cl then "-r" else "+r", nick cl])
: gs
handleCmd_inRoom ["START_GAME"] = roomAdminOnly startGame
handleCmd_inRoom ["EM", msg] = do
cl <- thisClient
rm <- thisRoom
chans <- roomOthersChans
let (legalMsgs, nonEmptyMsgs, lastFTMsg) = checkNetCmd (teamIndexes cl) msg
if teamsInGame cl > 0 && (isJust $ gameInfo rm) && (not $ B.null legalMsgs) then
return $ AnswerClients chans ["EM", legalMsgs]
: [ModifyRoom (\r -> r{gameInfo = liftM
(\g -> g{
roundMsgs = if B.null nonEmptyMsgs then roundMsgs g else nonEmptyMsgs : roundMsgs g
, lastFilteredTimedMsg = fromMaybe (lastFilteredTimedMsg g) lastFTMsg})
$ gameInfo r}), RegisterEvent EngineMessage]
return []
handleCmd_inRoom ["ROUNDFINISHED", _] = do
cl <- thisClient
rm <- thisRoom
chans <- roomClientsChans
let clTeams = map teamname . filter (\t -> teamowner t == nick cl) . teams $ rm
let unsetInGameState = [AnswerClients chans ["CLIENT_FLAGS", "-g", nick cl], ModifyClient (\c -> c{isInGame = False})]
if isInGame cl then
if isJust $ gameInfo rm then
return $ unsetInGameState ++ map SendTeamRemovalMessage clTeams
return unsetInGameState
return [] -- don't accept this message twice
-- isCorrect = correctly == "1"
-- compatibility with clients with protocol < 38
handleCmd_inRoom ["ROUNDFINISHED"] =
handleCmd_inRoom ["ROUNDFINISHED", "1"]
handleCmd_inRoom ["TOGGLE_RESTRICT_JOINS"] = roomAdminOnly $
return [ModifyRoom (\r -> r{isRestrictedJoins = not $ isRestrictedJoins r}), SendUpdateOnThisRoom]
handleCmd_inRoom ["TOGGLE_RESTRICT_TEAMS"] = roomAdminOnly $
return [ModifyRoom (\r -> r{isRestrictedTeams = not $ isRestrictedTeams r})]
handleCmd_inRoom ["TOGGLE_REGISTERED_ONLY"] = roomAdminOnly $
return [ModifyRoom (\r -> r{isRegisteredOnly = not $ isRegisteredOnly r}), SendUpdateOnThisRoom]
handleCmd_inRoom ["ROOM_NAME", newName] = roomAdminOnly $ do
cl <- thisClient
rs <- allRoomInfos
rm <- thisRoom
chans <- sameProtoChans
return $
if illegalName newName then
[Warning $ loc "Illegal room name! The room name must be between 1-40 characters long, must not have a trailing or leading space and must not have any of these characters: $()*+?[]^{|}"]
if isSpecial rm then
[Warning $ loc "Access denied."]
if isJust $ find (\r -> newName == name r) rs then
[Warning $ loc "A room with the same name already exists."]
[ModifyRoom roomUpdate,
AnswerClients chans ("ROOM" : "UPD" : name rm : roomInfo (clientProto cl) (nick cl) (roomUpdate rm))]
roomUpdate r = r{name = newName}
handleCmd_inRoom ["KICK", kickNick] = roomAdminOnly $ do
(thisClientId, rnc) <- ask
maybeKickId <- clientByNick kickNick
rm <- thisRoom
let kickId = fromJust maybeKickId
let kickCl = rnc `client` kickId
let sameRoom = clientRoom rnc thisClientId == clientRoom rnc kickId
let notOnly2Players = (length . group . sort . map teamowner . teams $ rm) > 2
return $
-- Catch some error conditions
if (isNothing maybeKickId) then
[Warning $ loc "Player is not online."]
else if (kickId == thisClientId) then
[Warning $ loc "You can't kick yourself!"]
else if (not ((isNothing $ gameInfo rm) || notOnly2Players || teamsInGame kickCl == 0)) then
[Warning $ loc "You can't kick the only other player!"]
else if (not sameRoom) then
[Warning $ loc "The player is not in your room."]
else if (hasSuperPower kickCl) then
[Warning $ loc "This player is protected from being kicked."]
-- Kick!
[KickRoomClient kickId]
handleCmd_inRoom ["DELEGATE", newAdmin] = do
(thisClientId, rnc) <- ask
maybeClientId <- clientByNick newAdmin
master <- liftM isMaster thisClient
serverAdmin <- liftM isAdministrator thisClient
thisRoomMasterId <- liftM masterID thisRoom
let newAdminId = fromJust maybeClientId
let sameRoom = clientRoom rnc thisClientId == clientRoom rnc newAdminId
return $
if (not (master || serverAdmin)) then
[Warning $ loc "You're not the room master or a server admin!"]
else if (isNothing maybeClientId) then
[Warning $ loc "Player is not online."]
else if (Just newAdminId == thisRoomMasterId) then
[Warning $ loc "You're already the room master."]
else if (not sameRoom) then
[Warning $ loc "The player is not in your room."]
[ChangeMaster (Just newAdminId)]
handleCmd_inRoom ["TEAMCHAT", msg] = do
cl <- thisClient
chans <- roomSameClanChans
return [AnswerClients chans ["EM", engineMsg cl]]
-- This is formatted in a way so it can parsed by engine to make it translatable
engineMsg cl = toEngineMsg $ B.concat ["b", nick cl, "]", msg, "\x20\x20"]
handleCmd_inRoom ["BAN", banNick] = do
(thisClientId, rnc) <- ask
maybeClientId <- clientByNick banNick
master <- liftM isMaster thisClient
let banId = fromJust maybeClientId
let sameRoom = clientRoom rnc thisClientId == clientRoom rnc banId
if master && isJust maybeClientId && (banId /= thisClientId) && sameRoom then
return [
-- ModifyRoom (\r -> r{roomBansList = let h = host $ rnc `client` banId in h `deepseq` h : roomBansList r})
KickRoomClient banId
return []
handleCmd_inRoom ("RND":rs) = do
n <- clientNick
s <- roomClientsChans
return [AnswerClients s ["CHAT", n, B.unwords $ "/rnd" : rs], Random s rs]
handleCmd_inRoom ["MAXTEAMS", n] = do
cl <- thisClient
let m = readInt_ n
if not $ isMaster cl then
return [Warning $ loc "You're not the room master!"]
else if m < 2 || m > cMaxTeams then
return [AnswerClients [sendChan cl] ["CHAT", nickServer, loc "/maxteams: specify number from 2 to 8"]]
return [ModifyRoom (\r -> r{teamsNumberLimit = m})]
handleCmd_inRoom ["FIX"] = serverAdminOnly $
return [ModifyRoom (\r -> r{isSpecial = True})]
handleCmd_inRoom ["UNFIX"] = serverAdminOnly $ do
cl <- thisClient
return $ if not $ isMaster cl then
[Warning $ loc "You're not the room master!"]
[ModifyRoom (\r -> r{isSpecial = False})]
handleCmd_inRoom ["HELP"] = do
cl <- thisClient
if isAdministrator cl then
return (cmdHelpActionList [sendChan cl] cmdHelpRoomAdmin)
return (cmdHelpActionList [sendChan cl] cmdHelpRoomPlayer)
handleCmd_inRoom ["GREETING", msg] = do
cl <- thisClient
rm <- thisRoom
return $ if (not (isAdministrator cl || (isMaster cl && (not $ isSpecial rm)))) then
[Warning $ loc "You're not the room master or a server admin!"]
[ModifyRoom (\r -> r{greeting = msg}),
AnswerClients [sendChan cl]
["CHAT", nickServer,
if B.null msg then
loc "Greeting message cleared."
loc "Greeting message set."
handleCmd_inRoom ["CALLVOTE"] = do
cl <- thisClient
return [AnswerClients [sendChan cl]
["CHAT", nickServer, loc "Available callvote commands: kick <nickname>, map <name>, pause, newseed, hedgehogs"]
handleCmd_inRoom ["CALLVOTE", "KICK"] = do
cl <- thisClient
return [AnswerClients [sendChan cl] ["CHAT", nickServer, loc "/callvote kick: You need to specify a nickname."]]
handleCmd_inRoom ["CALLVOTE", "KICK", nickname] = do
(thisClientId, rnc) <- ask
cl <- thisClient
rm <- thisRoom
maybeClientId <- clientByNick nickname
let kickId = fromJust maybeClientId
let sameRoom = clientRoom rnc thisClientId == clientRoom rnc kickId
if isJust $ masterID rm then
return [AnswerClients [sendChan cl] ["CHAT", nickServer, loc "/callvote kick: This is only allowed in rooms without a room master."]]
if isJust maybeClientId && sameRoom then
startVote $ VoteKick nickname
return [AnswerClients [sendChan cl] ["CHAT", nickServer, loc "/callvote kick: No such user!"]]
handleCmd_inRoom ["CALLVOTE", "MAP"] = do
-- Display list of available maps for voting
cl <- thisClient
s <- liftM (Map.keys . roomSaves) thisRoom
return [AnswerClients [sendChan cl]
["CHAT", nickServer,
if (not $ null s) then
(B.concat ["/callvote map: ", B.intercalate ", " s])
loc "/callvote map: No maps available."
handleCmd_inRoom ["CALLVOTE", "MAP", roomSave] = do
cl <- thisClient
rm <- thisRoom
if Map.member roomSave $ roomSaves rm then
startVote $ VoteMap roomSave
return [AnswerClients [sendChan cl] ["CHAT", nickServer, loc "/callvote map: No such map!"]]
handleCmd_inRoom ["CALLVOTE", "PAUSE"] = do
cl <- thisClient
rm <- thisRoom
if isJust $ gameInfo rm then
startVote VotePause
return [AnswerClients [sendChan cl] ["CHAT", nickServer, loc "/callvote pause: No game in progress!"]]
handleCmd_inRoom ["CALLVOTE", "NEWSEED"] = do
startVote VoteNewSeed
handleCmd_inRoom ["CALLVOTE", "HEDGEHOGS"] = do
cl <- thisClient
return [AnswerClients [sendChan cl] ["CHAT", nickServer, loc "/callvote hedgehogs: Specify number from 1 to 8."]]
handleCmd_inRoom ["CALLVOTE", "HEDGEHOGS", hhs] = do
cl <- thisClient
let h = readInt_ hhs
if h > 0 && h <= cHogsPerTeam then
startVote $ VoteHedgehogsPerTeam h
return [AnswerClients [sendChan cl] ["CHAT", nickServer, loc "/callvote hedgehogs: Specify number from 1 to 8."]]
handleCmd_inRoom ("VOTE" : m : p) = do
cl <- thisClient
let b = if m == "YES" then Just True else if m == "NO" then Just False else Nothing
if isJust b then
voted (p == ["FORCE"]) (fromJust b)
return [AnswerClients [sendChan cl] ["CHAT", nickServer,
if (p == ["FORCE"]) then
loc "/force: Please use 'yes' or 'no'."
loc "/vote: Please use 'yes' or 'no'."
handleCmd_inRoom ["SAVE", stateName, location] = serverAdminOnly $ do
return [ModifyRoom $ \r -> r{roomSaves = Map.insert stateName (location, mapParams r, params r) (roomSaves r)}]
handleCmd_inRoom ["DELETE", stateName] = serverAdminOnly $ do
return [ModifyRoom $ \r -> r{roomSaves = Map.delete stateName (roomSaves r)}]
handleCmd_inRoom ["SAVEROOM", fileName] = serverAdminOnly $ do
return [SaveRoom fileName]
handleCmd_inRoom ["LOADROOM", fileName] = serverAdminOnly $ do
return [LoadRoom fileName]
handleCmd_inRoom ["LIST"] = return [] -- for old clients (<= 0.9.17)
handleCmd_inRoom (s:_) = return [ProtocolError $ "Incorrect command '" `B.append` s `B.append` "' (state: in room)"]
handleCmd_inRoom [] = return [ProtocolError "Empty command (state: in room)"]