Fix rotatemask (hedgehog info) key toggling team bars instead of changing hedgehog tags
Pressing rotatemask toggled the team bars, but it was clearly indicatd
otherwise in the controls menu. To change hog tags, you must have pressed
rotatemask+precise which is not what users expect.
New behaviour:
- rotatemask changes hog tags
- rotatemask+precise toggles team bars
#include <QByteArray>
#include <QFile>
#include <QFileDialog>
#include <QtEndian>
#include <QRegExp>
#include "mainwindow.h"
#include "ui_mainwindow.h"
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) :
ui(new Ui::MainWindow)
delete ui;
void MainWindow::on_pbLoad_clicked()
QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, QString(), QString(), "Hedgewars drawn maps (*.hwmap);;All files (*.*)");
QFile f(fileName);
QByteArray data = qUncompress(QByteArray::fromBase64(f.readAll()));
QStringList decoded;
bool isSpecial = true;
while(data.size() >= 5)
qint16 px = qFromBigEndian(*(qint16 *);
data.remove(0, 2);
qint16 py = qFromBigEndian(*(qint16 *);
data.remove(0, 2);
quint8 flags = *(quint8 *);
data.remove(0, 1);
if(flags & 0x80)
if(isSpecial && !decoded.isEmpty())
decoded << "// drawings";
isSpecial = false;
quint8 penWidth = flags & 0x3f;
bool isErasing = flags & 0x40;
decoded << QString("%1 %2 %3 %4")
.arg(px, 5).arg(py, 6)
.arg(isErasing ? "e" : "s")
.arg(penWidth, 2);
} else
decoded << "// special points (these are always before all drawings!)";
decoded << QString("%1 %2 %3")
.arg(px, 5).arg(py, 6)
} else
decoded << QString("%1 %2")
.arg(px, 5).arg(py, 6);
ui->statusBar->showMessage("Load OK");
} else
ui->statusBar->showMessage(QString("Can't open file %1").arg(fileName));
void MainWindow::on_pbSave_clicked()
QRegExp rxSP("^\\s*(-?\\d+)\\s*(-?\\d+)\\s*(\\d+)\\s*$");
QRegExp rxLS("^\\s*(-?\\d+)\\s*(-?\\d+)\\s*([es])\\s*(\\d+)\\s*$");
QRegExp rxP("^\\s*(-?\\d+)\\s*(-?\\d+)\\s*$");
QString fileName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, QString(), QString(), "Hedgewars drawn maps (*.hwmap);;All files (*.*)");
QFile file(fileName);
QByteArray b;
QStringList sl = ui->textEdit->toPlainText().split('\n');
bool isSpecial = true;
foreach(const QString & line, sl)
if(rxLS.indexIn(line) != -1)
isSpecial = false;
qint16 px = qToBigEndian((qint16)rxLS.cap(1).toInt());
qint16 py = qToBigEndian((qint16)rxLS.cap(2).toInt());
quint8 flags = 0x80;
if(rxLS.cap(3) == "e") flags |= 0x40;
flags = flags + rxLS.cap(4).toUInt();
b.append((const char *)&px, 2);
b.append((const char *)&py, 2);
b.append((const char *)&flags, 1);
} else
if(isSpecial && (rxSP.indexIn(line) != -1))
qint16 px = qToBigEndian((qint16)rxSP.cap(1).toInt());
qint16 py = qToBigEndian((qint16)rxSP.cap(2).toInt());
quint8 flags = rxSP.cap(3).toUInt();
b.append((const char *)&px, 2);
b.append((const char *)&py, 2);
b.append((const char *)&flags, 1);
} else
if(rxP.indexIn(line) != -1)
isSpecial = false;
qint16 px = qToBigEndian((qint16)rxP.cap(1).toInt());
qint16 py = qToBigEndian((qint16)rxP.cap(2).toInt());
quint8 flags = 0;
b.append((const char *)&px, 2);
b.append((const char *)&py, 2);
b.append((const char *)&flags, 1);
} else
ui->statusBar->showMessage(QString("Can't parse or misplaced special point: %1").arg(line));