author unc0rr
Wed, 30 Jun 2021 23:06:54 +0200
changeset 15811 a855f32ab3ca
parent 15810 ee84e417d8d0
permissions -rw-r--r--
- Update hedgewars-network-protocol library with messages needed for checker - Use the library in hedgewars-checker

use proptest::{
    strategy::{BoxedStrategy, Just, Strategy},

use hedgewars_network_protocol::messages::{HwProtocolMessage, HwServerMessage};
use hedgewars_network_protocol::parser::{message, server_message};
use hedgewars_network_protocol::types::{GameCfg, ServerVar, TeamInfo, VoteType};

use hedgewars_network_protocol::types::testing::*;
use hedgewars_network_protocol::{proto_msg_case, proto_msg_match};

pub fn gen_proto_msg() -> BoxedStrategy<HwProtocolMessage> where {
    use hedgewars_network_protocol::messages::HwProtocolMessage::*;

    let res = (0..=58).no_shrink().prop_flat_map(|i| {
        proto_msg_match!(i, def = Ping,
            0 => Ping(),
            1 => Pong(),
            2 => Quit(Option<Ascii>),
            4 => Global(Ascii),
            5 => Watch(u32),
            6 => ToggleServerRegisteredOnly(),
            7 => SuperPower(),
            8 => Info(Ascii),
            9 => Nick(Ascii),
            10 => Proto(u16),
            11 => Password(Ascii, Ascii),
            12 => Checker(u16, Ascii, Ascii),
            13 => List(),
            14 => Chat(Ascii),
            15 => CreateRoom(Ascii, Option<Ascii>),
            16 => JoinRoom(Ascii, Option<Ascii>),
            17 => Follow(Ascii),
            18 => Rnd(Vec<Ascii>),
            19 => Kick(Ascii),
            20 => Ban(Ascii, Ascii, u32),
            21 => BanIp(Ascii, Ascii, u32),
            22 => BanNick(Ascii, Ascii, u32),
            23 => BanList(),
            24 => Unban(Ascii),
            25 => SetServerVar(ServerVar),
            26 => GetServerVar(),
            27 => RestartServer(),
            28 => Stats(),
            29 => Part(Option<Ascii>),
            30 => Cfg(GameCfg),
            31 => AddTeam(Box<TeamInfo>),
            32 => RemoveTeam(Ascii),
            33 => SetHedgehogsNumber(Ascii, u8),
            34 => SetTeamColor(Ascii, u8),
            35 => ToggleReady(),
            36 => StartGame(),
            37 => EngineMessage(Ascii),
            38 => RoundFinished(),
            39 => ToggleRestrictJoin(),
            40 => ToggleRestrictTeams(),
            41 => ToggleRegisteredOnly(),
            42 => RoomName(Ascii),
            43 => Delegate(Ascii),
            44 => TeamChat(Ascii),
            45 => MaxTeams(u8),
            46 => Fix(),
            47 => Unfix(),
            48 => Greeting(Option<Ascii>),
            49 => CallVote(Option<VoteType>),
            50 => Vote(bool),
            51 => ForceVote(bool),
            52 => Save(Ascii, Ascii),
            53 => Delete(Ascii),
            54 => SaveRoom(Ascii),
            55 => LoadRoom(Ascii),
            56 => CheckerReady(),
            57 => CheckedOk(Vec<Ascii>),
            58 => CheckedFail(Ascii)

pub fn gen_server_msg() -> BoxedStrategy<HwServerMessage> where {
    use hedgewars_network_protocol::messages::HwServerMessage::*;

    let res = (0..=38).no_shrink().prop_flat_map(|i| {
        proto_msg_match!(i, def = Ping,
                    0 => Connected(Ascii, u32),
                    1 => Redirect(u16),
                    2 => Ping(),
                    3 => Pong(),
                    4 => Bye(Ascii),
                    5 => Nick(Ascii),
                    6 => Proto(u16),
                    7 => AskPassword(Ascii),
                    8 => ServerAuth(Ascii),
                    9 => LogonPassed(),
                    10 => LobbyLeft(Ascii, Ascii),
                    11 => LobbyJoined(Vec<Ascii>),
        //            12 => ChatMsg { Ascii, Ascii },
                    13 => ClientFlags(Ascii, Vec<Ascii>),
                    14 => Rooms(Vec<Ascii>),
                    15 => RoomAdd(Vec<Ascii>),
                    16=> RoomJoined(Vec<Ascii>),
                    17 => RoomLeft(Ascii, Ascii),
                    18 => RoomRemove(Ascii),
                    19 => RoomUpdated(Ascii, Vec<Ascii>),
                    20 => Joining(Ascii),
                    21 => TeamAdd(Vec<Ascii>),
                    22 => TeamRemove(Ascii),
                    23 => TeamAccepted(Ascii),
                    24 => TeamColor(Ascii, u8),
                    25 => HedgehogsNumber(Ascii, u8),
                    26 => ConfigEntry(Ascii, Vec<Ascii>),
                    27 => Kicked(),
                    28 => RunGame(),
                    29 => ForwardEngineMessage(Vec<Ascii>),
                    30 => RoundFinished(),
                    31 => ReplayStart(),
                    32 => Info(Vec<Ascii>),
                    33 => ServerMessage(Ascii),
                    34 => ServerVars(Vec<Ascii>),
                    35 => Notice(Ascii),
                    36 => Warning(Ascii),
                    37 => Error(Ascii),
                    38 => Replay(Vec<Ascii>)

proptest! {
    fn is_parser_composition_idempotent(ref msg in gen_proto_msg()) {
        println!("!! Msg: {:?}, Bytes: {:?} !!", msg, msg.to_raw_protocol().as_bytes());
        assert_eq!(message(msg.to_raw_protocol().as_bytes()), Ok((&b""[..], msg.clone())))

    fn is_server_message_parser_composition_idempotent(ref msg in gen_server_msg()) {
        println!("!! Msg: {:?}, Bytes: {:?} !!", msg, msg.to_raw_protocol().as_bytes());
        assert_eq!(server_message(msg.to_raw_protocol().as_bytes()), Ok((&b""[..], msg.clone())))