author dag10 <gottlieb.drew@gmail.com>
Wed, 16 Jan 2013 18:34:43 -0500
changeset 8393 85bd6c7b2641
parent 6235 bb1a657f751b
child 8759 1a4b9b9fe2b0
permissions -rw-r--r--
Can now change theme for static and mission maps. Fixed mission map descriptions that had commas which broke them. Now, you must escape commas in map descriptions. Made bgwidget repaint on animation tick to avoid buffer-not-clearing issue with widgets that change overtop the background leaving a ghost image of the widget's previous state. Generated map is now the default map in the mapconfig widget.

 * CSS-like definition of chat appearance
 * see http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.5/richtext-html-subset.html#css-properties
 * In the QTfrontend of hedgewars also display:none; will work for class names
 * that start with msg_ and .timestamp -  as long as they are referenced
 * directly and not within any class hierachy.
 * Note: Will only effect new lines!
 * This file can be stored at different locations, but it will be read only
 * once, based on first file found in this order:
 *    <userdir>/Data/css/chat.css ( create/see full path with: /saveStyleSheet )
 *    <datadir>/css/chat.css
 *    <internal default style-sheet>

/* valid color values
 * transparent   (no color)
 * colorname
 *   (a word that is the name of a valid color)
 *   available colors: http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/types.html#ColorKeywords
 *   examples: red, steelblue, mintcream
 *   (hexadecimal additive red-green-blue, max is ff, min 00, half is 80)
 *   examples: #ffff00 (yellow), #808080 (gray)
 * rgb(r, g, b)
 *   (decimal additive red-green-blue, max is 255, min 0, half is 128)
 *   examples: rgb(135, 206, 250) (lightskyblue)

/* links */
a { color: #c8c8ff; }

/* appearance of the whole chat */
/* body { color: white; background-color: #000000; } */

/* appearance of all elements in chat */
/* * { color: white; background-color: #000000; } */

/* nick names (they are also sometimes linked) */
.nick { text-decoration: none; }

/* various chat messages */
.msg_UserChat { color:#ffcc00; } /* chat of people who aren't your friends */
.msg_UserChat .nick { color:#ffec20; }
.msg_FriendChat { color: #b0ff08; }
.msg_FriendChat .nick { color: #30ff30; }
.msg_UserJoin { color: #c0c0c0; }
.msg_UserJoin .nick { color: #d0d0d0; }
.msg_FriendJoin { font-weight: bold; color: #c0f0c0; }
.msg_FriendJoin .nick { color: #d8f0d8; }
.msg_UserAction { color: #ff80ff; }
.msg_UserAction .nick { color: #ffa0ff;}
.msg_FriendAction { color: #ff00ff; }
.msg_FriendAction .nick { color: #ff30ff; }

/* uncomment next line to disable join and leave messages of non-friends */
/* .msg_UserJoin { display:none; } */

/* timestamps */
.timestamp {
    color: #e0d8e0;
    font-family: courier;
    font-size: 11px;
    vertical-align: center;
    /* uncomment next line to hide timestamps */
    /* display: none; */

/* .timestamp:hours { display: none; } */
.timestamp:seconds { display: none; }

/* you can also set timestamp style for different msg types */
.msg_FriendChat .timestamp { color: #ffffff; }

/* messages that contain your nickname */
.highlight {  }
.highlight .nick { color: #ff0000; } /* nicknames in highlighted messages */

/* system messages */
.msg_Error { color: #ff0000; }
.msg_Warning { color: #ff8000; }
.msg_Notice { color: #fefefe; }
.msg_Notice .nick { color: #ffffd0; }