Racer: Fix weird water splashes after waypoint placement
Does not affect official racer, as only waypoint placement is touched.
The reason was that the air attack gear sometimes was not deleted fast enough so it might occassionally drop some air bombs (these are deleted now). Also, the airplane position was set to water level, which caused another water splash.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where
import Control.Monad
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Yaml as YAML
import Data.Yaml ((.=))
import Data.List
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import PascalUnitSyntaxTree
fixName :: String -> String
fixName "MaxHedgeHogs" = "max_hedgehogs"
fixName"canFlip" = "can_flip"
fixName"canInvert" = "can_invert"
fixName"canMirror" = "can_mirror"
fixName"TemplateWidth" = "width"
fixName"TemplateHeight" = "height"
fixName"RandPassesCount" = "rand_passes"
fixName"BezierizeCount" = "bezie_passes"
fixName"hasGirders" = "put_girders"
fixName"isNegative" = "is_negative"
fixName a = a
instance YAML.ToJSON InitExpression where
toJSON (InitArray ar) = YAML.toJSON ar
toJSON (InitRecord ar) = YAML.object $ map (\(Identifier i _, iref) -> Text.pack (fixName i) .= iref) $ filter isRelevant ar
isRelevant (Identifier i _, _) | i `elem` ["BasePoints", "FillPoints", "BasePointsCount", "FillPointsCount"] = False
isRelevant _ = True
toJSON (InitTypeCast {}) = YAML.object []
toJSON (BuiltInFunction {}) = YAML.object []
toJSON (InitNumber n) = YAML.toJSON (read n :: Int)
toJSON (InitReference (Identifier "true" _)) = YAML.toJSON True
toJSON (InitReference (Identifier "false" _)) = YAML.toJSON False
toJSON a = error $ show a
instance YAML.ToJSON Identifier where
toJSON (Identifier i _) = YAML.toJSON i
data Template = Template InitExpression ([InitExpression], InitExpression)
deriving Show
instance YAML.ToJSON Template where
toJSON (Template (InitRecord ri) (points, fpoints)) = YAML.toJSON $ InitRecord $ ri ++ [(Identifier "outline_points" BTUnknown, InitArray points), (Identifier "fill_points" BTUnknown, fpoints)]
takeLast i = reverse . take i . reverse
extractDeclarations :: PascalUnit -> [TypeVarDeclaration]
extractDeclarations (Unit (Identifier "uLandTemplates" _) (Interface _ (TypesAndVars decls)) _ _ _) = decls
extractDeclarations _ = error "Unexpected file structure"
extractTemplatePoints :: Int -> [TypeVarDeclaration] -> ([InitExpression], InitExpression)
extractTemplatePoints templateNumber decls = (breakNTPX . head . catMaybes $ map (toTemplatePointInit "Points") decls, head . catMaybes $ map (toTemplatePointInit "FPoints") decls)
toTemplatePointInit suffix (VarDeclaration False False ([Identifier i _], _) ie)
| (i == "Template" ++ show templateNumber ++ suffix) = ie
| otherwise = Nothing
toTemplatePointInit _ _ = Nothing
breakNTPX :: InitExpression -> [InitExpression]
breakNTPX (InitArray ia) = map InitArray . filter ((<) 0 . length) . map (filter (not . isNtpx)) $ groupBy (\a b -> isNtpx a == isNtpx b) ia
breakNTPX a = error $ show a
isNtpx :: InitExpression -> Bool
isNtpx (InitRecord ((Identifier "x" _, InitReference (Identifier "NTPX" _)):_)) = True
isNtpx _ = False
extractTemplates :: [TypeVarDeclaration] -> [Template]
extractTemplates decls = map toFull $ zip (head . catMaybes $ map toTemplateInit decls) [0..]
toTemplateInit (VarDeclaration False False ([Identifier "EdgeTemplates" _], _) (Just (InitArray ia))) = Just ia
toTemplateInit _ = Nothing
toFull (ie, num) = let ps = extractTemplatePoints num decls in if "NTPX" `isInfixOf` show ps then error $ show num ++ " " ++ show ps else Template ie ps
convert :: PascalUnit -> B.ByteString
convert pu = YAML.encode . extractTemplates . extractDeclarations $ pu
main = do
f <- liftM read $ readFile "uLandTemplates.dump"
B.putStrLn $ convert f