author Simon McVittie <smcv@debian.org>
Mon, 12 Sep 2022 10:40:53 -0400
changeset 15859 7b1d6dfa3173
parent 15217 b32c52c76977
child 15891 d52f5d8e75e6
permissions -rw-r--r--
Remove FindSDL2 find-module, use sdl2-config.cmake instead This requires SDL >= 2.0.4. Since <https://bugzilla.libsdl.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2464> was fixed in SDL 2.0.4, SDL behaves as a CMake "config-file package", even if it was not itself built using CMake: it installs a sdl2-config.cmake file to ${libdir}/cmake/SDL2, which tells CMake where to find SDL's headers and library, analogous to a pkg-config .pc file. As a result, we no longer need to copy/paste a "find-module package" to be able to find a system copy of SDL >= 2.0.4 with find_package(SDL2). Find-module packages are now discouraged by the CMake developers, in favour of having upstream projects behave as config-file packages. This results in a small API change: FindSDL2 used to set SDL2_INCLUDE_DIR and SDL2_LIBRARY, but the standard behaviour for config-file packages is to set <name>_INCLUDE_DIRS and <name>_LIBRARIES. Use the CONFIG keyword to make sure we search in config-file package mode, and will not find a FindSDL2.cmake in some other directory that implements the old interface. In addition to deleting redundant code, this avoids some assumptions in FindSDL2 about the layout of a SDL installation. The current libsdl2-dev package in Debian breaks those assumptions; this is considered a bug and will hopefully be fixed soon, but it illustrates how fragile these assumptions can be. We can be more robust against different installation layouts by relying on SDL's own CMake integration. When linking to a copy of CMake in a non-standard location, users can now set the SDL2_DIR or CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH environment variable to point to it; previously, these users would have used the SDL2DIR environment variable. This continues to be unnecessary if using matching system-wide installations of CMake and SDL2, for example both from Debian.

#ifndef ENGINE_H
#define ENGINE_H

#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
#define ENUM_CLASS enum


#ifndef Q_ENUM_NS
#define Q_ENUM_NS(x)


namespace Engine {
extern "C" {
#define ENUM_CLASS enum class

typedef struct _EngineInstance EngineInstance;

typedef struct {
  uint32_t width;
  uint32_t height;
  uint8_t hedgehogs_number;
  unsigned char* land;
} PreviewInfo;

typedef uint32_t hedgewars_engine_protocol_version_t();
typedef EngineInstance* start_engine_t();
typedef void generate_preview_t(EngineInstance* engine_state,
                                PreviewInfo* preview);
typedef void dispose_preview_t(EngineInstance* engine_state);
typedef void cleanup_t(EngineInstance* engine_state);

typedef void send_ipc_t(EngineInstance* engine_state, uint8_t* buf,
                        size_t size);
typedef size_t read_ipc_t(EngineInstance* engine_state, uint8_t* buf,
                          size_t size);

typedef void setup_current_gl_context_t(EngineInstance* engine_state,
                                        uint16_t width, uint16_t height,
                                        void (*(const char*))());
typedef void render_frame_t(EngineInstance* engine_state);

typedef bool advance_simulation_t(EngineInstance* engine_state, uint32_t ticks);

typedef void move_camera_t(EngineInstance* engine_state, int32_t delta_x,
                           int32_t delta_y);

ENUM_CLASS SimpleEventType{
    SwitchHedgehog, Timer, LongJump, HighJump, Accept, Deny,

ENUM_CLASS LongEventType{
    ArrowUp, ArrowDown, ArrowLeft, ArrowRight, Precision, Attack,

ENUM_CLASS LongEventState{

ENUM_CLASS PositionedEventType{

typedef void simple_event_t(EngineInstance* engine_state,
                            SimpleEventType event_type);
typedef void long_event_t(EngineInstance* engine_state,
                          LongEventType event_type, LongEventState state);
typedef void positioned_event_t(EngineInstance* engine_state,
                                PositionedEventType event_type, int32_t x,
                                int32_t y);
}  // extern "C"

#ifdef __cplusplus


};  // namespace


#endif  // ENGINE_H