lua call SetAmmoDelay(ammotype, delay). note: as the engine does not yet support per-clan/team/hog ammo delay values, lua scripters will have to keep track of individual delays and set them accordingly before a hedgehog's turn (if they want usage cool-down behavior)
#include "lua.h"
#include "physfs.h"
#define BUFSIZE 1024
void *physfsReaderBuffer;
PHYSFS_DECL const char * physfsReader(lua_State *L, PHYSFS_File *f, size_t *size)
return NULL;
*size = PHYSFS_readBytes(f, physfsReaderBuffer, BUFSIZE);
if(*size == 0)
return NULL;
return physfsReaderBuffer;
PHYSFS_DECL void physfsReaderSetBuffer(void *buffer)
physfsReaderBuffer = buffer;