author unc0rr
Mon, 12 Oct 2009 16:44:30 +0000
changeset 2428 6800f8aa0184
parent 1964 dc9ea05c9d2f
child 2867 9be6693c78cb
permissions -rw-r--r--
Huge Smaxx patch with some fixes by me: - support for non power of two textures - modelview matrix calculation optimizations - health effect when picking up health crates or using vampirism - rc plane training time trial - fix visual gear drawing position (might require recheck) - gamepad support - reordered options in frontend - updated binding options (subcaptions, descriptions and localizable names) - cfg-dir parameter for frontend (allows teams/settings to sit on a usb flash drive for example) - icons for chatroom user list

module Opts
) where

import System
import System.Console.GetOpt
import Network
import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe )
import CoreTypes
import Utils

options :: [OptDescr (ServerInfo -> ServerInfo)]
options = [
	Option ['p'] ["port"] (ReqArg readListenPort "PORT") "listen on PORT",
	Option ['d'] ["dedicated"] (ReqArg readDedicated "BOOL") "start as dedicated (True or False)"

	readDbHost :: String -> ServerInfo -> ServerInfo

readListenPort str opts = opts{listenPort = readPort}
		readPort = fromInteger $ fromMaybe 46631 (maybeRead str :: Maybe Integer)

readDedicated str opts = opts{isDedicated = readDedicated}
		readDedicated = fromMaybe True (maybeRead str :: Maybe Bool)

readDbLogin str opts = opts{dbLogin = str}
readDbPassword str opts = opts{dbPassword = str}
readDbHost str opts = opts{dbHost = str}

getOpts :: ServerInfo -> IO ServerInfo
getOpts opts = do
	args <- getArgs
	case getOpt Permute options args of
		(o, [], []) -> return $ foldr ($) opts o
		(_,_,errs) -> ioError (userError (concat errs ++ usageInfo header options))
	where header = "Usage: newhwserv [OPTION...]"