Sweep all pixels at 0 or 1 neighbours, whether damaged or not. Intended to handled output of Smooth, might be nice to cut down on the counting somehow though.
+ − glob:CMakeCache.txt
+ − glob:CMakeFiles
+ − glob:moc_*.cxx
+ − glob:qrc_*.cxx
+ − glob:*.o
+ − glob:Makefile
+ − glob:bin
+ − glob:*.hi
+ − glob:*.*~
+ − glob:*.core
+ − glob:hedgewars/config.inc
+ − glob:cmake_install.cmake
+ − glob:QTfrontend/hwconsts.cpp
+ − glob:CPackConfig.cmake
+ − glob:CPackSourceConfig.cmake
+ − glob:tools/cmake_uninstall.cmake
+ − glob:install_manifest.txt
+ − glob:.DS_Store
+ − glob:*.swp
+ − glob:*.orig
+ − glob:*.diff
+ − glob:vittorio.*
+ − glob:project_files/HedgewarsMobile/Data/
+ − glob:project_files/HedgewarsMobile/build/
+ − glob:gameServer/dist/
+ − glob:misc/libtremor/Xcode/build/
+ − glob:misc/liblua/Xcode/build/
+ − glob:misc/libfreetype/Xcode/build/
+ − glob:misc/libfreetype/Xcode-iPhoneOS/build/
+ − glob:moc_*.cxx_parameters
+ − relre:^release\/
+ − glob:*.log
+ − glob:*.cmd
+ − glob:*.diff
+ − glob:*.patch
+ − glob:*.orig
+ − glob:*.bak
+ − glob:*.rej