No longer jiggle sticky mines if using portable portal device
This fixes the sticky mine sound playing when using portal gun while any sticky mine is placed on ground.
We decided that placed sticky mines can't be teleported.
* Hedgewars, a free turn based strategy game
* Copyright (C) 2012 Simeon Maxein <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "team.h"
#include "../util/inihelper.h"
#include "../util/util.h"
#include "../util/logging.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
static flib_team *from_ini_handleError(flib_team *result, flib_ini *settingfile) {
return NULL;
flib_team *flib_team_from_ini(const char *filename) {
if(log_badargs_if(filename==NULL)) {
return NULL;
flib_team *result = flib_calloc(1, sizeof(flib_team));
flib_ini *ini = NULL;
if(!result) {
return from_ini_handleError(result, ini);
ini = flib_ini_load(filename);
if(!ini) {
flib_log_e("Error loading team file %s", filename);
return from_ini_handleError(result, ini);
if(flib_ini_enter_section(ini, "team")) {
flib_log_e("Missing section \"Team\" in team file %s", filename);
return from_ini_handleError(result, ini);
bool error = false;
error |= flib_ini_get_str(ini, &result->name, "name");
error |= flib_ini_get_str(ini, &result->grave, "grave");
error |= flib_ini_get_str(ini, &result->fort, "fort");
error |= flib_ini_get_str(ini, &result->voicepack, "voicepack");
error |= flib_ini_get_str(ini, &result->flag, "flag");
error |= flib_ini_get_int(ini, &result->rounds, "rounds");
error |= flib_ini_get_int(ini, &result->wins, "wins");
error |= flib_ini_get_int(ini, &result->campaignProgress, "campaignprogress");
int difficulty = 0;
error |= flib_ini_get_int(ini, &difficulty, "difficulty");
if(error) {
flib_log_e("Missing or malformed entry in section \"Team\" in file %s", filename);
return from_ini_handleError(result, ini);
for(int i=0; i<HEDGEHOGS_PER_TEAM; i++) {
char sectionName[32];
if(snprintf(sectionName, sizeof(sectionName), "hedgehog%i", i) <= 0) {
return from_ini_handleError(result, ini);
if(flib_ini_enter_section(ini, sectionName)) {
flib_log_e("Missing section \"%s\" in team file %s", sectionName, filename);
return from_ini_handleError(result, ini);
flib_hog *hog = &result->hogs[i];
error |= flib_ini_get_str(ini, &hog->name, "name");
error |= flib_ini_get_str(ini, &hog->hat, "hat");
error |= flib_ini_get_int(ini, &hog->rounds, "rounds");
error |= flib_ini_get_int(ini, &hog->kills, "kills");
error |= flib_ini_get_int(ini, &hog->deaths, "deaths");
error |= flib_ini_get_int(ini, &hog->suicides, "suicides");
result->hogs[i].difficulty = difficulty;
result->hogs[i].initialHealth = TEAM_DEFAULT_HEALTH;
if(error) {
flib_log_e("Missing or malformed entry in section \"%s\" in file %s", sectionName, filename);
return from_ini_handleError(result, ini);
if(!flib_ini_enter_section(ini, "binds")) {
result->bindingCount = flib_ini_get_keycount(ini);
if(result->bindingCount<0) {
flib_log_e("Error reading bindings from file %s", filename);
result->bindingCount = 0;
result->bindings = flib_calloc(result->bindingCount, sizeof(flib_binding));
if(!result->bindings) {
return from_ini_handleError(result, ini);
for(int i=0; i<result->bindingCount; i++) {
char *keyname = flib_ini_get_keyname(ini, i);
if(!keyname) {
error = true;
} else {
result->bindings[i].action = flib_urldecode(keyname);
error |= !result->bindings[i].action;
error |= flib_ini_get_str(ini, &result->bindings[i].binding, keyname);
if(error) {
flib_log_e("Error reading team file %s", filename);
return from_ini_handleError(result, ini);
return result;
void flib_team_destroy(flib_team *team) {
if(team) {
for(int i=0; i<HEDGEHOGS_PER_TEAM; i++) {
if(team->bindings) {
for(int i=0; i<team->bindingCount; i++) {
static int writeTeamSection(const flib_team *team, flib_ini *ini) {
if(flib_ini_create_section(ini, "team")) {
return -1;
bool error = false;
error |= flib_ini_set_str(ini, "name", team->name);
error |= flib_ini_set_str(ini, "grave", team->grave);
error |= flib_ini_set_str(ini, "fort", team->fort);
error |= flib_ini_set_str(ini, "voicepack", team->voicepack);
error |= flib_ini_set_str(ini, "flag", team->flag);
error |= flib_ini_set_int(ini, "rounds", team->rounds);
error |= flib_ini_set_int(ini, "wins", team->wins);
error |= flib_ini_set_int(ini, "campaignprogress", team->campaignProgress);
error |= flib_ini_set_int(ini, "difficulty", team->hogs[0].difficulty);
return error;
static int writeHogSections(const flib_team *team, flib_ini *ini) {
for(int i=0; i<HEDGEHOGS_PER_TEAM; i++) {
const flib_hog *hog = &team->hogs[i];
char sectionName[32];
if(snprintf(sectionName, sizeof(sectionName), "hedgehog%i", i) <= 0) {
return -1;
if(flib_ini_create_section(ini, sectionName)) {
return -1;
bool error = false;
error |= flib_ini_set_str(ini, "name", hog->name);
error |= flib_ini_set_str(ini, "hat", hog->hat);
error |= flib_ini_set_int(ini, "rounds", hog->rounds);
error |= flib_ini_set_int(ini, "kills", hog->kills);
error |= flib_ini_set_int(ini, "deaths", hog->deaths);
error |= flib_ini_set_int(ini, "suicides", hog->suicides);
if(error) {
return error;
return 0;
static int writeBindingSection(const flib_team *team, flib_ini *ini) {
if(team->bindingCount == 0) {
return 0;
if(flib_ini_create_section(ini, "binds")) {
return -1;
for(int i=0; i<team->bindingCount; i++) {
bool error = false;
char *action = flib_urlencode(team->bindings[i].action);
if(action) {
error |= flib_ini_set_str(ini, action, team->bindings[i].binding);
} else {
error = true;
if(error) {
return error;
return 0;
int flib_team_to_ini(const char *filename, const flib_team *team) {
int result = -1;
if(!log_badargs_if2(filename==NULL, team==NULL)) {
flib_ini *ini = flib_ini_create(filename);
bool error = false;
error |= writeTeamSection(team, ini);
error |= writeHogSections(team, ini);
error |= writeBindingSection(team, ini);
if(!error) {
result = flib_ini_save(ini, filename);
return result;
int flib_team_set_weaponset(flib_team *team, const flib_weaponset *set) {
if(team) {
for(int i=0; i<HEDGEHOGS_PER_TEAM; i++) {
team->hogs[i].weaponset = flib_weaponset_copy(set);
if(set && !team->hogs[i].weaponset) {
return -1;
return 0;
void flib_team_set_health(flib_team *team, int health) {
if(team) {
for(int i=0; i<HEDGEHOGS_PER_TEAM; i++) {
team->hogs[i].initialHealth = health;
static char *strdupWithError(const char *in, bool *error) {
char *out = flib_strdupnull(in);
if(in && !out) {
*error = true;
return out;
flib_team *flib_team_copy(const flib_team *team) {
flib_team *result = NULL;
if(team) {
flib_team *tmpTeam = flib_calloc(1, sizeof(flib_team));
if(tmpTeam) {
bool error = false;
for(int i=0; i<HEDGEHOGS_PER_TEAM; i++) {
tmpTeam->hogs[i].name = strdupWithError(team->hogs[i].name, &error);
tmpTeam->hogs[i].hat = strdupWithError(team->hogs[i].hat, &error);
tmpTeam->hogs[i].rounds = team->hogs[i].rounds;
tmpTeam->hogs[i].kills = team->hogs[i].kills;
tmpTeam->hogs[i].deaths = team->hogs[i].deaths;
tmpTeam->hogs[i].suicides = team->hogs[i].suicides;
tmpTeam->hogs[i].difficulty = team->hogs[i].difficulty;
tmpTeam->hogs[i].initialHealth = team->hogs[i].initialHealth;
tmpTeam->hogs[i].weaponset = flib_weaponset_copy(team->hogs[i].weaponset);
if(team->hogs[i].weaponset && !tmpTeam->hogs[i].weaponset) {
error = true;
tmpTeam->name = strdupWithError(team->name, &error);
tmpTeam->grave = strdupWithError(team->grave, &error);
tmpTeam->fort = strdupWithError(team->fort, &error);
tmpTeam->voicepack = strdupWithError(team->voicepack, &error);
tmpTeam->flag = strdupWithError(team->flag, &error);
tmpTeam->ownerName = strdupWithError(team->ownerName, &error);
tmpTeam->bindingCount = team->bindingCount;
if(team->bindings) {
tmpTeam->bindings = flib_calloc(team->bindingCount, sizeof(flib_binding));
if(tmpTeam->bindings) {
for(int i=0; i<tmpTeam->bindingCount; i++) {
tmpTeam->bindings[i].action = strdupWithError(team->bindings[i].action, &error);
tmpTeam->bindings[i].binding = strdupWithError(team->bindings[i].binding, &error);
} else {
error = true;
tmpTeam->rounds = team->rounds;
tmpTeam->wins = team->wins;
tmpTeam->campaignProgress = team->campaignProgress;
tmpTeam->colorIndex = team->colorIndex;
tmpTeam->hogsInGame = team->hogsInGame;
tmpTeam->remoteDriven = team->remoteDriven;
if(!error) {
result = tmpTeam;
tmpTeam = 0;
return result;