No longer jiggle sticky mines if using portable portal device
This fixes the sticky mine sound playing when using portal gun while any sticky mine is placed on ground.
We decided that placed sticky mines can't be teleported.
#undef KEY
#if defined(__i386)
# define KEY '_','_','i','3','8','6'
#elif defined(__x86_64)
# define KEY '_','_','x','8','6','_','6','4'
#elif defined(__ppc__)
# define KEY '_','_','p','p','c','_','_'
#elif defined(__ppc64__)
# define KEY '_','_','p','p','c','6','4','_','_'
#define SIZE (sizeof(@type@))
char info_size[] = {'I', 'N', 'F', 'O', ':', 's','i','z','e','[',
('0' + ((SIZE / 10000)%10)),
('0' + ((SIZE / 1000)%10)),
('0' + ((SIZE / 100)%10)),
('0' + ((SIZE / 10)%10)),
('0' + (SIZE % 10)),
#ifdef KEY
' ','k','e','y','[', KEY, ']',
#ifdef __CLASSIC_C__
int main(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[];
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int require = 0;
require += info_size[argc];
return SIZE;