On pagenetgame, when window is too small the map/game options becomes a tabbed interface to allow for a few lines of chat to always be visible.
Restored HWForm's min height to 580.
Fixed the 2px alignment issue with the map list and map previews' top edges that unC0Rr was whining about. <3
* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation.
#include <QLayout>
#include <QPointer>
#include <QRect>
#include <QWidgetItem>
#include <QLayoutItem>
class QAspectRatioLayout : public QLayout
QAspectRatioLayout(QWidget* parent, int spacing =-1);
QAspectRatioLayout(int spacing = -1);
/* Convenience method */
virtual void add(QLayoutItem* item);
/* http://doc.trolltech.com/qlayout.html#addItem */
virtual void addItem(QLayoutItem* item);
/* http://doc.trolltech.com/qlayout.html#addWidget */
virtual void addWidget(QWidget* widget);
/* http://doc.trolltech.com/qlayout.html#takeAt */
virtual QLayoutItem* takeAt(int index);
/* http://doc.trolltech.com/qlayout.html#itemAt */
virtual QLayoutItem* itemAt(int index) const;
/* http://doc.trolltech.com/qlayout.html#count */
virtual int count() const;
* These are ours since we do have only one item.
virtual QLayoutItem* replaceItem(QLayoutItem* item);
virtual QLayoutItem* take();
virtual bool hasItem() const;
/* http://doc.trolltech.com/qlayout.html#expandingDirections */
virtual Qt::Orientations expandingDirections() const;
* This method contains most of the juice of this article.
* http://doc.trolltech.com/qlayoutitem.html#setGeometry
virtual void setGeometry(const QRect& rect);
/* http://doc.trolltech.com/qlayoutitem.html#geometry */
virtual QRect geometry();
/* http://doc.trolltech.com/qlayoutitem.html#sizeHint */
virtual QSize sizeHint() const;
/* http://doc.trolltech.com/qlayout.html#minimumSize */
virtual QSize minimumSize() const;
/* http://doc.trolltech.com/qlayoutitem.html#hasHeightForWidth */
virtual bool hasHeightForWidth() const;
/* Saves the last received rect. */
void setLastReceivedRect(const QRect& rect);
/* Used to initialize the object. */
void init(int spacing);
/* Calculates the maximum size for the item from the assigned size. */
QSize calculateProperSize(QSize from) const;
/* Calculates the center location from the assigned size and
* the items size. */
QPoint calculateCenterLocation(QSize from, QSize itemSize) const;
/* Check if two QRects are equal */
bool areRectsEqual(const QRect& a, const QRect& b) const;
/* Contains item reference */
QLayoutItem* item;
* Used for caching so we won't do calculations every time
* setGeometry is called.
QRect* lastReceivedRect;
/* Contains geometry */
QRect* _geometry;