On pagenetgame, when window is too small the map/game options becomes a tabbed interface to allow for a few lines of chat to always be visible.
Restored HWForm's min height to 580.
Fixed the 2px alignment issue with the map list and map previews' top edges that unC0Rr was whining about. <3
This is an experimental main to use with hwLibary
- create the library with `cmake . -DBUILD_ENGINE_LIBRARY=1' and `make hwengine'
- compile this file with `gcc libhwLibrary.dylib libSDLmain.a wrapper.c -o wrapper -framework Cocoa -framework SDL'
(in Mac OS X, but this command line shouldn't be much different in other OSes; make sure to set the correct files/paths)
- this executable expect a save file "Save.hws" and the data folder "Data" to be in the same launching directory
#include <stdlib.h>
extern void Game (const char **);
int SDL_main (int argc, const char **argv)
// Note: if you get a segfault or other unexpected crashes on startup
// make sure that these arguments are up-to-date with the ones actual needed
const char **gameArgs = (const char**) malloc(sizeof(char *) * 11);
gameArgs[ 0] = "0"; //ipcPort
gameArgs[ 1] = "1024"; //cScreenWidth
gameArgs[ 2] = "768"; //cScreenHeight
gameArgs[ 3] = "0"; //cReducedQuality
gameArgs[ 4] = "en.txt"; //cLocaleFName
gameArgs[ 5] = "wrapper"; //UserNick
gameArgs[ 6] = "1"; //isSoundEnabled
gameArgs[ 7] = "1"; //isMusicEnabled
gameArgs[ 8] = "1"; //cAltDamage
gameArgs[ 9] = "0.0"; //rotationQt
gameArgs[10] = "Save.hws"; //recordFileName
return 0;