Space Invasion: Continue playing rounds in case the teams are tied at the end
Rules in case of a tie:
1) Eliminate all teams not tied for the lead
2) Play another round with the remaining teams
3) Check for the winner again at the end of that round. If there's another tie, repeat the procedure
* Hedgewars, a free turn based strategy game
* Copyright (C) 2012 Simeon Maxein <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* This file is not directly part of the frontlib and is not required to build it.
* However, it is recommended to include it in compilation when building for Android. The purpose of this file
* is to ensure consistency between the function signatures of the JNA Java bindings of the Android port and the
* frontlib functions.
* This file, in essence, consists only of function declarations. They are duplicates of function declarations
* from the frontlib headers that are referenced from JNA bindings. If the signature of one of these functions
* changes in the frontlib, it will no longer match the signature in this file, and the compiler will show an error.
* If that happens, you need to update the JNA bindings in Hedgeroid to match the new function signature, and then
* update this file.
* The reason for all this is that JNA does not actually know the function signatures of the functions it binds,
* it derives them from Java method declarations. If those do not match the actual function signatures, you will
* only notice when you suddenly get strange (and possibly hard to track down) problems at runtime. This file is
* an attempt to detect these problems at compile time instead. Notice that it will NOT detect changes to structs
* or constants though, which also require updates to the JNA bindings.
* Before we include the frontlib headers, we define away the const keyword. This is necessary because there is no
* distinction between const and non-const types on the JNA side, and we don't want the compiler to complain because
* of bad constness.
* This is so evil, but it works...
#define const
#include "../frontlib.h"
* Now we map the Java types to the corresponding C types...
typedef flib_netconn *NetconnPtr;
typedef flib_gameconn *GameconnPtr;
typedef flib_mapconn *MapconnPtr;
typedef flib_metascheme *MetaschemePtr;
typedef flib_room **RoomArrayPtr;
typedef flib_weaponset *WeaponsetPtr;
typedef flib_weaponsetlist *WeaponsetListPtr;
typedef flib_map *MapRecipePtr;
typedef flib_scheme *SchemePtr;
typedef flib_schemelist *SchemelistPtr;
typedef flib_room *RoomPtr;
typedef flib_team *TeamPtr;
typedef flib_gamesetup *GameSetupPtr;
typedef bool boolean;
typedef size_t NativeSizeT;
typedef void *Pointer;
typedef uint8_t *ByteArrayPtr;
typedef char *String;
* Mapping callback types
typedef void (*VoidCallback)(Pointer context);
typedef void (*StrCallback)(Pointer context, String arg1);
typedef void (*IntCallback)(Pointer context, int arg1);
typedef void (*IntStrCallback)(Pointer context, int arg1, String arg2);
typedef void (*StrIntCallback)(Pointer context, String arg1, int arg2);
typedef void (*StrStrCallback)(Pointer context, String arg1, String arg2);
typedef void (*StrStrBoolCallback)(Pointer context, String arg1, String arg2, boolean arg3);
typedef void (*RoomCallback)(Pointer context, RoomPtr arg1);
typedef void (*RoomListCallback)(Pointer context, RoomArrayPtr arg1, int arg2);
typedef void (*StrRoomCallback)(Pointer context, String arg1, RoomPtr arg2);
typedef void (*BoolCallback)(Pointer context, boolean arg1);
typedef void (*StrBoolCallback)(Pointer context, String arg1, boolean arg2);
typedef void (*TeamCallback)(Pointer context, TeamPtr arg1);
typedef void (*BytesCallback)(Pointer context, const uint8_t *buffer, NativeSizeT size);
typedef void (*BytesBoolCallback)(Pointer context, const uint8_t *buffer, NativeSizeT size, boolean arg3);
typedef void (*SchemeCallback)(Pointer context, SchemePtr arg1);
typedef void (*MapIntCallback)(Pointer context, MapRecipePtr arg1, int arg2);
typedef void (*WeaponsetCallback)(Pointer context, WeaponsetPtr arg1);
typedef void (*MapimageCallback)(Pointer context, const uint8_t *mapimage, int hogs);
typedef void (*LogCallback)(int arg1, String arg2);
* Below here are the copypasted method declarations from the JNA bindings
// frontlib.h
int flib_init();
void flib_quit();
// hwconsts.h
int flib_get_teamcolor_count();
int flib_get_hedgehogs_per_team();
int flib_get_weapons_count();
MetaschemePtr flib_get_metascheme();
// net/netconn.h
NetconnPtr flib_netconn_create(String playerName, String dataDirPath, String host, int port);
void flib_netconn_destroy(NetconnPtr conn);
void flib_netconn_tick(NetconnPtr conn);
boolean flib_netconn_is_chief(NetconnPtr conn);
String flib_netconn_get_playername(NetconnPtr conn);
GameSetupPtr flib_netconn_create_gamesetup(NetconnPtr conn);
int flib_netconn_send_quit(NetconnPtr conn, String quitmsg);
int flib_netconn_send_chat(NetconnPtr conn, String chat);
int flib_netconn_send_teamchat(NetconnPtr conn, String msg);
int flib_netconn_send_password(NetconnPtr conn, String passwd);
int flib_netconn_send_nick(NetconnPtr conn, String nick);
int flib_netconn_send_request_roomlist(NetconnPtr conn);
int flib_netconn_send_joinRoom(NetconnPtr conn, String room);
int flib_netconn_send_createRoom(NetconnPtr conn, String room);
int flib_netconn_send_renameRoom(NetconnPtr conn, String roomName);
int flib_netconn_send_leaveRoom(NetconnPtr conn, String msg);
int flib_netconn_send_toggleReady(NetconnPtr conn);
int flib_netconn_send_addTeam(NetconnPtr conn, TeamPtr team);
int flib_netconn_send_removeTeam(NetconnPtr conn, String teamname);
int flib_netconn_send_engineMessage(NetconnPtr conn, ByteArrayPtr message, NativeSizeT size);
int flib_netconn_send_teamHogCount(NetconnPtr conn, String teamname, int hogcount);
int flib_netconn_send_teamColor(NetconnPtr conn, String teamname, int colorIndex);
int flib_netconn_send_weaponset(NetconnPtr conn, WeaponsetPtr weaponset);
int flib_netconn_send_map(NetconnPtr conn, MapRecipePtr map);
int flib_netconn_send_mapName(NetconnPtr conn, String mapName);
int flib_netconn_send_mapGen(NetconnPtr conn, int mapGen);
int flib_netconn_send_mapTemplate(NetconnPtr conn, int templateFilter);
int flib_netconn_send_mapMazeSize(NetconnPtr conn, int mazeSize);
int flib_netconn_send_mapSeed(NetconnPtr conn, String seed);
int flib_netconn_send_mapTheme(NetconnPtr conn, String theme);
int flib_netconn_send_mapDrawdata(NetconnPtr conn, ByteArrayPtr drawData, NativeSizeT size);
int flib_netconn_send_script(NetconnPtr conn, String scriptName);
int flib_netconn_send_scheme(NetconnPtr conn, SchemePtr scheme);
int flib_netconn_send_roundfinished(NetconnPtr conn, boolean withoutError);
int flib_netconn_send_ban(NetconnPtr conn, String playerName);
int flib_netconn_send_kick(NetconnPtr conn, String playerName);
int flib_netconn_send_playerInfo(NetconnPtr conn, String playerName);
int flib_netconn_send_playerFollow(NetconnPtr conn, String playerName);
int flib_netconn_send_startGame(NetconnPtr conn);
int flib_netconn_send_toggleRestrictJoins(NetconnPtr conn);
int flib_netconn_send_toggleRestrictTeams(NetconnPtr conn);
int flib_netconn_send_clearAccountsCache(NetconnPtr conn);
int flib_netconn_send_setServerVar(NetconnPtr conn, String name, String value);
int flib_netconn_send_getServerVars(NetconnPtr conn);
void flib_netconn_onMessage(NetconnPtr conn, IntStrCallback callback, Pointer context);
void flib_netconn_onClientFlags(NetconnPtr conn, StrStrBoolCallback callback, Pointer context);
void flib_netconn_onChat(NetconnPtr conn, StrStrCallback callback, Pointer context);
void flib_netconn_onConnected(NetconnPtr conn, VoidCallback callback, Pointer context);
void flib_netconn_onDisconnected(NetconnPtr conn, IntStrCallback callback, Pointer context);
void flib_netconn_onRoomlist(NetconnPtr conn, RoomListCallback callback, Pointer context);
void flib_netconn_onRoomAdd(NetconnPtr conn, RoomCallback callback, Pointer context);
void flib_netconn_onRoomDelete(NetconnPtr conn, StrCallback callback, Pointer context);
void flib_netconn_onRoomUpdate(NetconnPtr conn, StrRoomCallback callback, Pointer context);
void flib_netconn_onLobbyJoin(NetconnPtr conn, StrCallback callback, Pointer context);
void flib_netconn_onLobbyLeave(NetconnPtr conn, StrStrCallback callback, Pointer context);
void flib_netconn_onNickTaken(NetconnPtr conn, StrCallback callback, Pointer context);
void flib_netconn_onPasswordRequest(NetconnPtr conn, StrCallback callback, Pointer context);
void flib_netconn_onEnterRoom(NetconnPtr conn, BoolCallback callback, Pointer context);
void flib_netconn_onLeaveRoom(NetconnPtr conn, IntStrCallback callback, Pointer context);
void flib_netconn_onTeamAdd(NetconnPtr conn, TeamCallback callback, Pointer context);
void flib_netconn_onTeamDelete(NetconnPtr conn, StrCallback callback, Pointer context);
void flib_netconn_onRoomJoin(NetconnPtr conn, StrCallback callback, Pointer context);
void flib_netconn_onRoomLeave(NetconnPtr conn, StrStrCallback callback, Pointer context);
void flib_netconn_onRunGame(NetconnPtr conn, VoidCallback callback, Pointer context);
void flib_netconn_onTeamAccepted(NetconnPtr conn, StrCallback callback, Pointer context);
void flib_netconn_onHogCountChanged(NetconnPtr conn, StrIntCallback callback, Pointer context);
void flib_netconn_onTeamColorChanged(NetconnPtr conn, StrIntCallback callback, Pointer context);
void flib_netconn_onEngineMessage(NetconnPtr conn, BytesCallback callback, Pointer context);
void flib_netconn_onSchemeChanged(NetconnPtr conn, SchemeCallback callback, Pointer context);
void flib_netconn_onMapChanged(NetconnPtr conn, MapIntCallback callback, Pointer context);
void flib_netconn_onScriptChanged(NetconnPtr conn, StrCallback callback, Pointer context);
void flib_netconn_onWeaponsetChanged(NetconnPtr conn, WeaponsetCallback callback, Pointer context);
void flib_netconn_onServerVar(NetconnPtr conn, StrStrCallback callback, Pointer context);
// ipc/gameconn.h
GameconnPtr flib_gameconn_create(String playerName, GameSetupPtr setup, boolean netgame);
GameconnPtr flib_gameconn_create_playdemo(ByteArrayPtr demo, NativeSizeT size);
GameconnPtr flib_gameconn_create_loadgame(String playerName, ByteArrayPtr save, NativeSizeT size);
GameconnPtr flib_gameconn_create_campaign(String playerName, String seed, String script);
void flib_gameconn_destroy(GameconnPtr conn);
int flib_gameconn_getport(GameconnPtr conn);
void flib_gameconn_tick(GameconnPtr conn);
int flib_gameconn_send_enginemsg(GameconnPtr conn, ByteArrayPtr data, NativeSizeT len);
int flib_gameconn_send_textmsg(GameconnPtr conn, int msgtype, String msg);
int flib_gameconn_send_chatmsg(GameconnPtr conn, String playername, String msg);
int flib_gameconn_send_quit(GameconnPtr conn);
int flib_gameconn_send_cmd(GameconnPtr conn, String cmdString);
void flib_gameconn_onConnect(GameconnPtr conn, VoidCallback callback, Pointer context);
void flib_gameconn_onDisconnect(GameconnPtr conn, IntCallback callback, Pointer context);
void flib_gameconn_onErrorMessage(GameconnPtr conn, StrCallback callback, Pointer context);
void flib_gameconn_onChat(GameconnPtr conn, StrBoolCallback callback, Pointer context);
void flib_gameconn_onGameRecorded(GameconnPtr conn, BytesBoolCallback callback, Pointer context);
void flib_gameconn_onEngineMessage(GameconnPtr conn, BytesCallback callback, Pointer context);
// ipc/mapconn.h
MapconnPtr flib_mapconn_create(MapRecipePtr mapdesc);
void flib_mapconn_destroy(MapconnPtr conn);
int flib_mapconn_getport(MapconnPtr conn);
void flib_mapconn_onSuccess(MapconnPtr conn, MapimageCallback callback, Pointer context);
void flib_mapconn_onFailure(MapconnPtr conn, StrCallback callback, Pointer context);
void flib_mapconn_tick(MapconnPtr conn);
// model/schemelist.h
SchemelistPtr flib_schemelist_from_ini(String filename);
int flib_schemelist_to_ini(String filename, SchemelistPtr list);
void flib_schemelist_destroy(SchemelistPtr list);
// model/team.h
TeamPtr flib_team_from_ini(String filename);
int flib_team_to_ini(String filename, TeamPtr team);
void flib_team_destroy(TeamPtr team);
// model/weapon.h
WeaponsetListPtr flib_weaponsetlist_from_ini(String filename);
int flib_weaponsetlist_to_ini(String filename, WeaponsetListPtr weaponsets);
void flib_weaponsetlist_destroy(WeaponsetListPtr list);
// model/gamesetup.h
void flib_gamesetup_destroy(GameSetupPtr gamesetup);
// util/logging.h
void flib_log_setLevel(int level);
void flib_log_setCallback(LogCallback callback);