author Wuzzy <Wuzzy2@mail.ru>
Tue, 28 Aug 2018 05:46:33 +0200
changeset 13710 0da36902e5b6
parent 13393 ae5d6448c5be
permissions -rw-r--r--
Space Invasion: Continue playing rounds in case the teams are tied at the end Rules in case of a tie: 1) Eliminate all teams not tied for the lead 2) Play another round with the remaining teams 3) Check for the winner again at the end of that round. If there's another tie, repeat the procedure

 * ZIP support routines for PhysicsFS.
 * Please see the file LICENSE.txt in the source's root directory.
 *  This file written by Ryan C. Gordon, with some peeking at "unzip.c"
 *   by Gilles Vollant.

#include "physfs_internal.h"


#include <errno.h>
#include <time.h>

#include "physfs_miniz.h"

 * A buffer of ZIP_READBUFSIZE is allocated for each compressed file opened,
 *  and is freed when you close the file; compressed data is read into
 *  this buffer, and then is decompressed into the buffer passed to
 *  PHYSFS_read().
 * Uncompressed entries in a zipfile do not allocate this buffer; they just
 *  read data directly into the buffer passed to PHYSFS_read().
 * Depending on your speed and memory requirements, you should tweak this
 *  value.
#define ZIP_READBUFSIZE   (16 * 1024)

 * Entries are "unresolved" until they are first opened. At that time,
 *  local file headers parsed/validated, data offsets will be updated to look
 *  at the actual file data instead of the header, and symlinks will be
 *  followed and optimized. This means that we don't seek and read around the
 *  archive until forced to do so, and after the first time, we had to do
 *  less reading and parsing, which is very CD-ROM friendly.
typedef enum
} ZipResolveType;

 * One ZIPentry is kept for each file in an open ZIP archive.
typedef struct _ZIPentry
    char *name;                         /* Name of file in archive        */
    struct _ZIPentry *symlink;          /* NULL or file we symlink to     */
    ZipResolveType resolved;            /* Have we resolved file/symlink? */
    PHYSFS_uint64 offset;               /* offset of data in archive      */
    PHYSFS_uint16 version;              /* version made by                */
    PHYSFS_uint16 version_needed;       /* version needed to extract      */
    PHYSFS_uint16 general_bits;         /* general purpose bits           */
    PHYSFS_uint16 compression_method;   /* compression method             */
    PHYSFS_uint32 crc;                  /* crc-32                         */
    PHYSFS_uint64 compressed_size;      /* compressed size                */
    PHYSFS_uint64 uncompressed_size;    /* uncompressed size              */
    PHYSFS_sint64 last_mod_time;        /* last file mod time             */
    PHYSFS_uint32 dos_mod_time;         /* original MS-DOS style mod time */
    struct _ZIPentry *hashnext;         /* next item in this hash bucket  */
    struct _ZIPentry *children;         /* linked list of kids, if dir    */
    struct _ZIPentry *sibling;          /* next item in same dir          */
} ZIPentry;

 * One ZIPinfo is kept for each open ZIP archive.
typedef struct
    PHYSFS_Io *io;            /* the i/o interface for this archive.    */
    ZIPentry root;            /* root of directory tree.                */
    ZIPentry **hash;          /* all entries hashed for fast lookup.    */
    size_t hashBuckets;       /* number of buckets in hash.             */
    int zip64;                /* non-zero if this is a Zip64 archive.   */
    int has_crypto;           /* non-zero if any entry uses encryption. */
} ZIPinfo;

 * One ZIPfileinfo is kept for each open file in a ZIP archive.
typedef struct
    ZIPentry *entry;                      /* Info on file.              */
    PHYSFS_Io *io;                        /* physical file handle.      */
    PHYSFS_uint32 compressed_position;    /* offset in compressed data. */
    PHYSFS_uint32 uncompressed_position;  /* tell() position.           */
    PHYSFS_uint8 *buffer;                 /* decompression buffer.      */
    PHYSFS_uint32 crypto_keys[3];         /* for "traditional" crypto.  */
    PHYSFS_uint32 initial_crypto_keys[3]; /* for "traditional" crypto.  */
    z_stream stream;                      /* zlib stream state.         */
} ZIPfileinfo;

/* Magic numbers... */
#define ZIP_LOCAL_FILE_SIG                          0x04034b50
#define ZIP_CENTRAL_DIR_SIG                         0x02014b50
#define ZIP_END_OF_CENTRAL_DIR_SIG                  0x06054b50
#define ZIP64_END_OF_CENTRAL_DIR_SIG                0x06064b50
#define ZIP64_EXTENDED_INFO_EXTRA_FIELD_SIG         0x0001

/* compression methods... */
/* ...and others... */

#define UNIX_FILETYPE_MASK    0170000


/* support for "traditional" PKWARE encryption. */
static int zip_entry_is_tradional_crypto(const ZIPentry *entry)
    return (entry->general_bits & ZIP_GENERAL_BITS_TRADITIONAL_CRYPTO) != 0;
} /* zip_entry_is_traditional_crypto */

static int zip_entry_ignore_local_header(const ZIPentry *entry)
    return (entry->general_bits & ZIP_GENERAL_BITS_IGNORE_LOCAL_HEADER) != 0;
} /* zip_entry_is_traditional_crypto */

static PHYSFS_uint32 zip_crypto_crc32(const PHYSFS_uint32 crc, const PHYSFS_uint8 val)
    int i;
    PHYSFS_uint32 xorval = (crc ^ ((PHYSFS_uint32) val)) & 0xFF;
    for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
        xorval = ((xorval & 1) ? (0xEDB88320 ^ (xorval >> 1)) : (xorval >> 1));
    return xorval ^ (crc >> 8);
} /* zip_crc32 */

static void zip_update_crypto_keys(PHYSFS_uint32 *keys, const PHYSFS_uint8 val)
    keys[0] = zip_crypto_crc32(keys[0], val);
    keys[1] = keys[1] + (keys[0] & 0x000000FF);
    keys[1] = (keys[1] * 134775813) + 1;
    keys[2] = zip_crypto_crc32(keys[2], (PHYSFS_uint8) ((keys[1] >> 24) & 0xFF));
} /* zip_update_crypto_keys */

static PHYSFS_uint8 zip_decrypt_byte(const PHYSFS_uint32 *keys)
    const PHYSFS_uint16 tmp = keys[2] | 2;
    return (PHYSFS_uint8) ((tmp * (tmp ^ 1)) >> 8);
} /* zip_decrypt_byte */

static PHYSFS_sint64 zip_read_decrypt(ZIPfileinfo *finfo, void *buf, PHYSFS_uint64 len)
    PHYSFS_Io *io = finfo->io;
    const PHYSFS_sint64 br = io->read(io, buf, len);

    /* Decompression the new data if necessary. */
    if (zip_entry_is_tradional_crypto(finfo->entry) && (br > 0))
        PHYSFS_uint32 *keys = finfo->crypto_keys;
        PHYSFS_uint8 *ptr = (PHYSFS_uint8 *) buf;
        PHYSFS_sint64 i;
        for (i = 0; i < br; i++, ptr++)
            const PHYSFS_uint8 ch = *ptr ^ zip_decrypt_byte(keys);
            zip_update_crypto_keys(keys, ch);
            *ptr = ch;
        } /* for */
    } /* if  */

    return br;
} /* zip_read_decrypt */

static int zip_prep_crypto_keys(ZIPfileinfo *finfo, const PHYSFS_uint8 *crypto_header, const PHYSFS_uint8 *password)
    /* It doesn't appear to be documented in PKWare's APPNOTE.TXT, but you
       need to use a different byte in the header to verify the password
       if general purpose bit 3 is set. Discovered this from Info-Zip.
       That's what the (verifier) value is doing, below. */

    PHYSFS_uint32 *keys = finfo->crypto_keys;
    const ZIPentry *entry = finfo->entry;
    const int usedate = zip_entry_ignore_local_header(entry);
    const PHYSFS_uint8 verifier = (PHYSFS_uint8) ((usedate ? (entry->dos_mod_time >> 8) : (entry->crc >> 24)) & 0xFF);
    PHYSFS_uint8 finalbyte = 0;
    int i = 0;

    /* initialize vector with defaults, then password, then header. */
    keys[0] = 305419896;
    keys[1] = 591751049;
    keys[2] = 878082192;

    while (*password)
        zip_update_crypto_keys(keys, *(password++));

    for (i = 0; i < 12; i++)
        const PHYSFS_uint8 c = crypto_header[i] ^ zip_decrypt_byte(keys);
        zip_update_crypto_keys(keys, c);
        finalbyte = c;
    } /* for */

    /* you have a 1/256 chance of passing this test incorrectly. :/ */
    if (finalbyte != verifier)

    /* save the initial vector for seeking purposes. Not secure!! */
    memcpy(finfo->initial_crypto_keys, finfo->crypto_keys, 12);
    return 1;
} /* zip_prep_crypto_keys */

 * Bridge physfs allocation functions to zlib's format...
static voidpf zlibPhysfsAlloc(voidpf opaque, uInt items, uInt size)
    return ((PHYSFS_Allocator *) opaque)->Malloc(items * size);
} /* zlibPhysfsAlloc */

 * Bridge physfs allocation functions to zlib's format...
static void zlibPhysfsFree(voidpf opaque, voidpf address)
    ((PHYSFS_Allocator *) opaque)->Free(address);
} /* zlibPhysfsFree */

 * Construct a new z_stream to a sane state.
static void initializeZStream(z_stream *pstr)
    memset(pstr, '\0', sizeof (z_stream));
    pstr->zalloc = zlibPhysfsAlloc;
    pstr->zfree = zlibPhysfsFree;
    pstr->opaque = &allocator;
} /* initializeZStream */

static PHYSFS_ErrorCode zlib_error_code(int rc)
    switch (rc)
        case Z_OK: return PHYSFS_ERR_OK;  /* not an error. */
        case Z_STREAM_END: return PHYSFS_ERR_OK; /* not an error. */
        case Z_ERRNO: return PHYSFS_ERR_IO;
        case Z_MEM_ERROR: return PHYSFS_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
        default: return PHYSFS_ERR_CORRUPT;
    } /* switch */
} /* zlib_error_string */

 * Wrap all zlib calls in this, so the physfs error state is set appropriately.
static int zlib_err(const int rc)
    return rc;
} /* zlib_err */

 * Hash a string for lookup an a ZIPinfo hashtable.
static inline PHYSFS_uint32 zip_hash_string(const ZIPinfo *info, const char *s)
    return __PHYSFS_hashString(s, strlen(s)) % info->hashBuckets;
} /* zip_hash_string */

 * Read an unsigned 64-bit int and swap to native byte order.
static int readui64(PHYSFS_Io *io, PHYSFS_uint64 *val)
    PHYSFS_uint64 v;
    BAIL_IF_MACRO(!__PHYSFS_readAll(io, &v, sizeof (v)), ERRPASS, 0);
    *val = PHYSFS_swapULE64(v);
    return 1;
} /* readui64 */

 * Read an unsigned 32-bit int and swap to native byte order.
static int readui32(PHYSFS_Io *io, PHYSFS_uint32 *val)
    PHYSFS_uint32 v;
    BAIL_IF_MACRO(!__PHYSFS_readAll(io, &v, sizeof (v)), ERRPASS, 0);
    *val = PHYSFS_swapULE32(v);
    return 1;
} /* readui32 */

 * Read an unsigned 16-bit int and swap to native byte order.
static int readui16(PHYSFS_Io *io, PHYSFS_uint16 *val)
    PHYSFS_uint16 v;
    BAIL_IF_MACRO(!__PHYSFS_readAll(io, &v, sizeof (v)), ERRPASS, 0);
    *val = PHYSFS_swapULE16(v);
    return 1;
} /* readui16 */

static PHYSFS_sint64 ZIP_read(PHYSFS_Io *_io, void *buf, PHYSFS_uint64 len)
    ZIPfileinfo *finfo = (ZIPfileinfo *) _io->opaque;
    ZIPentry *entry = finfo->entry;
    PHYSFS_sint64 retval = 0;
    PHYSFS_sint64 maxread = (PHYSFS_sint64) len;
    PHYSFS_sint64 avail = entry->uncompressed_size -

    if (avail < maxread)
        maxread = avail;

    BAIL_IF_MACRO(maxread == 0, ERRPASS, 0);    /* quick rejection. */

    if (entry->compression_method == COMPMETH_NONE)
        retval = zip_read_decrypt(finfo, buf, maxread);
        finfo->stream.next_out = buf;
        finfo->stream.avail_out = (uInt) maxread;

        while (retval < maxread)
            PHYSFS_uint32 before = finfo->stream.total_out;
            int rc;

            if (finfo->stream.avail_in == 0)
                PHYSFS_sint64 br;

                br = entry->compressed_size - finfo->compressed_position;
                if (br > 0)
                    if (br > ZIP_READBUFSIZE)
                        br = ZIP_READBUFSIZE;

                    br = zip_read_decrypt(finfo, finfo->buffer, (PHYSFS_uint64) br);
                    if (br <= 0)

                    finfo->compressed_position += (PHYSFS_uint32) br;
                    finfo->stream.next_in = finfo->buffer;
                    finfo->stream.avail_in = (PHYSFS_uint32) br;
                } /* if */
            } /* if */

            rc = zlib_err(inflate(&finfo->stream, Z_SYNC_FLUSH));
            retval += (finfo->stream.total_out - before);

            if (rc != Z_OK)
        } /* while */
    } /* else */

    if (retval > 0)
        finfo->uncompressed_position += (PHYSFS_uint32) retval;

    return retval;
} /* ZIP_read */

static PHYSFS_sint64 ZIP_write(PHYSFS_Io *io, const void *b, PHYSFS_uint64 len)
} /* ZIP_write */

static PHYSFS_sint64 ZIP_tell(PHYSFS_Io *io)
    return ((ZIPfileinfo *) io->opaque)->uncompressed_position;
} /* ZIP_tell */

static int ZIP_seek(PHYSFS_Io *_io, PHYSFS_uint64 offset)
    ZIPfileinfo *finfo = (ZIPfileinfo *) _io->opaque;
    ZIPentry *entry = finfo->entry;
    PHYSFS_Io *io = finfo->io;
    const int encrypted = zip_entry_is_tradional_crypto(entry);

    BAIL_IF_MACRO(offset > entry->uncompressed_size, PHYSFS_ERR_PAST_EOF, 0);

    if (!encrypted && (entry->compression_method == COMPMETH_NONE))
        PHYSFS_sint64 newpos = offset + entry->offset;
        BAIL_IF_MACRO(!io->seek(io, newpos), ERRPASS, 0);
        finfo->uncompressed_position = (PHYSFS_uint32) offset;
    } /* if */

         * If seeking backwards, we need to redecode the file
         *  from the start and throw away the compressed bits until we hit
         *  the offset we need. If seeking forward, we still need to
         *  decode, but we don't rewind first.
        if (offset < finfo->uncompressed_position)
            /* we do a copy so state is sane if inflateInit2() fails. */
            z_stream str;
            if (zlib_err(inflateInit2(&str, -MAX_WBITS)) != Z_OK)
                return 0;

            if (!io->seek(io, entry->offset + (encrypted ? 12 : 0)))
                return 0;

            memcpy(&finfo->stream, &str, sizeof (z_stream));
            finfo->uncompressed_position = finfo->compressed_position = 0;

            if (encrypted)
                memcpy(finfo->crypto_keys, finfo->initial_crypto_keys, 12);
        } /* if */

        while (finfo->uncompressed_position != offset)
            PHYSFS_uint8 buf[512];
            PHYSFS_uint32 maxread;

            maxread = (PHYSFS_uint32) (offset - finfo->uncompressed_position);
            if (maxread > sizeof (buf))
                maxread = sizeof (buf);

            if (ZIP_read(_io, buf, maxread) != maxread)
                return 0;
        } /* while */
    } /* else */

    return 1;
} /* ZIP_seek */

static PHYSFS_sint64 ZIP_length(PHYSFS_Io *io)
    const ZIPfileinfo *finfo = (ZIPfileinfo *) io->opaque;
    return (PHYSFS_sint64) finfo->entry->uncompressed_size;
} /* ZIP_length */

static PHYSFS_Io *zip_get_io(PHYSFS_Io *io, ZIPinfo *inf, ZIPentry *entry);

static PHYSFS_Io *ZIP_duplicate(PHYSFS_Io *io)
    ZIPfileinfo *origfinfo = (ZIPfileinfo *) io->opaque;
    PHYSFS_Io *retval = (PHYSFS_Io *) allocator.Malloc(sizeof (PHYSFS_Io));
    ZIPfileinfo *finfo = (ZIPfileinfo *) allocator.Malloc(sizeof (ZIPfileinfo));
    memset(finfo, '\0', sizeof (*finfo));

    finfo->entry = origfinfo->entry;
    finfo->io = zip_get_io(origfinfo->io, NULL, finfo->entry);
    GOTO_IF_MACRO(!finfo->io, ERRPASS, failed);

    if (finfo->entry->compression_method != COMPMETH_NONE)
        finfo->buffer = (PHYSFS_uint8 *) allocator.Malloc(ZIP_READBUFSIZE);
        GOTO_IF_MACRO(!finfo->buffer, PHYSFS_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, failed);
        if (zlib_err(inflateInit2(&finfo->stream, -MAX_WBITS)) != Z_OK)
            goto failed;
    } /* if */

    memcpy(retval, io, sizeof (PHYSFS_Io));
    retval->opaque = finfo;
    return retval;

    if (finfo != NULL)
        if (finfo->io != NULL)

        if (finfo->buffer != NULL)
        } /* if */

    } /* if */

    if (retval != NULL)

    return NULL;
} /* ZIP_duplicate */

static int ZIP_flush(PHYSFS_Io *io) { return 1;  /* no write support. */ }

static void ZIP_destroy(PHYSFS_Io *io)
    ZIPfileinfo *finfo = (ZIPfileinfo *) io->opaque;

    if (finfo->entry->compression_method != COMPMETH_NONE)

    if (finfo->buffer != NULL)

} /* ZIP_destroy */

static const PHYSFS_Io ZIP_Io =

static PHYSFS_sint64 zip_find_end_of_central_dir(PHYSFS_Io *io, PHYSFS_sint64 *len)
    PHYSFS_uint8 buf[256];
    PHYSFS_uint8 extra[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
    PHYSFS_sint32 i = 0;
    PHYSFS_sint64 filelen;
    PHYSFS_sint64 filepos;
    PHYSFS_sint32 maxread;
    PHYSFS_sint32 totalread = 0;
    int found = 0;

    filelen = io->length(io);
    BAIL_IF_MACRO(filelen == -1, ERRPASS, -1);

     * Jump to the end of the file and start reading backwards.
     *  The last thing in the file is the zipfile comment, which is variable
     *  length, and the field that specifies its size is before it in the
     *  file (argh!)...this means that we need to scan backwards until we
     *  hit the end-of-central-dir signature. We can then sanity check that
     *  the comment was as big as it should be to make sure we're in the
     *  right place. The comment length field is 16 bits, so we can stop
     *  searching for that signature after a little more than 64k at most,
     *  and call it a corrupted zipfile.

    if (sizeof (buf) < filelen)
        filepos = filelen - sizeof (buf);
        maxread = sizeof (buf);
    } /* if */
        filepos = 0;
        maxread = (PHYSFS_uint32) filelen;
    } /* else */

    while ((totalread < filelen) && (totalread < 65557))
        BAIL_IF_MACRO(!io->seek(io, filepos), ERRPASS, -1);

        /* make sure we catch a signature between buffers. */
        if (totalread != 0)
            if (!__PHYSFS_readAll(io, buf, maxread - 4))
                return -1;
            memcpy(&buf[maxread - 4], &extra, sizeof (extra));
            totalread += maxread - 4;
        } /* if */
            if (!__PHYSFS_readAll(io, buf, maxread))
                return -1;
            totalread += maxread;
        } /* else */

        memcpy(&extra, buf, sizeof (extra));

        for (i = maxread - 4; i > 0; i--)
            if ((buf[i + 0] == 0x50) &&
                (buf[i + 1] == 0x4B) &&
                (buf[i + 2] == 0x05) &&
                (buf[i + 3] == 0x06) )
                found = 1;  /* that's the signature! */
            } /* if */
        } /* for */

        if (found)

        filepos -= (maxread - 4);
        if (filepos < 0)
            filepos = 0;
    } /* while */


    if (len != NULL)
        *len = filelen;

    return (filepos + i);
} /* zip_find_end_of_central_dir */

static int isZip(PHYSFS_Io *io)
    PHYSFS_uint32 sig = 0;
    int retval = 0;

     * The first thing in a zip file might be the signature of the
     *  first local file record, so it makes for a quick determination.
    if (readui32(io, &sig))
        retval = (sig == ZIP_LOCAL_FILE_SIG);
        if (!retval)
             * No sig...might be a ZIP with data at the start
             *  (a self-extracting executable, etc), so we'll have to do
             *  it the hard way...
            retval = (zip_find_end_of_central_dir(io, NULL) != -1);
        } /* if */
    } /* if */

    return retval;
} /* isZip */

/* Find the ZIPentry for a path in platform-independent notation. */
static ZIPentry *zip_find_entry(ZIPinfo *info, const char *path)
    PHYSFS_uint32 hashval;
    ZIPentry *prev = NULL;
    ZIPentry *retval;

    if (*path == '\0')
        return &info->root;

    hashval = zip_hash_string(info, path);
    for (retval = info->hash[hashval]; retval; retval = retval->hashnext)
        if (strcmp(retval->name, path) == 0)
            if (prev != NULL)  /* move this to the front of the list */
                prev->hashnext = retval->hashnext;
                retval->hashnext = info->hash[hashval];
                info->hash[hashval] = retval;
            } /* if */

            return retval;
        } /* if */

        prev = retval;
    } /* for */

} /* zip_find_entry */

/* Convert paths from old, buggy DOS zippers... */
static void zip_convert_dos_path(ZIPentry *entry, char *path)
    PHYSFS_uint8 hosttype = (PHYSFS_uint8) ((entry->version >> 8) & 0xFF);
    if (hosttype == 0)  /* FS_FAT_ */
        while (*path)
            if (*path == '\\')
                *path = '/';
        } /* while */
    } /* if */
} /* zip_convert_dos_path */

static void zip_expand_symlink_path(char *path)
    char *ptr = path;
    char *prevptr = path;

    while (1)
        ptr = strchr(ptr, '/');
        if (ptr == NULL)

        if (*(ptr + 1) == '.')
            if (*(ptr + 2) == '/')
                /* current dir in middle of string: ditch it. */
                memmove(ptr, ptr + 2, strlen(ptr + 2) + 1);
            } /* else if */

            else if (*(ptr + 2) == '\0')
                /* current dir at end of string: ditch it. */
                *ptr = '\0';
            } /* else if */

            else if (*(ptr + 2) == '.')
                if (*(ptr + 3) == '/')
                    /* parent dir in middle: move back one, if possible. */
                    memmove(prevptr, ptr + 4, strlen(ptr + 4) + 1);
                    ptr = prevptr;
                    while (prevptr != path)
                        if (*prevptr == '/')
                        } /* if */
                    } /* while */
                } /* if */

                if (*(ptr + 3) == '\0')
                    /* parent dir at end: move back one, if possible. */
                    *prevptr = '\0';
                } /* if */
            } /* if */
        } /* if */
            prevptr = ptr;
        } /* else */
    } /* while */
} /* zip_expand_symlink_path */

/* (forward reference: zip_follow_symlink and zip_resolve call each other.) */
static int zip_resolve(PHYSFS_Io *io, ZIPinfo *info, ZIPentry *entry);

 * Look for the entry named by (path). If it exists, resolve it, and return
 *  a pointer to that entry. If it's another symlink, keep resolving until you
 *  hit a real file and then return a pointer to the final non-symlink entry.
 *  If there's a problem, return NULL.
static ZIPentry *zip_follow_symlink(PHYSFS_Io *io, ZIPinfo *info, char *path)
    ZIPentry *entry;

    entry = zip_find_entry(info, path);
    if (entry != NULL)
        if (!zip_resolve(io, info, entry))  /* recursive! */
            entry = NULL;
            if (entry->symlink != NULL)
                entry = entry->symlink;
        } /* else */
    } /* if */

    return entry;
} /* zip_follow_symlink */

static int zip_resolve_symlink(PHYSFS_Io *io, ZIPinfo *info, ZIPentry *entry)
    const PHYSFS_uint64 size = entry->uncompressed_size;
    char *path = NULL;
    int rc = 0;

     * We've already parsed the local file header of the symlink at this
     *  point. Now we need to read the actual link from the file data and
     *  follow it.

    BAIL_IF_MACRO(!io->seek(io, entry->offset), ERRPASS, 0);

    path = (char *) __PHYSFS_smallAlloc(size + 1);
    if (entry->compression_method == COMPMETH_NONE)
        rc = __PHYSFS_readAll(io, path, size);

    else  /* symlink target path is compressed... */
        z_stream stream;
        const PHYSFS_uint64 complen = entry->compressed_size;
        PHYSFS_uint8 *compressed = (PHYSFS_uint8*) __PHYSFS_smallAlloc(complen);
        if (compressed != NULL)
            if (__PHYSFS_readAll(io, compressed, complen))
                stream.next_in = compressed;
                stream.avail_in = complen;
                stream.next_out = (unsigned char *) path;
                stream.avail_out = size;
                if (zlib_err(inflateInit2(&stream, -MAX_WBITS)) == Z_OK)
                    rc = zlib_err(inflate(&stream, Z_FINISH));

                    /* both are acceptable outcomes... */
                    rc = ((rc == Z_OK) || (rc == Z_STREAM_END));
                } /* if */
            } /* if */
        } /* if */
    } /* else */

    if (rc)
        path[entry->uncompressed_size] = '\0';    /* null-terminate it. */
        zip_convert_dos_path(entry, path);
        entry->symlink = zip_follow_symlink(io, info, path);
    } /* else */


    return (entry->symlink != NULL);
} /* zip_resolve_symlink */

 * Parse the local file header of an entry, and update entry->offset.
static int zip_parse_local(PHYSFS_Io *io, ZIPentry *entry)
    PHYSFS_uint32 ui32;
    PHYSFS_uint16 ui16;
    PHYSFS_uint16 fnamelen;
    PHYSFS_uint16 extralen;

     * crc and (un)compressed_size are always zero if this is a "JAR"
     *  archive created with Sun's Java tools, apparently. We only
     *  consider this archive corrupted if those entries don't match and
     *  aren't zero. That seems to work well.
     * We also ignore a mismatch if the value is 0xFFFFFFFF here, since it's
     *  possible that's a Zip64 thing.

    /* !!! FIXME: apparently these are zero if general purpose bit 3 is set,
       !!! FIXME:  which is probably true for Jar files, fwiw, but we don't
       !!! FIXME:  care about these values anyhow. */

    BAIL_IF_MACRO(!io->seek(io, entry->offset), ERRPASS, 0);
    BAIL_IF_MACRO(!readui32(io, &ui32), ERRPASS, 0);
    BAIL_IF_MACRO(!readui16(io, &ui16), ERRPASS, 0);
    BAIL_IF_MACRO(ui16 != entry->version_needed, PHYSFS_ERR_CORRUPT, 0);
    BAIL_IF_MACRO(!readui16(io, &ui16), ERRPASS, 0);  /* general bits. */
    BAIL_IF_MACRO(!readui16(io, &ui16), ERRPASS, 0);
    BAIL_IF_MACRO(ui16 != entry->compression_method, PHYSFS_ERR_CORRUPT, 0);
    BAIL_IF_MACRO(!readui32(io, &ui32), ERRPASS, 0);  /* date/time */
    BAIL_IF_MACRO(!readui32(io, &ui32), ERRPASS, 0);
    BAIL_IF_MACRO(ui32 && (ui32 != entry->crc), PHYSFS_ERR_CORRUPT, 0);

    BAIL_IF_MACRO(!readui32(io, &ui32), ERRPASS, 0);
    BAIL_IF_MACRO(ui32 && (ui32 != 0xFFFFFFFF) &&
                  (ui32 != entry->compressed_size), PHYSFS_ERR_CORRUPT, 0);

    BAIL_IF_MACRO(!readui32(io, &ui32), ERRPASS, 0);
    BAIL_IF_MACRO(ui32 && (ui32 != 0xFFFFFFFF) &&
                 (ui32 != entry->uncompressed_size), PHYSFS_ERR_CORRUPT, 0);

    BAIL_IF_MACRO(!readui16(io, &fnamelen), ERRPASS, 0);
    BAIL_IF_MACRO(!readui16(io, &extralen), ERRPASS, 0);

    entry->offset += fnamelen + extralen + 30;
    return 1;
} /* zip_parse_local */

static int zip_resolve(PHYSFS_Io *io, ZIPinfo *info, ZIPentry *entry)
    int retval = 1;
    const ZipResolveType resolve_type = entry->resolved;

    if (resolve_type == ZIP_DIRECTORY)
        return 1;   /* we're good. */

    /* Don't bother if we've failed to resolve this entry before. */

    /* uhoh...infinite symlink loop! */

     * We fix up the offset to point to the actual data on the
     *  first open, since we don't want to seek across the whole file on
     *  archive open (can be SLOW on large, CD-stored files), but we
     *  need to check the local file header...not just for corruption,
     *  but since it stores offset info the central directory does not.
    if (resolve_type != ZIP_RESOLVED)
        entry->resolved = ZIP_RESOLVING;

        retval = zip_parse_local(io, entry);
        if (retval)
             * If it's a symlink, find the original file. This will cause
             *  resolution of other entries (other symlinks and, eventually,
             *  the real file) if all goes well.
            if (resolve_type == ZIP_UNRESOLVED_SYMLINK)
                retval = zip_resolve_symlink(io, info, entry);
        } /* if */

        if (resolve_type == ZIP_UNRESOLVED_SYMLINK)
            entry->resolved = ((retval) ? ZIP_RESOLVED : ZIP_BROKEN_SYMLINK);
        else if (resolve_type == ZIP_UNRESOLVED_FILE)
            entry->resolved = ((retval) ? ZIP_RESOLVED : ZIP_BROKEN_FILE);
    } /* if */

    return retval;
} /* zip_resolve */

static int zip_hash_entry(ZIPinfo *info, ZIPentry *entry);

/* Fill in missing parent directories. */
static ZIPentry *zip_hash_ancestors(ZIPinfo *info, char *name)
    ZIPentry *retval = &info->root;
    char *sep = strrchr(name, '/');

    if (sep)
        const size_t namelen = (sep - name) + 1;

        *sep = '\0';  /* chop off last piece. */
        retval = zip_find_entry(info, name);
        *sep = '/';

        if (retval != NULL)
            if (retval->resolved != ZIP_DIRECTORY)
            return retval;  /* already hashed. */
        } /* if */

        /* okay, this is a new dir. Build and hash us. */
        retval = (ZIPentry *) allocator.Malloc(sizeof (ZIPentry) + namelen);
        memset(retval, '\0', sizeof (*retval));
        retval->name = ((char *) retval) + sizeof (ZIPentry);
        memcpy(retval->name, name, namelen - 1);
        retval->name[namelen - 1] = '\0';
        retval->resolved = ZIP_DIRECTORY;
        if (!zip_hash_entry(info, retval))
            return NULL;
        } /* if */
    } /* else */

    return retval;
} /* zip_hash_ancestors */

static int zip_hash_entry(ZIPinfo *info, ZIPentry *entry)
    PHYSFS_uint32 hashval;
    ZIPentry *parent;

    assert(!zip_find_entry(info, entry->name));  /* checked elsewhere */

    parent = zip_hash_ancestors(info, entry->name);
    if (!parent)
        return 0;

    hashval = zip_hash_string(info, entry->name);
    entry->hashnext = info->hash[hashval];
    info->hash[hashval] = entry;

    entry->sibling = parent->children;
    parent->children = entry;
    return 1;
} /* zip_hash_entry */

static int zip_entry_is_symlink(const ZIPentry *entry)
    return ((entry->resolved == ZIP_UNRESOLVED_SYMLINK) ||
            (entry->resolved == ZIP_BROKEN_SYMLINK) ||
} /* zip_entry_is_symlink */

static int zip_version_does_symlinks(PHYSFS_uint32 version)
    int retval = 0;
    PHYSFS_uint8 hosttype = (PHYSFS_uint8) ((version >> 8) & 0xFF);

    switch (hosttype)
             * These are the platforms that can NOT build an archive with
             *  symlinks, according to the Info-ZIP project.
        case 0:  /* FS_FAT_  */
        case 1:  /* AMIGA_   */
        case 2:  /* VMS_     */
        case 4:  /* VM_CSM_  */
        case 6:  /* FS_HPFS_ */
        case 11: /* FS_NTFS_ */
        case 14: /* FS_VFAT_ */
        case 13: /* ACORN_   */
        case 15: /* MVS_     */
        case 18: /* THEOS_   */
            break;  /* do nothing. */

        default:  /* assume the rest to be unix-like. */
            retval = 1;
    } /* switch */

    return retval;
} /* zip_version_does_symlinks */

static int zip_has_symlink_attr(ZIPentry *entry, PHYSFS_uint32 extern_attr)
    PHYSFS_uint16 xattr = ((extern_attr >> 16) & 0xFFFF);
    return ( (zip_version_does_symlinks(entry->version)) &&
             (entry->uncompressed_size > 0) &&
             ((xattr & UNIX_FILETYPE_MASK) == UNIX_FILETYPE_SYMLINK) );
} /* zip_has_symlink_attr */

static PHYSFS_sint64 zip_dos_time_to_physfs_time(PHYSFS_uint32 dostime)
    PHYSFS_uint32 dosdate;
    struct tm unixtime;
    memset(&unixtime, '\0', sizeof (unixtime));

    dosdate = (PHYSFS_uint32) ((dostime >> 16) & 0xFFFF);
    dostime &= 0xFFFF;

    /* dissect date */
    unixtime.tm_year = ((dosdate >> 9) & 0x7F) + 80;
    unixtime.tm_mon  = ((dosdate >> 5) & 0x0F) - 1;
    unixtime.tm_mday = ((dosdate     ) & 0x1F);

    /* dissect time */
    unixtime.tm_hour = ((dostime >> 11) & 0x1F);
    unixtime.tm_min  = ((dostime >>  5) & 0x3F);
    unixtime.tm_sec  = ((dostime <<  1) & 0x3E);

    /* let mktime calculate daylight savings time. */
    unixtime.tm_isdst = -1;

    return ((PHYSFS_sint64) mktime(&unixtime));
} /* zip_dos_time_to_physfs_time */

static ZIPentry *zip_load_entry(PHYSFS_Io *io, const int zip64,
                                const PHYSFS_uint64 ofs_fixup)
    ZIPentry entry;
    ZIPentry *retval = NULL;
    PHYSFS_uint16 fnamelen, extralen, commentlen;
    PHYSFS_uint32 external_attr;
    PHYSFS_uint32 starting_disk;
    PHYSFS_uint64 offset;
    PHYSFS_uint16 ui16;
    PHYSFS_uint32 ui32;
    PHYSFS_sint64 si64;

    memset(&entry, '\0', sizeof (entry));

    /* sanity check with central directory signature... */
    if (!readui32(io, &ui32)) return NULL;

    /* Get the pertinent parts of the record... */
    if (!readui16(io, &entry.version)) return NULL;
    if (!readui16(io, &entry.version_needed)) return NULL;
    if (!readui16(io, &entry.general_bits)) return NULL;  /* general bits */
    if (!readui16(io, &entry.compression_method)) return NULL;
    if (!readui32(io, &entry.dos_mod_time)) return NULL;
    entry.last_mod_time = zip_dos_time_to_physfs_time(entry.dos_mod_time);
    if (!readui32(io, &entry.crc)) return NULL;
    if (!readui32(io, &ui32)) return NULL;
    entry.compressed_size = (PHYSFS_uint64) ui32;
    if (!readui32(io, &ui32)) return NULL;
    entry.uncompressed_size = (PHYSFS_uint64) ui32;
    if (!readui16(io, &fnamelen)) return NULL;
    if (!readui16(io, &extralen)) return NULL;
    if (!readui16(io, &commentlen)) return NULL;
    if (!readui16(io, &ui16)) return NULL;
    starting_disk = (PHYSFS_uint32) ui16;
    if (!readui16(io, &ui16)) return NULL;  /* internal file attribs */
    if (!readui32(io, &external_attr)) return NULL;
    if (!readui32(io, &ui32)) return NULL;
    offset = (PHYSFS_uint64) ui32;

    retval = (ZIPentry *) allocator.Malloc(sizeof (ZIPentry) + fnamelen + 1);
    memcpy(retval, &entry, sizeof (*retval));
    retval->name = ((char *) retval) + sizeof (ZIPentry);

    if (!__PHYSFS_readAll(io, retval->name, fnamelen))
        goto zip_load_entry_puked;

    retval->name[fnamelen] = '\0';  /* null-terminate the filename. */
    zip_convert_dos_path(retval, retval->name);

    retval->symlink = NULL;  /* will be resolved later, if necessary. */

    if (retval->name[fnamelen - 1] == '/')
        retval->name[fnamelen - 1] = '\0';
        retval->resolved = ZIP_DIRECTORY;
    } /* if */
        retval->resolved = (zip_has_symlink_attr(&entry, external_attr)) ?
                                ZIP_UNRESOLVED_SYMLINK : ZIP_UNRESOLVED_FILE;
    } /* else */

    si64 = io->tell(io);
    if (si64 == -1)
        goto zip_load_entry_puked;

     * The actual sizes didn't fit in 32-bits; look for the Zip64
     *  extended information extra field...
    if ( (zip64) &&
         ((offset == 0xFFFFFFFF) ||
          (starting_disk == 0xFFFFFFFF) ||
          (retval->compressed_size == 0xFFFFFFFF) ||
          (retval->uncompressed_size == 0xFFFFFFFF)) )
        int found = 0;
        PHYSFS_uint16 sig, len;
        while (extralen > 4)
            if (!readui16(io, &sig))
                goto zip_load_entry_puked;
            else if (!readui16(io, &len))
                goto zip_load_entry_puked;

            si64 += 4 + len;
            extralen -= 4 + len;
            if (sig != ZIP64_EXTENDED_INFO_EXTRA_FIELD_SIG)
                if (!io->seek(io, si64))
                    goto zip_load_entry_puked;
            } /* if */

            found = 1;
        } /* while */

        GOTO_IF_MACRO(!found, PHYSFS_ERR_CORRUPT, zip_load_entry_puked);

        if (retval->uncompressed_size == 0xFFFFFFFF)
            GOTO_IF_MACRO(len < 8, PHYSFS_ERR_CORRUPT, zip_load_entry_puked);
            if (!readui64(io, &retval->uncompressed_size))
                goto zip_load_entry_puked;
            len -= 8;
        } /* if */

        if (retval->compressed_size == 0xFFFFFFFF)
            GOTO_IF_MACRO(len < 8, PHYSFS_ERR_CORRUPT, zip_load_entry_puked);
            if (!readui64(io, &retval->compressed_size))
                goto zip_load_entry_puked;
            len -= 8;
        } /* if */

        if (offset == 0xFFFFFFFF)
            GOTO_IF_MACRO(len < 8, PHYSFS_ERR_CORRUPT, zip_load_entry_puked);
            if (!readui64(io, &offset))
                goto zip_load_entry_puked;
            len -= 8;
        } /* if */

        if (starting_disk == 0xFFFFFFFF)
            GOTO_IF_MACRO(len < 8, PHYSFS_ERR_CORRUPT, zip_load_entry_puked);
            if (!readui32(io, &starting_disk))
                goto zip_load_entry_puked;
            len -= 4;
        } /* if */

        GOTO_IF_MACRO(len != 0, PHYSFS_ERR_CORRUPT, zip_load_entry_puked);
    } /* if */

    GOTO_IF_MACRO(starting_disk != 0, PHYSFS_ERR_CORRUPT, zip_load_entry_puked);

    retval->offset = offset + ofs_fixup;

    /* seek to the start of the next entry in the central directory... */
    if (!io->seek(io, si64 + extralen + commentlen))
        goto zip_load_entry_puked;

    return retval;  /* success. */

    return NULL;  /* failure. */
} /* zip_load_entry */

/* This leaves things allocated on error; the caller will clean up the mess. */
static int zip_load_entries(ZIPinfo *info,
                            const PHYSFS_uint64 data_ofs,
                            const PHYSFS_uint64 central_ofs,
                            const PHYSFS_uint64 entry_count)
    PHYSFS_Io *io = info->io;
    const int zip64 = info->zip64;
    PHYSFS_uint64 i;

    if (!io->seek(io, central_ofs))
        return 0;

    for (i = 0; i < entry_count; i++)
        ZIPentry *entry = zip_load_entry(io, zip64, data_ofs);
        ZIPentry *find;

        if (!entry)
            return 0;

        find = zip_find_entry(info, entry->name);
        if (find != NULL)  /* duplicate? */
            if (find->last_mod_time != 0)  /* duplicate? */
                BAIL_MACRO(PHYSFS_ERR_CORRUPT, 0);
            } /* if */
            else  /* we filled this in as a placeholder. Update it. */
                find->offset = entry->offset;
                find->version = entry->version;
                find->version_needed = entry->version_needed;
                find->compression_method = entry->compression_method;
                find->crc = entry->crc;
                find->compressed_size = entry->compressed_size;
                find->uncompressed_size = entry->uncompressed_size;
                find->last_mod_time = entry->last_mod_time;
            } /* else */
        } /* if */

        if (!zip_hash_entry(info, entry))
            return 0;
        } /* if */

        if (zip_entry_is_tradional_crypto(entry))
            info->has_crypto = 1;
    } /* for */

    return 1;
} /* zip_load_entries */

static PHYSFS_sint64 zip64_find_end_of_central_dir(PHYSFS_Io *io,
                                                   PHYSFS_sint64 _pos,
                                                   PHYSFS_uint64 offset)
     * Naturally, the offset is useless to us; it is the offset from the
     *  start of file, which is meaningless if we've appended this .zip to
     *  a self-extracting .exe. We need to find this on our own. It should
     *  be directly before the locator record, but the record in question,
     *  like the original end-of-central-directory record, ends with a
     *  variable-length field. Unlike the original, which has to store the
     *  size of that variable-length field in a 16-bit int and thus has to be
     *  within 64k, the new one gets 64-bits.
     * Fortunately, the only currently-specified record for that variable
     *  length block is some weird proprietary thing that deals with EBCDIC
     *  and tape backups or something. So we don't seek far.

    PHYSFS_uint32 ui32;
    const PHYSFS_uint64 pos = (PHYSFS_uint64) _pos;

    assert(_pos > 0);

    /* Try offset specified in the Zip64 end of central directory locator. */
    /* This works if the entire PHYSFS_Io is the zip file. */
    BAIL_IF_MACRO(!io->seek(io, offset), ERRPASS, -1);
    BAIL_IF_MACRO(!readui32(io, &ui32), ERRPASS, -1);
    if (ui32 == ZIP64_END_OF_CENTRAL_DIR_SIG)
        return offset;

    /* Try 56 bytes before the Zip64 end of central directory locator. */
    /* This works if the record isn't variable length and is version 1. */
    if (pos > 56)
        BAIL_IF_MACRO(!io->seek(io, pos-56), ERRPASS, -1);
        BAIL_IF_MACRO(!readui32(io, &ui32), ERRPASS, -1);
        if (ui32 == ZIP64_END_OF_CENTRAL_DIR_SIG)
            return pos-56;
    } /* if */

    /* Try 84 bytes before the Zip64 end of central directory locator. */
    /* This works if the record isn't variable length and is version 2. */
    if (pos > 84)
        BAIL_IF_MACRO(!io->seek(io, pos-84), ERRPASS, -1);
        BAIL_IF_MACRO(!readui32(io, &ui32), ERRPASS, -1);
        if (ui32 == ZIP64_END_OF_CENTRAL_DIR_SIG)
            return pos-84;
    } /* if */

    /* Ok, brute force: we know it's between (offset) and (pos) somewhere. */
    /*  Just try moving back at most 256k. Oh well. */
    if ((offset < pos) && (pos > 4))
        const PHYSFS_uint64 maxbuflen = 256 * 1024;
        PHYSFS_uint64 len = pos - offset;
        PHYSFS_uint8 *buf = NULL;
        PHYSFS_sint32 i;

        if (len > maxbuflen)
            len = maxbuflen;

        buf = (PHYSFS_uint8 *) __PHYSFS_smallAlloc(len);

        if (!io->seek(io, pos - len) || !__PHYSFS_readAll(io, buf, len))
            return -1;  /* error was set elsewhere. */
        } /* if */

        for (i = (PHYSFS_sint32) (len - 4); i >= 0; i--)
            if ( (buf[i] == 0x50) && (buf[i+1] == 0x4b) &&
                 (buf[i+2] == 0x06) && (buf[i+3] == 0x06) )
                return pos - (len - i);
            } /* if */
        } /* for */

    } /* if */

    BAIL_MACRO(PHYSFS_ERR_CORRUPT, -1);  /* didn't find it. */
} /* zip64_find_end_of_central_dir */

static int zip64_parse_end_of_central_dir(ZIPinfo *info,
                                          PHYSFS_uint64 *data_start,
                                          PHYSFS_uint64 *dir_ofs,
                                          PHYSFS_uint64 *entry_count,
                                          PHYSFS_sint64 pos)
    PHYSFS_Io *io = info->io;
    PHYSFS_uint64 ui64;
    PHYSFS_uint32 ui32;
    PHYSFS_uint16 ui16;

    /* We should be positioned right past the locator signature. */

    if ((pos < 0) || (!io->seek(io, pos)))
        return 0;

    BAIL_IF_MACRO(!readui32(io, &ui32), ERRPASS, 0);
        return -1;  /* it's not a Zip64 archive. Not an error, though! */

    info->zip64 = 1;

    /* number of the disk with the start of the central directory. */
    BAIL_IF_MACRO(!readui32(io, &ui32), ERRPASS, 0);

    /* offset of Zip64 end of central directory record. */
    BAIL_IF_MACRO(!readui64(io, &ui64), ERRPASS, 0);

    /* total number of disks */
    BAIL_IF_MACRO(!readui32(io, &ui32), ERRPASS, 0);

    pos = zip64_find_end_of_central_dir(io, pos, ui64);
    if (pos < 0)
        return 0;  /* oh well. */

     * For self-extracting archives, etc, there's crapola in the file
     *  before the zipfile records; we calculate how much data there is
     *  prepended by determining how far the zip64-end-of-central-directory
     *  offset is from where it is supposed to be...the difference in bytes
     *  is how much arbitrary data is at the start of the physical file.
    assert(((PHYSFS_uint64) pos) >= ui64);
    *data_start = ((PHYSFS_uint64) pos) - ui64;

    BAIL_IF_MACRO(!io->seek(io, pos), ERRPASS, 0);

    /* check signature again, just in case. */
    BAIL_IF_MACRO(!readui32(io, &ui32), ERRPASS, 0);

    /* size of Zip64 end of central directory record. */
    BAIL_IF_MACRO(!readui64(io, &ui64), ERRPASS, 0);

    /* version made by. */
    BAIL_IF_MACRO(!readui16(io, &ui16), ERRPASS, 0);

    /* version needed to extract. */
    BAIL_IF_MACRO(!readui16(io, &ui16), ERRPASS, 0);

    /* number of this disk. */
    BAIL_IF_MACRO(!readui32(io, &ui32), ERRPASS, 0);

    /* number of disk with start of central directory record. */
    BAIL_IF_MACRO(!readui32(io, &ui32), ERRPASS, 0);

    /* total number of entries in the central dir on this disk */
    BAIL_IF_MACRO(!readui64(io, &ui64), ERRPASS, 0);

    /* total number of entries in the central dir */
    BAIL_IF_MACRO(!readui64(io, entry_count), ERRPASS, 0);
    BAIL_IF_MACRO(ui64 != *entry_count, PHYSFS_ERR_CORRUPT, 0);

    /* size of the central directory */
    BAIL_IF_MACRO(!readui64(io, &ui64), ERRPASS, 0);

    /* offset of central directory */
    BAIL_IF_MACRO(!readui64(io, dir_ofs), ERRPASS, 0);

    /* Since we know the difference, fix up the central dir offset... */
    *dir_ofs += *data_start;

     * There are more fields here, for encryption and feature-specific things,
     *  but we don't care about any of them at the moment.

    return 1;  /* made it. */
} /* zip64_parse_end_of_central_dir */

static int zip_parse_end_of_central_dir(ZIPinfo *info,
                                        PHYSFS_uint64 *data_start,
                                        PHYSFS_uint64 *dir_ofs,
                                        PHYSFS_uint64 *entry_count)
    PHYSFS_Io *io = info->io;
    PHYSFS_uint16 entryCount16;
    PHYSFS_uint32 offset32;
    PHYSFS_uint32 ui32;
    PHYSFS_uint16 ui16;
    PHYSFS_sint64 len;
    PHYSFS_sint64 pos;
    int rc;

    /* find the end-of-central-dir record, and seek to it. */
    pos = zip_find_end_of_central_dir(io, &len);
    BAIL_IF_MACRO(pos == -1, ERRPASS, 0);
    BAIL_IF_MACRO(!io->seek(io, pos), ERRPASS, 0);

    /* check signature again, just in case. */
    BAIL_IF_MACRO(!readui32(io, &ui32), ERRPASS, 0);

    /* Seek back to see if "Zip64 end of central directory locator" exists. */
    /* this record is 20 bytes before end-of-central-dir */
    rc = zip64_parse_end_of_central_dir(info, data_start, dir_ofs,
                                        entry_count, pos - 20);

    /* Error or success? Bounce out of here. Keep going if not zip64. */
    if ((rc == 0) || (rc == 1))
        return rc;

    assert(rc == -1);  /* no error, just not a Zip64 archive. */

    /* Not Zip64? Seek back to where we were and keep processing. */
    BAIL_IF_MACRO(!io->seek(io, pos + 4), ERRPASS, 0);

    /* number of this disk */
    BAIL_IF_MACRO(!readui16(io, &ui16), ERRPASS, 0);

    /* number of the disk with the start of the central directory */
    BAIL_IF_MACRO(!readui16(io, &ui16), ERRPASS, 0);

    /* total number of entries in the central dir on this disk */
    BAIL_IF_MACRO(!readui16(io, &ui16), ERRPASS, 0);

    /* total number of entries in the central dir */
    BAIL_IF_MACRO(!readui16(io, &entryCount16), ERRPASS, 0);
    BAIL_IF_MACRO(ui16 != entryCount16, PHYSFS_ERR_CORRUPT, 0);

    *entry_count = entryCount16;

    /* size of the central directory */
    BAIL_IF_MACRO(!readui32(io, &ui32), ERRPASS, 0);

    /* offset of central directory */
    BAIL_IF_MACRO(!readui32(io, &offset32), ERRPASS, 0);
    *dir_ofs = (PHYSFS_uint64) offset32;
    BAIL_IF_MACRO(pos < (*dir_ofs + ui32), PHYSFS_ERR_CORRUPT, 0);

     * For self-extracting archives, etc, there's crapola in the file
     *  before the zipfile records; we calculate how much data there is
     *  prepended by determining how far the central directory offset is
     *  from where it is supposed to be (start of end-of-central-dir minus
     *  sizeof central dir)...the difference in bytes is how much arbitrary
     *  data is at the start of the physical file.
    *data_start = (PHYSFS_uint64) (pos - (*dir_ofs + ui32));

    /* Now that we know the difference, fix up the central dir offset... */
    *dir_ofs += *data_start;

    /* zipfile comment length */
    BAIL_IF_MACRO(!readui16(io, &ui16), ERRPASS, 0);

     * Make sure that the comment length matches to the end of file...
     *  If it doesn't, we're either in the wrong part of the file, or the
     *  file is corrupted, but we give up either way.
    BAIL_IF_MACRO((pos + 22 + ui16) != len, PHYSFS_ERR_CORRUPT, 0);

    return 1;  /* made it. */
} /* zip_parse_end_of_central_dir */

static int zip_alloc_hashtable(ZIPinfo *info, const PHYSFS_uint64 entry_count)
    size_t alloclen;

    info->hashBuckets = (size_t) (entry_count / 5);
    if (!info->hashBuckets)
        info->hashBuckets = 1;

    alloclen = info->hashBuckets * sizeof (ZIPentry *);
    info->hash = (ZIPentry **) allocator.Malloc(alloclen);
    memset(info->hash, '\0', alloclen);

    return 1;
} /* zip_alloc_hashtable */

static void ZIP_closeArchive(void *opaque);

static void *ZIP_openArchive(PHYSFS_Io *io, const char *name, int forWriting)
    ZIPinfo *info = NULL;
    PHYSFS_uint64 dstart;  /* data start */
    PHYSFS_uint64 cdir_ofs;  /* central dir offset */
    PHYSFS_uint64 entry_count;

    assert(io != NULL);  /* shouldn't ever happen. */


    info = (ZIPinfo *) allocator.Malloc(sizeof (ZIPinfo));
    memset(info, '\0', sizeof (ZIPinfo));
    info->root.resolved = ZIP_DIRECTORY;
    info->io = io;

    if (!zip_parse_end_of_central_dir(info, &dstart, &cdir_ofs, &entry_count))
        goto ZIP_openarchive_failed;
    else if (!zip_alloc_hashtable(info, entry_count))
        goto ZIP_openarchive_failed;
    else if (!zip_load_entries(info, dstart, cdir_ofs, entry_count))
        goto ZIP_openarchive_failed;

    assert(info->root.sibling == NULL);
    return info;

    info->io = NULL;  /* don't let ZIP_closeArchive destroy (io). */
    return NULL;
} /* ZIP_openArchive */

static void ZIP_enumerateFiles(void *opaque, const char *dname,
                               PHYSFS_EnumFilesCallback cb,
                               const char *origdir, void *callbackdata)
    ZIPinfo *info = ((ZIPinfo *) opaque);
    const ZIPentry *entry = zip_find_entry(info, dname);
    if (entry && (entry->resolved == ZIP_DIRECTORY))
        for (entry = entry->children; entry; entry = entry->sibling)
            const char *ptr = strrchr(entry->name, '/');
            cb(callbackdata, origdir, ptr ? ptr + 1 : entry->name);
        } /* for */
    } /* if */
} /* ZIP_enumerateFiles */

static PHYSFS_Io *zip_get_io(PHYSFS_Io *io, ZIPinfo *inf, ZIPentry *entry)
    int success;
    PHYSFS_Io *retval = io->duplicate(io);

    /* !!! FIXME: if you open a dir here, it should bail ERR_NOT_A_FILE */

    /* (inf) can be NULL if we already resolved. */
    success = (inf == NULL) || zip_resolve(retval, inf, entry);
    if (success)
        PHYSFS_sint64 offset;
        offset = ((entry->symlink) ? entry->symlink->offset : entry->offset);
        success = retval->seek(retval, offset);
    } /* if */

    if (!success)
        retval = NULL;
    } /* if */

    return retval;
} /* zip_get_io */

static PHYSFS_Io *ZIP_openRead(void *opaque, const char *filename)
    PHYSFS_Io *retval = NULL;
    ZIPinfo *info = (ZIPinfo *) opaque;
    ZIPentry *entry = zip_find_entry(info, filename);
    ZIPfileinfo *finfo = NULL;
    PHYSFS_Io *io = NULL;
    PHYSFS_uint8 *password = NULL;
    int i;

    /* if not found, see if maybe "$PASSWORD" is appended. */
    if ((!entry) && (info->has_crypto))
        const char *ptr = strrchr(filename, '$');
        if (ptr != NULL)
            const PHYSFS_uint64 len = (PHYSFS_uint64) (ptr - filename);
            char *str = (char *) __PHYSFS_smallAlloc(len + 1);
            memcpy(str, filename, len);
            str[len] = '\0';
            entry = zip_find_entry(info, str);
            password = (PHYSFS_uint8 *) (ptr + 1);
        } /* if */
    } /* if */


    retval = (PHYSFS_Io *) allocator.Malloc(sizeof (PHYSFS_Io));
    GOTO_IF_MACRO(!retval, PHYSFS_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, ZIP_openRead_failed);

    finfo = (ZIPfileinfo *) allocator.Malloc(sizeof (ZIPfileinfo));
    GOTO_IF_MACRO(!finfo, PHYSFS_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, ZIP_openRead_failed);
    memset(finfo, '\0', sizeof (ZIPfileinfo));

    io = zip_get_io(info->io, info, entry);
    GOTO_IF_MACRO(!io, ERRPASS, ZIP_openRead_failed);
    finfo->io = io;
    finfo->entry = ((entry->symlink != NULL) ? entry->symlink : entry);

    if (finfo->entry->compression_method != COMPMETH_NONE)
        finfo->buffer = (PHYSFS_uint8 *) allocator.Malloc(ZIP_READBUFSIZE);
        if (!finfo->buffer)
            GOTO_MACRO(PHYSFS_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, ZIP_openRead_failed);
        else if (zlib_err(inflateInit2(&finfo->stream, -MAX_WBITS)) != Z_OK)
            goto ZIP_openRead_failed;
    } /* if */

    if (!zip_entry_is_tradional_crypto(entry))
        GOTO_IF_MACRO(password != NULL, PHYSFS_ERR_BAD_PASSWORD, ZIP_openRead_failed);
        PHYSFS_uint8 crypto_header[12];
        GOTO_IF_MACRO(password == NULL, PHYSFS_ERR_BAD_PASSWORD, ZIP_openRead_failed);
        if (io->read(io, crypto_header, 12) != 12)
            goto ZIP_openRead_failed;
        else if (!zip_prep_crypto_keys(finfo, crypto_header, password))
            goto ZIP_openRead_failed;
    } /* if */

    memcpy(retval, &ZIP_Io, sizeof (PHYSFS_Io));
    retval->opaque = finfo;

    return retval;

    if (finfo != NULL)
        if (finfo->io != NULL)

        if (finfo->buffer != NULL)
        } /* if */

    } /* if */

    if (retval != NULL)

    return NULL;
} /* ZIP_openRead */

static PHYSFS_Io *ZIP_openWrite(void *opaque, const char *filename)
} /* ZIP_openWrite */

static PHYSFS_Io *ZIP_openAppend(void *opaque, const char *filename)
} /* ZIP_openAppend */

static void ZIP_closeArchive(void *opaque)
    ZIPinfo *info = (ZIPinfo *) (opaque);

    if (!info)

    if (info->io)

    assert(info->root.sibling == NULL);
    assert(info->hash || (info->root.children == NULL));

    if (info->hash)
        size_t i;
        for (i = 0; i < info->hashBuckets; i++)
            ZIPentry *entry;
            ZIPentry *next;
            for (entry = info->hash[i]; entry; entry = next)
                next = entry->hashnext;
            } /* for */
        } /* for */
    } /* if */

} /* ZIP_closeArchive */

static int ZIP_remove(void *opaque, const char *name)
} /* ZIP_remove */

static int ZIP_mkdir(void *opaque, const char *name)
} /* ZIP_mkdir */

static int ZIP_stat(void *opaque, const char *filename, PHYSFS_Stat *stat)
    ZIPinfo *info = (ZIPinfo *) opaque;
    const ZIPentry *entry = zip_find_entry(info, filename);

    /* !!! FIXME: does this need to resolve entries here? */

    if (entry == NULL)
        return 0;

    else if (entry->resolved == ZIP_DIRECTORY)
        stat->filesize = 0;
        stat->filetype = PHYSFS_FILETYPE_DIRECTORY;
    } /* if */

    else if (zip_entry_is_symlink(entry))
        stat->filesize = 0;
        stat->filetype = PHYSFS_FILETYPE_SYMLINK;
    } /* else if */

        stat->filesize = (PHYSFS_sint64) entry->uncompressed_size;
        stat->filetype = PHYSFS_FILETYPE_REGULAR;
    } /* else */

    stat->modtime = ((entry) ? entry->last_mod_time : 0);
    stat->createtime = stat->modtime;
    stat->accesstime = 0;
    stat->readonly = 1; /* .zip files are always read only */

    return 1;
} /* ZIP_stat */

const PHYSFS_Archiver __PHYSFS_Archiver_ZIP =
        "PkZip/WinZip/Info-Zip compatible",
        "Ryan C. Gordon <icculus@icculus.org>",
        1,  /* supportsSymlinks */

#endif  /* defined PHYSFS_SUPPORTS_ZIP */

/* end of archiver_zip.c ... */