author dag10
Sun, 27 Jan 2013 20:17:30 -0500
changeset 8453 06541556df53
parent 8347 716c05f19401
permissions -rw-r--r--
Reorganized layout and appearance of rooms list page. Creating a new room uses a dialog prompt for the room name, which is preset to whatever your last room name was. Removed dotted rectangle around selected cell in rooms list. Removed bug where gamecfgwidget would be in master mode when joining a game as a slave. Can now join selected room when return is pressed. Can also move room selection while room search box has focus.

#if the headers are not installed, the newer apis won't be activated

#find which version of SDL_mixer we have (for Mix_Init)
find_file(sdlmixer_h SDL_mixer.h ${SDLMIXER_INCLUDE_DIR})
    file(STRINGS ${sdlmixer_h} sdlmixer_majorversion_tmp REGEX "SDL_MIXER_MAJOR_VERSION[\t' ']+[0-9]+")
    file(STRINGS ${sdlmixer_h} sdlmixer_minorversion_tmp REGEX "SDL_MIXER_MINOR_VERSION[\t' ']+[0-9]+")
    file(STRINGS ${sdlmixer_h} sdlmixer_patchversion_tmp REGEX "SDL_MIXER_PATCHLEVEL[\t' ']+[0-9]+")
    string(REGEX MATCH ".([0-9]+)" sdlmixer_majorversion "${sdlmixer_majorversion_tmp}")
    string(REGEX MATCH ".([0-9]+)" sdlmixer_minorversion "${sdlmixer_minorversion_tmp}")
    string(REGEX MATCH ".([0-9]+)" sdlmixer_patchversion "${sdlmixer_patchversion_tmp}")
    math(EXPR sdlmixer_version "${sdlmixer_majorversion}*10000 + ${sdlmixer_minorversion}*100 + ${sdlmixer_patchversion}")

    if(sdlmixer_version GREATER "10209")
        message(STATUS "Mix_Init() is present")
        list(APPEND pascal_flags "-dSDL_MIXER_NEWER")

#find which version of SDL_image we have (for IMG_Init)
find_file(sdlimage_h SDL_image.h ${SDLIMAGE_INCLUDE_DIR})
    file(STRINGS ${sdlimage_h} sdlimage_majorversion_tmp REGEX "SDL_IMAGE_MAJOR_VERSION[\t' ']+[0-9]+")
    file(STRINGS ${sdlimage_h} sdlimage_minorversion_tmp REGEX "SDL_IMAGE_MINOR_VERSION[\t' ']+[0-9]+")
    file(STRINGS ${sdlimage_h} sdlimage_patchversion_tmp REGEX "SDL_IMAGE_PATCHLEVEL[\t' ']+[0-9]+")
    string(REGEX MATCH ".([0-9]+)" sdlimage_majorversion "${sdlimage_majorversion_tmp}")
    string(REGEX MATCH ".([0-9]+)" sdlimage_minorversion "${sdlimage_minorversion_tmp}")
    string(REGEX MATCH ".([0-9]+)" sdlimage_patchversion "${sdlimage_patchversion_tmp}")
    math(EXPR sdlimage_version "${sdlimage_majorversion}*10000 + ${sdlimage_minorversion}*100 + ${sdlimage_patchversion}")

    if(sdlimage_version GREATER "010207")
        message(STATUS "IMG_Init() is present")
        list(APPEND pascal_flags "-dSDL_IMAGE_NEWER")