changeset 8444 75db7bb8dce8
parent 8340 46a9fde631f4
parent 8443 2debc9b9f917
child 8446 c18ba8726f5a
--- a/QTfrontend/NSWorkspace_RBAdditions.m	Wed Jan 02 11:11:49 2013 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,263 +0,0 @@
-//  NSWorkspace_RBAdditions.m
-//  PathProps
-//  Created by Rainer Brockerhoff on 10/04/2007.
-//  Copyright 2007 Rainer Brockerhoff. All rights reserved.
-#import "NSWorkspace_RBAdditions.h"
-#include <IOKit/IOKitLib.h>
-#include <sys/mount.h>
-#include <mach/mach.h>
-NSString* NSWorkspace_RBfstypename = @"NSWorkspace_RBfstypename";
-NSString* NSWorkspace_RBmntonname = @"NSWorkspace_RBmntonname";
-NSString* NSWorkspace_RBmntfromname = @"NSWorkspace_RBmntfromname";
-NSString* NSWorkspace_RBdeviceinfo = @"NSWorkspace_RBdeviceinfo";
-NSString* NSWorkspace_RBimagefilepath = @"NSWorkspace_RBimagefilepath";
-NSString* NSWorkspace_RBconnectiontype = @"NSWorkspace_RBconnectiontype";
-NSString* NSWorkspace_RBpartitionscheme = @"NSWorkspace_RBpartitionscheme";
-NSString* NSWorkspace_RBserverURL = @"NSWorkspace_RBserverURL";
-// This static funtion concatenates two strings, but first checks several possibilities...
-// like one or the other nil, or one containing the other already.
-static NSString* AddPart(NSString* first,NSString* second) {
-	if (!second) {
-		return first;
-	}
-	second = [second stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet]];
-	if (first) {
-		if ([first rangeOfString:second options:NSCaseInsensitiveSearch].location==NSNotFound) {
-			if ([second rangeOfString:first options:NSCaseInsensitiveSearch].location==NSNotFound) {
-				return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@; %@",first,second];
-			}
-			return second;
-		}
-		return first;
-	}
-	return second;
-// This static functions recurses "upwards" over the IO registry. Returns strings that are concatenated
-// and ultimately end up under the NSWorkspace_RBdeviceinfo key.
-// This isn't too robust in that it assumes that objects returned by the objectForKey methods are
-// either strings or dictionaries. A "standard" implementations would use either only CoreFoundation and
-// IOKit calls for this, or do more robust type checking on the returned objects.
-// Also notice that this works as determined experimentally in 10.4.9, there's no official docs I could find.
-// YMMV, and it may stop working in any new version of Mac OS X.
-static NSString* CheckParents(io_object_t thing,NSString* part,NSMutableDictionary* dict) {
-	NSString* result = part;
-    io_iterator_t parentsIterator = 0;
-    kern_return_t kernResult = IORegistryEntryGetParentIterator(thing,kIOServicePlane,&parentsIterator);
-    if ((kernResult==KERN_SUCCESS)&&parentsIterator) {
-		io_object_t nextParent = 0;
-		while ((nextParent = IOIteratorNext(parentsIterator))) {
-			NSDictionary* props = nil;
-			NSString* image = nil;
-			NSString* partition = nil;
-			NSString* connection = nil;
-			kernResult = IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperties(nextParent,(CFMutableDictionaryRef*)&props,kCFAllocatorDefault,0);
-			if (IOObjectConformsTo(nextParent,"IOApplePartitionScheme")) {
-				partition = [props objectForKey:@"Content Mask"];
-			} else if (IOObjectConformsTo(nextParent,"IOMedia")) {
-				partition = [props objectForKey:@"Content"];
-			} else if (IOObjectConformsTo(nextParent,"IODiskImageBlockStorageDeviceOutKernel")) {
-				NSData* data = nil;
-                                if ((data = [[props objectForKey:@"Protocol Characteristics"] objectForKey:@"Virtual Interface Location Path"])) {
-					image = [[[NSString alloc] initWithBytes:[data bytes] length:[data length] encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] autorelease];
-				}
-			} else if (IOObjectConformsTo(nextParent,"IOHDIXHDDriveInKernel")) {
-				image = [props objectForKey:@"KDIURLPath"];
-			}
-			NSDictionary* subdict;
-                        if ((subdict = [props objectForKey:@"Protocol Characteristics"])) {
-				connection = [subdict objectForKey:@"Physical Interconnect"];
-			} else {
-				connection = [props objectForKey:@"Physical Interconnect"];
-			}
-			if (connection) {
-				[dict setObject:AddPart([dict objectForKey:NSWorkspace_RBconnectiontype],connection) forKey:NSWorkspace_RBconnectiontype];
-			}
-			if (partition) {
-				[dict setObject:partition forKey:NSWorkspace_RBpartitionscheme];
-			}
-			if (image) {
-				[dict setObject:image forKey:NSWorkspace_RBimagefilepath];
-			}
-			NSString* value;
-                        if ((subdict = [props objectForKey:@"Device Characteristics"])) {
-                                if ((value = [subdict objectForKey:@"Product Name"])) {
-					result = AddPart(result,value);
-				}
-                                if ((value = [subdict objectForKey:@"Product Revision Level"])) {
-					result = AddPart(result,value);
-				}
-                                if ((value = [subdict objectForKey:@"Vendor Name"])) {
-					result = AddPart(result,value);
-				}
-			}
-                        if ((value = [props objectForKey:@"USB Serial Number"])) {
-				result = AddPart(result,value);
-			}
-                        if ((value = [props objectForKey:@"USB Vendor Name"])) {
-				result = AddPart(result,value);
-			}
-			NSString* cls = [(NSString*)IOObjectCopyClass(nextParent) autorelease];
-			if (![cls isEqualToString:@"IOPCIDevice"]) {
-// Uncomment the following line to have the device tree dumped to the console.
-//				NSLog(@"=================================> %@:%@\n",cls,props);
-				result = CheckParents(nextParent,result,dict);
-			}
-			IOObjectRelease(nextParent);
-		}
-    }
-    if (parentsIterator) {
-		IOObjectRelease(parentsIterator);
-    }
-	return result;
-// This formats the (partially undocumented) AFPXMountInfo info into a string.
-static NSString* FormatAFPURL(AFPXVolMountInfoPtr mountInfo,NSString** devdesc) {
-	UInt8* work = ((UInt8*)mountInfo)+mountInfo->serverNameOffset;
-	if (devdesc) {
-		*devdesc = [[[NSString alloc] initWithBytes:&work[1] length:work[0] encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] autorelease];
-	}
-	work = ((UInt8*)mountInfo)+mountInfo->volNameOffset;
-	NSString* volname = [[[NSString alloc] initWithBytes:&work[1] length:work[0] encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] autorelease];
-	work = ((UInt8*)mountInfo)+mountInfo->alternateAddressOffset;
-	AFPAlternateAddress* afpa = (AFPAlternateAddress*)work;
-	AFPTagData* afpta = (AFPTagData*)(&afpa->fAddressList);
-	NSString* ip = nil;
-	NSString* dns = nil;
-	int i = afpa->fAddressCount;
-	while ((i-->0)) {
-		switch (afpta->fType) {
-			case kAFPTagTypeIP:
-				if (!ip) {
-					ip = [[[NSString alloc] initWithBytes:&afpta->fData[0] length:afpta->fLength-2 encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] autorelease];
-				}
-				break;
-			case kAFPTagTypeIPPort:
-				ip = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%u.%u.%u.%u:%u",afpta->fData[0],afpta->fData[1],afpta->fData[2],afpta->fData[3],OSSwapBigToHostInt16(*(UInt16*)&afpta->fData[4])];
-				break;
-			case kAFPTagTypeDNS:
-				dns = [[[NSString alloc] initWithBytes:&afpta->fData[0] length:afpta->fLength-2 encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] autorelease];
-				break;
-			case 0x07:
-				ip = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"[%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x]",OSSwapBigToHostInt16(*(UInt16*)&afpta->fData[0]),
-					OSSwapBigToHostInt16(*(UInt16*)&afpta->fData[2]),OSSwapBigToHostInt16(*(UInt16*)&afpta->fData[4]),
-					OSSwapBigToHostInt16(*(UInt16*)&afpta->fData[6]),OSSwapBigToHostInt16(*(UInt16*)&afpta->fData[8]),
-					OSSwapBigToHostInt16(*(UInt16*)&afpta->fData[10]),OSSwapBigToHostInt16(*(UInt16*)&afpta->fData[12]),
-					OSSwapBigToHostInt16(*(UInt16*)&afpta->fData[14])];
-				break;
-		}
-		afpta = (AFPTagData*)((char*)afpta+afpta->fLength);
-	}
-	return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"afp://%@/%@",dns?:(ip?:@""),volname];
-@implementation NSWorkspace (NSWorkspace_RBAdditions)
-// Returns a NSDictionary with properties for the path. See details in the .h file.
-// This assumes that the length of path is less than PATH_MAX (currently 1024 characters).
-- (NSDictionary*)propertiesForPath:(NSString*)path {
-	const char* ccpath = (const char*)[path fileSystemRepresentation];
-	NSMutableDictionary* result = nil;
-	struct statfs fs;
-	if (!statfs(ccpath,&fs)) {
-		NSString* from = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:fs.f_mntfromname];
-		result = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
-			[NSString stringWithUTF8String:fs.f_fstypename],NSWorkspace_RBfstypename,
-			[NSString stringWithUTF8String:fs.f_mntonname],NSWorkspace_RBmntonname,
-			nil];
-		if (strncmp(fs.f_mntfromname,"/dev/",5)==0) {
-// For a local volume,get the IO registry tree and search it for further info.
-			mach_port_t masterPort = 0;
-			io_iterator_t mediaIterator = 0;
-			kern_return_t kernResult = IOMasterPort(bootstrap_port,&masterPort);
-			if (kernResult==KERN_SUCCESS) {
-				CFMutableDictionaryRef classesToMatch = IOBSDNameMatching(masterPort,0,&fs.f_mntfromname[5]);
-				if (classesToMatch) {
-					kernResult = IOServiceGetMatchingServices(masterPort,classesToMatch,&mediaIterator);
-					if ((kernResult==KERN_SUCCESS)&&mediaIterator) {
-						io_object_t firstMedia = 0;
-						while ((firstMedia = IOIteratorNext(mediaIterator))) {
-							NSString* stuff = CheckParents(firstMedia,nil,result);
-							if (stuff) {
-								[result setObject:stuff forKey:NSWorkspace_RBdeviceinfo];
-							}
-							IOObjectRelease(firstMedia);
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			if (mediaIterator) {
-				IOObjectRelease(mediaIterator);
-			}
-			if (masterPort) {
-				mach_port_deallocate(mach_task_self(),masterPort);
-			}
-		}
-		//Don't need this for disk images, gets around warnings for some deprecated functions
-		/* else {
-// For a network volume, get the volume reference number and use to get the server URL.
-			FSRef ref;
-			if (FSPathMakeRef((const UInt8*)ccpath,&ref,NULL)==noErr) {
-				FSCatalogInfo info;
-				if (FSGetCatalogInfo(&ref,kFSCatInfoVolume,&info,NULL,NULL,NULL)==noErr) {
-					ParamBlockRec pb;
-					UInt16 vmisize = 0;
-					VolumeMountInfoHeaderPtr mountInfo = NULL;
-					pb.ioParam.ioCompletion = NULL;
-					pb.ioParam.ioNamePtr = NULL;
-					pb.ioParam.ioVRefNum = info.volume;
-					pb.ioParam.ioBuffer = (Ptr)&vmisize;
-					pb.ioParam.ioReqCount = sizeof(vmisize);
-					if ((PBGetVolMountInfoSize(&pb)==noErr)&&vmisize) {
-						mountInfo = (VolumeMountInfoHeaderPtr)malloc(vmisize);
-						if (mountInfo) {
-							pb.ioParam.ioBuffer = (Ptr)mountInfo;
-							pb.ioParam.ioReqCount = vmisize;
-							if (PBGetVolMountInfo(&pb)==noErr) {
-								NSString* url = nil;
-								switch (mountInfo->media) {
-								case AppleShareMediaType:
-									url = FormatAFPURL((AFPXVolMountInfoPtr)mountInfo,&from);
-									break;
-								case 'http':
-									url = from;
-									break;
-								case 'crbm':
-								case 'nfs_':
-								case 'cifs':
-									url = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:(char*)mountInfo+sizeof(VolumeMountInfoHeader)+sizeof(OSType)];
-									break;
-								}
-								if (url) {
-									[result setObject:url forKey:NSWorkspace_RBserverURL];
-								}
-							}
-						}
-						free(mountInfo);
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}*/
-		[result setObject:from forKey:NSWorkspace_RBmntfromname];
-	}
-	return result;