share/hedgewars/Data/Missions/Campaign/01#Boot Camp.lua
changeset 4596 3bf748d3bec7
parent 4589 98890a2d4cd7
parent 4594 5645462cc78f
child 4598 7cb8c9db6e8d
--- a/share/hedgewars/Data/Missions/Campaign/01#Boot Camp.lua	Tue Dec 21 14:57:33 2010 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,357 +0,0 @@
-local teamnames = {}
-local hognames = {}
-teamnames[0] = {
-	["en"] = "Bloody Rookies",
-	["de"] = "Blutige Anfänger",
-	["pl"] = "Żótodzioby",
-	["sv"] = "Blodiga nybörjare",
-	["es"] = "Reclutas",
-	["pt_PT"] = "Recrutas",
-	["pt_BR"] = "Maldito Recrutas",
-	["sk"] = "Regruti"
-teamnames[1] = {
-	["en"] = "Instructors",
-	["de"] = "Ausbilder",
-	["pl"] = "Instruktor",
-	["sv"] = "Instruktör",
-	["es"] = "Instructores",
-	["pt_PT"] = "Instrutores",
-	["pt_BR"] = "Instrutores",
-	["sk"] = "Inštruktori"
-hognames[0] = {
-	["en"] = "Joker",
-	["de"] = "Joker",
-	["pl"] = "Joker",
-	["sv"] = "Joker",
-	["es"] = "Joker",
-	["pt_PT"] = "Joker",
-	["pt_BR"] = "Comediante",
-	["sk"] = "Komediant"
-hognames[1] = {
-	["en"] = "Harthog",
-	["de"] = "Harthog",
-	["pl"] = "Harthog",
-	["sv"] = "Harthog",
-	["es"] = "Harthog",
-	["pt_PT"] = "Harthog",
-	["pt_BR"] = "Harthog",
-	["sk"] = "Harthog"
-local caption = {
-	["en"] = "Boot Camp",
-	["de"] = "Grundausbildung",
-	["pl"] = "Poligon",
-	["sv"] = "Grundutbildning",
-	["es"] = "Campamento militar",
-	["pt_PT"] = "Acampamento militar",
-	["pt_BR"] = "Acampamento Militar",
-	["sk"] = "Výcvikový tábor"
-local subcaption = {
-	["en"] = "Follow the instructions!",
-	["de"] = "Befolge die Anweisungen!",
-	["pl"] = "Wykonuj polecenia!",
-	["sv"] = "Följ instruktioner!",
-	["es"] = "¡Sigue las órdenes!",
-	["pt_PT"] = "Segue as instruções!",
-	["pt_BR"] = "Siga as ordens!",
-	["sk"] = "Postupujte podľa inštrukcií!"
-local goals = {}
-goals[0] = {
-	["en"] = "Listen to your Drill Instructor and follow his lead!",
-	["de"] = "Höre deinem Ausbilder zu und befolge seine Anweisungen!",
-	["pl"] = "Słuchaj instruktora i wykonuj jego rozkazy!",
-	["sv"] = "Lyssna på din instruktör och gör som han säger!",
-	["es"] = "¡Escucha atentamente a tu instructor de maniobras y sigue sus órdenes!",
-	["pt_PT"] = "Ouve atentamente o teu Instrutor e segue as suas ordens!",
-	["pt_BR"] = "Escute seu instrutor de escavação e siga seu líder",
-	["sk"] = "Počúvajte vášho inštruktora výcviku a vykonávajte jeho rozkazy!"
-goals[1] = {
-	["en"] = "Destroy the target to finish this mission!",
-	["de"] = "Zerstöre das Ziel, um diese Mission abzuschließen!",
-	["pl"] = "Zniszcz cel by ukończyć misję!",
-	["sv"] = "Förstör målet för att avklara uppdraget!",
-	["es"] = "¡Destruye el objetivo para completar esta misión!",
-	["pt_PT"] = "Destrói o alvo para completar esta missão!",
-	["pt_BR"] = "Destrua o alvo para concluir a missão",
-	["sk"] = "Pre ukončenie misie zneškodnite cieľ!"
-goals[2] = {
-	["en"] = "Excellent! You've passed the Boot Camp!",
-	["de"] = "Ausgezeichnet! Du hast das Ausbildungslager bestanden!",
-	["pl"] = "Doskonale! Wyszedłeś cało z poligonu!",
-	["sv"] = "Brilliant! Du har klarat av grundutbildningen!",
-	["es"] = "¡Excelente! ¡Has completado la maniobra de hoy!",
-	["pt_PT"] = "Excelente! Completaste o treino para recrutas!",
-	["pt_BR"] = "Excelente! Você completou a manobra",
-	["pt_BR"] = "Výborne! Prešli ste výcvikovým táborom!"
-local failed = {
-	["en"] = "You failed! Follow the instructions and shoot the target only!",
-	["de"] = "Du hast versagt! Befolge die Anweisungen und schieß nur auf das Ziel!",
-	["pl"] = "Przegrałeś! Wykonuj instrukcje poprawnie i strzelaj tylko w podane cele!",
-	["sv"] = "Du har misslyckats! Följ instruktionerna och sjut endast på målen!",
-	["es"] = "¡Has fallado! ¡Sigue las instrucciones y destruye únicamente el objetivo!",
-	["pt_PT"] = "Falhaste! Segue as instruções e destrói apenas o alvo!",
-	["pt_BR"] = "Você falhou! Siga as instruções e atire somente no alvo",
-	["sk"] = "Prehrali ste! Nasledujte inštrukcie a strieľajte iba na cieľ!"
-local drill = {}
-drill[0] = {
-	["en"] = "Allright, maggot!",
-	["de"] = "Also gut, du Made!",
-	["pl"] = "Słuchaj mnie gnido!",
-	["sv"] = "Dåså, din mask!",
-	["es"] = "¡Muy bien, escoria!",
-	["pt_PT"] = "Bom trabalho verme!",
-	["pt_BR"] = "Parabéns escória",
-	["sk"] = "Počúvaj, ty červík!"
-drill[1] = {
-	["en"] = "Show that you aren't that useless.",
-	["de"] = "Zeig, dass du nicht so nutzlos bist.",
-	["pl"] = "Udowodnij, że nie jesteś bezwartościowy.",
-	["sv"] = "Visa att du inte är så värdelös!",
-	["es"] = "Demuéstrame que no eres tan inútil como pareces.",
-	["pt_PT"] = "Prova-me que não és tão inútil como pareces.",
-	["pt_BR"] = "Mostre que você não é um inútil.",
-	["sk"] = "Dokáž, že nie si na svete úplne zbytočným."
-drill[2] = {
-	["en"] = "Use [left] to move to the left!",
-	["de"] = "Benutze [Links], um nach links zu gehen!",
-	["pl"] = "Użyj [lewo] by poruszyć się w lewą stronę!",
-	["sv"] = "Använd [vänster] för att gå åt vänster!",
-	["es"] = "¡Aprieta [izquierda] para desplazarte a la izquierda!",
-	["pt_PT"] = "Carrega [esquerda] para te moveres para a esquerda!",
-	["pt_BR"] = "Use [esquerda] para mover para a esquerda",
-	["sk"] = "Stlačte [vľavo] pre pohyb doľava"
-drill[3] = {
-	["en"] = "Good! Now use [right] to come back!",
-	["de"] = "Gut! Nun komm mit [Rechts] zurück!",
-	["pl"] = "Dobzre, Teraz użyj [prawo] by wrócić!",
-	["sv"] = "Bra! Använd nu [höger] för att gå tillbaka!",
-	["es"] = "¡Muy bien! ¡Ahora presiona [derecha] para volver!",
-	["pt_PT"] = "Muito bem! Agora pressiona [direita] para voltar!",
-	["pt_BR"] = "Bom! Agora use [direita] para voltar",
-	["sk"] = "Dobre! Teraz použite [vpravo] a vráťte sa naspäť!"
-drill[4] = {
-	["en"] = "Excellent!",
-	["de"] = "Ausgezeichnet!",
-	["pl"] = "Wspaniale!",
-	["sv"] = "Utmärkt!",
-	["es"] = "¡Excelente!",
-	["pt_PT"] = "Excelente!",
-	["pt_BR"] = "Excelente!",
-	["sk"] = "Výborne!"
-drill[5] = {
-	["en"] = "Now jump to the left using [return]!",
-	["de"] = "Jetzt springe mit [Eingabetaste] nach links!",
-	["pl"] = "Teraz skocz w lewo używając [Enter]",
-	["sv"] = "Hoppa nu åt vänster med hjälp av [enter]!",
-	["es"] = "¡Ahora salta hacia la izquierda usando [intro]!",
-	["pt_PT"] = "Agora salta para a esquerda pressionando [retrocesso]!",
-	["pt_BR"] = "Agora pule para a esquerda usando [return]!",
-	["sk"] = "Teraz skočte doľava stlačením [enter]!"
-drill[6] = {
-	["en"] = "Use [up] and [down] to aim.",
-	["de"] = "Benutze [Hoch] und [Runter], um zu zielen.",
-	["pl"] = "Użyj klawiszy [góra] i [dół] by celować.",
-	["sv"] = "Använd [upp] och [ner] för att sikta!",
-	["es"] = "Presiora [arriba] y [abajo] para apuntar.",
-	["pt_PT"] = "Pressiona [cima] e [baixo] para apontar.",
-	["pt_BR"] = "Pressione [acima] e [abaixo] para mirar.",
-	["sk"] = "Stlačte [hore] a [dole] pre mierenie."
-drill[7] = {
-	["en"] = "Hold [space] to power up your shot and then release it to shoot.",
-	["de"] = "Halte [Leertaste], um deinen Schuss aufzuladen, und lasse dann rechtzeitig los.",
-	["pl"] = "Przytrzymaj spację by zwiększyć siłę strzału.",
-	["sv"] = "Håll ner [mellanslag] för att få kraft och släpp för att skjuta!",
-	["es"] = "Mantén presionada la [barra espaciadora] para controlar la fuerza del disparo y suéltala para disparar.",
-	["pt_PT"] = "Mantem a [barra de espaços] pressionada para controlar a força do tiro e larga-a para disparar.",
-	["pt_BR"] = "Mantenha pressionado [espaço] para aumentar a força do seu tiro e solte para atirar",
-	["sk"] = "Držte stlačený [medzerník] pre nabíjanie, jeho uvoľnením vystrelíte."
-drill[8] = {
-	["en"] = "Destroy the target to finish your basic training!",
-	["de"] = "Zerstöre das Ziel, um deine Grundausbildung abzuschließen!",
-	["pl"] = "Zniszcz cel by by ukończyć trening podstawowy!",
-	["sv"] = "Förstör målet för att avsluta din grundutbildning!",
-	["es"] = "¡Destruye el objetivo para completar el entrenamiento básico!",
-	["pt_PT"] = "Destrói o alvo para completar o treino básico!",
-	["pt_BR"] = "Destrua o alvo para terminar o treino básico",
-	["sk"] = "Zneškodnite cieľ na ukončenie základného výcviku!"
-local function loc(text)
-	if text == nil then return "**missing**"
-	elseif text[L] == nil then return text["en"]
-	else return text[L]
-	end
-local player = nil
-local instructor = nil
-local target = nil
-function onGameStart()
-local player_start_x = 2300
-local player_start_y = 1250
-local target_x = 1900
-local target_y = 1250
-local player_health = 100
-local instructor_health = 100
-local teamcolor = 14483456
-local progress = 0
-local time_start = 0
-function onGameTick()
-	if progress == -1 and (time_start + 2500) == GameTime then
-		EndGame()
-	elseif progress == -1 then
-	elseif progress > 0 and ((TurnTimeLeft == 0) or (GetHealth(player) ~= player_health) or (GetHealth(instructor) ~= instructor_health)) then
-		progress = -1
-		ShowMission(loc(caption), loc(subcaption), loc(failed), -amBazooka, 0)
-		time_start = GameTime
-		PlaySound(sndNooo)
-		TurnTimeLeft = 0
-	elseif GameTime == 0 then
-		ShowMission(loc(caption), loc(subcaption), loc(goals[0]), -amBazooka, 0)
-		TurnTimeLeft = 60000
-	elseif GameTime == 2500 then
-		FollowGear(instructor)
-		HogSay(instructor, loc(drill[0]), SAY_SAY)
-	elseif GameTime == 5000 then
-		FollowGear(instructor)
-		HogSay(instructor, loc(drill[1]), SAY_SAY)
-	elseif GameTime == 7500 then
-		FollowGear(instructor)
-		HogSay(instructor, loc(drill[2]), SAY_SHOUT)
-		progress = 1
-		TurnTimeLeft = 10000
-	elseif progress == 1 then
-		local x, y = GetGearPosition(player)
-		if x < player_start_x - 50 then
-			progress = 2
-			FollowGear(instructor)
-			HogSay(instructor, loc(drill[3]), SAY_SHOUT)
-			TurnTimeLeft = 10000
-		end
-	elseif progress == 2 then
-		local x, y = GetGearPosition(player)
-		if x > player_start_x then
-			progress = 3
-			FollowGear(instructor)
-			HogSay(instructor, loc(drill[4]), SAY_SAY)
-			time_start = GameTime
-		end
-	elseif progress == 3 and (time_start + 2500 == GameTime) then
-		progress = 4
-		FollowGear(instructor)
-		HogSay(instructor, loc(drill[5]), SAY_SHOUT)
-		HogTurnLeft(player, true)
-		TurnTimeLeft = 10000
-	elseif progress == 4 then
-		local x, y = GetGearPosition(player)
-		if y < player_start_y then
-			progress = 5
-			FollowGear(instructor)
-			HogSay(instructor, "Yeah!", SAY_SAY)
-			time_start = GameTime
-			TurnTimeLeft = 30000
-		end
-	elseif progress == 5 and (time_start + 2500 == GameTime) then
-		FollowGear(instructor)
-		HogSay(instructor, loc(drill[6]), SAY_SAY)
-	elseif progress == 5 and (time_start + 5000 == GameTime) then
-		FollowGear(instructor)
-		HogSay(instructor, loc(drill[7]), SAY_SAY)
-	elseif progress == 5 and (time_start + 7500 == GameTime) then
-		FollowGear(instructor)
-		HogSay(instructor, loc(drill[8]), SAY_SHOUT)
-		ShowMission(loc(caption), loc(subcaption), loc(goals[1]), 1, 0)
-		target = AddGear(target_x, target_y, gtTarget, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-		TurnTimeLeft = 60000
-	elseif progress == 5 and (time_start + 10000 == GameTime) then
-		FollowGear(target)
-	elseif progress == 6 then
-		progress = 7
-		ShowMission(loc(caption), loc(subcaption), loc(goals[2]), 0, 0)
-		PlaySound(sndVictory)
-		time_start = GameTime
-	elseif progress == 7 and (time_start + 2500 == GameTime) then
-		EndGame()
-	end
-function onGameInit()
-	Seed = 0
-	GameFlags = gfMultiWeapon + gfOneClanMode
-	TurnTime = 25000
-	CaseFreq = 0
-	MinesNum = 0
-	Explosives = 0
-	Delay = 2500
-	Map = "Mushrooms"
-	Theme = "Nature"
-	AddTeam(loc(teamnames[0]), teamcolor, "Simple", "Island", "Default")
-	player = AddHog(loc(hognames[0]), 0, player_health, "NoHat")
-	SetGearPosition(player, player_start_x, player_start_y)
-	AddTeam(loc(teamnames[1]), teamcolor + 1, "Simple", "Island", "Default")
-	instructor = AddHog(loc(hognames[1]), 0, instructor_health, "NoHat")
-	SetGearPosition(instructor, player_start_x + 100, player_start_y)
-	HogTurnLeft(instructor, true)
-	FollowGear(player)
-function onAmmoStoreInit()
-	SetAmmo(amBazooka, 9, 0, 0, 0)
-function onGearDelete(gear)
-	if GetGearType(gear) == gtTarget then
-		progress = 6
-	end