--- a/QTfrontend/ui/page/pagevideos.cpp Fri Nov 30 20:00:53 2012 -0500
+++ b/QTfrontend/ui/page/pagevideos.cpp Sat Dec 01 21:24:25 2012 -0500
@@ -109,119 +109,6 @@
QGridLayout * pPageLayout = new QGridLayout();
pPageLayout->setColumnStretch(0, 1);
pPageLayout->setColumnStretch(1, 2);
- pPageLayout->setRowStretch(0, 1);
- pPageLayout->setRowStretch(1, 1);
- // options
- {
- IconedGroupBox* pOptionsGroup = new IconedGroupBox(this);
- pOptionsGroup->setIcon(QIcon(":/res/Settings.png")); // FIXME
- pOptionsGroup->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding);
- pOptionsGroup->setTitle(QGroupBox::tr("Video recording options"));
- QGridLayout * pOptLayout = new QGridLayout(pOptionsGroup);
- // label for format
- QLabel *labelFormat = new QLabel(pOptionsGroup);
- labelFormat->setText(QLabel::tr("Format"));
- pOptLayout->addWidget(labelFormat, 0, 0);
- // list of supported formats
- comboAVFormats = new QComboBox(pOptionsGroup);
- pOptLayout->addWidget(comboAVFormats, 0, 1, 1, 4);
- LibavInteraction::instance().fillFormats(comboAVFormats);
- // separator
- QFrame * hr = new QFrame(pOptionsGroup);
- hr->setFrameStyle(QFrame::HLine);
- hr->setLineWidth(3);
- hr->setFixedHeight(10);
- pOptLayout->addWidget(hr, 1, 0, 1, 5);
- // label for audio codec
- QLabel *labelACodec = new QLabel(pOptionsGroup);
- labelACodec->setText(QLabel::tr("Audio codec"));
- pOptLayout->addWidget(labelACodec, 2, 0);
- // list of supported audio codecs
- comboAudioCodecs = new QComboBox(pOptionsGroup);
- pOptLayout->addWidget(comboAudioCodecs, 2, 1, 1, 3);
- // checkbox 'record audio'
- checkRecordAudio = new QCheckBox(pOptionsGroup);
- checkRecordAudio->setText(QCheckBox::tr("Record audio"));
- pOptLayout->addWidget(checkRecordAudio, 2, 4);
- // separator
- hr = new QFrame(pOptionsGroup);
- hr->setFrameStyle(QFrame::HLine);
- hr->setLineWidth(3);
- hr->setFixedHeight(10);
- pOptLayout->addWidget(hr, 3, 0, 1, 5);
- // label for video codec
- QLabel *labelVCodec = new QLabel(pOptionsGroup);
- labelVCodec->setText(QLabel::tr("Video codec"));
- pOptLayout->addWidget(labelVCodec, 4, 0);
- // list of supported video codecs
- comboVideoCodecs = new QComboBox(pOptionsGroup);
- pOptLayout->addWidget(comboVideoCodecs, 4, 1, 1, 4);
- // label for resolution
- QLabel *labelRes = new QLabel(pOptionsGroup);
- labelRes->setText(QLabel::tr("Resolution"));
- pOptLayout->addWidget(labelRes, 5, 0);
- // width
- widthEdit = new QLineEdit(pOptionsGroup);
- widthEdit->setValidator(new QIntValidator(this));
- pOptLayout->addWidget(widthEdit, 5, 1);
- // x
- QLabel *labelX = new QLabel(pOptionsGroup);
- labelX->setText("X");
- pOptLayout->addWidget(labelX, 5, 2);
- // height
- heightEdit = new QLineEdit(pOptionsGroup);
- heightEdit->setValidator(new QIntValidator(pOptionsGroup));
- pOptLayout->addWidget(heightEdit, 5, 3);
- // checkbox 'use game resolution'
- checkUseGameRes = new QCheckBox(pOptionsGroup);
- checkUseGameRes->setText(QCheckBox::tr("Use game resolution"));
- pOptLayout->addWidget(checkUseGameRes, 5, 4);
- // label for framerate
- QLabel *labelFramerate = new QLabel(pOptionsGroup);
- labelFramerate->setText(QLabel::tr("Framerate"));
- pOptLayout->addWidget(labelFramerate, 6, 0);
- // framerate
- framerateBox = new QSpinBox(pOptionsGroup);
- framerateBox->setRange(1, 200);
- framerateBox->setSingleStep(1);
- pOptLayout->addWidget(framerateBox, 6, 1);
- // label for Bitrate
- QLabel *labelBitrate = new QLabel(pOptionsGroup);
- labelBitrate->setText(QLabel::tr("Bitrate (Kbps)"));
- pOptLayout->addWidget(labelBitrate, 6, 2);
- // bitrate
- bitrateBox = new QSpinBox(pOptionsGroup);
- bitrateBox->setRange(100, 5000);
- bitrateBox->setSingleStep(100);
- pOptLayout->addWidget(bitrateBox, 6, 3);
- // button 'set default options'
- btnDefaults = new QPushButton(pOptionsGroup);
- btnDefaults->setText(QPushButton::tr("Set default options"));
- btnDefaults->setWhatsThis(QPushButton::tr("Restore default coding parameters"));
- pOptLayout->addWidget(btnDefaults, 7, 0, 1, 5);
- pPageLayout->addWidget(pOptionsGroup, 1, 0);
- }
// list of videos
@@ -257,7 +144,7 @@
- pPageLayout->addWidget(pTableGroup, 0, 1, 2, 1);
+ pPageLayout->addWidget(pTableGroup, 0, 1);
// description
@@ -327,10 +214,6 @@
void PageVideos::connectSignals()
- connect(checkUseGameRes, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(changeUseGameRes(int)));
- connect(checkRecordAudio, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(changeRecordAudio(int)));
- connect(comboAVFormats, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(changeAVFormat(int)));
- connect(btnDefaults, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(setDefaultOptions()));
connect(filesTable, SIGNAL(cellDoubleClicked(int, int)), this, SLOT(cellDoubleClicked(int, int)));
connect(filesTable, SIGNAL(cellChanged(int,int)), this, SLOT(cellChanged(int, int)));
connect(filesTable, SIGNAL(currentCellChanged(int,int,int,int)), this, SLOT(currentCellChanged()));
@@ -362,124 +245,6 @@
startEncoding(); // this is for videos recorded from demos which were executed directly (without frontend)
-// user changed file format, we need to update list of codecs
-void PageVideos::changeAVFormat(int index)
- // remember selected codecs
- QString prevVCodec = videoCodec();
- QString prevACodec = audioCodec();
- // clear lists of codecs
- comboVideoCodecs->clear();
- comboAudioCodecs->clear();
- // get list of codecs for specified format
- LibavInteraction::instance().fillCodecs(comboAVFormats->itemData(index).toString(), comboVideoCodecs, comboAudioCodecs);
- // disable audio if there is no audio codec
- if (comboAudioCodecs->count() == 0)
- {
- checkRecordAudio->setChecked(false);
- checkRecordAudio->setEnabled(false);
- }
- else
- checkRecordAudio->setEnabled(true);
- // restore selected codecs if possible
- int iVCodec = comboVideoCodecs->findData(prevVCodec);
- if (iVCodec != -1)
- comboVideoCodecs->setCurrentIndex(iVCodec);
- int iACodec = comboAudioCodecs->findData(prevACodec);
- if (iACodec != -1)
- comboAudioCodecs->setCurrentIndex(iACodec);
-// user switched checkbox 'use game resolution'
-void PageVideos::changeUseGameRes(int state)
- if (state && config)
- {
- // set resolution to game resolution
- QRect resolution = config->vid_Resolution();
- widthEdit->setText(QString::number(resolution.width()));
- heightEdit->setText(QString::number(resolution.height()));
- }
- widthEdit->setEnabled(!state);
- heightEdit->setEnabled(!state);
-// user switched checkbox 'record audio'
-void PageVideos::changeRecordAudio(int state)
- comboAudioCodecs->setEnabled(!!state);
-void PageVideos::setDefaultCodecs()
- // VLC should be able to handle any of these configurations
- // Quicktime X only opens the first one
- // Windows Media Player TODO
- if (tryCodecs("mp4", "libx264", "aac"))
- return;
- if (tryCodecs("mp4", "libx264", "libfaac"))
- return;
- if (tryCodecs("mp4", "libx264", "libmp3lame"))
- return;
- if (tryCodecs("mp4", "libx264", "mp2"))
- return;
- if (tryCodecs("avi", "libxvid", "libmp3lame"))
- return;
- if (tryCodecs("avi", "libxvid", "ac3_fixed"))
- return;
- if (tryCodecs("avi", "libxvid", "mp2"))
- return;
- if (tryCodecs("avi", "mpeg4", "libmp3lame"))
- return;
- if (tryCodecs("avi", "mpeg4", "ac3_fixed"))
- return;
- if (tryCodecs("avi", "mpeg4", "mp2"))
- return;
- // this shouldn't happen, just in case
- if (tryCodecs("ogg", "libtheora", "libvorbis"))
- return;
- tryCodecs("ogg", "libtheora", "flac");
-void PageVideos::setDefaultOptions()
- framerateBox->setValue(30);
- bitrateBox->setValue(1000);
- checkRecordAudio->setChecked(true);
- checkUseGameRes->setChecked(true);
- setDefaultCodecs();
-bool PageVideos::tryCodecs(const QString & format, const QString & vcodec, const QString & acodec)
- // first we should change format
- int iFormat = comboAVFormats->findData(format);
- if (iFormat == -1)
- return false;
- comboAVFormats->setCurrentIndex(iFormat);
- // format was changed, so lists of codecs were automatically updated to codecs supported by this format
- // try to find video codec
- int iVCodec = comboVideoCodecs->findData(vcodec);
- if (iVCodec == -1)
- return false;
- comboVideoCodecs->setCurrentIndex(iVCodec);
- // try to find audio codec
- int iACodec = comboAudioCodecs->findData(acodec);
- if (iACodec == -1 && checkRecordAudio->isChecked())
- return false;
- if (iACodec != -1)
- comboAudioCodecs->setCurrentIndex(iACodec);
- return true;
// get file size as string
static QString FileSizeStr(const QString & path)