changeset 16038 d903f8d2395a
parent 16036 7b8d96fc8799
equal deleted inserted replaced
16036:7b8d96fc8799 16038:d903f8d2395a
     1 use std::{
     2     fs::{create_dir_all, File},
     3     io::{stdout, Write},
     4     path::Path,
     5     rc::Rc,
     6 };
     8 use clap::{App, Arg, ArgMatches, SubCommand};
    10 mod target;
    12 // Command name
    13 pub const GEN_CMAKE: &str = "gen-cmake";
    15 // Options
    16 const OUT_FILE: &str = "out-file";
    17 const CONFIGURATION_ROOT: &str = "configuration-root";
    18 const CRATES: &str = "crates";
    19 const IMPORTED_CRATES: &str = "imported-crates";
    20 const CRATE_TYPE: &str = "crate-type";
    21 const PASSTHROUGH_ADD_CARGO_BUILD: &str = "passthrough-acb";
    23 pub fn subcommand() -> App<'static, 'static> {
    24     SubCommand::with_name(GEN_CMAKE)
    25         .arg(
    26             Arg::with_name(CONFIGURATION_ROOT)
    27                 .long("configuration-root")
    28                 .value_name("DIRECTORY")
    29                 .takes_value(true)
    30                 .help(
    31                     "Specifies a root directory for configuration folders. E.g. Win32 \
    32                  in VS Generator.",
    33                 ),
    34         )
    35         .arg(
    36             Arg::with_name(CRATES)
    37                 .long("crates")
    38                 .value_name("crates")
    39                 .takes_value(true)
    40                 .multiple(true)
    41                 .require_delimiter(true)
    42                 .help("Specifies which crates of the workspace to import"),
    43         )
    44         .arg(
    45             Arg::with_name(CRATE_TYPE)
    46                 .long(CRATE_TYPE)
    47                 .value_name("kind")
    48                 .possible_values(&["staticlib", "cdylib", "bin"])
    49                 .multiple(true)
    50                 .value_delimiter(";")
    51                 .help("Only import the specified crate types")
    52         )
    53         .arg(
    54             Arg::with_name(OUT_FILE)
    55                 .short("o")
    56                 .long("out-file")
    57                 .value_name("FILE")
    58                 .help("Output CMake file name. Defaults to stdout."),
    59         )
    60         .arg(
    61             Arg::with_name(IMPORTED_CRATES)
    62                 .long(IMPORTED_CRATES)
    63                 .value_name("variable_name")
    64                 .takes_value(true)
    65                 .help("Save a list of the imported target names into c CMake variable with the given name"),
    66         )
    67         .arg(
    68             Arg::with_name(PASSTHROUGH_ADD_CARGO_BUILD)
    69                 .long(PASSTHROUGH_ADD_CARGO_BUILD)
    70                 .takes_value(true)
    71                 .multiple(true)
    72                 .value_delimiter(std::char::from_u32(0x1f).unwrap().to_string().as_str())
    73                 .help("Passthrough arguments to the _add_cargo_build invocation(s) in CMake")
    74         )
    75 }
    77 pub fn invoke(
    78     args: &crate::GeneratorSharedArgs,
    79     matches: &ArgMatches,
    80 ) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    81     let mut out_file: Box<dyn Write> = if let Some(path) = matches.value_of(OUT_FILE) {
    82         let path = Path::new(path);
    83         if let Some(parent) = path.parent() {
    84             create_dir_all(parent).expect("Failed to create directory!");
    85         }
    86         let file = File::create(path).expect("Unable to open out-file!");
    87         Box::new(file)
    88     } else {
    89         Box::new(stdout())
    90     };
    92     writeln!(
    93         out_file,
    94         "\
    95 cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.15)
    96 "
    97     )?;
    99     let crates = matches
   100         .values_of(CRATES)
   101         .map_or(Vec::new(), |c| c.collect());
   102     let crate_kinds: Option<Vec<&str>> = matches.values_of(CRATE_TYPE).map(|c| c.collect());
   103     let workspace_manifest_path = Rc::new(args.manifest_path.clone());
   104     let targets: Vec<_> = args
   105         .metadata
   106         .packages
   107         .iter()
   108         .filter(|p| {
   109             args.metadata.workspace_members.contains(&
   110                 && (crates.is_empty() || crates.contains(&
   111         })
   112         .cloned()
   113         .map(Rc::new)
   114         .flat_map(|package| {
   115             package
   116                 .targets
   117                 .iter()
   118                 .filter_map(|t| {
   119                     target::CargoTarget::from_metadata(
   120                         package.clone(),
   121                         t.clone(),
   122                         workspace_manifest_path.clone(),
   123                         &crate_kinds,
   124                     )
   125                 })
   126                 .collect::<Vec<_>>()
   127         })
   128         .collect();
   130     let passthrough_args: Vec<String> = matches
   131         .values_of(PASSTHROUGH_ADD_CARGO_BUILD)
   132         .map(|values| {
   133             // Add quotes around each argument for CMake to preserve which arguments belong together.
   134             values
   135                 .filter(|val| !val.is_empty())
   136                 .map(|val| format!("\"{}\"", val))
   137                 .collect()
   138         })
   139         .unwrap_or_default();
   140     let passthrough_str = passthrough_args.join(" ");
   142     for target in &targets {
   143         target
   144             .emit_cmake_target(&mut out_file, &passthrough_str)
   145             .unwrap();
   146     }
   147     if let Some(imported_crate_list_name) = matches.value_of(IMPORTED_CRATES) {
   148         let imported_targets: Vec<_> = targets.iter().map(|target| target.target_name()).collect();
   149         let imported_targets_list = imported_targets.join(";");
   150         writeln!(
   151             out_file,
   152             "set({} \"{}\")",
   153             imported_crate_list_name, imported_targets_list
   154         )?;
   155     }
   157     writeln!(out_file)?;
   159     std::process::exit(0);
   160 }