Sun, 03 Jun 2012 23:04:21 -0400 |
nemo |
Workaround for bug #144. This workaround had occurred to me a while ago, but wasn't sure if placing them unfairly was better than not placing them at all. Argument for not placing at all is people should probably abort the game when they notice it. Argument for placing unfairly is people can still abort, and if we really wanted them to abort, we should probably just have halted launch if all hogs failed to spawn. This way at least play can continue.
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Mon, 04 Jun 2012 21:12:20 +0200 |
Medo |
Frontlib: Work on the callback mechanisms for IPC
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Sun, 03 Jun 2012 22:56:30 -0400 |
nemo |
After experimenting with a long running average at maxed out FPS and a variety of map sizes, 128 seems to actually be a good size to use if only drawing bits of world with stuff in it. 64 actually did even better in some situations, but significantly worse in others (lots of land, zoomed out).
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Sun, 03 Jun 2012 01:24:18 +0200 |
Medo |
frontlib refactoring
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Sun, 03 Jun 2012 18:52:22 -0400 |
nemo |
Only create textures for non-empty LandPixel chunks. This should save a fair amount of memory, especially on smaller maps, and eliminate a number of draws
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Sat, 02 Jun 2012 22:54:09 +0200 |
Medo |
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Sun, 03 Jun 2012 11:02:12 -0400 |
nemo |
warp sound when AI survival hog respawns. attempt at a bit of a crate spawn animation (moar sparkles and a quick fadein)
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Sat, 02 Jun 2012 22:31:41 +0200 |
Xeli |
Android: added a callback to java to determine dpi/dip how much we should scale the ui
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Sat, 02 Jun 2012 14:27:09 +0200 |
Medo |
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Sat, 02 Jun 2012 16:25:13 -0400 |
nemo |
add onGameTick20 to basic training, extend laser sight out way more (it was visible at top when completely zoomed out), move call of new turn to after AfterSwitchHedgehog to avoid lua issues in onNewTurn - if this causes problems, lua can do delayed actions in onGameTick
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Fri, 01 Jun 2012 12:42:44 +0400 |
unc0rr |
Some brainfucking code which greatly reduces number of TestCollision* calls in hedgehog walk routine. Especially helpful to AI optimization. Also fixes some edge cases.
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Fri, 01 Jun 2012 00:19:30 +0200 |
mikade |
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Sat, 02 Jun 2012 14:26:52 +0200 |
Medo |
Demo recording for the frontend library
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Thu, 31 May 2012 12:52:31 -0400 |
nemo |
Name the flags for fall tracking and indicating whether the explosion erases terrain.
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Thu, 31 May 2012 18:54:40 +0200 |
Medo |
Moved frontlib into project_files
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Thu, 31 May 2012 20:07:40 +0400 |
unc0rr |
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