2007-01-26 unc0rr AI compiles, but doesn't work
2007-01-26 unc0rr Make SHA really work
2007-01-26 unc0rr Check land digest
2007-01-26 unc0rr Show rope
2007-01-26 unc0rr - New land generator feature: islands in the sky
2007-01-24 unc0rr - Better land generator
2007-01-24 displacer more accurate selection colors for teamselect widget
2007-01-24 displacer hedgehogs num modification now allowed to chief client only
2007-01-23 unc0rr - Show sample line
2007-01-23 unc0rr - Two more templates
2007-01-23 unc0rr - New land templates
2007-01-23 unc0rr - New Land Generator
2007-01-22 unc0rr - Fix Blow Torch and Air Attack
2007-01-21 displacer network teams hedgehogs nums modifications now working from chief client
2007-01-21 unc0rr Small fixes to bring engine to life
2007-01-21 displacer network to local teams map, addteams from server before team config bug, fixed some segfaults
(0) -300 -100 -16 +16 +100 +300 +1000 +3000 +10000 tip