update lib wrapper.c so that it actually supplies all arguments required by current Game(), instead of causing a segfault ;D
--- a/misc/wrapper.c Sun Feb 06 00:47:00 2011 +0100
+++ b/misc/wrapper.c Sun Feb 06 10:28:59 2011 +0100
@@ -6,24 +6,30 @@
- this executable expect a save file "Save.hws" and the data folder "Data" to be in the same launching directory
-#import <stdio.h>
#import <stdlib.h>
extern void Game (const char **);
-int SDL_main (int argc, const char **argv) {
+int SDL_main (int argc, const char **argv)
+ // Note: if you get a segfault or other unexpected crashes on startup
+ // make sure that these arguments are up-to-date with the ones actual needed
- const char **gameArgs = (const char**) malloc(sizeof(char *) * 9);
+ // Note: Data dir is expected to be in current working directory
+ const char **gameArgs = (const char**) malloc(sizeof(char *) * 11);
- gameArgs[0] = "wrapper"; //UserNick
- gameArgs[1] = "0"; //ipcPort
- gameArgs[2] = "0"; //isSoundEnabled
- gameArgs[3] = "0"; //isMusicEnabled
- gameArgs[4] = "en.txt"; //cLocaleFName
- gameArgs[5] = "0"; //cAltDamage
- gameArgs[6] = "768"; //cScreenHeight
- gameArgs[7] = "1024"; //cScreenHeight
- gameArgs[8] = "Save.hws"; //recordFileName
+ gameArgs[ 0] = "0"; //ipcPort
+ gameArgs[ 1] = "1024"; //cScreenWidth
+ gameArgs[ 2] = "768"; //cScreenHeight
+ gameArgs[ 3] = "0"; //cReducedQuality
+ gameArgs[ 4] = "en.txt"; //cLocaleFName
+ gameArgs[ 5] = "wrapper"; //UserNick
+ gameArgs[ 6] = "1"; //isSoundEnabled
+ gameArgs[ 7] = "1"; //isMusicEnabled
+ gameArgs[ 8] = "1"; //cAltDamage
+ gameArgs[ 9] = "0.0"; //rotationQt
+ gameArgs[10] = "Save.hws"; //recordFileName