# HG changeset patch
# User nemo
# Date 1313933193 14400
# Node ID 05445149f2d5f2f4fe0f46042c75ed35052c1c1e
# Parent 702ec12d0d8288bab00b760c55846df8952f139e
Add Lithuanian Qt translation, add Lukas to game credits
diff -r 702ec12d0d82 -r 05445149f2d5 QTfrontend/about.cpp
--- a/QTfrontend/about.cpp Sun Aug 21 09:19:34 2011 -0400
+++ b/QTfrontend/about.cpp Sun Aug 21 09:26:33 2011 -0400
@@ -123,6 +123,7 @@
"Italian: Luca Bonora <bonora.luca@gmail.com> "
"Japanese: ADAM Etienne <etienne.adam@gmail.com> "
"Korean: Anthony Bellew <webmaster@anthonybellew.com> "
+ "Lithuanian: Lukas Urbonas <lukasu08@gmail.com> "
"Polish: Maciej Mroziński <mynick2@o2.pl>, Wojciech Latkowski <magik17l@gmail.com>, Piotr Mitana, Maciej Górny "
"Portuguese: Fábio Canário <inufabie@gmail.com> "
"Russian: Andrey Korotaev <unC0Rr@gmail.com> "
diff -r 702ec12d0d82 -r 05445149f2d5 project_files/hedgewars.pro
--- a/project_files/hedgewars.pro Sun Aug 21 09:19:34 2011 -0400
+++ b/project_files/hedgewars.pro Sun Aug 21 09:26:33 2011 -0400
@@ -133,6 +133,7 @@
TRANSLATIONS += ../share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/hedgewars_it.ts
TRANSLATIONS += ../share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/hedgewars_ja.ts
TRANSLATIONS += ../share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/hedgewars_ko.ts
+TRANSLATIONS += ../share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/hedgewars_lt.ts
TRANSLATIONS += ../share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/hedgewars_nl.ts
TRANSLATIONS += ../share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/hedgewars_pl.ts
TRANSLATIONS += ../share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/hedgewars_pt_BR.ts
diff -r 702ec12d0d82 -r 05445149f2d5 share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/hedgewars_lt.ts
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/hedgewars_lt.ts Sun Aug 21 09:26:33 2011 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,3089 @@
+ AmmoSchemeModel
+ new
+ copy of
+ DrawMapWidget
+ File error
+ Cannot open file '%1' for writing
+ Cannot read file '%1'
+ FreqSpinBox
+ Never
+ Every %1 turn
+ GameCFGWidget
+ Edit schemes
+ Edit weapons
+ When this option is enabled selecting a game scheme will auto-select a weapon
+ Error
+ Illegal ammo scheme
+ HWChatWidget
+ %1 *** %2 has been removed from your ignore list
+ %1 *** %2 has been added to your ignore list
+ %1 *** %2 has been removed from your friends list
+ %1 *** %2 has been added to your friends list
+ HWForm
+ DefaultTeam
+ Error
+ Please select record from the list above
+ OK
+ Unable to start the server
+ Cannot save record to file %1
+ Hedgewars Demo File
+ File Types
+ Hedgewars Save File
+ File Types
+ HWGame
+ en.txt
+ Cannot open demofile %1
+ HWMapContainer
+ Map
+ Filter
+ All
+ Small
+ Medium
+ Large
+ Cavern
+ Wacky
+ Type
+ Small tunnels
+ Medium tunnels
+ Large tunnels
+ Small floating islands
+ Medium floating islands
+ Large floating islands
+ Themes
+ Seed
+ Set
+ HWNetServersModel
+ Title
+ IP
+ Port
+ HWNewNet
+ The host was not found. Please check the host name and port settings.
+ Connection refused
+ Room destroyed
+ You got kicked
+ %1 *** %2 has joined the room
+ %1 *** %2 has joined
+ %1 *** %2 has left
+ %1 *** %2 has left (%3)
+ Password
+ Your nickname %1 is
+registered on Hedgewars.org
+Please provide your password below
+or pick another nickname in game config:
+ Quit reason:
+ Nickname
+ Some one already uses
+ your nickname %1
+on the server.
+Please pick another nickname:
+ KB
+ SDL_ttf returned error while rendering text, most propably it is related to the bug in freetype2. It's recommended to update your freetype lib.
+ PageAdmin
+ Fetch data
+ Server message for latest version:
+ Server message for previous versions:
+ Latest version protocol number:
+ MOTD preview:
+ Clear Accounts Cache
+ Set data
+ PageConnecting
+ Connecting...
+ Cancel
+ PageDrawMap
+ Undo
+ Clear
+ Load
+ Save
+ Load drawn map
+ Drawn Maps (*.hwmap);;All files (*.*)
+ Save drawn map
+ PageEditTeam
+ General
+ Advanced
+ PageGameStats
+ Details
+ Health graph
+ Ranking
+ The best shot award was won by <b>%1</b> with <b>%2</b> pts.
+ The best killer is <b>%1</b> with <b>%2</b> kills in a turn.
+ A total of <b>%1</b> hedgehog(s) were killed during this round.
+ (%1 kill)
+ <b>%1</b> thought it's good to shoot his own hedgehogs with <b>%2</b> pts.
+ <b>%1</b> killed <b>%2</b> of his own hedgehogs.
+ <b>%1</b> was scared and skipped turn <b>%2</b> times.
+ PageMain
+ Local Game (Play a game on a single computer)
+ Network Game (Play a game across a network)
+ Simply pick the same color as a friend to play together as a team. Each of you will still control his or her own hedgehogs but they'll win or lose together.
+ Tips
+ Some weapons might do only low damage but they can be a lot more devastating in the right situation. Try to use the Desert Eagle to knock multiple hedgehogs into the water.
+ Tips
+ If you're unsure what to do and don't want to waste ammo, skip one round. But don't let too much time pass as there will be Sudden Death!
+ Tips
+ Want to save ropes? Release the rope in mid air and then shoot again. As long as you don't touch the ground you'll reuse your rope without wasting ammo!
+ Tips
+ If you'd like to keep others from using your preferred nickname on the official server, register an account at http://www.hedgewars.org/.
+ Tips
+ You're bored of default gameplay? Try one of the missions - they'll offer different gameplay depending on the one you picked.
+ Tips
+ By default the game will always record the last game played as a demo. Select 'Local Game' and pick the 'Demos' button on the lower right corner to play or manage them.
+ Tips
+ Hedgewars is Open Source and Freeware we create in our spare time. If you've got problems, ask on our forums but please don't expect 24/7 support!
+ Tips
+ Hedgewars is Open Source and Freeware we create in our spare time. If you like it, help us with a small donation or contribute your own work!
+ Tips
+ Hedgewars is Open Source and Freeware we create in our spare time. Share it with your family and friends as you like!
+ Tips
+ Hedgewars is Open Source and Freeware we create in our spare time. If someone sold you the game, you should try get a refund!
+ Tips
+ From time to time there will be official tournaments. Upcoming events will be announced at http://www.hedgewars.org/ some days in advance.
+ Tips
+ Hedgewars is available in many languages. If the translation in your language seems to be missing or outdated, feel free to contact us!
+ Tips
+ Hedgewars can be run on lots of different operating systems including Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.
+ Tips
+ Always remember you're able to set up your own games in local and network/online play. You're not restricted to the 'Simple Game' option.
+ Tips
+ Connect one or more gamepads before starting the game to be able to assign their controls to your teams.
+ Tips
+ Create an account on %1 to keep others from using your most favourite nickname while playing on the official server.
+ Tips
+ While playing you should give yourself a short break at least once an hour.
+ Tips
+ If your graphics card isn't able to provide hardware accelerated OpenGL, try to enable the low quality mode to improve performance.
+ Tips
+ If your graphics card isn't able to provide hardware accelerated OpenGL, try to update the associated drivers.
+ Tips
+ We're open to suggestions and constructive feedback. If you don't like something or got a great idea, let us know!
+ Tips
+ Especially while playing online be polite and always remember there might be some minors playing with or against you as well!
+ Tips
+ Special game modes such as 'Vampirism' or 'Karma' allow you to develop completely new tactics. Try them in a custom game!
+ Tips
+ The Windows version of Hedgewars supports Xfire. Make sure to add Hedgewars to its game list so your friends can see you playing.
+ Tips
+ You should never install Hedgewars on computers you don't own (school, university, work, etc.). Please ask the responsible person instead!
+ Tips
+ Hedgewars can be perfect for short games during breaks. Just ensure you don't add too many hedgehogs or use an huge map. Reducing time and health might help as well.
+ Tips
+ No hedgehogs were harmed in making this game.
+ Tips
+ There are three different jumps available. Tap [high jump] twice to do a very high/backwards jump.
+ Tips
+ Afraid of falling off a cliff? Hold down [precise] to turn [left] or [right] without actually moving.
+ Tips
+ Some weapons require special strategies or just lots of training, so don't give up on a particular tool if you miss an enemy once.
+ Tips
+ Most weapons won't work once they touch the water. The Homing Bee as well as the Cake are exceptions to this.
+ Tips
+ The Old Limbuger only causes a small explosion. However the wind affected smelly cloud can poison lots of hogs at once.
+ Tips
+ The Piano Strike is the most damaging air strike. You'll lose the hedgehog performing it, so there's a huge downside as well.
+ Tips
+ The Homing Bee can be tricky to use. Its turn radius depends on its velocity, so try to not use full power.
+ Tips
+ Sticky Mines are a perfect tool to create small chain reactions knocking enemy hedgehogs into dire situations ... or water.
+ Tips
+ The Hammer is most effective when used on bridges or girders. Hit hogs will just break through the ground.
+ Tips
+ If you're stuck behind an enemy hedgehog, use the Hammer to free yourself without getting damaged by an explosion.
+ Tips
+ The Cake's maximum walking distance depends on the ground it has to pass. Use [attack] to detonate it early.
+ Tips
+ The Flame Thrower is a weapon but it can be used for tunnel digging as well.
+ Tips
+ Use the Molotov or Flame Thrower to temporary keep hedgehogs from passing terrain such as tunnels or platforms.
+ Tips
+ Want to know who's behind the game? Click on the Hedgewars logo in the main menu to see the credits.
+ Tips
+ Like Hedgewars? Become a fan on %1 or follow us on %2!
+ Tips
+ Feel free to draw your own graves, hats, flags or even maps and themes! But note that you'll have to share them somewhere to use them online.
+ Tips
+ Really want to wear a specific hat? Donate to us and receive an exclusive hat of your choice!
+ Tips
+ Keep your video card drivers up to date to avoid issues playing the game.
+ Tips
+ You're able to associate Hedgewars related files (savegames and demo recordings) with the game to launch them right from your favorite file or internet browser.
+ Tips
+ You can find your Hedgewars configuration files under "My Documents\Hedgewars". Create backups or take the files with you, but don't edit them by hand.
+ Tips
+ You can find your Hedgewars configuration files under "Library/Application Support/Hedgewars" in your home directory. Create backups or take the files with you, but don't edit them by hand.
+ Tips
+ You can find your Hedgewars configuration files under ".hedgewars" in your home directory. Create backups or take the files with you, but don't edit them by hand.
+ Tips
+ PageMultiplayer
+ Start
+ PageNet
+ Error
+ Please select server from the list above
+ PageNetGame
+ Control
+ Error
+ Please enter room name
+ OK
+ PageNetType
+ LAN game
+ Official server
+ PageOptions
+ New team
+ Edit team
+ Delete team
+ You can't edit teams from team selection. Go back to main menu to add, edit or delete teams.
+ New scheme
+ Edit scheme
+ Delete scheme
+ New weapon set
+ Edit weapon set
+ Delete weapon set
+ PagePlayDemo
+ Error
+ Please select record from the list
+ OK
+ Rename dialog
+ Enter new file name:
+ Cannot rename to
+ Cannot delete file
+ PageRoomsList
+ Room Name:
+ State:
+ Rules:
+ Weapons:
+ Search:
+ Create
+ Join
+ Refresh
+ Clear
+ Admin features
+ This game is in lobby.
+You may join and start playing once the game starts.
+ This game is in progress.
+You may join and spectate now but you'll have to wait for the game to end to start playing.
+ There are %1 clients connected to this room.
+ There are %1 teams participating in this room.
+ %1 is the host. He may adjust settings and start the game.
+ Random Map
+ Random Maze
+ Games may be played on precreated or randomized maps.
+ The Game Scheme defines general options and preferences like Round Time, Sudden Death or Vampirism.
+ The Weapon Scheme defines available weapons and their ammunition count.
+ Error
+ Please enter room name
+ OK
+ Please select room from the list
+ Warning
+ The game you are trying to join has started.
+Do you still want to join the room?
+ %1 players online
+ PageScheme
+ Defend your fort and destroy the opponents, two team colours max!
+ Teams will start on opposite sides of the terrain, two team colours max!
+ Land can not be destroyed!
+ Add an indestructable border around the terrain
+ Lower gravity
+ Assisted aiming with laser sight
+ All hogs have a personal forcefield
+ All (living) hedgehogs are fully restored at the end of turn
+ Gain 80% of the damage you do back in health
+ Share your opponents pain, share their damage
+ Your hogs are unable to move, put your artillery skills to the test
+ Order of play is random instead of in room order.
+ Play with a King. If he dies, your side dies.
+ Take turns placing your hedgehogs before the start of play.
+ Ammo is shared between all teams that share a colour.
+ Disable girders when generating random maps.
+ Disable land objects when generating random maps.
+ AI respawns on death.
+ Attacking does not end your turn.
+ Weapons are reset to starting values each turn.
+ Each hedgehog has its own ammo. It does not share with the team.
+ You will not have to worry about wind anymore.
+ Wind will affect almost everything.
+ Teams in each clan take successive turns sharing their turn time.
+ Random
+ Seconds
+ Copy
+ New
+ Delete
+ PageSelectWeapon
+ Default
+ New
+ Copy
+ Delete
+ PageSinglePlayer
+ Simple Game (a quick game against the computer, settings are chosen for you)
+ Multiplayer (play a hotseat game against your friends, or AI teams)
+ Campaign Mode (...). IN DEVELOPMENT
+ Training Mode (Practice your skills in a range of training missions). IN DEVELOPMENT
+ Demos (Watch recorded demos)
+ Load (Load a previously saved game)
+ QAction
+ Info
+ Kick
+ Ban
+ Follow
+ Ignore
+ Add friend
+ Unignore
+ Remove friend
+ Update
+ Restrict Joins
+ Restrict Team Additions
+ Start
+ QCheckBox
+ Show ammo menu tooltips
+ Alternative damage show
+ Append date and time to record file name
+ Check for updates at startup
+ Frontend fullscreen
+ Frontend effects
+ Enable frontend sounds
+ Enable frontend music
+ Fullscreen
+ Enable sound
+ Enable music
+ Show FPS
+ QComboBox
+ Mission
+ generated map...
+ generated maze...
+ hand drawn map...
+ Human
+ Level
+ Community
+ (System default)
+ Disabled
+ Red/Cyan
+ Cyan/Red
+ Red/Blue
+ Blue/Red
+ Red/Green
+ Green/Red
+ Side-by-side
+ Top-Bottom
+ Wiggle
+ Red/Cyan grayscale
+ Cyan/Red grayscale
+ Red/Blue grayscale
+ Blue/Red grayscale
+ Red/Green grayscale
+ Green/Red grayscale
+ Any
+ In lobby
+ In progress
+ QGroupBox
+ Team Members
+ Team Settings
+ Fort
+ Key binds
+ Net game
+ Teams
+ Schemes and Weapons
+ Misc
+ Audio/Graphic options
+ Game Modifiers
+ Basic Settings
+ Playing teams
+ QLabel
+ Version
+ This program is distributed under the GNU General Public License
+ Developers:
+ Art:
+ Sounds:
+ Translations:
+ Special thanks:
+ Game Options
+ Style
+ Scheme
+ Weapons
+ Host:
+ Port:
+ Name
+ Type
+ Grave
+ Flag
+ Voice
+ Tip:
+ This development build is 'work in progress' and may not be compatible with other versions of the game. Some features might be broken or incomplete. Use at your own risk!
+ Server name:
+ Server port:
+ Game scheme
+ Net nick
+ Password
+ Locale
+ Resolution
+ Quality
+ Stereo rendering
+ Initial sound volume
+ FPS limit
+ Restart game to apply
+ Damage Modifier
+ Turn Time
+ Initial Health
+ Sudden Death Timeout
+ Sudden Death Water Rise
+ Sudden Death Health Decrease
+ % Rope Length
+ Crate Drops
+ % Health Crates
+ Health in Crates
+ Mines Time
+ Mines
+ % Dud Mines
+ Explosives
+ % Get Away Time
+ Scheme Name:
+ QLineEdit
+ unnamed
+ QMainWindow
+ Hedgewars %1
+ QMessageBox
+ Teams
+ Really delete this team?
+ Schemes
+ Can not delete default scheme '%1'!
+ Network
+ Connection to server is lost
+ All file associations have been set.
+ File association failed.
+ Error
+ Failed to open data directory:
+Please check your installation
+ Really delete this game scheme?
+ Weapons
+ Can not overwrite default weapon set '%1'!
+ Can not delete default weapon set '%1'!
+ Really delete this weapon set?
+ QObject
+ Error
+ Cannot create directory %1
+ OK
+ Nickname
+ Please enter your nickname
+ QPushButton
+ default
+ OK
+ Cancel
+ more
+ Go!
+ Random Team
+ Setup
+ Start server
+ Connect
+ Update
+ Specify
+ Ready
+ Start
+ Associate file extensions
+ Play demo
+ Rename
+ Delete
+ Load
+ QTableWidget
+ Room Name
+ C
+ T
+ Owner
+ Map
+ Rules
+ Weapons
+ SelWeaponWidget
+ Weapon set
+ Probabilities
+ Ammo in boxes
+ Delays
+ new
+ copy of
+ TCPBase
+ Error
+ Unable to start the server: %1.
+ Unable to run engine: %1 (
+ ToggleButtonWidget
+ Fort Mode
+ Divide Teams
+ Solid Land
+ Add Border
+ Low Gravity
+ Laser Sight
+ Invulnerable
+ Reset Health
+ Vampirism
+ Karma
+ Artillery
+ Random Order
+ King
+ Place Hedgehogs
+ Clan Shares Ammo
+ Disable Girders
+ Disable Land Objects
+ AI Survival Mode
+ Unlimited Attacks
+ Reset Weapons
+ Per Hedgehog Ammo
+ Disable Wind
+ More Wind
+ Tag Team
+ binds
+ up
+ left
+ right
+ down
+ precise aim
+ long jump
+ high jump
+ attack
+ put
+ switch
+ ammo menu
+ slot 1
+ slot 2
+ slot 3
+ slot 4
+ slot 5
+ slot 6
+ slot 7
+ slot 8
+ slot 9
+ slot 10
+ timer 1 sec
+ timer 2 sec
+ timer 3 sec
+ timer 4 sec
+ timer 5 sec
+ find hedgehog
+ zoom in
+ zoom out
+ reset zoom
+ chat
+ chat history
+ pause
+ quit
+ confirmation
+ volume down
+ volume up
+ change mode
+ capture
+ hedgehogs
+ binds (categories)
+ Basic controls
+ Weapon controls
+ Camera and cursor controls
+ Other
+ binds (descriptions)
+ Move your hogs and aim:
+ Traverse gaps and obstacles by jumping:
+ Fire your selected weapon or trigger an utility item:
+ Pick a weapon or a target location under the cursor:
+ Switch your currently active hog (if possible):
+ Pick a weapon or utility item:
+ Set the timer on bombs and timed weapons:
+ Move the camera to the active hog:
+ Move the cursor or camera without using the mouse:
+ Modify the camera's zoom level:
+ Talk to your team or all participants:
+ Pause, continue or leave your game:
+ Modify the game's volume while playing:
+ Toggle fullscreen mode:
+ Take a screenshot:
+ Toggle labels above hedgehogs:
+ binds (keys)
+ Axis
+ (Up)
+ (Down)
+ Hat
+ (Left)
+ (Right)
+ Button
+ Keyboard
+ Mouse: Left button
+ Mouse: Middle button
+ Mouse: Right button
+ Mouse: Wheel up
+ Mouse: Wheel down
+ Backspace
+ Tab
+ Clear
+ Return
+ Pause
+ Escape
+ Space
+ Delete
+ Numpad 0
+ Numpad 1
+ Numpad 2
+ Numpad 3
+ Numpad 4
+ Numpad 5
+ Numpad 6
+ Numpad 7
+ Numpad 8
+ Numpad 9
+ Numpad .
+ Numpad /
+ Numpad *
+ Numpad -
+ Numpad +
+ Enter
+ Equals
+ Up
+ Down
+ Right
+ Left
+ Insert
+ Home
+ End
+ Page up
+ Page down
+ Num lock
+ Caps lock
+ Scroll lock
+ Right shift
+ Left shift
+ Right ctrl
+ Left ctrl
+ Right alt
+ Left alt
+ Right meta
+ Left meta
+ A button
+ B button
+ X button
+ Y button
+ LB button
+ RB button
+ Back button
+ Start button
+ Left stick
+ Right stick
+ Left stick (Right)
+ Left stick (Left)
+ Left stick (Down)
+ Left stick (Up)
+ Left trigger
+ Right trigger
+ Right stick (Down)
+ Right stick (Up)
+ Right stick (Right)
+ Right stick (Left)
+ DPad