------------------- ABOUT ---------------------- -- -- Hero has to pass as fast as possible inside the -- rings as in the racer mode HedgewarsScriptLoad("/Scripts/Locale.lua") HedgewarsScriptLoad("/Scripts/Animate.lua") HedgewarsScriptLoad("/Scripts/Utils.lua") HedgewarsScriptLoad("/Missions/Campaign/A_Space_Adventure/global_functions.lua") ----------------- VARIABLES -------------------- -- globals local missionName = loc("Hard flying") local challengeStarted = false local currentWaypoint = 1 local radius = 75 local totalTime = 15000 local totalSaucers = 3 local gameEnded = false local RED = 0xff0000ff local GREEN = 0x38d61cff local challengeObjectives = loc("To win the game you have to pass into the rings in time.").. "|"..loc("You'll get extra time in case you need it when you pass a ring.").."|".. loc("Every 2 rings, the ring color will be green and you'll get an extra flying saucer.").."|".. loc("Use the attack key twice to change the flying saucer while floating in mid-air.") -- dialogs local dialog01 = {} -- mission objectives local goals = { [dialog01] = {missionName, loc("Getting ready"), challengeObjectives, 1, 4500}, } -- hogs local hero = {} local ally = {} -- teams local teamA = {} local teamB = {} -- hedgehogs values hero.name = loc("Hog Solo") hero.x = 750 hero.y = 130 hero.dead = false ally.name = loc("Paul McHoggy") ally.x = 860 ally.y = 130 teamA.name = loc("Hog Solo") teamA.color = tonumber("38D61C",16) -- green teamB.name = loc("Allies") teamB.color = tonumber("FF0000",16) -- red -- way points local current waypoint = 1 local waypoints = { [1] = {x=1450, y=140}, [2] = {x=990, y=580}, [3] = {x=1650, y=950}, [4] = {x=620, y=630}, [5] = {x=1470, y=540}, [6] = {x=1960, y=60}, [7] = {x=1600, y=400}, [8] = {x=240, y=940}, [9] = {x=200, y=530}, [10] = {x=1180, y=120}, [11] = {x=1950, y=660}, [12] = {x=1280, y=980}, [13] = {x=590, y=1100}, [14] = {x=20, y=620}, [15] = {x=hero.x, y=hero.y} } -------------- LuaAPI EVENT HANDLERS ------------------ function onGameInit() GameFlags = gfInvulnerable Seed = 1 TurnTime = 15000 CaseFreq = 0 MinesNum = 0 MinesTime = 1 Explosives = 0 Map = "ice02_map" Theme = "Snow" -- Hog Solo AddTeam(teamA.name, teamA.color, "Bone", "Island", "HillBilly", "hedgewars") hero.gear = AddHog(hero.name, 0, 100, "war_desertgrenadier1") AnimSetGearPosition(hero.gear, hero.x, hero.y) -- Ally AddTeam(teamB.name, teamB.color, "Bone", "Island", "HillBilly", "cm_face") ally.gear = AddHog(ally.name, 0, 100, "war_airwarden02") AnimSetGearPosition(ally.gear, ally.x, ally.y) HogTurnLeft(ally.gear, true) initCheckpoint("ice02") AnimInit(true) AnimationSetup() end function onGameStart() AnimWait(hero.gear, 3000) FollowGear(hero.gear) ShowMission(missionName, loc("Challenge objectives"), challengeObjectives, -amSkip, 0) AddEvent(onHeroDeath, {hero.gear}, heroDeath, {hero.gear}, 0) AddAmmo(hero.gear, amJetpack, 3) -- place a waypoint placeNextWaypoint() SendHealthStatsOff() AddAnim(dialog01) end function onNewTurn() if not hero.dead and CurrentHedgehog == ally.gear and challengeStarted then heroLost() elseif not hero.dead and CurrentHedgehog == hero.gear and challengeStarted then SetWeapon(amJetpack) end end function onGameTick() AnimUnWait() if ShowAnimation() == false then return end ExecuteAfterAnimations() CheckEvents() end function onGameTick20() if checkIfHeroInWaypoint() then if not gameEnded and not placeNextWaypoint() then gameEnded = true -- GAME OVER, WIN! totalTime = totalTime - TurnTimeLeft local totalTimePrinted = totalTime / 1000 local saucersLeft = GetAmmoCount(hero.gear, amJetpack) local saucersUsed = totalSaucers - saucersLeft SendStat(siGameResult, loc("Hooray! You are a champion!")) SendStat(siCustomAchievement, string.format(loc("You completed the mission in %.3f seconds."), totalTimePrinted)) local record = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("IceStadiumBestTime")) if record ~= nil and totalTime >= record then SendStat(siCustomAchievement, string.format(loc("Your personal best time so far: %.3f seconds"), record/1000)) end if record == nil or totalTime < record then SaveCampaignVar("IceStadiumBestTime", tostring(totalTime)) if record ~= nil then SendStat(siCustomAchievement, loc("This is a new personal best time, congratulations!")) end end SendStat(siCustomAchievement, string.format(loc("You have used %d flying saucers."), saucersUsed)) SendStat(siCustomAchievement, string.format(loc("You had %d additional flying saucers left."), saucersLeft)) record = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("IceStadiumLeastSaucersUsed")) if record == nil or saucersUsed < record then SaveCampaignVar("IceStadiumLeastSaucersUsed", tostring(saucersUsed)) end SendStat(siPlayerKills,'0',teamA.name) SaveCampaignVar("Mission6Won", "true") checkAllMissionsCompleted() EndGame() end end end function onGearDelete(gear) if gear == hero.gear then hero.dead = true end end function onPrecise() if GameTime > 3000 then SetAnimSkip(true) end end -------------- EVENTS ------------------ function onHeroDeath(gear) if hero.dead then return true end return false end -------------- ACTIONS ------------------ function heroDeath(gear) heroLost() end -------------- ANIMATIONS ------------------ function Skipanim(anim) if goals[anim] ~= nil then ShowMission(unpack(goals[anim])) end startFlying() end function AnimationSetup() -- DIALOG 01 - Start, some story telling AddSkipFunction(dialog01, Skipanim, {dialog01}) table.insert(dialog01, {func = AnimWait, args = {hero.gear, 3000}}) table.insert(dialog01, {func = AnimCaption, args = {hero.gear, loc("In the Ice Planet Flying Saucer Stadium ..."), 5000}}) table.insert(dialog01, {func = AnimSay, args = {ally.gear, loc("This is the Olympic stadium of saucer flying."), SAY_SAY, 4000}}) table.insert(dialog01, {func = AnimSay, args = {ally.gear, loc("All the saucer pilots dream to come here one day in order to compete with the best!"), SAY_SAY, 5000}}) table.insert(dialog01, {func = AnimSay, args = {ally.gear, loc("Now you have the chance to try and claim the place that you deserve among the best."), SAY_SAY, 6000}}) table.insert(dialog01, {func = AnimCaption, args = {hero.gear, loc("Use the saucer and pass through the rings."), 5000}}) table.insert(dialog01, {func = AnimCaption, args = {hero.gear, loc("Pause the game by pressing the pause key (default \"P\") for more details"), 5000}}) table.insert(dialog01, {func = AnimSay, args = {ally.gear, loc("Can you do it?"), SAY_SAY, 2000}}) table.insert(dialog01, {func = AnimWait, args = {hero.gear, 500}}) table.insert(dialog01, {func = startFlying, args = {hero.gear}}) end ------------------ Other Functions ------------------- function startFlying() AnimSwitchHog(ally.gear) TurnTimeLeft = 0 challengeStarted = true end function placeNextWaypoint() if currentWaypoint > 1 then local wp = waypoints[currentWaypoint-1] DeleteVisualGear(wp.gear) end if currentWaypoint < 16 then local wp = waypoints[currentWaypoint] wp.gear = AddVisualGear(1,1,vgtCircle,1,true) -- add bonus time and "fuel" if currentWaypoint % 2 == 0 then PlaySound(sndShotgunReload) SetVisualGearValues(wp.gear, wp.x,wp.y, 20, 200, 0, 0, 100, radius, 3, RED) AddAmmo(hero.gear, amJetpack, GetAmmoCount(hero.gear, amJetpack)+1) totalSaucers = totalSaucers + 1 local vgear = AddVisualGear(GetX(hero.gear), GetY(hero.gear), vgtAmmo, 0, true) if vgear ~= nil then SetVisualGearValues(vgear,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,amJetpack) end local message if TurnTimeLeft <= 22000 then TurnTimeLeft = TurnTimeLeft + 8000 totalTime = totalTime + 8000 PlaySound(sndExtraTime) message = loc("Got 1 more saucer and 8 more seconds added to the clock") else message = loc("Got 1 more saucer") end AnimCaption(hero.gear, message, 4000) else SetVisualGearValues(wp.gear, wp.x,wp.y, 20, 200, 0, 0, 100, radius, 3, GREEN) if TurnTimeLeft <= 16000 then TurnTimeLeft = TurnTimeLeft + 6000 totalTime = totalTime + 6000 if currentWaypoint ~= 1 then PlaySound(sndExtraTime) AnimCaption(hero.gear, loc("6 more seconds added to the clock"), 4000) end end end radius = radius - 4 currentWaypoint = currentWaypoint + 1 return true else AnimCaption(hero.gear, loc("Congratulations, you won!"), 4000) PlaySound(sndVictory, hero.gear) end return false end function checkIfHeroInWaypoint() if not hero.dead then local wp = waypoints[currentWaypoint-1] if gearIsInCircle(hero.gear, wp.x, wp.y, radius+4, false) then SetWind(GetRandom(201)-100) return true end end return false end function heroLost() SendStat(siGameResult, loc("Oh man! Learn how to fly!")) SendStat(siCustomAchievement, loc("To win the game you have to pass into the rings in time.")) SendStat(siCustomAchievement, loc("You'll get extra time in case you need it when you pass a ring.")) SendStat(siCustomAchievement, loc("Every 2 rings you'll get extra flying saucers.")) SendStat(siCustomAchievement, loc("Use the attack key twice to change the flying saucer while being in air.")) SendStat(siPlayerKills,'0',teamA.name) EndGame() end