------------------- ABOUT ---------------------- -- -- In this adventure hero gets the lost part with -- the help of the green bananas hogs. HedgewarsScriptLoad("/Scripts/Locale.lua") HedgewarsScriptLoad("/Scripts/Animate.lua") HedgewarsScriptLoad("/Missions/Campaign/A_Space_Adventure/global_functions.lua") ----------------- VARIABLES -------------------- -- globals local missionName = loc("Getting to the device") local inBattle = false local tookPartInBattle = false local previousHog = -1 local permitCaptainLimeDeath = false -- dialogs local dialog01 = {} local dialog02 = {} local dialog03 = {} local dialog04 = {} local dialog05 = {} -- mission objectives local minesTimeText = loc("Mines time: 0 seconds") local goals -- crates local girderCrate = {name = amGirder, x = 1680, y = 1160} local eagleCrate = {name = amDEagle, x = 1680, y = 1650} local weaponCrate = { x = 1320, y = 1870} local deviceCrate = { gear = nil, x = 1360, y = 1870} local ropeCrate = {name = amRope, x = 1400, y = 1870} -- hogs local hero = {} local green1 = {} local green2 = {} local green3 = {} -- teams local teamA = {} local teamB = {} local teamC = {} -- hedgehogs values hero.name = loc("Hog Solo") hero.x = 1200 hero.y = 820 hero.dead = false green1.name = loc("Captain Lime") green1.hat = "war_desertofficer" green1.x = 1050 green1.y = 820 green1.dead = false green2.name = loc("Mister Pear") green2.hat = "war_britmedic" green2.x = 1350 green2.y = 820 green3.name = loc("Lady Mango") green3.hat = "hair_red" green3.x = 1450 green3.y = 820 local redHedgehogs = { { name = loc("Poisonous Apple") }, { name = loc("Dark Strawberry") }, { name = loc("Watermelon Heart") }, { name = loc("Deadly Grape") } } -- Hog Solo and Green Bananas teamA.name = loc("Hog Solo and GB") teamA.color = -6 -- Captain Lime can use one of 2 clan colors: -- One when being friendly (same as hero), and a different one when he turns evil. -- Captain Lime be in his own clan. teamB.name = loc("Captain Lime") teamB.colorNice = teamA.color teamB.colorEvil = -5 teamC.name = loc("Fruit Assassins") teamC.color = -1 function onGameInit() GameFlags = gfDisableWind Seed = 1 TurnTime = 20000 CaseFreq = 0 MinesNum = 0 MinesTime = 1 Explosives = 0 -- Disable Sudden Death HealthDecrease = 0 WaterRise = 0 Map = "fruit02_map" Theme = "Fruit" local health = 100 -- Fruit Assassins local assasinsHats = { "NinjaFull", "NinjaStraight", "NinjaTriangle" } teamC.name = AddTeam(teamC.name, teamC.color, "bp2", "Island", "Default", "cm_scout") for i=1,table.getn(redHedgehogs) do redHedgehogs[i].gear = AddHog(redHedgehogs[i].name, 1, 100, assasinsHats[GetRandom(3)+1]) SetGearPosition(redHedgehogs[i].gear, 2010 + 50*i, 630) end local assassinsColor = div(GetClanColor(GetHogClan(redHedgehogs[1].gear)), 0x100) -- Hero and Green Bananas teamA.name = AddMissionTeam(teamA.color) hero.gear = AddMissionHog(health) hero.name = GetHogName(hero.gear) SetHogTeamName(hero.gear, string.format(loc("%s and GB"), teamA.name)) teamA.name = GetHogTeamName(hero.gear) SetGearPosition(hero.gear, hero.x, hero.y) HogTurnLeft(hero.gear, true) local heroColor = div(GetClanColor(GetHogClan(hero.gear)), 0x100) -- companions -- Change companion identity if they have same name as hero -- to avoid confusion. if green2.name == hero.name then green2.name = loc("Green Hog Grape") green2.hat = "war_desertsapper1" elseif green3.name == hero.name then green3.name = loc("Green Hog Grape") green3.hat = "war_desertsapper1" end green2.gear = AddHog(green2.name, 0, 100, green2.hat) SetGearPosition(green2.gear, green2.x, green2.y) HogTurnLeft(green2.gear, true) green3.gear = AddHog(green3.name, 0, 100, green3.hat) SetGearPosition(green3.gear, green3.x, green3.y) HogTurnLeft(green3.gear, true) -- Captain Lime -- Spawn with his "true" evil color so a new clan is created for Captain Lime ... teamB.name = AddTeam(teamB.name, teamB.colorEvil, "Cherry", "Island", "Default", "congo-brazzaville") SetTeamPassive(teamB.name, true) green1.gear = AddHog(green1.name, 0, 100, green1.hat) -- ... however, we immediately change the color to "nice mode". -- Captain Lime starts as (seemingly) friendly in this mission. SetClanColor(GetHogClan(green1.gear), teamB.colorNice) SetGearPosition(green1.gear, green1.x, green1.y) -- Populate goals table goals = { [dialog01] = {missionName, loc("Exploring the tunnel"), loc("Search for the device with the help of the other hedgehogs.").."|"..string.format(loc("%s must collect the final crates."), hero.name) .. "|" .. minesTimeText, 1, 4000}, [dialog02] = {missionName, loc("Exploring the tunnel"), loc("Explore the tunnel with the other hedgehogs and search for the device.").."|"..string.format(loc("%s must collect the final crates."), hero.name) .. "|" .. minesTimeText, 1, 4000}, [dialog03] = {missionName, loc("Return to the Surface"), loc("Go to the surface!").."|"..loc("Attack Captain Lime before he attacks back.").."|"..minesTimeText, 1, 4000}, [dialog04] = {missionName, loc("Return to the Surface"), loc("Go to the surface!").."|"..loc("Attack the assassins before they attack back.").."|"..minesTimeText, 1, 4000}, } AnimInit(true) AnimationSetup() end function onGameStart() AnimWait(hero.gear, 3000) FollowGear(hero.gear) if GetCampaignVar("Fruit01JoinedBattle") and GetCampaignVar("Fruit01JoinedBattle") == "true" then tookPartInBattle = true end AddEvent(onHeroDeath, {hero.gear}, heroDeath, {hero.gear}, 0) AddEvent(onDeviceCrates, {hero.gear}, deviceCrateEvent, {hero.gear}, 0) -- Hero and Green Bananas weapons AddAmmo(hero.gear, amSwitch, 100) -- Assassins weapons AddAmmo(redHedgehogs[1].gear, amBazooka, 6) AddAmmo(redHedgehogs[1].gear, amGrenade, 6) AddAmmo(redHedgehogs[1].bot, amDEagle, 6) for i=1,table.getn(redHedgehogs) do HideHog(redHedgehogs[i].gear) end -- explosives -- I wanted to use FindPlace but doesn't accept height values... local x1 = 950 local x2 = 1306 local y1 = 1210 local y2 = 1620 while true do if y2 1350 then SetWind(-40) end end function onGearDelete(gear) if gear == hero.gear then hero.dead = true elseif gear == green1.gear then green1.dead = true elseif gear == deviceCrate.gear then if band(GetGearMessage(gear), gmDestroy) ~= 0 then PlaySound(sndShotgunReload) AddCaption(loc("Anti-Gravity Device Part (+1)"), GetClanColor(GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog)), capgrpAmmostate) deviceCrate.collected = true deviceCrate.collector = CurrentHedgehog end end end function onGearDamage(gear, damage) if GetGearType(gear) == gtCase then -- in this mode every crate is essential in order to complete the mission -- destroying a crate ends the game heroDeath() end end function onAmmoStoreInit() SetAmmo(amDEagle, 0, 0, 0, 6) SetAmmo(amGirder, 0, 0, 0, 2) SetAmmo(amRope, 0, 0, 0, 1) SetAmmo(amSkip, 9, 0, 0, 1) if tonumber(getBonus(2)) == 1 then SetAmmo(amWatermelon, 0, 0, 0, 2) SetAmmo(amSniperRifle, 0, 0, 0, 2) else SetAmmo(amWatermelon, 0, 0, 0, 1) SetAmmo(amSniperRifle, 0, 0, 0, 1) end end function onPrecise() if GameTime > 3000 then SetAnimSkip(true) end end -------------- EVENTS ------------------ function onHeroDeath(gear) if hero.dead then return true end return false end function onDeviceCrates(gear) if not hero.dead and deviceCrate.collected and StoppedGear(hero.gear) then return true end return false end function onSurface(gear) if not hero.dead and GetY(hero.gear)<850 and StoppedGear(hero.gear) then return true end return false end function onGaptainLimeDeath(gear) if green1.dead then return true end return false end function onRedTeamDeath(gear) local redDead = true for i=1,table.getn(redHedgehogs) do if GetHealth(redHedgehogs[i].gear) then redDead = false break end end return redDead end -------------- ACTIONS ------------------ ended = false function heroDeath(gear) if not ended then SendStat(siGameResult, string.format(loc("%s lost, try again!"), hero.name)) SendStat(siCustomAchievement, string.format(loc("To win the game, %s has to get the bottom crates and come back to the surface."), hero.name)) SendStat(siCustomAchievement, loc("You can use the other 2 hogs to assist you.")) SendStat(siCustomAchievement, loc("Do not destroy the crates!")) if tookPartInBattle then if permitCaptainLimeDeath then SendStat(siCustomAchievement, string.format(loc("You'll have to eliminate %s at the end."), teamC.name)) sendSimpleTeamRankings({teamC.name, teamA.name}) else sendSimpleTeamRankings({teamA.name}) end else if permitCaptainLimeDeath then SendStat(siCustomAchievement, loc("You'll have to eliminate Captain Lime at the end.")) sendSimpleTeamRankings({teamB.name, teamA.name}) else SendStat(siCustomAchievement, loc("Don't eliminate Captain Lime before collecting the last crate!")) sendSimpleTeamRankings({teamA.name}) end end EndGame() ended = true end end -- Device crate got taken function deviceCrateEvent(gear) -- Stop hedgehog SetGearMessage(deviceCrate.collector, 0) if deviceCrate.collector == hero.gear then -- Hero collected the device crate if not tookPartInBattle then -- Captain Lime turns evil AddAnim(dialog03) else -- Fruit Assassins attack for i=1,table.getn(redHedgehogs) do RestoreHog(redHedgehogs[i].gear) end AddAnim(dialog04) end -- needs to be set to true for both plots permitCaptainLimeDeath = true AddAmmo(hero.gear, amSwitch, 0) AddEvent(onSurface, {hero.gear}, surface, {hero.gear}, 0) else -- Player let the Green Bananas collect the crate. -- How dumb! -- Player will lose for this. AnimationSetup05(deviceCrate.collector) AddAnim(dialog05) end end function surface(gear) previousHog = -1 if tookPartInBattle then escapeHog(green1.gear) AddEvent(onRedTeamDeath, {green1.gear}, redTeamDeath, {green1.gear}, 0) else SetHogLevel(green1.gear, 1) -- Equip Captain Lime with weapons AddAmmo(green1.gear, amBazooka, 6) AddAmmo(green1.gear, amGrenade, 6) AddAmmo(green1.gear, amDEagle, 2) AddEvent(onGaptainLimeDeath, {green1.gear}, captainLimeDeath, {green1.gear}, 0) end EndTurn(true) escapeHog(green2.gear) escapeHog(green3.gear) inBattle = true end function captainLimeDeath(gear) -- hero win in scenario of escape in 1st part saveCompletedStatus(3) SendStat(siGameResult, loc("Congratulations, you won!")) SendStat(siCustomAchievement, loc("You retrieved the lost part.")) SendStat(siCustomAchievement, loc("You defended yourself against Captain Lime.")) sendSimpleTeamRankings({teamA.name, teamB.name}) EndGame() end function redTeamDeath(gear) -- hero win in battle scenario saveCompletedStatus(3) SendStat(siGameResult, loc("Congratulations, you won!")) SendStat(siCustomAchievement, loc("You retrieved the lost part.")) SendStat(siCustomAchievement, string.format(loc("You defended yourself against %s."), teamC.name)) sendSimpleTeamRankings({teamA.name, teamC.name}) EndGame() end -------------- ANIMATIONS ------------------ function Skipanim(anim) if goals[anim] ~= nil then ShowMission(unpack(goals[anim])) end if anim == dialog03 or anim == dialog04 then spawnRopeCrate() end if anim == dialog03 then makeCptLimeEvil() elseif anim == dialog05 then heroIsAStupidFool() else EndTurn(true) end end function AnimationSetup() -- DIALOG 01 - Start, Captain Lime helps the hero because he took part in the battle AddSkipFunction(dialog01, Skipanim, {dialog01}) table.insert(dialog01, {func = AnimWait, args = {hero.gear, 3000}}) table.insert(dialog01, {func = AnimCaption, args = {hero.gear, string.format(loc("Somewhere else on the planet of fruits, Captain Lime helps %s"), hero.name), 5000}}) table.insert(dialog01, {func = AnimSay, args = {green1.gear, loc("You fought bravely and you helped us win this battle!"), SAY_SAY, 5000}}) table.insert(dialog01, {func = AnimSay, args = {green1.gear, loc("So, as promised I have brought you where I think that the device you are looking for is hidden."), SAY_SAY, 7000}}) table.insert(dialog01, {func = AnimSay, args = {green1.gear, loc("I know that your resources are low due to the battle but I'll send two of my best hogs to assist you."), SAY_SAY, 7000}}) table.insert(dialog01, {func = AnimSay, args = {green1.gear, loc("Good luck!"), SAY_SAY, 2000}}) table.insert(dialog01, {func = AnimWait, args = {hero.gear, 500}}) table.insert(dialog01, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {hero.gear}}) table.insert(dialog01, {func = ShowMission, args = goals[dialog01]}) -- DIALOG02 - Start, hero escaped from the previous battle AddSkipFunction(dialog02, Skipanim, {dialog02}) table.insert(dialog02, {func = AnimWait, args = {hero.gear, 3000}}) table.insert(dialog02, {func = AnimCaption, args = {hero.gear, string.format(loc("Somewhere else on the planet of fruits, %s gets closer to the device"), hero.name), 5000}}) table.insert(dialog02, {func = AnimSay, args = {green1.gear, loc("You are the one who fled! So, you are alive."), SAY_SAY, 4000}}) table.insert(dialog02, {func = AnimSay, args = {green1.gear, loc("I'm still low on hogs. If you are not afraid I could use a set of extra hands."), SAY_SAY, 4000}}) table.insert(dialog02, {func = AnimWait, args = {hero.gear, 8000}}) table.insert(dialog02, {func = AnimSay, args = {hero.gear, loc("I am sorry but I was looking for a device that may be hidden somewhere around here."), SAY_SAY, 4500}}) table.insert(dialog02, {func = AnimWait, args = {green1.gear, 12500}}) table.insert(dialog02, {func = AnimSay, args = {green1.gear, loc("Many long forgotten things can be found in the same tunnels that we are about to explore!"), SAY_SAY, 7000}}) table.insert(dialog02, {func = AnimSay, args = {green1.gear, loc("If you help us you can keep the device if you find it but we'll keep everything else."), SAY_SAY, 7000}}) table.insert(dialog02, {func = AnimSay, args = {green1.gear, loc("What do you say? Are you in?"), SAY_SAY, 3000}}) table.insert(dialog02, {func = AnimWait, args = {hero.gear, 1800}}) table.insert(dialog02, {func = AnimSay, args = {hero.gear, loc("Okay then!"), SAY_SAY, 2000}}) table.insert(dialog02, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {hero.gear}}) table.insert(dialog02, {func = ShowMission, args = goals[dialog02]}) -- DIALOG03 - At crates, hero learns that Captain Lime is bad AddSkipFunction(dialog03, Skipanim, {dialog03}) table.insert(dialog03, {func = AnimWait, args = {hero.gear, 2000}}) table.insert(dialog03, {func = FollowGear, args = {hero.gear}}) table.insert(dialog03, {func = AnimSay, args = {hero.gear, loc("Hooray! I've found it, now I have to get back to Captain Lime!"), SAY_SAY, 4000}}) table.insert(dialog03, {func = AnimWait, args = {green1.gear, 4000}}) table.insert(dialog03, {func = AnimSay, args = {green1.gear, string.format(loc("This %s is so naive! I'm going to shoot this fool so I can keep that device for myself!"), hero.name), SAY_THINK, 4000}}) table.insert(dialog03, {func = ShowMission, args = goals[dialog03]}) table.insert(dialog03, {func = spawnRopeCrate, args = {hero.gear}}) table.insert(dialog03, {func = makeCptLimeEvil, args = {hero.gear}}) -- DIALOG04 - At crates, hero learns about the Assassins ambush AddSkipFunction(dialog04, Skipanim, {dialog04}) table.insert(dialog04, {func = AnimWait, args = {hero.gear, 2000}}) table.insert(dialog04, {func = FollowGear, args = {hero.gear}}) table.insert(dialog04, {func = AnimSay, args = {hero.gear, loc("Hooray! I've found it, now I have to get back to Captain Lime!"), SAY_SAY, 4000}}) table.insert(dialog04, {func = AnimWait, args = {redHedgehogs[1].gear, 4000}}) table.insert(dialog04, {func = AnimSay, args = {redHedgehogs[1].gear, loc("We have spotted the enemy! We'll attack when the enemies start gathering!"), SAY_THINK, 4000}}) table.insert(dialog04, {func = ShowMission, args = goals[dialog04]}) table.insert(dialog04, {func = spawnRopeCrate, args = {hero.gear}}) table.insert(dialog04, {func = goToThesurface, args = {hero.gear}}) end function AnimationSetup05(collector) -- DIALOG05 - A member or the green bananas collected the target crate and steals it. Player loses AddSkipFunction(dialog05, Skipanim, {dialog05}) table.insert(dialog05, {func = AnimWait, args = {collector, 2000}}) table.insert(dialog05, {func = FollowGear, args = {collector}}) table.insert(dialog05, {func = AnimSay, args = {collector, loc("Oh yes! I got the device part! Now it belongs to me alone."), SAY_SAY, 4000}}) table.insert(dialog05, {func = AnimWait, args = {collector, 3000}}) table.insert(dialog05, {func = AnimSay, args = {hero.gear, loc("Hey! I was supposed to collect it!"), SAY_SHOUT, 3000}}) table.insert(dialog05, {func = AnimWait, args = {hero.gear, 3000}}) table.insert(dialog05, {func = AnimSay, args = {collector, loc("I don't care. It's worth a fortune! Good bye, you idiot!"), SAY_SAY, 5000}}) table.insert(dialog05, {func = heroIsAStupidFool, args = {collector}}) end ------------- OTHER FUNCTIONS --------------- -- Hide hog and create a simple escaping effect, if hog exists. -- No-op is hog does not exist function escapeHog(gear) if GetHealth(gear) then AddVisualGear(GetX(gear), GetY(gear), vgtSmokeWhite, 0, false) for i=1, 4 do AddVisualGear(GetX(gear)-16+math.random(32), GetY(gear)-16+math.random(32), vgtSmokeWhite, 0, false) end HideHog(gear) end end function makeCptLimeEvil() -- Turn Captain Lime evil SetHogLevel(green1.gear, 1) SetTeamPassive(teamB.name, false) -- ... and reveal his "true" evil color. Muhahaha! SetClanColor(GetHogClan(green1.gear), teamB.colorEvil) EndTurn(true) end function spawnRopeCrate() -- should be spawned after the device part was gotten and the cut scene finished. SpawnSupplyCrate(ropeCrate.x, ropeCrate.y, ropeCrate.name) end function goToThesurface() EndTurn(true) end -- Player let wrong hog collect crate function heroIsAStupidFool() if not ended then escapeHog(deviceCrate.collector) AddCaption(loc("The device part has been stolen!")) sendSimpleTeamRankings({teamA.name}) SendStat(siGameResult, string.format(loc("%s lost, try again!"), hero.name)) SendStat(siCustomAchievement, string.format(loc("Oh no, the companions have betrayed %s and stole the anti-gravity device part!"), hero.name)) SendStat(siCustomAchievement, string.format(loc("Only %s can be trusted with the crate."), hero.name)) EndGame() ended = true end end function wind() SetWind(GetRandom(201)-100) end